HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360713_REGULARN€nutes of the regular meeting of the Come$% of the Village of Bina held on July 13, 1936, I in Grange Hal%^a.t 8 P&
The meeting vme called celled and a11 members
Hinutes-,of the regular
22, 1936, were read.
to order by the President, the roll of the Council viere present.
meeting of the Council held on-June On motion Blackburn, they be wproved --
EM read, seconded by PrescetL and carried.
The Road and Village bills upon being duly examined and found comecat, were on mation 2rescott, be alloved and ordered paid, Seconded by Blackburn and carried. They 2re its follows
%r,1 C, Sharpe 1. J, Duggan '
Geo, A. Vfllson It. PI. Blackburn
Ben Bo Noore *
Dr L. M, Capbe11 Po A. Redpath
C. F* Presc~'l;t
To E. Til* +
S. J* Roberts
S* Heydt
P,. Dablgren L. Stolzman John Tracy John Tracy J. H.. Snavely . Ordrst Spande
Bnilo Dahl. V. M. Smith Arthur Pe'terson
Garbage C o 11s c ti on 220 0 00 Rural Hennepfn Welfare Bcff Hay Poor. Relief 627.26
Pr 6s f dent Treasurer - Truetee True tee Trustee Recorder Health Officer -&far shall 'Police Offices Police Officer Street C ommi o s f oner Utility mn Tractor Opera tor
As~t Rd. Foreman
Labor with tern Eark labw Park labor
Road labbr
11 11 . "If
a 1t
$as. 08
. 135.00
1350 OO
1100 00
* 1.10000
56.00 89.25
97.20 .. li J8.00
J Total Village @2 928.tly 56
The Nlscellanesus bills upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Preecott, be allowed ana ordered paid,
seconded by Wilfsen and czlrrie8. They are BB follows
JBina Garage Folice car service $113.46 BIre W. J* 03cbors Clerk June Primary election* '9.20
11 9. 20 Plarence H. Jewett Judge ft II
C. D. ViIkinson 11 fI
11 n 10.70 Alex Creightbn It If
H 11 10.70 Victor Irgens I1 n
It II 13.70 J . IT. Newbur n Booths & (I 11
I1 *n 7.70 Clara Goodaere It II
3lsfe Hildreth Clerk 11 n, 11 7.70
n 11 .it 7.70 Agnes 1. Swansen It
. If 8.20 John J. Duggan . Judge . It 11
It . II 80 20
ti II It 8*20 Do F. I'lcGufre Christ Lareen . If
Ethel R. NcCready Clerk '1 It It 8*20 Mrs Paul Berch 1t 11
It 9. 20 Freda Re11 I8 It tI
C. 2. Blackburn Booths and Spl. Officer 9.00 Ben B. Noore Delegate exqdnso League of
11 11 i0.70
It 1)
1t II 8.20.
MPnn. convemtien, Detroit -L. LE. 50
St Petere Luthern Church Rent June Prirflwq 7.50
Gilkey, Brown Cedar Cs Posts 40 00 mfna Hardware Road supplies 15.39
Interlacken Greenhouse Flowers for Parka 16.40
H. V, Johnson Culvert Co Road culverts 181.97 Hcnnepin County Review Printing & Published notices I&. 25
Continue& over
f@kX?l6%ki Eledtrical h0 Elect. suppliea 3. 66 - Gas and oil I30 40
V, Id. Cooper & Sons Flowers for Parks 30 55
Hetffeld-Parry Co Repair Dodge Truck 10'?*68
Por%ez Efectric Go Labor Cascade pump 3.56
5. E. 8. Harris
Standara Clothing Co 1 Offleer's c&p 2.75
City of Xinneapolis Police cas service 22.83
W. He Ziegler Co Tractor parts 4. 80
Twin City VeIding Ccp 1 log chsvin 5.00
Carl Olson Relief 120 48 XiXIer-Davi# Go Le tte rhesdo 8*00
June eC July %;-TeEcBone 25.20 Thspe Bros
BinneapoZis G. 3. CS December Street lighting M.19
Fred L. Gray Company - Cbnpehsatfon Ins. premitrJn 660. ,222
Total. Xiscl. . @ 2,0,84.68
V. 3'. Garvey Road suppltes 8 hardware 43.76
Rent Tract Office fox
rJe He Zieglsr Co ' Tractor repair8 19.0%
&plication in for; for building pesmi%s mere submittid 6 Trustee Prescokt fo~: private derzllings by P*T*Fairch&ld on Sot 10 Thielen's Brooksids and by HE~~vQ~ Urson on .Lot 24,
Block 3, Cleveland's Re-Subdn, , ivhoI;moved the applicatiorls
b:e granted, seconded by Villson and carried. -.
