HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360622_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Counci3 of the Village of =in&, held. fn Grange Hall on June 22, 1936 at 8 PXe The meeting 17&s called to order 3y the Pres5dent the roll called and all members of the Counc$l were found present. Uinutea SP the regular meeting of the Council held on June 8, 3936, were read. On motion Prsscotf, they be approved as read, seconded by Blackburn and Carried, Ur Carl Hsllquist, 327 \Vest 49th, Sireet, &khneapOXiS, appeared 'before the Council with reference to oktaining building permits on two dwellings recently started without a permit having 'been granbd, It 17as found that 'basement mils had been placed three (-3) feet from the side lot line in place of five (5) feet as provided. After discussion it vas moved Yillsctn; that per~ts Be granted for building of private dwelling on Lot 26, Block 4, Seeley's 1st. Addition to Havaorne Park and for private dt7elling on Lot 27, Block 4, Seeleyts 1st. Addition to Haxthorne Park, provided the basement side mlls vere relaid to comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Baving at leas 5 feet in the side yard, seconded by Uoore, and carriedo A petition ma presented the-Council by Ebssrs Forrester and Schmidt, on behalf of Xirror We residents, oomplaining of the dischrgfng intcr Nirror Lake of sevage Prom the Interlacken Club dft3pOsal pilanta After discussion it was moved Eoore, that the petition be received and referred to the President and Village Attorney, seconded by Prescott and carriedo Ur Gust Soderberg, appeared before the ftauncil with the infor- mation the public siidermlk in front of his pr&nises ms in need of repaid and that a public liability existed in the Prescott that repairs and/or new sldevra3.k be laid without delay, seconded bp Uoors and carried, I& C. Do ViZcinson, *on-behalP of the Committee to acquire playgrounde in Block 16, CCD, rias advfaed the President would endeavor to arrange a meeting rrith thq School Board of Dfst- rict I? in the near future. !the @,OO fee paid in each caseo ' e. r* present condition of the sidevalk. It ms thereupon moved - A delegation of citizens concerned in tho poasibflfty of Bridge Street being extended ErzsP; from'txe &st line Of the Country Club -:District 1m8 preseht. We Cove11 , formally presented reas~ns heretofore presented Tor the closfrig of Bridge Streef. Er George Speclr, representing Xr aklund, at leng%h advicJed his client VBB opponed to Bridge Street being opened up to France Avenue and assured the Council and citizens assembled they bad no in%ention tQ extend Bridge Street east to France-Avenue and insisted his client had a right to enter on and depart from the %st end of Bridge Street and nov laid out. Xr Bryndelson, Nr Hansen, ?,I= EcClure and others alee spoke in QbJectfOn to any Opening or &ending of Bridge Street east. After the discuaslon it vas moved Xoore that the matter be referred to the second regular meeting of %he CouncB1 to be hisld on July 27.the tbe motion VEM seconded by Prescett and carrheb. Application in form for building permit by Ce A, Schultp, te build a private garage on the Bar of lot 5, Block 3, Brookaide Heights Addition, accompanied by the $loOO fee, vas on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded by Blsckburn and carried. Application in form for building permit by Bo C. Kruekelberg to build a private dveXLing on lot 7, Block 2 Park 2nd, Addition, accompanied by the ustatill $1.00 fee, 178s on motion Villfion, be granfed, seconded by Blackburn and carried e South Harriet i.73 Application in form for building permit by N. A. Penn, to build a %private ncresnedin porch on the 4.38 acre tract about 6755 Veet Bert Line Highway, cost.Lng about $35-00, was on motion Tillson, 'be granted without fee, aeconded by Blackburn and carried. Applioation for return of Cleanup Depoait money in connecticn with 4609 Drexel Avenue and 4400 Browndale Avenue by Anton IkQoe agd 4501 Drexel Avenue by Uorris Trach,*total $75.00, was on motion Blackburn be granted, seconded by Villson and carried. 1 .