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Xinutes of the adjourned July 27, 1936,
meeting of the Council of the Village of &%ha, hold at the home of President Sharpe -
4612 Zigebrook l?Jac&, at 8 PId on July 31, 1936,
The meeting ims called to order by President Slzarpe, the roll
was called ail all members of the Council vere present as yell
as Village Attorney George 77. Strong.
The President stated the meeting had been called to duly consider in the interest of the public, the proposition of vacating a part -,- of Bridge Street, as heretofore presented to the Council by get- ithon signed by more than 500 cktizens md nearby residents,
After a ha19 hour discusaion of the whole matter, Trustee Blsck- 'burn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Y!ha'c that part 6f Bridge Stre&, in the Vflla,ae of %in&, which lies msterly of the Ejasterly line of Arden Avenue in the Country Club District, Fairway Section, according to the plait thereof on Pile and of record in the office
of the Register of Deede of Hennepin County, EinneBo'ba,
be hereby vacafodIt,
The motion I~EJ duly seconded by Trustee Prescott, the vote was upon the adoption of the resolution, wherein Trustees Blackburn and Prescott voted fn favor of adopting the resolution and Trustee 77118on, Recorder Noore and President Sharpe voted rrNorl and so the ~llotion ~ms declared duly 30s.t;.
After further discussion of the mhole proposition to vacate a
part of Bridge Sfreet, a8 petitioned, Truatee Blackburn offered
the folloning resolution and moved its adoption:
rlIG aTpearing to said:Councfl W,b& for th8 interest of-tlp
publfc BO t~ do,
Bi2 IT RZ!3OLVBI that that part of Bridge Street Frhich lies msterly of a line drawn twenty feet Veaterly from and
parallel to the @,sterly line of sal6 Bridge Street, Fair-
my Section, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepfn County, Uinnesota, ke and the same hereby is vaca%c'docl
The motion rms duly seconded by Truefoe Prescstt, %he vote rae
upon the adoption of the reaolutfon vherein Trustees Blackburn and Prescott and Recorder Uoore, voted !?Ayen. to adopt the resolution and Trustee Yillson voted (tno11, and so the resolution
. TELS doclarod duly adoptedo
Village Fec order
The Frssfden'c suggested that the Village Recorder mite Er H. Zs
Burr, Administrator for tbe Bird Beate, advising him of zction by the Council of formally accepeing hie Benative plat of the
S'Baird 40", subJect to coupliance of suggestions by George
H. Herrold, Village Zoning Advisor, including especially enlarging
She area of the two turn-arounds and the imed%a%e location of a standard vidth street affording acco~c to the property of Er Eck3-11~d and. %hat before the Council can officially zccep-i: hie plat that it will be necessary for Ilr Burr to furnish a complete plat conforming
with all statutory requirements.
No fux-ther business to come- before %%is mo'eting, it was moved Preacett, that this meting stand Etdjowned tQ meet
again at the call of the President of the Council, seconded
VJi J. 1 son and carried.
Village Recorder