I. frustee mizrson Su%mi~tteix applications for bwaing pulm~ts
*L.V.H~I*EW~ to buZLd a primre. garage, on Lo% 5, Block 4,.
Sgaley's Firat Addition "to Hawthorne Park, lqy Dr Arnold L. Partin to btxild a prfva,te dwelling on Lot 5, Block 3, South HELrriet Park, by 17. X. Lund to btafld a privat7 dwIlfng on '%BQ Vest 5 acres of the North 10 acrm of of SVi lying mst of road Section 19, Town 29, Eange 24, by James J-. Burke,
t.0 build a chicken houae 6x1 South 10 acre8, Lof 1, Seceion 33, by V.L.BensQn-+foc sd&it,%on private dwelling on Lot 7, Block 2, Sseleyts 1st. Addition to Hawthorne Park, vho moved that -the applications be granted, seconded by Fre8cott and carriedo
Tkustee Blackburn submitted applications f os building permits
bjr C, X. Hanson to build a private dt7elling on Lsf 15, Block 4, CCD Brown Section and by He 3. Nelson to build a, private dwelling
OA Lot 1, Block 1, CCD Fairway Section and on Lot 8, Block 1,
CCD Brown Section, all three accompanied by %.e usual $1.00 fee and $25.00 Clean Up deposit, who moved the applications be granted, seconded by PreEICQ$$ and carried.
It rras moved by Blackburn, that the $25,00 Clean Up deposit by'H. F. Nelson, account of premises 4500 Sumyside Road, be re%urned, aecmded by Prescott and carried,
Bias for a Village Police car, as advertised in Official hub-
Sication of the Village, were next opened a8 Pollovs
Ho$t Kotoor Co. Plymouth Coach, Old car and @507.00 net additional
I .
-- Ha&den Notor Go, Ford Tudor, 1) I1 '1 375.00 ' n DaQlberg Bog, Ford Tudor, 0 tf 485.00 "'I w
EcDonald GilPo Go Ford Tudor, 11 tl '' 4(arOeOO ft It Bi$m Garage, Inc . PXymouth 11 It '1 438.00 - - 11
Wh&eupon it ms moved Blackburn, that the bid of the Hayden
Hotor Company be accepted and Sectffied checks of the other bidders, be returned, seconded by Preacott and carried*
Vest 54th. Street and Oakland Avenue, asking that a street light be ,installed, whereupon it vas moved Prescott that the prtition be ,granted and Recorder authorized to order sme installed, seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Village Engineer Bradley reported on his study of the"Baird 40" suhzy by Albert Graber and advised the Council that it was his
bpiniorr the tentative plan of subdividing the land and laying
out the streets trould work out satisfactorily. After discussion
Iqj the Council and others, it was moved by Eoore, that the plan
and/ or plat as submitted by & Burr be ten.f;stively accepted subject to improvements and suggestions by I& George H. Herrold
as Village' Zoning Advigor and approval of the Board of Commissionen;
- Peiition was received from residents living in the viefnity of
< .ttEe further understanding that
+w&%s Building and and other/ res.tt;;hf$sns simdlisr to those now of Hennepin County,
in effect on Arden and Bruce Aveage, %e mnde a part of deed and/
or contract for deed restr&tfens an& "cat the Village Council
of' B3im be named to act in tb.e capacity of administrator to
carry out and enforce the restrictions, motion was seconded by
Prescott and carried without disenting vste.
The Recorder suggested that Mr George H. Herrold, 'be employed to adviae the Council on the matter of laying out and subdividing
Tillson and carried. the %aErd 40" whereupon Trustee Prescotf, so moved; seconded by L
Nr J, B. &tabrook, Of Burlingame & Hitchcock, Consul%ing &hg- ineers, to whohas referred the matter of investigaffng the - general proposition of fCentr&j. softening vs Individual Softening" of the present water supply serving the Country. Club District, WBEY
present and gave the regort dated July 13, 1936. The report upon being read and dipcussed, was upon motion Boore, be accepted, seconded by PrescaLt an8'ccarried.
