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Seation 2. Purpbe8+ !%e purpoee sf th%s eode is to esta'k>Zi~h certain mfnirnron standards and rsquiremente for safe md etable
ing8 and/or 8truOtUre:a hereafter erected * canstructled * enhrged, altered, repaireb, mvedl, cronvertad to other yaoa os demolished /.. and to raguf.&te the equfpmsnt, rrcaintenace wd occrupancy of all building8 andlor atrw:fures witbin the limits of -%fie Village of Il#fm, for the purpesje of propting and ssfegusrding the Public Hsaltb 8 Safety 8 Convenieno'e 8 Prosgerfety and General
WeXfaSe in said Village and for the protection of property. from fire; and prescribing the pmra snb duties of the Buflding Inspec two
' design, me$hOdS "of QWlSt33WtfQn and Ude8 Of mteria38 build-
I me provisions 04 the Code aha11 be deemed to 8uppUxent aw
and als. state laws of the State of Rinnesota relatfng to
SeGfion 3. Scope. ITew %ufldings &ndl/cw sfrtxattlrea hereafter
erected fn the Village of Bdina, Zdfnneaota, fq38thGP witb trcculta e sreaa, alley or s%~eet enosoacfimente sha1Z oonform to afl requirements of thia Code*
Additions, alterations and repairs in all buildings ahall c0nrpf;Y witb %he requirementier specified in this Code.
SECTION 4. Application to Existing Buildings. The following spec-
ified requirements shall apply toexisting buildings which do not con- form to the requirements of this Code for nev bulldings:
If alterat ions and/or repairs in excess of fifty (50) per cent of the sound value of an existing build- ing are required in an existing building or made to such existing build- ing at any one time within a period of twelve months, the entire build- ing shall be made to conform with the requirements of' this Code, for new buildings or shall be entirely demolished,
(b) Changed Use. If the existing use or occupancy of an existing building is changed to a use or occupancy which nould not be permitted in a similar building hereafter erected, the entire building shall be made
to conform with %he requirements given herein for nem buildings; provided, however, thatif the use or occupancy of only a portion or portions of an existing building is changed and such portion or portions are segrecated
as specified in 'chis Code then only such portion or portions of the build- ing need be made to comply with said requirements. (e) Additions, piny existing building not regulated by the preceding paragraphs (a) and fb) which has its floor area or its number of stories or height increased, or its use of occupancy changed in any vay from its former or existing use or occupancy, shall be provided rrith stairways, emergency exits and fire protection facilities as specified in
this Code for buildings hereafter erected for similar use or occupancye (a) Minor ALtera%ions and Repairs. Every alteration or repair to any structural part or portion of an existing building shall, when deemed necessary in the opinion of' the Building Inspector, be made to conform to
the requirements of this Code for nev buildings. Ninor alterations, repairs and changes not covered by the preceding paragraphs
fb) and (c) may be made with the same materials of which the building is constructed: provided, that not more than twenty-five (25) per cent of the roof covering of' any building shall be replaced in any period of trrelve (12) months unless the entire roof covering is made to conform nith the requirements of this Code for new buildings.
Na jor Alterations and Repairs.
(a) and
SECTION 5. Maintenance. The requirements contained in this Code
All buildings and/or covering the maintenance of buildings shall apply to all buildlngs and/ or structures now existing or hereafter erected. structures and a11 parts thereof shall be maintained in a safe condition,
and all devices or safeguards which are required by this Code at the time
OF erection, alteration or repair of any building shall be maintained in good working order,
maintenance of any existing device or safeguard unless authorized in writing by the Building Inspector,
This section shall not be construed as permitting the removal or non-
SZCTIOB 6, Application for Permit.--It shall be unlawful to erect or construct any building or structure, or add to, enlarge, move, im- prove, repair, alter, convert, extend or demolish any building or struc- ture or cause the same to be done, or to install as a part of any build- ing or structure, an elevator, fire escape, plumbing, gas fitting, aFs conditioning, electric miring or heaSing or heat producing appliance or similar, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Building Inspector, Any person desiring a permit as required by this Code shall file with the Building Inspector an application therefor in Filriting on a blank
form to be furnished for that purpose. Every such application for a permit shall describe the land upon
which the proposed building or Fork is to be done, either by lots, block and/or tract, or similar description that will readily identify the site and definitely locate the proposed building or work. The Building In-
spector may at his option require a survey of the lot upon which the
proposed building or work is to be done which survey shall be prepared
and attested by a registered surveyor; and survey shall indicate the dinensions of the property, and shall definitely establish the location
02 all buildings on the property, if any, and of' all lot lines by means
of iron monuments firmly embedded in the ground, or othermise as the
Building Inspector may require,
Xvery such application shall show the proposed use or occupancy of all parts of' the building and such other reasonable information as may
be required by the Building Inspector.
