HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360722_REGULARNTinutes of the regular meetine: of the Council of the v.%rlage of mi&, he36 in Grange Hall on July@> 1936" at
8 PM. &I-
!The meeting tms called to order by the President, the roll called sqd all members of the Council were found present.
riiinu'ces of the regular meeting sf the bounci1 held on July
13, 1936, were read. On motion Prescatt,they be approved as read, seconded by &lackburn and carried.
'Ihe Eoad and examined and County Rural
June relief duly allowed
Village Bemi-monthly advances upon .being duly found correct, togather with bill of Hennepin Yelfare Board for Village share 0% the cost of ,n amount $249.72, was on,motian Blackburn, bo and ordered paid; Becoiided by Preaccrtt and carr ied.
Trustee Blackburn submitted applications for buildhg permits
by V. G. Lund, to 'build ES private dwelling on Lot 18, &teck 20 Fkirtvay and by C. 18. Hansen to build a private dwelJ.idg on
Lot 4, alock 4, Brovn Section, both accompanied by the usual
g1.80 Building permit fee and the $25.00 Clean-up deposit and moved that building permits be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried.
Trustee Vfi31son submitted Applications for building permits Ey G. W. Howard, tcP.build a prfmte dme%ling ~n Lot 3, Block
4, Ccrdea Highview Park, 'by L. N. Nills to build a private dvelling on Lot 81, Block' 2, Normandale 2nd. Addition, by
&. P. SchmSdlt, to build. a private dwelling on Lot 5, Block
8, South Harriet Park, a19 acol~⪥hiBd by the ua~~~ $1.00 fee, and moved tbs+ building permits he &ran$ed, seconded by Blackburn and carried.
was moved by Blackburn, that inaaauch as Constable Borey
had not filed Surety Bond as Constabh?, that he be notifPed of his 'dia-qualification and Surety Company's notice of termhation of bond, be signed, seconded by Prescstt and carried.
Nessrs Peterson, Flack, Reeznblat, Craig; and Tupper, appeared %afore the CounciE, with request that Xerxes Avenue be oiled
between 56th and 60th. Streets. After discussion it 'ims motcd Blackbum, %he matter be referred to Road eS Bridge Com- mitee to take up with City of LBfnneapol5.s in order to get
both sides of the street si1ed;seconded by Prescott and carried,
Comunicatioa .rima read from Mr Jas. A. Eye, sak$ng that the Council permit him to locate and build a private garage build- ing two (2) feet from the side lot line. red Lo Village Attorney Strong wbo was present, and tvho advised
th.e Council had no power to grant a violation of the Zoning errdianea and that the only way the request could be granted would be 'by changing tho Zoning Ordiance* &Tr .Rye, v!fis,was present, thereby being duly advised.
The Recorder suggested the advisability of setting up a new %PA project so as to continue relief vzork on light projects unCil freeze-up time and -Khat WPA project #5, dated September
ti, 1935, for the landscaping of Vialage owned plot of land of apprsximate2.r 7 acre8 along .%&le I'tlga& ba,nWsf W&jnehaha Creek
betweon 52nd. and 54th. Streets, be so designated, whereupon it ma moved Prescott, that $he Village Spsns~rs of PITA project
#b dated September 5, 1935, be empowered. and au$hor:izod ti0 .take
up with "ch..e lorks Progress Adsninistration the mettkr, of netting up for t;.orl:: and allaimen'& PWA project $5, motion v&s seconded
by v?i32ssn and carried,
Kr He J. Knudsen, and Mlr A. C. Stringer, togather with Village
Attorney Xr Strong, reported on the matter of land -acquisition
Om* the I '@$sEL xL&e::ti$ \%gX&a%&-.&~pnue betteen 60th. and 62nd Street
-and that papaeat of $28.00 for S~JM~,I~W now in 0-rder, whereupon
2% was moved Prescott, that payment be ordered and warrant be
-drawn in anount $25.00 payable to The Feddral Land Bank of St
Paul and Hen-ry We Haeg a for 33 ft. Ri&t-of-.rMVay along the Haeg proparty, seconded ky Blackburn and carried.
