HomeMy WebLinkAbout19351125_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Yiflage of Edina held in Grange H~11 at 8 PM, on November 25, 1935 The meeting vas called to order by the President , all members mere present. Ers. Liorell, 1325-7th Street, appeared bez"ore the Council advising that she was arranging for VPA serving for the south half of Rural Hennepin County and triehed to knom if the Village would eupaly certain materials and find- ings rith nMch to carry on the work. The matter rras referred to Ghaimiian Villson of the Poor Committee for his attention. hiargeret Soderberg appeared before the Council vith the request thet she be granted an lfOff-Salei' non-intox- icating liquor license in connection Tvith her restaurent located at 4928 France Avenue, bn motion Blackburn re- quest be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried with- out dissenting vote. Request by one Eorrison to erect a privzte garpge building on the Sorrison property east of France Avenue and north of the intersection with Beet 62nd Street, 7'18.8 discussed by the Council for the reason it VPP in- tended to locate the garzge in front of existing build- ings in the neighborhood. It tws moved Villson that the request be refused as in conflict with the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by iioore and carried. L'essrs. Simonson, Hofstrand and Sorenson, of the St. Louis Park Fire Department requested pesraisFion of the Council to rnake survey in that portion of the Village serv$d-by the St. Louis Park Fire De?artment for the gurpoee of locati-ng farms, buildings, etc. , in order to facilitate the aasvering of fire calle. All this being agreeable, the ma%ter vas accorded the peniiisaion of the Council. Efeesrs. Clark and Benson of the State Highmy Department zg'ain appeared before the Council regarding the grade to be established for Highvay 170. 100, Fouth of Best 70th Street to South Village Limits. In as rmch its the re- leases of claim or darilagee had not been given the Village Council, the matter vas referred for future Council action and the hope that all releases mould be on hand at the next Council meeting. The payroll advances of the Village crefv and marchalfs, upon being duly examined and found correct were on raotion Prewott, be gEloaed and ordered -mid, seconded. by Tillson end carried,. The matter of certain unpaid ERA relief bills was next discussed by the CounciL and after being duly exxained and found correct, were on motion Fgillson they be rllovd and ordered paid, seconded by Preecott and carried. They are as follom: Barnes Grocery Co, Cahill Grocery Central Cash E:Prket The Dayton 00. Docken'e Grncery Edina Cash Grocery HanFon and. Booth Home Trade ' Rapfans Bros. Eontgornery Bard Co. Bationsl Tea Go. Carl Oleon ERA groceries ERA groceries ERA groceries ERA poor ERA groceries ERA groceries EXA poor ERA poor ERA poor ERA poor ERA poor ERA poor 94.00 5.44 9.98 4.99 5.29 47.49 12.55 4.00 32.00 7.50 1.00 12.05 Red and White ERA poor Red Ovl ERA poor C. P. Schwartz E3A poor Sears Roebuck Go. ERA poor Emergency Relief Adrn. ERA overhead Geo. S. GFmble Clean-up refund Total $5.44 8.64 6.69 45.80 25.00 $242.86 ' 25.00 The matter of the bond of the Village of Edina to the City of Minfiemolis guaranteeing payment of fire protection furnished by the City of Uinnezpolis to the Village of Edina for the calender year 1936 next cai!le before the Council. Vnereugon it was moved Blackburn and seconded by 12oore and carried by an affirmative vote of all the members present: "Thpt the President and Recorder of the Village Council: are authorized to execute B bond to the City of Minneapolis, i! llunicipal Corporation in the County of Hennepin andstate of EF;inneeota in the sura of OEE THOUSAXD ($l,QOO.OO) DOLLARS, to guarantee the payrfient to said City of Rinneapolis of bills renered by said City of Uinneapolie for fire protection including: labor and the UF~ of fire apnaratus of the City of Uinneepolie, to aid Village of Edina, for the gear ending December 31, 1936; and the action of the President and Recorder of this Council in executing said bond under da,te of November 25, 1935, ie hereby in all things ratified Pnd confirmed." The question mvp8 upon the adoption of the resolution, mherein there were five aves and no nags md EO the resolution '*me duly declared Pdopted. Trustee Bleckburn moved that clean-up service refunds be rnede to Louis Haneon on account of depoFit having been wde covering 4501 Edins, 4505 Edinz, 452% Edina, -4600 Vooddale; and 4410 Sunnyside Rosd, in mount $25.00 each, leFs the $12.00 charge made for the rnoving of one parkmy tree at Edina Blvd. and not heretofore paid. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It mas moved Blackburn that G. S. Gamble be refunded the $35.00 clean-up service deposit having been made for prenises 4605 Casco Avenue. hIotion seconded by Prescott and carried. The Recorder Dreeented to the Council the mtter of setting up B vrzriiiing house and other appurtenances in cmnection with the operation of a skating rink for the pleasure and benefit of the children and other residents for the Village of Edina, to be located on the Village owned Nil1 Pond area, locpted betnen Vest 50th Street and Highwzy TJo. 169, as a ministerial duty and thpt some pereon be engpged to look after the nants znd needs of the children, to preserve order if and vhen necessary, 2nd to act as genersl cus- todial. of Village property. The motion vas seconded by Blackburn and carried. The Villa.ge nov being divided into thee election Precincts, it was moved Blackburn thpt in addition to the legal notices already having been pogted, that additional advertisements be inserted in Hennepin County Reviev and Suberban News s3owing a map of the Village and the location of the severs1 voting pleces in the Precincts. I:otion seconded by ILoore and carried. 135 I It PPF rooved Xoore that in accord9nce rnith zecent per- vrio,cive sction by the .Sta.te Legislature that the Polls be o9,ened from 7:30 A.U. until 8:OO G.11. for the coming Villsgc Plectric pnd 811 elections hereafter unlecs otheraire changed. Seconded by Prescott znd czrried. If vas moved Prescott that the folloying Ju$~.es pnd Clerks be r,z:~ed for the annual Village election to be neld on Deceaker 3, 1935: Precinct X?o. 1, Black- burn, Coore, Foeter, Kell and Oxboro; 30. 2, lienburn, Delaney, Hildreth, Duuoe snd Saenson; Precinct :To. 3, 177illso?1, fimfon, Strate, LicCready end Vinson. Z.:otion eeconded by 2oore snd carried. Einutes of tie regular iileeting of the Cou-ncil held on Xoverrrber 11, :?ere read on motion PreFcott they be ap-groved 2s"~ re&., seconded by Xilleon and cprried. ZTinutee of the Epecial meting of the Council €or tke purpose of auditing and verifying the books, records znd financial staterLent, of the Treasurer pnb Rec- order, for period Bovember 15, 1934 to Eovember 11, 1955, held on i?oveaber 23, 1935, mre read, on raotion 3illson theey be zpproved as read, seconded. by Blackburn and carried. There beinE no fur'cher businese t;o c@ce before the Council, rmtion to adjourn csrried at 10:45 P.Z. Vi ll.2. ge Recorder