HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360427_REGULARI Xinutea of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Blina, held in the Grange Hall on April 27, 193 at 8 PN. The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll vas called and all members of the Counc3.l viere present. Yb The Boad Crew and Polfee QffiCerS time book m8 studied after which it wae moved Prescott the usual semi monthly advanaettir be made, seconded by Blackburn and carriedr Trustee Yillssn presented an estimate of cost for relief for the month of Nay 1936, of $627.42. B J. F. Bkltand, presented a pencil sketch showing several acres of land. located to the Ei2st of the Eibst line of the Country Club Distr2ct at Brfdge Street. After d~scussion and due to the fact €here rms no deffnate plan or plat of the 40 acre, so called Bird tract, the matter ims held over for future consider- ation. Xessrs Dah9 and Norse, appeared regarding- the set back for dem2b- fnge they propomd to build on Lot5 15, 16 and 17 in Bloc& 6, South Harriet Park Addition. After due discussion it was agreed a 35 foot set bck eas permissable if agreeable to present res- idents in the same block and zms left with Trustee Vil2son to handle Xessrs Vilkfnson, Vennwa and Latham, on behalf of the Playg~o-da Committee ~f the Cotlnt,Ty Club Association, appeared before the Council regarding -the acquisition of the prkvately ovmed; parcels of land in Block 16, being a15, the l&nd En said Block 16 not owned 5ry the School District and estimated to coat $20,000.80. The Council. assured the Committee of its trlllingnesrr to me.?; with the School Board at its next regular meeting. Dr Chandler and E& Hunter, presented a prelininary petftion re- questing the installation of a sanitary sewer on \Tooddale Avenue, from 54th Street to 50 .tho Streets. The petition vas rekurned wi%h the request that a majority of the frontage be represented on the petition Including that of Thorpe &OS. Approximatea SO residents of the Village had assembled at this meeting seeking 'def inate information regarding the domestic iirater sUPBay Er Ralph Beckwith stated be believed Sirsf consfder- ation should be given the matter of safe =tar to use* Village Health Officer Dr-Campbelf. suggested that Brownel1 of the State Board of Heal$h was present and that he be heard. - ET Bromell stated that no plans had been approved by the State Board and that the installation in its preeent condition did no% conr;ply with the sanitary rules e,nd requirements of the State Board of Health. I3.r Brormell suggested that plan8 be prepared for approval, that the open pit around the i7e11 casing be filled in, that the sanitary sever fiommanhale of old sewage disposal plant &at to Wooddale Avenue, re re-located along old Vest 50th. Street to Yooddale Avenue, that some means be employed to increase the pressure and that chlorinating apparatus be instarled as a safeguardto health and to kill the iron bacteria in the water mhich e,xperience shoved usually grows worse * Xr Brormell fur- %her stated in his opinion the we21 vas not 100% safe wter for human.consumpt%on and that it might have cantamina%ion at ant time After considerable discussion Xr Stanley GrEey asked Er Ga&rden, if he would be milling to le$ the Council write a Rider to the present franchiee to inaure purity and adequate pressure of the mater at a3;1 times to mhfch PJr Gsarden replied, "He saw no reason for not entering into such an &rrangementfla Reimnn suggesbd that it be the sense of .this meeting "that an emergency in the domestfc water supply exists and that means be taken to remedy the swe at once*I. T.'uc Gray suggested the advishaility of Eh- Gaarden meeting mith a $ater Committee and \ 1 t *. I I the Council at an early date, all-of which was agreed to unaminousw A letter was read dated April 24, 1936, to President Sharpe, by S. S, Thorpe Jr., regarding payment 08 a charge of $33.47 by the Ninneztpslis Fire Dept. , fer a call made on Narch l?th. to 4912 Sun@side Road, wherein no+ fire w?,s present and the trouble wa8 a rust leak in the oil tank. agreed the Council had no legal way to pay the bill out of tax moneys and directed the Recorder to so advise Xr Thorpe and to return the bill. C. J, Browne, presented plumber*s License Bond in amount $2,000c00 to the Village of Bdina, in connection w%th water srvice installatio at 4381 and 4383 Uackey Avenue. ed, seconded by Presmtt and carried. After discussion it was unaminouely On motion Blackburn it be accept- The Recorder presented the matter of dry and tall grass and weeds being a fire hazard whereupon it was moved Blackburn, that the road crew be instructed to burn off such tall graeEi and weede in its discretion, seconded by Xoore and carried. Application by Minneapolier G. E. Company for permit to install 2 polea on West 52nd. Street at Wooddale and 2 pole on %eat 53rd. Street at Wooddale, in connection with two street lights recently ordered in by the Council. seconded by Blackburn and carried. A petition vas received signed by 10 residents living on Xerxes and York Avenues, 5408 to 5600 blocks, requesting garbage col- lection, whfch on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Nosre and carried. On motion Prescott request be granted, Application in fom-for a building permit for a private dwelling by L. Hanson at 4616 Moorland Avenue, accompanied by Bujilding B 125.08 in Clean Up Deporjit fees by Nr Hanson, that none be re- quired in this instance and was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Willaon and carries. Application in form for Building Permft for private dwelling at 4611 Vooddalo by H. R. Burton, accompanied by the usual $1.00 fee and $25.00 Clean Up Service Depoeit, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Xoore and carried. ermit'fee of $1.00 and with request that as the Village now held Application in form for Building Permit for private dwelling at 4613 Wooddale Avenue, by HaneQn and &rhus, accompanied '9ry the $2..00 fee and $25.00 Clean Up Deposit, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Noore and cajxied. Application in form for Building Permit for addition to private dwelling at 6328 France Avenue, bt P-ick F. Booman, accompanied by the $1.00 fee, was on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. Application in form for Buifdiw Permit for privare dwelling on Lot 19, Block 2, Peacedale Acres, by He He Chalmers, accompanied by the $1.00 fee, vtas on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by a\ Application in form for Building Permit for, private dwelling by I?. K. Da,nielson, on Olinger Road, 221 feet &outh of the N-YJ corne of Xt%k of S~ Section 32, Township 117, Range 21, ascoutpanied by the $1.00 fee, was on motion Villson, be granted, second Prescstt and carried. Prescott and carried. rcg;c k&GffG%&--- Application in form for Building Permit forApriv&te dwelling on Lot 17, Block 10, Fairfax Addition, by 0. A. fsa&c~on, accompanied by the $1.00 fee, was on motion \Villaan, be granted, seCEonded by Prescott and carried. Trustee Blackburn presented renewal Dubuque Fire Insurance Policy #599159, cotresing snow fence, tool house and contenta and moved, it be accepted, seconded by Willson and carried. Trustee Villson handed the Recarder the sum of $1.00 an8 suggested that it be returned to George Sznisek as the Council had refused to issure a building pernit for private dwelling on the 5 acre tract located North -%st of the Ngp corner of S& of SIC& of Section, 8. T 3.16, R 21. No further 'business to come before %he Counafl, motion to adjourn carried at 12.30 A.E. Village Recorder, + .