HomeMy WebLinkAbout19351209_REGULARLinutes of the replzr ljieeting of the Ubuncil of the VillPge of %dine Iield in GrRzlge aall at 8 PI:, on Decernber 9, 1935. The iceetiqg t~as called to order b71.t'ne President, 311 metricere were present. Aeeers. Eenson, Clark endSehillinger agein appeared before the Council regErding pr;?des, dzriiegee to prooerty, and other dett.ilF, ind STJETC advised by the Council to cocw to sc'iie zsiceislf; agi'~~-rilent before ?pin requesting the Council to eet grades. The ::I ecellmeoue bills, u.pon being duly exmined nnd 2ouncl. correct, me~e on motion Villson they be epproved as read, seconded. p~ Blackbum and carried. They are ?E follows: Barnes Gro cery Go. Cahill Grocery Central Cash Garket The Dayton Go. Dqckens Grocery Edina Cash Grocery HenFon PC Booth Horde Trade Ka.plans Bros. Lon t gem e r y Va rd Xational Tea Go. Csrl Oleon Red ;.nd Tfhite Red Ovl U. P. Schvrtz S e r3 r s-Ro e buck Xiiiergency Relief Adz. Geo. S. Gariible J.. J. Duegan Geo. k. Villeon A. Christ Larsen, Bsllie Strate Xtnel R. ikcready Evelyn VinFon J.. IT. Xe~burn A Agnes Swenson * J. C. Delmey yr" Alma Duoos c/ Elsie Hildreth Ben b. Xoore L. R. Blackburn Xrs. E. W. Foster/' &irP. J. V. OxboroJ i.ir,c. Byron Kelld C . . R. Bla ckburn w St. Petem Luth. Church Thorpe Bros. Eerrett Compmy Rum1 Hennepin Ililler D~vie 00. E.. H. Ziegler Co. ?7.. H. Ziegler Go. Idph G. E. Go. Peerleae Klec. /I Edina Hardware C. A. Lindquist Wooddale Grocery City of Ilpls. ' Xugene B. Thoms Helen JohnFon 3. 3'. Garvey ERA groceries 11 II 11 11 ll If groceries II If H II il I1 I1 II 11 I1 II II I1 October overhead Clem-up refund Stationary,postage Judge, election C le rk 11 I1 11 lf If If II Judge II If II Clerk II II II I1 I1 Judge I1 If It II II It It I1 Clerk 4.g0 5.44 9.98 4.99 5.29 47.49 12.55 4.00 12.00 7.50 1.00 12.05 5.44 8.64 6.69 45.80 25.00 25.00 12.00 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 10.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 8.00 8.09 8.00 8.00 8.00 Soec.OfSlCer, election 8.00 Rent, baeemnt, 11 7.50 Rent trpct office 12 50 Tarvia 116.^40 ERA Nov. overhead 25.00 Election supDlie s 93.50 Snor; fence 57.00 TrRctor overhwling 457.40 S~pt. St. lighting 528.26 Cells,bulbs,flazh- lights 3.66 Hdm 3nd rorcl eunoliee 4.09 Bla C% Fpjii thing 6.95 Poor 24.15 knnugl sewer riches 250.00 Xi11 pond skating rink38.58 Stenographic 14.40 H4m 8: rcFd sup-oliee 50.21 138 ' E. 77. Barris 1. Jos. Aldervim kndereon Dry goods Barnes Grocery Centrzl Gaeh Llar%et Edina Oe~h Grocery Xrs. Caroline Johnson Xon t goziery Vard Xelson Drv Goods h'elson Shoe Store Petercon Bros. Dairy Pioneer Elevator 00. Carl Olson Grocery Philpott Bailey Go. Red On1 Sears-Roebuck CO. Smetana Drug GO. TsnBar Gzs. Co. Young Fuel Co. I?. I;. Sterling Augtxtma Yctung Dr. A. R. Tsters Harry TJ. Srai th F- T. Siriiack Edina Garage Suburban Xezrs Ga LC , oi 1- t r;rc tor e , truck &c police car Poor ERA poor Poor II It Rent for poor Poor 11 11 11 11 II 11 I1 I1 II 11 II I1 If It II Having em., poor Bolice car etorage 85.22 2.39 3.46 95 9.98 25.94 3.00 8.00 5.00 2.85 5.00 5.25 11.81 29.84 7.67 24.75 1.00 2.50 18.80 GO. 00 30.00 49.00 12.00 25.00 74.75 - kdverti sing 15.00 Total Eiscellaneous Bills $2580.22 The Road and Village 3ill,c, upon being duly exami-fled and found correct, nere on motion Prezcott, they ?j? and ordered paid, Feosnded cy Blpck'rrurn ~nd carried. They Ere a~ follor~s: 3. J. Johncon St OohaieFioner S. J. Roberts Utility rcen Peter Dzhlgren Tractor oper?tor L. Stolmen For efiwn John Tracy .For emm A. C. Strineer Labor Re.x Gsrvey II E1:l;er $2) lker I1 Lionel Lincoln 11 Peter Dahlgsen Truck P. A. Redisath Xarshall T.. E. Tilly Police officer 7.. S. Heydt I1 II Kerrnan Sunrinuist; Lebor Bert Lilkr I I1 3.. A. l!e.vall Tru.ck Art Peterson It D.- F. ::cGuire President J. J. Duggan Trezeurer Ben B. Lonre Recarder Gco. A. XllPon Truetee $. F. Pre~cott Trurtee L. R. E~L':~wIA Tzu stee Dr, L. Ab. Cwpbell Kealth Gf ficor Totel Rad h Village Bills $135.00 110.00 91.85 78.50 80.50 58.05 23.40 27.00 14.40 9.00 135.00 135.00 110.00 1E. 12 12.25 2.81 155.00 35.03 25.6'5 75.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 $3427.28 3 c 150 furtiher curineF.e ta come %?fore the Govncil, aotion tc adjown carried t.t 10:35 pi.!. Villege Recorder