HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360413_REGULARThe regular meeting of - the Council of the Villaage of Edina, held in the Tract Office, 4409 W. 44th St., April 13, 1936, at 8 PM. The meeting vas. called to order by the President, all mem- bers were present. The minutes of the regular meeting held on March 28* 1936, were read, motion Blackburn they be approved a@ read, seconded by W$llson and carried. The Road and Village Bills,.upon being duly examined md found correct, were on motion Prescott they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. They are as follows: E. C. Snarpe P re si dent J. J. Duggan Treasurer B. B. Moore Recorder G. A. Willson Trustee (I. F. Prescott Trustee . L, R. Blackburn Trustee glr. L. M. Campbell Health Officer P. A. Redpath Marshall T. E, Tflly Police Officer 1. S. Beydt Police Officer R. J. Wmsbn Street Coamissioner S. J. Roberts Utility man P. Dahlgren Tract or Ope rat or L. Stolznan Labor John Tracy Team John Tracy Foreman Rey Jens en Labor Oscar Forslfn Labor Geo. Shelson Truck Art Peterson Truck John Goodacre Labor Ramus Sorenson Labor Total Road and Village Bills $35 . 00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25 . 00 135.00 135 . 00 110 . 00 135.00 110.00 119.90 85.00 14.45 91.50 4.05 3.60 3.00 145.00 18.00 40.00 $1384.50 The Miscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct, we= on motion Prescott, they be allowed and ordered ~$36, seconded by Blackburn and carried. They are as follows: Carl Johnson Repair truck generator 9.65 Hagneto Service Co. Repair tract o r 1' 9.12 0. A. Lindquist Blacksmi thing 7.25 E. W. Harris Gas-oil, t ractors ,pol. car 129.22 Edina Garage, Inc. Storage & repairs, It 53.58 Hennepin (lo. Review Printing 19 . 35 Fideiity & GnammteyFfrepolicy on truck 16.00 Isles Dairy 0.0. Milk 1.75 Thorpe Bros., Inc. Benttract office 12.50 Wooddale Grocery Groceries for poor 46.45 Edina Feed Go. %ruck fag 24.00 D-A Lubricant Go. Lubr i cant 21.63 10,oo H. W. Tisdale, Inc. Bond assessor Wn. H. Ziegler 00. Repafr magneto 30 . 95 Rural Hennepin Oounty Relief 529.75 Borey'e Bhell Stat. . Greaseeoil, truck 7.75 Red Wing Seweir Pipe Go Pipe 9oia W. F. Garvey Co. Supplies 9.53 R. HeLen Johnson St en o grap hi c3 w or k 9.45 .Total Miscellaneous Bills. 'm Mr. Smutmy requested the. Council for road gravel for the stub end of E@mmit Ave, South of Highway #169, which on suggestion by Moore be referred to Road and Bridge Committee for at tent i on. Mr. Oscar Gaarden and W. A. Tuscan$ appeared before the Council for permit to the O.C.D. Service Corporation to lay a water service in Parkway along south side of Sunnyside Road and east of Arden Avenue, a distance of about 150 feet, to serve tvo or three proposed houses to be build just east of the C.C.D. if and/al! Then the proposition took a difinite form, to petition Council and furnish plan. They were advised, Blr. Gus Soderberg presented the Council an estimate to repair tne public sidewalk in front of his premises at 4930 France Avenue, in amount $35.00. In as much as the damage was caused by the installation by the Bity of BIinneapoLis of 48" mater main, he was refereed to the City Clerk of the City of Minneapolis. Mrs. Mary Smisek appeared before the Council to ask for a road leading from her property to County Road 28 in Section 8, and it was found to be a part of the proposition to vacate the old County Road in Section 8, T 116, R 21, beginning at tne intersection of said Road, with County Road #28. After discussion, it was moved Uioore the whole matter be referred to the Village Engineer and the Road and Bridge Committee, seconded by Bladkburn and carried. V, L. Close, representing tne National Scale Company requested license to operate a mechanical amusement device located at the Brown Derby Restaurant, 3915 TIb 50th St., accompanied by the yearly license fee of $50.00, ahereupon it mas moved Prescott tne license be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. C1 J. Brown, plumber, requested permit to dig up the Parhay at #4681 and #4683 Eackey Avenue for the purpose of making water connection, and vas advised it would be satisfactory to do so upon giving lia- bflity bond to protect the Village of Edina. Messrs. Creighton, Morris and HoLton advised on be- half of the Country Club Association, of their efforts to bbtain