The matter ;vas refer-
TJr George H. Herrold, to om the Village Comcll referred
the matter of sub-dividing the €bird 40 acre %ract in the best war, ms present and presented his report as ~follo~m: L
"I nbte that the Country Club residential distriq.t is served from the mst by two thoroufgfares or approach.
appraachea seem to %e mple and preserve %he residential
character of the diatrict by taking through traffic along the periphery of $he tract instead of to Sf.
X have examined the pla,tting of the Burr (Baird) Tracf ky going around it and mnining the street en-lxinces and exits. I: think that 46th Stme% should Isa extended Vest as far as avenue IfA" by taking 30 feet from the Burr- (&,,ird) Tract and requesting the Totm of Eorningside to open the 30 feet en their tract* Et is oustornary to extendastreets on the section and quahr sechion lines, the otrners on
each side dedicating the streat. 3: doubt the a,dvisa'bili-&
of extending this street to intersect vith Sunnyefde Avenue as ft vi3.I. create a bad traffic haza?d. The turn-around
17est of Avenue itBcf should have a radius of 28 feet BO that
t?, czlr can make. the twh.
streets - Sunnyside Avenue and 50th0 Street. These
I think that 48th. Street should be extersded as shown until it reaches Avenue Wf.8 and the Country Club Tract, 1% will
be a dead end street and in time may be opened through the Iota nhlch nov face hdeh Avenue. .L-
I vould reconmend %hat the CountxT Club vacate the eastern stub-end of Bridge Street, that iu, that part of Bridge '
Street wing &st of Arden Avenue. It is of no value as the houses on Lot, 1 and Lo% 15 face Arden Avenue; This can 'be done by resolution of the Village Council, in vbich case
half of the street will go to Lot 15 and half ts Lo% 1, or it naay be vacated by the District Court wi$k -;;he stipulation that it be returned to the original owners, i.c, the Country Club, vho could sell i.P; or 'aufLd a house on it Tkile Burr has sold the tract of land lying payallex mith the eaaterly Una of the Country Club and against which the stubend of Bridge. Streets abuts, XlrcBuz.r believes that this omer vovld be trilling to take a, tract of land of a sirrrilar arm facing Avenue 'IC !I. This .completely elimfmtes the extension of Bridge Street for the present, but there will
altrays be ai attempt nade to open i% through ta Avenue (GI*
if it is not vacated.
7, -? OthervniEte, I thinlr the tract has been laid out very we13 to fit the %opbg3C5iphSsr
Signed George H. Herbold,
mereupon iQ 1~8s moved 3XaC3cBWn %ha.$ the report af E& HerroLd
be accepf;od an& pmorporated in the minutsa, seconded by Preacett an& declared duly carried,
After discussion of the topography of the Zaird 40 Acre Tract,
it was moved Noore, that a topographh survey be asked of the,
florks Progress Administration, t~ho re at preser,t =king
such surveys in HennepSn County and that copy he given to
Er -Burr and to I9 Herrold, to he3p in further s%ucIy of sub- d3viding the 40 Acre tract, motion seconded by Blackburn and
c s;m i Ed. P I
The matter of pay for Village employes next came before tkie
Council, aZter discussion and compafisons with the 'rates of pay nei&%arfng municipaXitiea, it vag moved by ':!illson that
rate of pay of Village Earshall Redpath be at the ra'ce of $140.00 per month, Police Officer Tiqly 0 $140.00 per month, Police .Officer Keydt Q $lZO.OQ pesr month, Utility man Roberts 0 $X20.00 per month, S6ree.t Comrgissioner Johnson 0 $14OaOO pef month an& Ihn with Team Q 9Og per how, bsgining as of July 25, 2,936, motion seconded by B+ackburn and carrfed,
The Council next discussed.' the matter of joining vrith the
School Board of-District goc 1'7, in the acquisition of certain
land in Block 16 ands e Old Nil1 Tract, and. that an appra&&al
nould be e8vlsable~ moved that Jllr Paul Brotw, be chosen
and delegated to act for and on behalf of the Village Council
in determining the faZr and reasonable value of sny such land
which might be acquired and. to serve wiLh the appraiser for
the School Board of District #17 and- the third- appraiser whom
both of theqwould sefecf, notion seconded by Noom and carried.
The hour .b'befng .late and upon the euggestion of the Village Attorney, it vias moved Noor$, that this meting stand adjourned
to meet again at the call of the President of the Council,
seconded by Blackkuxn and duly declared carried ot 12.38 A.N9. *-
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