HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360511_REGULAREnutea of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Wins,, held in the Grange Hall- on- Nay llth, '1936, at 8 PM. The meeting was called to order 'gy the President,, the roll called and all. members of the Councill were found pregent. The trminutes of the regular meeting ob t2ie CounciJ. held on April 27, 1936, were read. On motion Villsoh they be approved as read and the words "addition to" be inserted in connection with the building permit issued t6 0. A* IsQuacson, Lot 17, Block 10, Fairfax Addikion, seconded by Blackburn and carried. ' c The Road and Viilage kills'upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Zrescott, be allowed snd ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried, mey are a8 follotvs. S. 5, Roberts Util2ty man P. Dablgren Trac tor ope rat or L, S.t;olzman Asst. Road Foreman J,. Tracy n It 19 J* Tracy Labor with team TI Gobel Road Labor I?, A. Redpath Village Marshall T* 2. Tf1I.y Police Officer . w. s. Hedyt 0 If 61. J. J~bn~On Street Commissioner &nil. Dah1 A. Petersen &rl (1. Sharpe, President J. 5. Duggan Treasurer Ben B. Moore Recorder George A. ,Willson Trustee Lo R. Blackburn I1 c. F. PreecoLf 11 Dr Lowe11 FA. 'Campbell Road labor . Garbage Coliectisn Heals Of ficer Total Road & Village $110 . 00 103.40 79 00 83. 00 6.80 6*?5 135.00 135,OO 110 . 00 135 00 - 7.20 160 08 35000 25. 00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ' 25.00 $1,306.15 The Miscellaneous Bills upon being duly examined and found to be correct, were on motion Blackburn, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as follows m. F. Garvey Hardware & Road supplies $6.28 Knudsen & Turner -3.R.A. Groceries 1.00 Jay W. Craig Ce Road si1 24.28 Fink of the I? eS E 20 0 80 E. V. Harris Gas Q oil + 138.06 -- Check Protector (Treasurer) Edintc Hardware H. C. Alden - Hardware & Road Suppliea 9.02 Protected' Pire Area tracinp 10.00 @208 66 NessrrJ Parks, Allison, Gisseke & Itatham, appeared before the Council in protect of any opening up of Bridge Street, &st of the Country Club District into the so called Bird Tract, and presented petition signed by appr~xfmtely 40 residents in the Country Club District , petitioning that the Council d-eny any EtppZBcetion for-theiLhpming of Bridge Street at the Bst end thereof. After presentation of facts and due dis- cussion, it was moved Prescstt, that the petition be accepted and placed on file for the future consideration of the Council, seconded by Blackburn, and carried. A representive of the J. D. Adam Company, presented for signature of the President and Recorder and for action by the Council, of assignment of the awn of $1937.20 due the Jay W. Craig -Compalpt, from the ViTlage of Bdfna, whereupon it mas moved Blackburn the assignment be accepted and that the President and Recorder be authorized and empowered to sign for and QPI behalf of the Council, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in form for building permit by E. We Bennett, to remodel private demlling located on Lot '16, Block 20, Normandale 2nd. Addition, was on motion Villssn be granted. seconded by Prescott and carried. anied the application. Application irr form by P. V- Lnnett, to' build a chicken coup on Lof 16; Block 20, Normandale 2nd Addition, ts cost $40.08, was on motion \?illson be grantkd vithout fee, seconded by Presaatt and carried. The $LOO fee accomp- I66 Application in form By H. R. Tboreson, on behalf of the Edina + Gun Clu'b, to bpild two skeet trap houses on the Glacier Sand and Grave2 Cove. property %st of France Avenue and South of West 70-th. Street, accompanied by the usual fee of $l,SO, mzs on mo'tion V11%son, be granted; seconded by Blackburn and carried. Application in form by Russell E. Spear, to build a 19'x 2016" private garage on Lot 19 Block 3,'Fairaw Seokion, vhich pet- ition ms signed by messw R.H.Drem, CoFaEBoore Jr and F.S. Rind23*, as owner8 of adjoining property and vho offered no objection to the erection of the said garage vhen placed five . feet from the rear lot line and five feet from the side lot line, on motion Blackburn 'be approved in so far as it did + cornsly with the Zoning Ordiance, seconded ky Villson and carried . The application ~t12s acconipanied by the usual ()LOO fee. . Application in form for building pemSt for a private+dvelling by Harry Krogh, contractor, Lester 17. Dahf, &mer, on Lot 15, - Block 6, South Xarriet Park Addition, s,ccompanied by the $1.00 fee, vas on motion Villaon $e granted, seconded by -Prescott and carried. Application in form hy Albert Hendrhks,' to build a brooder - house costing .$15.00, on Lot 1, Bock 9, Nomandale Addition, + was on motion PIillson, be granted without fee, seconded by * Frescatt and carriedl. * Application of Carl Olson, 4948 France Avenue, $0; "Off-Salen * license to sell 3, 2 Ron-Intoxfcating Liquor I 8ccompanied ' by the $5.00 fee * by Blackburn and carried. ' Letter from Tfia League of 3dinnesotia Ewicfpalitfes regarding the annuax conven"l;ian of the League to be held at Detroit Lakes on June 17, 18 and 19€h. was read, on motion Blackburn that such members of the Village Council able to attend be delegated as represen%ives of the Village of Edina, seconded t3y Preecotf and carried. - +. I . .. ., s- I t~as on motion Prescott , be granted, seconded - Request of 8, S. Heydt, for a suggested sidewalk grade' in . front of his property on trcles-t 48421. Street, as% of Brookside .Avenue, vas on motion Blackburn, be referred to Vi-llage ag- ineer Bradley, for suggested grade at Village ezpense , seconded -by Villson and carried, .. .No further business to come before the Council, motion' to -adbourn carried at l1,45 PI& '. T Village Eec order a *- I +