Copies of plans and specifications and a plot plan by a registered surveyor showing the location of the proposed building and the locations and dimensions of every existing building vhich is to remain thereon,
sh@l accompany every application for a permit and shall be filed in duplicate nith the Building Inspector; provided, however, that the
Building Inspector may authorize the issuance of a permit without plans, specifications, or plot .plan for small or unimportant vork or for vork
Fahere plans, specifications and/or lot plan are obviously unnecessary,
Plans shall be dravn to scgle upon substantial paper or cloth, or they may be blue prints or other prints, and the essential parts shall
be dravn to a scale of not less than one-eighth 11/81 inch to one foot, excepting the lot plan.
Plans and specifications shall be sufficient in number and suf- ficiently clear to illustrate the nature and character of the nork proposed and to show that the law nil1 be complied nith, Xngineering and other data necessary to show conformity to the provisions of this Code shall accompany the plans and specifications vhen so required by the Building Inspector.
Any specifications in vhich general expressions are used to the effect that Work shall be done in accordance vith the Building Codew or "to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector" shall be deemed imperfect and incomplete and every reference to this Code shall be to the section or sub-section applicable to the material to be used or to the methods of construction proposed,
All plzns shall bear the name of the onner, architect, structural engineer ordesigner,
Xothing in this Section shall prohibit the filing of menhents to 8n application or to a plan or other record accompanying the appli- cation at any time before the completion of the rrark for nhich the
permit was sought. Such amendments, after approval, shall be filed uith and be deemed a part of the original application, ad fees for P such amendments shall be required upon the same basis as for the or-
iginal pemit e
SECTION 7, Pernits, The application, plans and specifications , filed by an applicant for a permit shall be checked by the Building Inspector and if found to be in conformity nith the requirements of
this Code, the zoning ordinance of Edina, and a11 other laws and/or ordinances applicable thereto, the Building Inspector shall, upon ' receipt of the required fee, issue a permit therefor, vithin a reason-
able time, together vith a suitable card shoving that pernit has been
issued, to be placed in evidence on the property. Uhen the Building Inspector issues the permit he shall endorse in rrriting or stamp both sets of plans and specifications ltApproved.tt One such approved set of' plans and specifications shall be retained
by the Building Inspector as a public record, and one such approved set
of plans and specifications shall be returned to the applicant, rrhich
set shall be kept on such building or Fork at all times during ahicht
the vork authorized thereby is in progress and shall be open to in- spection by public officials.
fied or altered nithout authorization from the Building Inspector, and
all nork shall be done in accordance therevith,
Inspector Prom approving and issuing a permit for the construction of
part of a buildinc or structure, if adequate plans and detailed state-
ments haye been presented for the same and have been found to conBly
with the requirements of this Code.
SECTIOlir 8, Permit Required, No vall, structure, building or part
thereof, shall hereafter be built, enlarged, or altered until a plan of
the proposed vork, together vith a statement of the material 30 be used
shall have been submitted to the building inspector, vho shall issue a *
permit for %he proposed construction if in accordance nith the provision
herein contained,
uith this ordinance, shall be removed,
the builciing inspector; and he shall not issue such permit if in his
judgment the proposed nev location of the buildiq r~ould seriously in- crease the fire hazard of the surrounding buildings. Under no conditions shall any buildin2 be started until formal application has been made to the Building Inspector, or in his ab-
sence any member of the Village Council at least forty-eight (48) hours before vork is contemplated to be started, and permit duly granted.
All permits issued shall expire ninety (90) days after the date thereof,
unless the work contemplated and authorized thereby is in actual progress,
all fees to be forfeited, I
shall pay to the Village of Edina as fees for the expense of inspection and examination of the builfiing, plans and sgecifications a,minimm fee of $5.00 for construction costing less than :j5,000.00, and :;l.OO per
1,000 cubic feet of cubical contents over and above the first 5,000 cubic
Such approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modi-
Eothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent the Building
Structures hereafter erected nithout permi'c, or not in conformity
170 building shall be moved until a pernit has been obtained from
SECTION 9, Fees. The applicant fos a building pernit hereunder
/ feet based on the outside measurements of first and second floors only, omitting basements, garage, third floors and porches. The above applies to private dvellings used exclusively as the home or residence of not more than tuo separate or distinct families, For all mercantile, in- dustrial and other buildings, fees mill be as follons: $2.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof in hprovements.
may be collected at the discretion of the Euilding Inspector, which m2.L
be refunded all or in part when improvements are completed and all rubbish and unsightly material removed. For alterations, additions and minor
improvements costing less than $500.00, a minimum fee ob $2.00 will be charged.
