HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360323_REGULAR$53. Mihutes of the regular meeting of the CouncSI of the Village of mina, held in the %?act Office, 4409 ti, 49th Street, March 23, 1936. The meeting was called to order by the President, all members were present . The minutes of he regular meeting of the Council held on Narch 9, 1936, were read, on motion Willson they be approved as read, seconded by Prescott and carP%&a, Dr. Campbell, Village Healtih Officer, reported on the Nash cancer case at 4147 Lyndale Ave. No,, ana that he would further check if a legal resident of the Village of &ina, Dr. Camphell reported also on the Vanatta and Slavin cases at $3.327 Oak Grove Street. In discussing the water situation, Dr. Campbell presen- ted a letter by Dr. Che"sLey, State Eealth Officer, citing the requirements for a softening plant under regulation number 200 , On further discussion by he Council on the water situa- tion, it was moved Blackburn that the Recorder write UAr. Oscar harden, calling his attention to Regulation #200 of the State Board of Health and also that the water be tested at least every two weeks or in accordance with the requirements of the State Board of Health, and that the question of chlorination be given immediate .attention, all in accordance with the requirements of the State Board of Health, Motion seconded by Moore and carried. In view of the fact that the Country Club District Service Company had been opening up streets for the repair of its water and sewer pipes, it was suggested by Trustee Black- burn that the Country Club District Service Company furnish the Village of mina liability bond in amount of V25,OOO.OO protecting the Village against any and a11 claims, and/or injuries due to repairing and tearing up of streets. Vi. A, Tuscany desired certain information with reference to the location of buildings on the lot at 4846 France Avenue wMbh on motion Hoore be referred to the Village Enginaer , The Road examined and ordered paid, including bill for repairs to truck generator by Carl Johnson, in amount 89.12. Motion seconded by viill- son and carried. be a'ltilowed and The Council discussed the change of eertain ordinances, whereupon it was moved Moore that the license fee to oper- ate a motion picture thaa%re in the Village of Edina be changed from $50.00 to $75,00 per annum. by Blackburn and carried, Trustee Blackburn offered the following amendment $0 the Intoxication Liquor Ordinance and moved its adoption: Motion seconded The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 4, Fees, reading as follows: The annual fke for an "on-sale" license shall be 8100.00, is hereby changed to read as follows: The annual Tee for an "on-sale" license to private and in- corporated clubs in accordance with state regu- lations for private clubs shall be the sum of ~100.00. The annual fee %oran "off-sale" license, reading, The annual fee for an "off-sale" license shall be the sum of $100.00. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication, Passed the Council this 23rd day of &larch, 1936, Motion seconded by Koore and carried, After discussion on the matter of a license to regulate mechanical amusement &vices, Trustee Willson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows; Section 1, Definition: A mechanical amusement device is hereby defined as a machine, which,. upon the insertion of a coin or slug, operates or may be operated for use as a game, contest or amusement of' any desckiption, or which my used for any such game, contest or amusement and which contains no automatic pay-off device for the return of money, coins, checks, tokens pr merchandise, or which provides for no such pay- off by any other means or manner, except that this provision shall not prohibit the licensing of a machine which returns slugs which may be I) used only in the machine licensed, and which in itself does not constitute a gambling devtce, Section 2. maintain, keep or sell within the Village of Edina a aechanical amusement device, as herein- before defined, without first obtaining a license therefor from the Village Council, but no such license shall be issued for any machine or device which is a gambling device, Section 3, of Edfna is hereby authorized to issue a license when authorized by the Village Council for the operation of such mechanical amusement device to any person of good moral character upon the pay-, ment of an annual license fee of Fifty ($50.00) Dollar& for each device, payable annually in aa- Tame on April 1st of each year. (a) Every amusement device so licensed shall contain suitable iaentification marks and num- bers, which identif %cation marks ana numbers shall be mitten by the Village Recorder upon the license issued for such amusement device, and such license shall be posted