HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360824_REGULAR186 3E.nutes of the regular me'eting of the Col;cl?cil of the Village *of Edim, held in Grange Has2 on August 249 19369- at 8 PU, " + s/ The meeting vas called to order by the President, %he roll called -+ and- all members of the Crzuncil vere present,, -3,Enutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on August IOp Orrr motion Blackburn they be agpro-md as reado *seconded by Prescott and carried,, >&fr V, Eo Smith, vho had been serving under the local State ';'leed Inspector as Village Deputy t7eed Inspector, nas present an$ hre- sen-&d a very EbmpreIierasive and detailed mrit.f;en report for the * season thus far -fir C, D, Bilkinson, reported that a legal descripkioa dividi-g - Block 16, between the School District and Village was a017 completed *and requested the matter be submitted to the voters thereof at ,the first opportunity, .Xessrs Xnapp, Stieae and Louis, constituting the personel of the +Park Board, vere present and discussed mutual problems confrorating . bath the Park Board and the Village vherein all vere for continued . :The Village and Raad bills togather with bill from Gearge Joasen .in moupt 349,OO for relaykrrg public sidena3.k damaged by the City of Ximeapolfs in layins the 48" water main in and along the' West +side of Brmce Aveaue at 4930 France Avenue and bill of Eo Eo Smd- qvlist in amount $3,50 for making frame for map shorling %rea in *Edih protected and served by the Ellinrreapolis Fire Departmen% and the installing of same in fire station #28 at %st 43rd Street and Upton Avenue9 vere upon beiag duly. examined and found cclrrect, vere bp motion Prescott be allov?ed and ordered. paid, secomded by Trnstee BEackburrr and car*ied, The matter of taking care of the-costs involwed in sidevrslk repairs was discussed by the Counrcil, Thereupon Trustee Blackburn maved that begining %s of January 1, 1937, the Virlage of,Edina use %he she system as is enpfoyed byathe City of firmespolis and assess the cost crf all' sideaglk vork ;.,nd/cir repairs-against the dmtting property, motion seconded by Tz1%son and carried, The resigktion of*RaEph J, Jo~so~, &s Street Commissioner, was read as of AugusG 31, 1938, It was thereupon moved B2.ack3mraa3 that the resignation 'Ere accepted, seconded by *J?rescsP;t and carriedo The application of He J, &u%sen, for the position af Stre& Com- missictner, mas next read,, After discussion it vas moved by. Prescott, thzt E, J, Knutsen, be appointed Street Gomissioner beginning as of September 1, 19369 8% a salary of $14Oo0O per month, mation seconded by &are and carried mithouZI dissenting vokeo The matter of Road Oiling was next discussed by the Comcfl \&ere- upan it vas mcme6 by Blackburn that begining as of January Xs 19369 the cost for road oiling of streets, be assessad against the abutting property and that both posted and published notice he given that any residents desiring the oiling of s-itreets 'in 1937, present petition therefor to the Village Comcil and arrange for the payment thereof . prior to September 21, 1936$ as road oiling will no longer be paid out of General Bunds of the Village but assessed against the benefited praperty, motion secomded by Willson and duly declared carried, 1936, were readp - co-operation in all things, I* - .. The nzatter of the work contemplated in the WA prosect for the grad- ing and othervise improving of the Village oaned tract af land along the Vest side af P,B@nehaha Creek betaeen 52nd axtd 54th Streets, vas presented amd explained ta the Cowlcifi by Recorder Xoore, who advised it. aauld be necessary its a part af the Sponsor's contribution,lo have 3. plan..prepa&ked for same to shan the kind and nature of the nark to he done and vrffich met with the approval of the Council 187 Application in form for building permits kty Elizabeth EJL. Anderson f to build a private dwelling and detached garage on Lot 15, Brook- side Terrace, was on Paation Prescott that permits be granted, seconided 'lay dillson and carried, (2 permits) Application in form %air buiPding permit by haJnk c= Ruby, to miEd a private dwellfng OB that part of Lot-12, AUdi-kOP'3 Stlbdivksion 1720 Sonth of Sunnyside Road, byimg 50 feet East of the Ylest line of Lot 12, size 233 feet by 100 feet by 299.1 by $39,2 according to plat on file and of record in the office of the R$gfster of Deed in and for Eennepin Cmnty, was cm mwtia~ Bl.acl.;bura Be gran-bed, seconded by 2rcscstP; and carried, deposit accompanied the application, The $l,OO fee and ~25~00 CLoani up .& EerriBI Eutckrinscm, appeared befors the Council with legal plat by Egan, Pield & Essaak, of ;the RoZling Green SnbdivisiQn and con- tzkntirig approximately 115 acres, After exmination and discussllool it was mosed by Moore, that the legal plat of the Rolling Green Subdivision lying between the EbTortl.1 Village Ifnn%Gs and Interlaken Road and East of the IntsrPscken CXubS, comprisiag abaut 1x5 acres of the Old Schultz Barm sftuctte in the Xsrth one half (N$) of Sec$ion 2g9 Tswnship 417 North9 Range 21 %est of %he Fifth Prin- cipal Earidian, as descrfbed fully on plat fixed nitlz the Recorderp be accepted grid approved,p and the-Prpidafii;% and. Reecxrcter Be author- ized and empowered to sign on behalf of the CaamiE, seconded by Bksckburn and carried e -. ~o'further basiniss tb corne beifare this meeting, it =as moved Noore th*e meeting adjaum subject to the call. of the President, seconded by. Blaclcbum and carried , -