SECTION 10, Roofs. Roofs of a11 dwellings and all builciinGs not exceeding three stories or thirty-five feet in height, or 3,500 square feet in area, and not used for factories, warehouses or mercantile pur- poses, may be covered with composition shingles or ready roofings of a
grade ranking not loner than Underwriters' Laboratories Class C, or
with approved built up roofing, or with vertical or edgeerain wood shingles, or asbestos or slate. Composition shineles or ready roofinc
shall be laid so that there is not less than two thicknesses at any point, Approved rolled roofing if and mhenused, to be laid in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The thickness of five mood shingles measured at the butt shall be not less than two inches (American Lumber Standard); the maximum exposure of Food shingles to the veather shall be:
k $25,00 clean-up deposit
On roofs ) 16 inch shingles 5 IT greater than ) 18 inch shingles 5p one-third) 24 inch shingles 7@ pitch )
On roofs )
with less ) than one- ) 16 inch sBingfes 4'*
third pitch ) 18 inch shingles 4$P but not less) 24 inch shingles 6p than one- )
quarter 1
Roofs of all other buildings shall be covered with hard incombustible materials of standard quality, such as brick, concrete, tile, slate, metal or asbestos cement shingles or built up roofing aith gravel, slag or oth- er incombustile surface or other roofings of like grade ranking not lower
than Underwriters' Laboratories Class B. A double thickness layer of ap- proved felt i-reighing not less than thirty (30) pounds pes placed between metal roofing and roof deck.
corodible and rust-resistive nails or materials according to standard
square shall be
A11 roof coverings shall be firmly secured to the roof deck with non-
SECTION 11, Repairing Buildings, Any existing frame building uhich may hereafter be damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to an amount greater
than one-half of its present value, exclusive of the foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed. Any other building nhich, due to age, deterioration, Tire or any other cause, becomas so unsafe as to endanger the public or its occupants in any manner,or other structure, shall not be rebuilt or repaired unless the building inspector
in his judgment thinks it can be done so as to become safe for further
occupancy. Then any such condition of any building is called to the at- tention of the building inspector, he shall affix a notice of this dan- cerous condition thereto which notice shall not be removed until -the condition is remedied. violation of this ordinance.
Removal of any such notice shall constitute a
SECTION 12. Limits of Height and Area. Except as specified in See-
and no building hereafter erected
tion 13, no building hereafter erected within the corporate limits hav- ing walls of hollow building tile or concrete blocks, shall exceed three
storles, or forty (40) feet in height; or altered shall exceed four stories, or fifty-five (55) feet in height,
unless it be of fireproof construction.
not exceed the folloning: When fronting on one street 5,000 square feet; rrhen fronting on two streets 6,,000 square feet; andmhenfronting on three
streets 7,500 square feet. following conditiolls as indicated: For non-fireproof buildings, fully equipped with approved auto-
For fireproof buildings, 50% For fireproof buildings, fully equipped with automatic sprinklers,
The floor area between Tire malls of non-fireproof buildings shall
These area limits may be increased under the
matic sprinklers, 66 2/3$ fl
Provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be understood to permit the construction of any building of a greater height than is permitted
in the district where it is to be located, for buildings of that char- acter under the zoning ordinance of Edina.
ed or altered shall exceed tno stories or thirty (30) feet in height except that private dnellings may be three stories, or forty (40) feet
grain elevators, coal elevators and pockets, ice houses, and exhibi- tion buildings, shall cover a ground area exceeding the folloving: One story building, 7,500 square feet; tvo story building, 5,000 square feet.
Buildings nith wooden Srmemork clad with sheet metal or stucco of veneered rrith brick, shall be classed as frame buildings. ',"hen any building is to be erected OS brick, stone, hollon block, or concretes, that could unicer this ordinance be constructed of nood,
the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to allon
reasonable nodifications of the ordinance relating to brick buildings, in consideration of the use of incombustible material instead of rrood, Such modifications, hove~er, shall not permit variations from the requirements of Section 17, 22 -and 26 of this ordinance.
SECTIOR 13. Frame Buildings . No frame buildings hereafter erect-
No frame building hereafter erected for any occupancy other than
SECTICIR 14. 7alls. All exterior or division nalls of buildings hereafter erected of masonry or concrete shall be of sufficient thick- ness to support safely the load to be carried.