~n connection withJ&e 50 called "Fairmy Fund" in connection with the $&i&$&z $3ewer, Storm Sewer and Curb Ec Gutter in the Fairway Section, Country Club District, Recorder Hoore advised that all payments hail been rade and bonds or warrants cancelled and $hat Village Attorney had' secured full releaae from the
ovm#s of af3. the property %a the Village of Edina for any moneys now in said Fairwagt Fund and amounting to $345.31 and in order to cPose out the entire assessment and 'clast? the account,
offered %he following resafut&sn, and vnoved its adoption
mereas, heretofore tEe Village of %dinas a municipal corporation. in Hennepfn County, IliI2nnesot8, issued certain of its bonds or warrants for improvement8 in the Pairway Six tioa', Country Club District, all of which.rvars omed by Thorpe B,roo3., a corporation,
and n ccrtain unplatted tract later owned by Adam H. Smith, and
laereas, 'as certain of said bonds or tmrranfs and the interest
thereon became due, the same tm,s paid by Thorpe Brae. and said
Smith in their respective propsrtiona, Tihich payments were made each year before the date arrived for spreading the lien of said bonds or warrants upon the recorda of the office of the County
Atiditor of said Henbepin County, and .
'Vheress, said bonds or warrants provided for interyt at the rats of 54 percent, but were assessed on the basis pf 5s percent, and
%%ereas, by reasbn of aaid difference in intereaf there vms created by the said Vialage a separate fund known as the %&may Fund" and all moneys arising paid in upon said bonds or warrants yere deposited En the said Vafrway Bundtt, and .
Whereas, all ~f said bbnds or warrants and. interest thereon have been paid in full and said bonds or warrant8 cwmelled, and
Xhereas, By reason of all thereof the said balanqe 02 said fund arising through said difference or increase of interest rate is due the said..Thorpe &ros. wnd the said Adam He Smith in the pro- portion of $829.43 to said Thorpe &os. and $15,88 to said A#-m
NOW, Therefore, tho said Thorpe Bros. hereby acknowledges recedpt from the said Village of Elin& of the said sm of $329.43 and the
said Adam If. Snith, hereby- acknowledges receipt from the Treasurer of said Village QT &lina of said sum of $15.88, and
K. Smith.
Tflherem, the #aid Thorpe Broa. and said Adam H. Smith, have in all things-released and discharged the mid VfSlage of EdinEa, from
any. and all further and future claims of every kind and nature
arising out of.sr throq@ the issue of said Bonds or warranLs as
aforesaid and the payment thereof, to the end that hither the
said Thorpe Brss. a corporation, nor the said Adam#H. Smith
(Continued Qvel?) . '
shall ever have or claim any further payments of moneys from the said Village of Rlina for or on account of or in connection nith the said bonds or warrants and the payment thereof and the interest thereon,
The motion to adopt vas seconded by Trustee Villson, the vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution mherein there vare five ayes and no nays and so the resolution
TJEJ,B 'declared duly adopted,
ATTEST President of Council
Village Rec oqdsr
The matter of vacating a part of I%in Street as pregented in
petition to the Council was next considered and wherein
Trustee Blackburn offered the following Tesolution and raoved
its adoption
TtQZ3L4l3, Petition representing all the property involved
lzas been made to the Council of the Village of &Una, to .mate that part of 9Bin Street in the Village of Blina, Hennepisl County, lldinnesota, Xying betvieen the north line of Xnterlacken Road and the southerly line
of Blake Road, as the saidt roads are laid out and located in said Village, and
m.EWW3, Both" published and qosteed notice h& been given and duo hearing has keen hald on said petition, and
EE€EU2AS, It is deemed both necessary and expedient that tbe said part of =in Stree-b be vacated,
NOV, THB?Z?3ORE, B%: IT PESOLV~, By the Council of the
Village of Pdizia, Hannepsn County, Einnesota, that that part of 3.W.n Street lying between the north line of Interlacken Road and the gouther3y line of Blake Road, as said roads are laid out and located in said Village, through UendeL
se'ohn Addition, located in said Village, according to the plat thereof an file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, in and for said Hennepin County, Ifinnessta,
said part of said road to be vacated lyinz 'betmen Lot3 Twsnty-eight (28) and Trtonty-nins (29) in said Addition, be and the 8mo is hereby vacated.
The vote vas upon %he adoption of the resolution ;fierein there nere five ayes and no nays and so declared duly
-7 Village Recorder
It vms moved ?!illson, that the rate of pay for regular
employes of the Village, be talcel? us at the next meeting, seconded b-j, Pretjcott and carried.
No fmther buGinoss to come Wore the meeting, motion to
adjourn carried at 11.45 PIE
, Village Recorder