HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360608_REGULARI' The Xiscelaneous Bills upon being duly examined: and found. to be correct, were on motion Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Villson, and carried, They are as follow8 Minutes of tbe regular meeting of the Council of the-Village of Mfna, held on June 8, 1936, in Grange Hall nt 8 PDH. t The meeting ma called to order by the Preaident and all members of the Council were present. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council were read, on motion Precrcott they be approved a8 read, seconded by -. mas present . Blackburn and carried. .. ' Strong, Village Attorney Awith written opinion- unbr * Section 1201 of ?&sonos liainnesota Statutes, 192'7, 'having * reference to vacation of part of Bridge Street lying &sterZy of Arden Avenue, as prayed for in petition by W.J+Allison and IjIr and Nrs William X. Coffman, advising that in his opinion the petition is in conformity with Section 1209. After discussion by the Council and the reading of letters dated June 6th. and= June 7th. by 5. 2. &klund the matter The Road and Village Bills upon 'beipg duly exmined and found to be correct, were on motion Preacott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. They are as follows Re J. Johnson Street Commissioner I $136.00 . was laiclaaside for future csnsidkratfon. f. S. J. Roberts Utility man 110 00 P. Dahlgren Tractor operator 94.60 L. Stolzm&n Ass t Road- f oreraan 680 50 John Tracy Asst Road foreman 69 00 John Tracy . Labor with team 30. tjg Ihil-DDahf Road labor 21.60 Arthur Peterssh * Garbage CollecLion * 395.00 5. H. SnaveEy Park labor ( April-May) 95.85 Oreet Spande Park labor (Uay) 75.60 &rl C. Sharpe President 35.00 Treasurer 25.00 75.00 c .F.P&escott. Trustee 25.00 25.00 25.00 Dr Loi.sell Wi. Caapkell 'Health Officer 25.00 $l,130*75 J.J.Duggan Ben B. Noore Recorder L.R.Blackburn Trustee . George A.mWillson Trustee i * Total Road SC Village City of Minneapolis Pire Dept service . HeyL Lqndscape Nurseries Parkway Treee (16) Jay V. CkaAg Co Road oil & tar , Chas Miller eC Son lawn mower sharpened Edina Hardware *. Hardware & Road supplies Ninneseta Refig. Co Calcium Chloride CoAoLindqUiSt Blacksmi thing \Vrn &OB B 8c Pfg. Co' Cutting mge for snowplow Hennepin County Review Printing eC Pub. notices V. F. Garvey Hardware & Road suppliee 3. W. Harris Gas & oil; less Fed tax Thorpe Bros. Rent Trscf Office ,April-Uy 8. He Ziegler CO Tractor repairs eC parts 283d cu yds Road gravel Lumber J. Jasperson Xiller-Dads Go Lic ense books-appl f ca, t i on8 J. D. Adam Co Grader Blades DoA*L~bric&nt CO 55 gals DA oil Bren Hardware 2 mower' cycles- Glacier Sand & G Go' 559 cu yds road fill W. G. Christensen 1935 Plumbing inspections H.V.Johnson Culvert Co Road culvert .- Joyce Insuranoe, Pnc. Premkwn TFsasurer * Ei bond xinrmeapolia G. E. co January .Street lighting Ninnesota Tree $ervic$- 'LSboP supervis%f$$*tree work Village of Hoplcins Fire dept service (Musaett) Justus Lmbr. CO $62. 87 1120 50 z99.20 1.50 23.38 36.60 00.85 8.00 51.10 13.10 114.49 25.50 3'71.74 198 28 7.03 4.20 7.40 37.98 6.46 66.00 75.00 522.58 410 # 00 45.06 e.2a 38.58 Borey's Shell Station Truck service 86.80 Ho A, fiogers Co _. B/Ps & hounting lo. * Total EiTfscl. -37r ( Pay of Village EIarshall and Police officer ma duly allowed with Road and Vill8ge bills and in error not copied on page 3/69 wbth all the other Road and Village Bills and as follovs P,A.Redpath W. S, Heydt Te E. Tilly I Village Uarshall $1350 00 135.00 110 00 Total $380 e 00 Police Officer Police Officer The matter of right of way of Vooddale Airenue, in and along the 20 acrw of the Haeg Farm, 5"~~s duly discussed and report of H. J.Knutsen duly made, .r;bereupon it. ria8 moved Xoore , that H.J.Knutsen be allond. the sym of $20.00 f9r sundry and other expense in connection with the securing a 33 ft. Right-of-Vay on the Vest side of the center lhe of Vooddale Avenue, past the Haeg farm to corner of Vest 62nd. Street, seconded by Villson and carried. p&r Bryndelson, presented a petition having 310 signatures, praying that the petition of BeJeAllison and 3.b and E&s Til- + lfam Em Coffxuan, for the closing of Bridge Street at the &st + line of the Country Club District and for the aracating.of 20 . feet of said street S7est of the Bst line of said Coun$rg Club , District, be granted. Nuch oratory f olloved the pregenting . of the petition. ' 'Elir Karl Covell, presented a petition signed by Elr t7. J. Allison, ' Dorothy B. Coffrnan and William 14. Coffman, asking that all of ' that part of Bridge Street &st of the Ezst line of Arden Ave- ' nue be vacated and that published and posted notice-be'duly giveno ' Mr J. P. Pcklund and his attorney, &Tr George Speck, were also * present. Afeer discusaisn it ms moved Prescott; that the * petitions be received and referred to the Village Attorney as * to legality, seconded by Blackburn and carried. * It was thereupon moved by Eoore, that posted'and published * notices be given both of the petitions of Allison and Coffman and that the matter be heard at the next regular meeting of the Counci, motion ms seconded by Blackburn and carried. Letter vas received from Hay 6s Stenson Company, asking for - permission of the Counc-il to move their tlOff-Salett liquor store from 3901 Vest 50th. Ste, to 3922 Vest 50th. Street. and that the State Liquor Control Commissioner be advised of . Council*g consent. TLhereuponrTrustee Blackburn, so moved, - seconded by Prescott, and carried. 1 1% was moved Eoore, that the present fit30'minute" parking zone be extended Test on the Qbrth-side of Yesf 50'ch. Street + Vest of France Ayenue, to a point 6 feet Test of the f,'est line , of Lot 33, Auditor's Subdn., motion seconded by Trustee Prescott, and carried. ~ * Application in form for building permit by Hkry Krogb, aocomp- anied by the $1.00 fee, to build a private drrelling' on' Lot 16, - Block 6, South Harriet Park Addition, vas on motion \7iblson ' be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. * Application in form for building permit by Harry Rrogh-, accom- ' panied by %he $1.00 fee, to build EL prmvate dwelling on Lot 14, ' Block 5, South Harriet Park Addition, was on motion Willson, .1 be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried,. Application in form for building permit by Clarence C.- Bros , accompanied the $1~00 See, to %*lid a private di7elling on Lot I, Block 4, South Harrirt Park Addifion, was on motion ' l'!illson be granted c I seconded Iry Blackburn and carried, Application in form for building permit by Lydia Ostrander, accompanied by the $1.00 Tee to build a private dwelling on Lot 3,’Block 4, Woodbury Park, was on motion Y?illson be granted seconded by Blackburn and carried. Application in form Qy Nelson and Benson, for building permit accompanied by the $1.00 fee, to build a private dwelling on Lot 9 Block 8, Browndale Park Addition, was on motion Blackburn be granted, seconded by Willson and carried. Application in%form for building permit, by George S. Gamble, * accompanied ’by the 81.00 fee..and with Xle request that the $25.00 Clean Up Deposit, made for 4616 Casco Avenue, be transfered to cover Lot 14, Block 3, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried, Application in form for building permit by Cheater Be Thornson, accompanied by the $1.00 fee and-$25.00 Clean Up Deposit, to build a private dwelling on Lot 6, Block 1, Pairway Section, CCD, ’was on Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried, r 4 Application in form for building permit by Clarence Ip. Bros, accompanied byG the $1.00 fee and $25.00 Clean Up &posit, to build a private dwelling on Lot 13, Block 2, Fairway Section, CCD, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried. It was raoved Blackburn, that Bs buildings were completed and that the Village not having gone to any erpense in connection with the building thereof, that Clean Up Deposits be returned to Johnson-Olson 4610 Cascs Ave., W. A. Tuscany 4511 Casco Ave., and Dr R. $. Bickson 4638 rngebrook Place, seconded by Willson and carried. Trustee Willson, reported on the matter of the building built at 64th. and Rolf, by 3; W. Jshnrjon without permif and located on the rear’af the Lot, and moved that the’germit ’be refused and the $1.00 recent% paid, be re.hulh;uled to Hr Johnson. was seconded by Blackburn and carried. motion Letter dated Ma;y 29th. was read from Dr Hamlin Mattson, which 17as on motion Xoore, be referred to Village Attorney, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application by A.C.Statt, on behalf of the Country Club, Inc., for permission to sell 3.2 non-intoxicating liquors at the Country Club, accompanied by the $25.00 license fee, was on motion Blackburn be granted, seconded by Erescott and carried, Application by Paul E, Von Ruster, on behalf of the Interlacken Country Club, to sell 3.2 non-intoxicating liquor at the Inter- lachen Club, accompanied by the $25.00 license fee, was on motion Elackburn, be granted seconded by Prescott and carrfed. After discihesidn it was agreed by”al1 members of the Council $hat Sund and Dunham, be advised by the Recorder, that their WPA building proposition was deemed too costly and too indef- inate for the Village Council to undertake. No further buiiness to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 11,50 PM. . Village Recorder.