Solid masonry exterior walls of dvellings not exceeding thirty (30) feet in height, exclusive of gable, and occupied by not more than tvo fmilies, may be not less than eight (8) inches thick, and shall include cellar and basernent nalls if built the sane thickness. The unsupported . length of such nalls shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet, Solid concrete rralls of dmellings shall have an aggregate thickness not less than six (6) inches. If masonry ~~alls are built hollow or are
constructed of hollow clay or concrete units, the allowable height of the eight-inch portion shall be limited to twenty (201 feet and the remaining loser portion shall be at least ten (LO) inches thick,
For dwellings over thirty (30) feet high, but not exceeding forty
(40) feet in heieht, the exterior masonry walls may be eight (8) inches thick for the upperuost tnenty (20) feet and shall be at least tnelve
(12) inches thick for the reaaining lover portion. Solid party and
division walls of drrellings shall be not less than eight (8) inches thick for the uppernost twenty (20) feet and shall be at least trrelve
(12) inches for the remaining lover portion. Such pasty and division rralls, if hollow, or if built of holloa clay or concrete units, shall be not less than twelve (12) inches thick. A11 the rralls of buildings of the drrelling house class of ordinary construction exceeding forty (40) feet in height shall be solid. The
upper three stories shall be not less than trrelve (12) inches thick, increasing four (4) inches in thickness for the story belov, No three- story increment shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height,
fialls in skeleton construction shall be supported by girders at each story, and shall be not less than eiGht (8) inches thick, except
that solid concrete may be eight (8) inches thick, In all brlilaings, except dvellings, frame buildings, and skeleton construetion party walls and fire malls mhich serve as bearing rralls on both sides, shall be not less than sixteen (16) inches thick in the
upper two stories or upper thirty (30) feet, increasing four (4) inches in thickness for each two stories or fraction thereof below. -4.11 other fire valls shall be not less than sixteen (16) inches thick in the upper four stories or upper fifty (50) feet, increasing four (4) inches in thickness for each tiyo stories or fraction thereof below. No t-rro-story increment shall exceed thirty (30) feet in height. Reinforced concrete valls, vith the steel reinforcement running both horizontally and vertically, and weighing not less than one-half pound per square foot of vall, may have a thickness four inches less than prescribed for brick nalls, but in no case less than six (6)
inches. Rubble stone nalls shall be four (4) inches thicker than required for brick malls. The foundation rralls of all buildings over two stories in height, except as above provided, shall be four (4) inches thicker from foot-
ing to grade than required Tor the remainder of the wall.
All exterior, and division or party walls over one story high,
shall extend the full thickness of top story to at least tmo (2) feet
above the roof surfacing of a building as a parapet and be properly
coped with stone, brick, metal or other material vhich ail1 resist the
neather and corrosion, excepting valls, which face on a street and are finished with incombustible cornices, gutters, or crown r;liouldings; excepting also the walls of detached dwellings uith peaked or hipped
roofs. The parapet valls of Warehouses arid a11 manufacturing or
commercial buildings shall extend three (3) feet above the roof. Tire valls shall be continuous from foundation to three (3) feet
above roof level and shall be coped. Brick or concrete walls of buildings which under this ordinance
could be of wood, may have a minimum of thickness of eight (8)
inches. Such malls shall not exceed $570 stories or thirty (30) feet
in height, exclusive of gable, nor shall they exceed thirty-five (35)
feet in length unless properly braced by cross walls, piers, or buttresses.
IJo nall built of concrete blocks or structural clay tile shall have a height between horizontal lateral supports of more than fifteen (15) times Zts thiokness. Brick or other solid units shall not have a height betveen horizontal lateral supports of more than twenty-tvo (22) times
its thickness. The allowable working stress on all masonry construction shall not exceed one-tenth of its ultimate strength.