in view of the machine so licensed No persons,firm or corporation shall The Village Recorder of the Village (b) Any amusement device s.0 licensed may be transferred from one place to. another in the Village 02 Edina upon the issuance of a permit so to do by the Village Council, Before such permit shall be issued, the persons, firm or corporation desiring to transfer such machine shall. file with the Village Recorder an appli- cation so to do, giving the name and address of the place from which and to which the machine is to be transferred, Section 4, No person shall permith such mechan- ical amusement device to be operated by any minor under the age of lamars, except when such minor shall %hen and there be accompanied by his or her parent or guardian, 1: . Section 5, No person, 22rm or corporation, by himself or another, or otherwise, shall give any prize, award, merchandise, @Ct.or anything of 155 ' value to any player or to any operator of such mechanical device, Section 6, No person, firm or corporation shall keep, maintain, sell or permit to be operated in its, his or their place of busi- ness any mechanicgl amusement device yhich has been conveTted into an automatic pay-off device which shall discharge coins, checks or other tokens to the operator or player of such machine, except as provided in Section 1 here- of, and no license for any such machine shall be issued; and no person, firm or corporation shall convert any mechanical amusement device into an automatic pay-off device, 8s herein . defined . Section 7. or device which shall have been made use of in violation of the terms of this ordinance may be seized and destroyed. in compliance with the terms and provisions of the statutes of the State of Minnesota relating to gambling devices. Section 8. Any person who shall keep, maintain, operate or sell within the Village of Edina any such mechanical amuseplent deyice without first paying the annual license fee therefor, or shall operate such device or permit the same to be operated for gaming, or who shall opera%e-ar permit the operation of any slot machine as here- inbefore defined , or vjho shall otherwise violate the terms of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in a sum not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100 .OOr);. Any machine, apparatus, contrivance Section 9. If any clause, sentenae, paragraph or part of this ordinance shall for any reason be adju&$ed or decreed to be invalid by any coqrt of competent jurisdiction, such judgment or de- cree shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance, but shall be con- fined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph or part BBmof-directly involved in the controversy in which said judgment or decree shall have been rendered Section LO, held to apply to mechanical amusement devices held or kept in storage or for sale, and which are not actually i;n use or displayed for use. Section Il,. All licenses issued under this lie- ense shall expire at noon on the first day of April after issue, providing, in the event of failure to pay the license due on April first, said license shall be considered as expired, Section 12, and. be in force from and after its publication. Passed the Council this 23rd day of Nlarch, 1936, Nothing in this ordinance shall be This ordinance shall take effect Notion secbnded by Prescott and carried, The vote being upon the adoption of the Resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution was adopted. Application in form for building permit by the Carr-Dill Company to build a private dwelling at 4610 mina Blvd,, accompanied by the building permit fee and clean-up service deposit, in amount of $26.00, was on motionBlackburn, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried. Application in form for building permit to build a private dwelling by A. w. Wangstad, at 4381Wiackey Avenue, accompan- ied by %he building perrnit fee of $1.00, was on motion Black- burn, be granted, seconded by ’1YiLlson and carried. Application in form for building permit to build a private dwelling by A. lv. Tiangstad, st 4383 Nackey Avenue, accom- panied by the building permit fee of $1.00, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by \.