+ Application of Minneapolis E. Company, for permission to set 3 poles in the alley between Central and 1st Avenue &st, 3rd. and 4th. streets, vms on motion Prescott, be granted seconded by Blackburn and carried. A communication by Oscar G-rden dated June 22, 193G, regardine; co8ts and other matters in the s'txpplrfng of softened water to CCD users, was received and read. After discussion it was agreed to leave with the Pressdent to arrange a meeting with the water committee and others in the near future. The matter of the gurchase sf one automobile for police car purposes as a&ve&fsed in the Hennepin County Review of June 11th. issue, next came before the Council, !?here was found to be but one bid received whereupon it was moved lloore that the bid be returned unopened and thab new bids be asked for on July 13th. ,A letter was -read from drainage at 53rd. nndICellogg and ma3 refemed to the Road &c Bridge Committee, Bilk of the Ninnoapolis General Hospital in arnount $68.50 for the care of Jean Nallek from my 8th. to Nay 28th. ma read and referred to Village Attorney, The Road and Vfllage pay advances, Nbce1lanepu.s bills; Judges and clerks of June 15, 1936, Primary XeCti6n, were duly exam= ined and found correct, on motion Preacott, they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by "illson and czrried. followa ._ Motion seconded by Blackburn and carried. Roseriter, regarding storm water They are as R. 5. Johnson St. corn. S, J, Roberts Utility man Peter Dahlgren Tractor operator , Louis Stolaman Asst Ed. Foreman John Tracg 5. H. gnatrely Orest Spande P. A. Redpath Village Pllarshall Wt 8. Heydt St Peters Lutheran Church Rent June PrimarJP Village' of Hopkins Rural Henneph Welfare Ben B. Noore &spenselj L of 1d.N Conven- tion, Detroit Lakes EJTinnesota Tree Service Labor Tree trimming Booths & Spl. Officer Judge June Primary C. R. Blackburn Victor Xrgens J.W.New'burn Clara Goodacrs Clerk Ii Agnea Swenson 3lsie Hlldreth Judge Christ Larsen D, F. PkGufre Clerk 11 11 ll 11 n Frieda, Kell Mrs V. 3 . Oxbora Florence H, Jewett Judge It n C. D. 17ilkinson I1 ll (1 ParR labor Police Offfrer Fire Bept- servfoe(Nuaf3et) n I8 A II T* 2. TIE3y Board I,@r Relief 81 & booths n It It 0 tl It I1 I1 I1 w n II 11 I1 0 11 Alex Creieton n I1 fl (continued over) $67.50 55.00 40. 70 36.00 44.00 34.20 31.80 65. 00 65.00 55% 00 7*50 45.00 627.28 18.50 9.00 10 70 13.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 , 8-28 8-20 9.20 9.20 9. 20 10.?0 10 70 -_ I 410 00 J. 3. Duggan Judge June Primary $8 20 &he1 EcCready . Clerk tl fl 8.20 { xrs Paul ~wsch . li H 8.20 Total $II? 54.96 1% vas moved Eoore, that the meeting aeEjourn to met qith the School Board of Distric‘b 17, on Tunp 26th, , for the purpees of conaidering vht action or joint action may or should ’be taken- in the matter of abqufrine; the privats?ty onned land in Block 16 88 well as the sals, tranoPer or Ieass of the old two acre site ag’ old Bins School, seconded by Blackburn and carried. Village Recorder c NIinu.O;es of the adjourned meeting of the Counoil ofthe VBllagQ of Blim, held jointly t7ith the School Board of District -#%7, a”%-- the mina School Building on June 26, 1936, at 8 Pi& !The mating ~EI called to order by President Heneen, of the School Board, at vhich all members of the School Board were present except Trustee Reed and a31 mernaers of the Village Council were present; except Trwtoe Froscott. After general discussion of the-rilatter of acquiring the privately ovmed land in Block 16 and the entBre llOld EPi1lt1 tract, it vas moved by Hoors that the President appoint a committee to aerve. on bFhalf of the Villago Council and to act jQ%ZltW trfth Er Hoergos of the School Boar’d, to obtain legal description of the property to be acquired by the Village for public p2atyground and/or Park purposesJ ?lotion ins seconded Trustee Willson and carried without dissenting vote. George 17* Strong, Village Ateorney. After further general. discusnion ivherein tke School Board and the Village Council irere in agreement, the Councfl members withdrew leaving the School Board to continue its meeting. mereupon the President appointed r. Village Recorder* e. .. I.