All valls and partitions in schools, hospitals and places of public assemblage, over one story high, and all valls and partitions in theatres,
shall hereafter be built of brick, stone, concrete, hollow or solid con- crete blocks, or metal lath, and Portland cement plaster on metal studd-
ing, or other equivalent incombustible construetion. The mortar used for all eight-inch malls, fire nall, foundation
walls, nalls for skeleton construction, and all galls built of hollom building tile or concrete blocks, shall be either Portland cement mortar,
Fortland cement, one pzrt lime, and not more than six parts sand by volume
SECTIOE 15. Protection of Ends of Vooden Beams. The ends of all
floor, ceiling or roof beams, entering a party of fire wall Prom oppo-
site sides, shall be separated by at least six (6) inches of solid mason-
ry. Such separation may be obtained by corbeling the wall, or staggering the beams, or the beams may be supported by steel wall hangers, but no wall shall be corbeled more than two (2) inches for this purpose. The ends of a11 mooded beams vhich enter the walls shall be out to a bevel
to make tham self-releasingr
The opening in a party
or fire wall shall have a standard automatic approved fire door on each side of the vall. If an opening in a fire wall is made to serve as an emergency exit, it shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet in
area and a self-closing fire door swinging out shall be substituted
for one of the automatic fire doors, The total openings in a fire wall
shall not exceed twenty-five per cent (25$f of' the length of the vall, Every building, except churches dr;ellinf;s, tenement houses, dormi- tories and lodging houses, shall have standard fire doors, shutters, or nired glass in incombustible frames and sash on every exterior opening above the first story, except when-fronting on a streee lot less than
fifty (50) feet wide, or where no other building is within thirty-five
(35) feet os such opening. The amall of a building in the sane plane as
that in which the opening is situated shall not be considered as coming within the intent of this rule. All openings in the side and rear walls of the first story, except shorn windows, shall be protected as prescribed
in this section when nithin fifty (50) feet of another building.
All exterior windows more than fifty (50) feet above the curb shall
have incombustible frames and sash glazed with aired glass. Occupants of buildings shall close exterior and interior fire doors,
shutters, and vinZlot7s at the close of business each day.
SECTION 17. Stairway and 3levator Shafts. In all buildings hereaf-
ter erected, except private dwellings, which are used above the first ?loor for business purposes or for public assemblages, or for any Furpose
uhatever if over two stories high, the stair shafts shall be sepapately and continuously enclosed by incombustible partitions, Elevator shafts
in all buildings hereafter erected shall be enclosed in the same manner.
The partitions shall be constructed of brick or other fire resistive material approved by the Building Inspector, No such partition shall be
less than fotLtr (4) inches thicke Except as he'rein stc.ted, the stair, elevator and hoistmay shafts in' all exis-Ling buildings over two stories high, in vhich considerable
numbers of people i~orl; or are liable to assemble, shall be separately enclosed by incombustible partitions as above specified; or the shafts
may be enclosed by. apr,roved hollov or solid partition blocks not less
than three (3) inches thick or by four-inch wood stud partitions, covered
SXCTIOM 16. Protection of Ball Openings,
on each side vith no% less than three-fourths inch of Portland. cement or gypsum plaster on metal lath, or by two-inch solid metal Path and Portland cement plaster partitions, The metal frameaork of such par- titions shall be securely fastened to both floor and Iletal
Lath used for such partitions shall be galvanized or enameled steel veighing not less than fifty-four (54) ounces per square yard. Tire
lath shall be no'i less than Eo. 20 guage, and sheet metal lath not less than Eo. 24 guage,
All such partitions erected in existing buildings shall be fire- stopped with incombustible material the full depth of the floor beams at each floor level.
All door openings in stair and elevator enclosures shall be pro-
tected by fire doors mounted vith wrought iron or steel har&ware, and
shall be securely attached to the Val1 or partition, or to substantial incombustible frames anchored thereto, If glass panels be used in such doors, they shall be of nired glass not exceeding 620 square inch-a
es in area. Interior shaft nindows shall not be permitted, Door opening into stairway shafts shall sving in the direction of exit travel, shall be self-closing and shall be at least thirty (30) inc- hes vide. The enclosure rralls for all elevator shafts shall extend at leakt
%Wee (3) feet above the roof, and at least three-fourths of the area
shall be covered mith skylight constructed as specified in Section 18,
fr" in the opinion of the Building Inspector it is necessary to preserve an open elevator or hoistnay in existing buildings, the floor openings vhfch they pass shall be equipped with automatically closing trap doors not less than one and one-half (l$-) inches thich, made of tvcr thickcesses of' matched boards, covered on the under side with tin;
the trap doors vhen closed, shall extend beyond the openings on all
sides, Such trap doors shall be protected by a substantial guard or
gate, vhich shall be kept closed at all times except vhen in actual uses
a stairway, elevator, or dumb-waiter shaft, extends through the roof and is covered by a skylight, the skylight shall be constructed with incom- bustible frame and sash, glazed sith ordinary thin glass, and shall be
protected by a galvanized steel wire screen with a mesh not exceeding one inch, and the nire not smaller than TJoi 12 guage. The screen shall have metal supports and be placed not less than eight (8) inches above the skylight. Instead of a skylight a vrindorr may be placed in the side
of the shaft above the roof which is furthest removed from a property line, The vindov shall have incombustible frame and sash, and be glazed
vith thin glass,
SECTION 19, Floor Light. Except in dwellings, a11 openings here- after made in floors for the transmission of light to floors beforr shaU -
be covered rri-bh glass set in metal frames and barso The glass shall be
not less than three-fourths (2) inch in thickness, and if any glass measures more than sixteen (16) inches square, Ghere shall be rigid rrire
mesh either in the glass or under it.
