HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360526_REGULAR&Iinutes of the regular meeting of the Comcik of the Village of Edina, held on Iffay 26, 1936, in Grange Ha21 at 8 PZL The rneeti~g nas.csl,lcd to order By the P:esldsh$; the roll rPgs caXXod an6 aPl,membcra of the CaunciX were found present except Trustee giXLlson h~~1 qWcte/-, = The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council he3d an %y 11, 1936, were read, On motion Blackburn they be approved a8 read, seconded by Prescott apd carriedo Jhk C, D, Cfilkinson and others, appeared before the CounciE stating a definate propasali had been received from Thorpe Brase, pertalnirrg to the purchase of the privately owned lands in Block lljB 17hieh vas now offered at $$21.500,00, The Prealdent suggested the Council vould be glad to meet wfth the School Board and others for further discussion of the matter and wbieh 'J'sllkismsort pro- mised to arrange, A letter on behalf of Thorpe Bras,, mitten by. Mr Hewhall and dated May IG:, 1936, to the Corttzcil and SchooX Board was also read and caritainad a similar propositLola to that presented by the Committee, (I .. EBessrs Parksp Allison, Eryndlsson:, CoveBl,Zatham, Larson and Gray Were presenti to object tQ %he opening U-p Of Bridge Street, %St of the East Lime of the Country Club District as a serious traffic hazard mould thus be created, The Recorder read a letter da$ed 8k.y 22, 1936, from H. E, Burr,'Administrator for the Estate of Sarah G, Haird, owner of the land, indicating a willingness in co- operating in the development, After d?scussian, it ws moved Xoorc, to refer the entire matter to the Village Attorney and to Village Engineer far their recommendations and suggestions for comxi.derat.im by the Coalacil at its next regular neeting, Notian was srcanded by BlaeItburme Mxx CovePE, presented a petion in form, providimg for the vacating Club District, as to its legality, seconded by Blackburn and carrieds ' of 20 feet of Bridge Street West of the East Line of the Country On motion Moore, it be referred to Village Attorney Er Gus Sodergren, again appeared before the Couacil vith reference to damage done to sidewalk in front of 4928 2hmco Avenue by the installation of 48" nster main by %he City of Ei@neapolis. The matter :vas disposed of for the time being by the Recorder prom- ising -to tkke the matter up wit& the City Clerk of the City of Minneapolis. Mr Joseph H. Rush, was present for the purpose ai being re-appointed a '3pecial Police Officer, It was moved..l&oore, that Er Joseph E, Rush, re reappointed a SBeefal Pollee Officer for the balance of the year 1936, aeconded by BBackbma and CarFiedl. Xr Stanley Gray, as a menbes of the committee studying the water situation in the Cowtry Club District was present and vas advised by the President;, that the State Board af Health had approved an installation df 'a booster pump and that lk Oscar harden proposed to ham several plans ta submLt'viLh reference to softening @laterb Applieatian in form for a buiPdiaag permit by John Garrison, to build a private dwelling on Lot 16, Block 4, Littel Bark, x7as on matian Blaclcbura be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried, (&,OO feel Er Jobson, uho had started a Buildixig at 64th, and Rolf, appeared cuasion the matter vas referred to Trustees %illson and Prescott, for special investigation and report at the next Cmncil meeting on motion of goare and second by Blackburn, which carried, Application in. form far buildiw pernit by Le Eansom, accompanied by LBe 31.00 fee and $25,00 Clgzdq deposit, to build a prLvate dwelling on Lot 22, Block 9 Pafrway, 4631 Casco Aveme, was on motion Bhckburn, be granted, secoaded by Prescott and cahried, , before the Cauncil requesting that a permit be granted, After dia- Application in form for building permit by L, HansonLlo accapmnled by the $loOO fee and $25,00 Clean up deposit, to build a private dwelling on Lots 17 and 3.8, Block 1, Brom Section, 4302 hmy- side Road, was on mo%ion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried 7- Application. in for= by C,N,Hanson, .for buflding permit and accom- panied by the $l,OO fee and 325,OO Clean up deposit5 to build a private dvellizqg OIL Lot Block 5, Brom Section, 4500 lhorlamd Avenue, vas on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded Prescott and carried. Application in form far building permit by A. C, Dahleem, accom- panied by the $l,OO fee and $25,00 Clean up deposit, Eo build a priTate dvelling on Lot 17, Black 3, Fairway, 4529 Bruce, Bas on mo*iola Blackburn, be granted ;, secorrded Presccrtt and carriedo The Pay roll advanaes for Road crew and Police Officers, hawing been duly wxamined and found correcto vas on motiora Prescott, they be alloved and ordered pafd, seconded by Blackburn and carried, A list of 20 cftizem was presented to act as Judges and Clerks far the coming June Prhary Electfon to be held on Jurme 15th after due conaideratha having been given and the names bvLng been found correcto it was moved Prescott, the fo1loaing act as Judges and Clerks at the June 15th, Primary, Cseightorm, Lincoln, Refl, Qx%oiro , Foster, Hifdreth, Irgens $ Larsen, Duus svensex9 Duggan, BevI'Ipurn Vinson, UcCready, Goodacre, EcGuire, Dirks and Delaney , motion secolrded by Blackburn and carried Benson After separt by the Chairmn of the Road & Br.idge Comni+uteeg it MBS moved Eoore, that the Cbirmn of the Road & Bridge Committee be authorized and empowered to purchase as needed, approxbately 215 feet of raad culverts, seconded by Blackburn and carrieda Ekecarder read a letter frornDr A. 3, Cktosley, Executive Officer, State Department of Health, dated Hay 14th, 1936$ and'givfzag a report of the Divjtsioxn of Sanitation conering an investigation of the nater supply Ln the ViXXage of Edina, the sanitary aspect of the water sup-ply is unsatisfactory because imgroper mnstructicm may permi% contamimtion to enter %Be system and recamended that a portian of the tunnel. within 10. feet of the well casing should be walled off and filled rritk compact eartho 'chat a concrete floor be constructed in the pump house, that the drain pipe tapped into the well casing Ire removed and cxosed by rrelding;, that the pressure be increased to approx- imtely 50 pounds at the taps in the highest part of the Village, that the severs in Booddale Avenue and in the ares East of Tlood- dale Avenue, leading Scruth to 50th, Street, should be connected direct27 into the nev sanitary sewer leading East to Prance heos The Seve~ on the Earth side of 50th, Street vhich now flows west- erly from i'looddale Avenue should be relaid to carry all the sevage from the vest side to the manhole at the North side of ilaoddale Avenue and 50th, Street, The sewer on the South side of 50th, Street should be cut off and plugged opposite the property adjacen% to the water plant on the East, and that until. the ahove reconmen- dations have been carried aut, the water should he chlorinated by means of a continuaus feed apparatus at the pump or nell, repart gas signed by E5. 0, E. Brownell, Sanitary Eagineerjand a9prs.B ed by Er H. A. Wttaker, Director, I The report stated The After report by Trustee BPackburrr, on the state of repair of the 'JilLage Police car, it uas moved &,ore that bids he taken for a new car, Bo further business to come before the meeting, mation to adjourn carrfed at 1L55 PE, , motion seconiled by Blackbusn & carr&ede I Village Recordere