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Xinutes of the regular meeting the Council of the Village of RAina, held fn-Grange Hall on August
10, 1936, at 8 PK
The medting vas called to order by the President, the roll called and a11 members of the Counbrll were present,
Efinutes-of the regular meeting of the Council held on July
22, 1936, 17ere reado On motion &eEtcOLt, they be approved as read, seconded by Blackburn and carried,
Xinutes of the adjoPnd meeting of the Council held 5n JuZy
31, 1936, were read.. On motion Blackburn, they be approved
as read, seconded by I'Jillson and carried.
XIessrs Peterson and Flack appeared before the Council desiring;
to learn what Betion had- been taken tornard Xerxes Avenue being
oil& between 56th. and 60th. Streets and vas advised that rrhzle the matter had been delayed
worked out before the next meeting of the Gounoil.
hoped some plan could be
Ele C. Ruby, appeared before the Council with plans for a private dvelling he vished to build on the North-Vest corner of the Bird proper@ South of Sunrlyshde Road. ation of the plans and the location of the house on the land, it vas moved Blackburn, thae 'building permit be issued to 3.k Fo C. Ruky, to bufld a private dwelling an the 100 x 300 ft. plot of land lying 50 feet &st of the &et line of the Country Cluk District and South of Sunwsfde5load, to be set back 26 ft.
or nore from nearest point of house to Sunnyside Soad lot line, motion vas seconded by Willson and carried, It vas understoodl betmen the Council and pbr Ruby, that the garage doors mould
be kept closed.
Eessrs Campbell and Johnson, in appearing before the Council requested that a license be issued for the premises formerly occupied Xy %he CountTy Club Garage, being the F":est half ef Let 47, Audi'Cor!s Subdmo 172, in which 3.2 beer vrou&fbe sold and vhere a space nould be reserved for public adancing. During the discussion four members of the Council expressed themselves as oppossed to public dancing being ]?emitted and the meeting further advised by the Recorder that sych 170U1d be a direct violation of Village Ordinance. burn moved, %ha% the matter be taken under advisement for future consideration, swmled by PrescQtt and carried,
After exmin-
Trustee Black-
Xessrw, Garvey, Strand Vest 62nd. Street 'be oiled. referred to the Road & Bridge Comitteodor report at next meeting of the Councf3.e
The Road and Village bill8 upon being duly exaslined and found comect, were on motion Prescett, they be allowed and ordered
paid, seconded ly t7jbllson and carr$sde mey are as follorts
Comera, Haog and Iveo, requested that M$sr dirjcussion the matter vas
ar3 C. Sharpe
Ben B6 I~OBTQ.
C. I?. Prescott
George A. Tillson Le R, Blackburn
Dr Lorn13 Eo Campbell
Ro J. Johnson
S. J, Roberta
P, Dahlgren Le Stolzmn
John Tracy John Tracy
J SnaveXy
Orest Spande
J 0 J .f)Uggan
V. Srd. th
Pa AoRedpath
To Bo Tilw
% S. Heydt Hennepin County Velfare Bd
Federal Land Ihnk of St Paul
President Treaauller Reo order
Roalth Officer
Street Cam.
Utility tmn Tractor operator
Asst Rd Foreman
Labor with team
Park Labor
Village Earshall
Police Officer
June Relief H.V.Haeg Tit-of-~~ay
It 0 II
11 #I
ft 11
ri if
The ~~scell&~~ouS;biIls.:upgn %&l&g duly examined and found correct, vere on mot%on \?'Ellson. they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded
by Blackburn and carriid. -
Ninneapolis G. 3. Cornpaqy Rural Hennepfn County Welfare Bd,
5. D. Adam Ccmpaw assignment
mina Garage, Inc
of 5 , W. Craig C sripany
Juatus Lwber Company
Chas. Miller eC Son Burlingme & Hitchcock J.D.Adams Company
A~QX Creightsn
TKLler Davis Co C.A.Lindquist
5. Jasperson Plinnesota Tree Service Glacier Sand & Gravel Co Country Club Floral CO
City of Minneagolfa Hennepin County Review Mina Hardware League Blrinn. Nunicipalitfea
Gf. I?. Garvey E. W. Harris Hayden Xotor Cornpaw
Nmy Beivberg Ninnehaha Grange $598
- < are as followgl
Felly. $467.46
Nay & June relief 917.97
Road 032 1 ,937. 20
for Ray & June.. 40.92
bridge etc 96.52
Hardware c% repairs 1.30 Vater Softenin Report 75.00
Polie-f! car service
Lwaber , Unrrehaha Creek -
Grader repairs ? less cr) 40.72
1936 Assessnent of Real, Personal & &&C, 179 dws 895.00
874 yds Road gravel Q7fl 61.18 Tree Service for Park Bd 108.38 Cement & Rock 28.05 Plowers for Parks 5.56 Fire Dcpt Service 7 31 35.24 Pu33&iJhgd notice 7 2 40 50 13.28 Hardware & supplies
3Jmber dues .to 8/33/37 60.80 Hardware & al;rppiies 14.00 Gas &. si9 113.40 Cash net new police car 375.00
1/2 year rent range 1.1
Off ice supplies 2. 25 Blackmi thing 14.85
1/2 year rent tool H. 37 50
and agl. USC?[J - 48,PO
XiEIC1 35,383.59
Trustee Blackburn present application for building pernit by B-.- A. GQ~Lz~, to build 8, private dwelling on Lot 10 , Block 11, ,
4619 EIoorland Avenue , accompanied. by the @25.00 Clean-up deposit
and $Ea00 building permit fee and moved the application be granted, seconded by Moore and carried. private
Tru.stee Villaon pyeaented applications for &&1lhg Permits by
Block 6, South Harrfrt Park, - C.K.&os-Lot 11, Block 6, South Harriet Park, - C.K.Eros Lot 17, Block 6, South Park - hy
Alex. Borre for private g;arage on Lot 37, Block: 1, Warden Acrela by-Leo Seroschein for chicBen coup on Lo7 1, Block 8 , IJormandale
rE30J" €yan Afkm~e-)*'.afid moved permits be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried, It being understood with. reference to
the permit for C,K. ma, Lot 11, Block 6, South Hariet Park, that an appropki&&eFntrance on the R.B*Cove house will be built on Oakland Avenue side and to conform with the other buildings adjoining on the North. Recorder to advise architects.
Trustee Blackburn presented Pire , Theft and toranado insurance
policy #85093, dasued by Dixie Pire fns. Corapaw on new Police car togalher with premium bill in motinti $10.68 and moved the policy Be accepted and premim bill allowed, aeconded by Villssn and carried,
L, Jolimsn, Lot 18, Bl~ck: 3, Yafrfax, - Car CL son 8 Sons--Lot 4,
No further business to come before the Council, motion to
adjourn carried at 11.30 PM
1 Village Renordsr