SECTION 18. Skylights over Stairway and Elevator Shafts. mere
SECTIOX 20, Light. Tent and Dumb-Waiter Shafts, In every build-
ing hereafter erected or altered, except frame buildings, all walls or partitions forming interior lL&t or vent shafts shall be built in accordance with the requirements for stair and elevator shafts in nerr buildings as specified in Section 17. except those in duellings rrhich extend only one story above the base-
ment or cellar, shall be of fire resistive construction, and shall be not less than three (3) inches thick if constructed of brick, hollos of solid partition block, or of steel or mood studding and metal lath
with three-fourths inch of Portland cement plaster on each side; or a trro-inch solid metal lath and Portland cement plaster vall may be per- mitted, if securely anchored at each floor and ceiling. method of construction shall be as specified in Section 17 for s-kair ana elevator shafts in existing buildings, There a dumb-rraiter shaf% does not extend through the roof, the top of the shaft shall be of fire-resistive construction of the same thickness as the salls of the shaft, A11 openings in diimb waiter or other shafts shall be protected by fire-doors mounted in incombustible franes securely anchored to the malls. The walls of' allllght and vent shafts hereafter erected shall extend not less than three (3) feet above the roof level, except when
a shaft is covered by an incombustible ventilating skylight the walls need not extend nore than two (2) feet above the roof. lilasonry walls
The walls of dumb-waiter shafts,
The material and
shall be properly coped, Then metal louvers are used for ventilating purposes, the louvers or slats shall be riveted to the metal frame.
SECTION 21. Roof Openings. All openings in roofs for the ad- mission of light or air, other than those provided for in Section 18 and 20, shall have incombustible frames and sash glazed with aired glass; or ordinary glass may be used if protected above and below by galvanized steel wire screens with a mesh not exceeding one inch and the wire not sraaller thau No. 12 gauge. The top screen shall be in- dtalled as specified in Section 18.
SECTION 22. Exits Required. The term "floor area" as used in
In every builriing hereafter erected, except in private ds;rell.inp,
this section shall mean the entire floor space betmeen exterior malls and fire walls.
each floor a?ove the first shall be provided uLth at least two means
of egress reuote frora each other, one of which shall be an enclosed stairway as provided in Section 17, or a doorway in L fire s~all lead-
ing to another floor area separately provided with adequate stairs or other independent means or exit. Sw'? orwa way serving as an emercency exit in a fiye wall shall be protected by an automatic and self-
closing fire door as specified in Section 16. No portion of any floor area shall be more than 100 feet from plhce of egress. Elevators shall not be considered as a required mems of egress 8s specified in this section.
four (44) inches vide, and in all public buildings the total Tidth of exit doorways leading therefrom shall at least be equal to the total nidth of the s-tairways which they serve.
T1iP total nidth of stairmag, interior and exterior, provided for the occupancy of each lloor and those above, shall be not less than forth-four (44) inches for the first fifty (50) persons, and twelve
(12) inches for each additional fifty (50) persons to he accomiodated
thereby. The stair treads shall be not less than nine and one-half
(9:~) inches deep tlnd the risers not laore than seven and one-fowth
(7?7) inches high. 'indovrs in such reGuired stairnays are prohibited, ,very school, hospital ,?nd theatre, over one story high, shall have 2% lebst four (4) stairvmys constructed entirely of incombiistii'trle rmterial, located reriote fron each other an& continuous Irorn 1 rade
line to the topnost story*
of piblis assemblage, shall open outvard, and shall be suitably marked as exits and shall be liEhted at all times vhen such buildings are oc- cuDied, but no door shall open so as to obstruct any sidewalk,
after erected, all stud valls, partitions, furrings and spaces betmeen joists vhere they rest on Givision rmlls or partitions. shall be fire- stopped with incombustible material in a manner to conpletely cut off comunication by Fire through concealed spaces. Stair carriages shall
be fire-stopped at least once in the midSLle portion of each run.
SECT1021 Areanays, All arepays shall be Guarded tyith suitable railing. or be pro-Gected. by incombustible coverings or gratings. If GratinEs be used, they shall have a wire sereen of not more than one-
half (;-) inch mesh securely attached to the under side. Opw areavays
shall not project beyond the lot line.