an expression from residents regarding softened well water by means of a oentral softener. Tae discussion was participated in by Hr. Oscar Gaarden and others and was passed with the assumption tne matter nould be further discussed at a future . Eouncil meeting. Application for building permit by C. R. Bros. to build a private dwelling at 4622 Edgebrook Avenue, having immediate residents as m-signers, accompanied by the usual building permit fee and clean-up service deposit, in amount $26.00, was on motion Blackburn be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application for building permit by M. J. McGrath to build a private dwelling at France Avenue between 60th and 61at street in So*, Seo. 19, was on motion millson, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. CI Tne matter of Secimity bond in amount $25+000,00 to be furnished to the Village by Oountry Club District Service Corporation protecting the Vi.llage Against any and all claims or damages as ordered at the ' Bla-rch 23, 1936 meeting of the Council, was referred to Trustee Blackbum for immediate attention. t Trustee Blackburn offered security bond by Seaboard Surety Company in amount $3000.00 and dated ?larch 27., 1936, on behalf of the Country Club to the Village of Edina, as surety in connection mi th intoxicating liquor license and moved its acceptance. Uotion seconded by Prescott and carried. Mr. B. Daniels appeared and requested license for mechanical amusement device, located at Nolan's Eat Shop, accompanied by annual license fee' of $50.00, on motion Blackburn license be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. A. C. Watt appeared and requested license for mechanical amusement device at the Country Club, accompanied by tne annual license fee of $50.00, was on motion BiackDum, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Tne matter of $acing -e additional street lignts on Wooddale Avenue was discussed and tne Recorder advised of the recommendation of %ne* Minneapolis G. E. Company, wnereupon it was moved Prescott that 150 watt overhead street lights be installed on Wooddale Avenue at 52nd - Street and 53rd Street, and tnat tne Recorder be. auth- orized to sign necessary papers, seconded by Willson and carried. Tne Recorder read a letter from the League of Minnesota Municipalities witn reference 30 tne new Police Scaool to be conducted in May Xor tne Benefit of public peaoe officers. It was moved Blackburn tnat the Village of Ndina arrange tc, send two offickrs and that the reghs- tration fee of $5.00 eacn for tne week's course be allowed, seconded by Willson and carried. Application lS~2E;ecc Nolan for flOn-saleH 3.2 non-intox- icating mal liquor license at 5000 France Avenue, accompanied by tne $25.00 license fee, was on motion Blackburn, be granted; seconded by Prescott and carried. . Application by L& Nolan for "Off-sale" 3.2 non-intox- icating malt liquor license at 5000 France Avenue, accompanied by tae $5.00 license fee, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application by W. A. Olson for nOn-sa18fl 3.2 non+intox- icating liquor license at 3915 W. 50th Street, accompanied by tne $25.00 license fee, was on motion Blackourn, be granted, seconde'CX by Prescott and carried. Application by W. A. Olson for flOff-salefl 3.2 non-intox- icating liquor license at 3915 W. 50ta Street, accompanied tsy the $5,-00 license fee, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application by Margaret Soderberg, forHO n-caleff 3.2 non- intoa!icating malt liquor license at 4930 France Ave., accompanied by the $25.00 license fee, was on motion Prescott be granted, seconded by Blackburn,and carried. ' Application by M8,rgaret Soderberg for IiOff-sale11 3.2 non- intoxicating liquor license at 4930 France Ave., sccompan- ied by tne 85.00 license fee, wits on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. Tne statement on poor relief as rendered by Rural Hennepin County Welfare Board, showing Village of Edina share for month of Edarch on basis of so$, being a total of $529.75, was duly examined. Whereupon it was moved Willson that it be allowed and warrant be drawn on Poor Fund, payabLe at the Midland Pational Banlit and Trust Company, Zdinneapplis, seconded by Prescott and carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 12:30 A.M. Village Recorder