“lillson and carried. ApDlieation in form for buildng permit by J, N. Bloomberg’ to build a private dwelling on lot 11, block 4, South Harriet-Park Mdition, accompanied by the building permi3 fee of $$leOOy was on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carrieda Application in form for building germit by J. N. Bloomberg to build a private awelling on the five-acre. tract, approx- imately 5655 vlOOddal8 Avenue, accompanied by the building permit fee of $L,OO, was on motion Willson, be granted, sec- onded by Blackburn and carried, Zppfication in form for building permit by E[. W. &hallow on behalf of the Glacier Sand and GraJrejL’-C&upany, to move and add to a wood, steel and concrete addition to present plant at 70th and France, was on motion WlLson, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. The matter of the financial handling of relief was discussed and the Recorder suggested that on account of the Federal Government withdrawing relief ful2ds;cas of Narch 1, the ad- visability of establishing a Poor Fund and offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: The its RESOLVED, That a poor fund is hereby establishea in and for the Village of minap and That the village Recorder and Treasurer are hereby di- rected to provide for thaL fund on their reictords and transfer and pay into it all moneys now in the treasury available for the support of the poor in the Village, receipts from the taxes levied for the support of the poor for the currenf year and hereafter, and all funds hereafter coming into the hands of the village from Loans, or as reimburse- ments, grants, specla1 appmpriations, gifts, or any other source for the support of the poor. All obligations hereafter incurred for the care of ths poor shall be met out of this fund by warrants drat“J11 upon the proper authorization by this body. motion was seconded by Prescott, adoP.t;ioa of the Resolution, wherein there were E2ne I The vote being u’oon Eyes ana no nays, and so decl&ed carried. I %iss &bh&hon, EZA Rural Hennepin County Relief Worker for Edina, reported on relief expenditures for the month of Ek~rch, there being 34 families on relief, and presented an agreement for signature, Whereupon Trustee \’tillson offered the following Resolution and moved that the President and Recorder be authorized and empowered to sign for and on be- half of the Village council of the Village of mina and moved -its adoption: lillEfEREAS, The special session of the Minnesota State Legi5lature convened in 1936, appropriated certain sums of money to be distributed through a Sta$e Relief Agency to local communities to suppxement local funds in the care of the needy, and - V-, The Board of County Commissioners, in each County was designated as the agency to either distribute the funds or to appoint an agency to distribute said funds, and VLHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners for Hennepin County have named the agency kno~m as fie Rural Hennepin County Welfare Board to dis- tribute the relief for such towns and villages inHennepin County as desire to participate, and WHEREAS, The State Relief Agency has tentatively allocated to the Rural Hennepin County Welfare Board 39% of the relief expenditures of those municipalities of Rural Hennepin County enter- ing into agreement to participate in the relief setgap, provided said percentage does not exceed #114,365.00 for the year 1936, NOW, ?XEBEFORE, BE IT AGREED by the Village of EDINA that the Rural Hennepin County Welfare Board Be designated as the Relief Agcney for the Village of EDINA for the remainder of the ycar 1936, beginning as of April lst, 1936, and is hereby given authority to expend throuph the writing of relief orders, a sufficient sum of Village fund6 to care for that percentage of the relief needs required in order to partici- pate in State Aid, provided that the amount expended for the remainder of the year 1936 does not exceed Seven %busand Dollard (&7000.00), unless written authority is received from the Village Board to exceed that amount, and BE IT FURTEE33 AGREED by the Village of EDINA that they will contribute by remittance for each month of 1936 to the Rural Iiennepin County Welfare Board their propost56natb- share of the administrative cost and overhead of maintaining a central off ice a&d emplofing~zelief workers, this contribution to be pro-rated on an expendi- ture basis + BE IT FUR!PHER AGREED by the Rural Hennepin County Welfare Board. that each month there shall be oalled in for conference with the Rural Hennepin Cowaty Welfare Board an Advisory Council composed of the authorized representative from each Tom- ship and Village board pasticipatihg.ih the relief set-up, and that at all times the relief will be administered to comply, so far as possible, with the wishes of the Townships and Villages, acting as their agents, and in conformity with the poltrcies prescribed by the Mvisory Council. THIS AGREEMENT may be cancelled by either party on the first of any month, provided written notice is gkven the other pa2ty two weeks prior to the date of cancellation, and provided that all financial responsibilities are cared for to date of cancellation. The motion to adopt;was seconded by Trustee Blackburn, the vote being upon the adoption of the Resalution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays an6 so the Resolution was declared duly carried.