SECTIOI? 25 . Chimneys for High Teaperature ApDliances The smoke flue of every high pressure stew boiler and every appliance produc- inG a corresponding temperature in a flue, if built of brick,stone, reinforced concrete or other a;pproved masonry, shall have valls not less than tvel-cre (12) inches thick, and the inside four (4) inches of such
17alls shall be fire brick, laid in Fire mortar, for a distmce of at
least thirty-five (35) feet from the point rvhere the smoke connection
of the boiler enters the flue.
similar a,nparatus, where large hot Tires are used, provided they have a clearance Prom all conibustible material of not less than one-half the diameter of the stack, but not less than fifteen (15) inches unless
the coriibustible material be properly Guarded by loose-fittinf metal shields, in rrhich case the distance shall be not less than tt-ielve (12) inches. ',Ihere such stack passes through a combustible roof, it shall be g:uarded by a galvanized iron ventilating thimble extending from at lease nine (9) inches below the under side of the ceiling or roof berms
to at least nine (9) inches above the roof. and the diameter of the
.n- Lxcept in dwellings, no required stairvay shall be less than forty-
All exit doors in schools. hospitals, theatres, cad other places
SECTIOIJ 23. Pire Stosst At each; floor level in all buildings here-
Lletal sxokestacks nay be permitted f or boilers, furnaces, cnd
ventilating thimble shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches greater than that of %he smokestaclc. JbIetal snokestacks shall not be pernitted Go pass through floors, (
SECTION 26. Chimneys for Low Temperature Appliances. The
malls of chktmeys used for stoves, ranges, fireplaces, heating furna-
ces or other heating appliances, nhether the fuel used be Good, coal. oil or ges, shall be built of brick,concrete,stone or hollora tile of such thickness and coustruction as is hereafter specified. A11 chim- neys. irrespective of vhich materials the nalls are built* shall be
lined -;:.ith fire clay flue lining or with fire brick, be made for the purpose9 and adaoted to ?.lithstand the texnperstwes
axtd the resultant gases from kurning fuel,
four (a) inches thick, exclusive of flue linings, i~ standad size brick laid flat-vise shall be deeued to fulfill this requirement
Tor brick. inehes thicker than required for corresponding brick chimegs, and
shall have Tlue linings the same as for brick chimneys. Hollor~ tile mag be used only ahere the chimney is part of an exterior tile aall.
The VallS of brick buildings, or of tile buildings not over three stories high, may form a part of the chirrmey, but the side rralls of
the chimney shall be securely banded into the malls of the building.
Eo walls less than trrelve (12) inches thick shall be used to support a corbeled chimeg. inches f'rom the face of the wall., and in all cases the corbeling shall consist of at least five courses of brick, No chhnney shall be corbeled fron a hollom tile mall. Chimneys shall be built upon concrete or masonry foundations properly proportioned to carry the veight imposed vithout danger of settlement or erackin6. Foundations
shall be zt least tirelve (12) inches vider than. the chinney on all sides,
Prost line. The frame buildings' chimeys shall alvays be built from
the ground up or rest upon basement -rtalls.
or be hung from vooden rafters. to wooden construction shalL not be used to support chimneys. Eo mooden beams, joists, or rafters shall be placed nithin two inches of the outside face of a chimney, vhether it be for smoke, air or for any other -urpose. of the back aall of any fire place, nooden joists z.nd beas shall be filled with loose cinders, loose mot= refuse, gypsm block or other porus incombustible naterial.
and ts~o (2). feet above the ridges of peaked roofs, End shal.1 be
I The lining shall
Solid brick or concrete chiuney walls shall be not less than
Stone and hollow tile chhneys shall 'be at least four (4)
Such corbeling shall not project more than six (6)
The foundation of an exterior chimney shall start belorr the
Chimneys shall not rest; upon vooden floors, beams or brackets. Iron brackets or stirrups attached
KO modwork shall be placed riithin four (4) inehes
ill. spaces betseen chimneys and
Chimneys shall be built at least three (3) feet above flat roofs,
* properly capped -2ith Lerracotta, stone, cast iron or other approved .
SECTIOZJ 27 Smoke pipes. No smoke pipes shall be ;;itkin twelve
(12) inches of any 1700di~ork, or any nooden lath tnd plbster parti- tion. or ceiling unless the surface above the pipe be protected by metal lath a.id plester. mere smoke pipes pass through a nooden lath and plaster prti- tion, they shall be Guarded by galvanized iron ventilated thiiibles at least ti7el7e (12) inches larger in diameter than the pipe,, or by galvanized iron thirobles built in ot least eight (8) inc'aes of brick
vork or other incanbustible niaterial.
KO smoke pipe sh~ll pass through my floor, or M roof having TJooaen frmenork or covering,
SCCTION 28, -<rg Rooms, Xo combustible material shall be Iter-
nitted in the Lonstruction OT any (&g room hcrearter erected, in xhich
a teaperatwe of 125 degrees Fahrenheit or ovCr may esist. perature under 125 degrees Fahrenheit is to be used the dry room~ag be mnstructed of ,:ood but it shall be lined throughout r;ith one-
eighth inch asbestos, covered cith sheet netal,
If vindovs are placed in the nalls or ceiling of d~y rooms, they
shall be or" rrired glass set in fixe& incombustible sash an, frame,
SECTIOU 29. 3afety in Design. A-1 pkrts of every building
shall be designed to safely carry the loatls to be imposed thereon,
and shall in 511 other respects conform to Good engineering practice
as determined by the Building Inspector. a quality equal to "cat which is customary for like v!orke
building or structure is found to be in a condit;ion dan, perous to
the occupants or to any other person or to adjacent property, or to
If a ten- I
All materials shall be of
s'SCTIOPT 90 , Correct ion of TJnsaf e Conditions , menever any
be unsafe For its intendell-use, the Building Inspector shall have authority to notify in xriting the oqner, .agent or person in charge
thhereof, requiring such changes or removal to be made as may be necessary to correct the condition described, and he shall state a time Unit for its c~rrection~ He may also place at the principal entrance of such
structure 8 notice stating that it is in a dangerous cozrdition and has
beon condemned by him; and it shall be unlawful for .any person to remove such notice without his written perriission, 11” the owner or person in charge of such building or structure’ when notfried, shall fail to plane the same in a safe condition or to
ridopt such emergency measures as shall have been directed within the time
sprcified, it shall be unl’anful’thereafter for any person, firm or cor- poration fo occupy or use said building or structure until it has been rendered safe e Thenever any building or structure is being constructed or demol-
ished in such manner as to endanger-life or proper~gi-~he-Eluilding Inspector nay order such mork discontimed, and it shall not be sumed until he is sa%isf&ed that adequate measures have been taken for re-
~araiy, 1
SZGTION 31. Duties of Building Inspector: Compensation. The
BuildLng Inspector shall be appointed by the C;>uncil annually in Jan- uary. $e shall be a man who is acquainted with builaing materials and the building industry and is hereby authqrized and empowered eo mako inspections; to enforce and igterpr9t this ordinance; to super-
vise the construction, demolition or moving of a11 structures; and to rsport iilonthly to the council on permits issued during the previous
raonth, and on all matters pertaining to building construction, He shall be compensated by fees. The fees to be paid to him shall be de- tcrmined by the council at the first meeting in January of each year.
All moneys collected for fees for building permits shall be paid into
the billago treasury as received. Once each month after auditing these fees thus -received, the council shall direct a warrant to be c3iravfn in favor of the said inspector covering the fe.es earned since
the last previous settlement, within the limits previously set by the counc 11 .
SECTIOE 32. Penalty for Violationss Any and all persons who aha11 violate any of the provisions of +his ordinance or fail to com- ply thmewith or vrho shall violate or fail to comply nith any order or regulation mEde thereunder, or who shall build in violation of‘ any
detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or perriit issued thereunder, shall se- vcraLly for each md every such violation and non-compliance respec- tivel37 be Guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be canfined not to exceed one hundred dollars f$lOO.OO) or imprisoned in ”cia county jail not to exceed ninety (90) days. The imposition OP one penalty for any violation of this ordinance shall not excuse the vio- lation, or perd.t it to continue; and all such persons shall be re- quired to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reason- able time; and when not otherwise specified, each ten days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense,
The eoplication of the penalty above shall not be held to prevent the enforeed reriioval or prohibited conditions as provided in Section
8 md 30 0% this ordinance
SECTIOE 530 Conflicting Ordinances Repealed. 811 ordinances or parts thereof in conlU.ct heremith are hereby repealed and modified insofar as such conflict cannot be reconciled; provided, that if there is any coizflict between this ordinance and nthe zoning ordinance of Edina,” this ordinance shall yield to the provisions of the zoning ordi- nance
SECTION 34, Separability. Each ad every part of this ordinance is declared to he separate and independent of every other part. Lf any part hereof‘ is declared unconstitutional by the courts of this state,
that fact shall not affect any other part,
BUiXdfn@ Code as su’b~nittsd and read, be duly adapted a8 the Building
Illhereupon it w&m moved Trustee Blackburn tba% €he proposed
Code of-the Village TruaEIZse Preacatt, OP Mina, the notion tciaaopt was The vote was upon the ’question
- seconded by of. the adoption
After dfacuaaion a8 to ole foes to be paid the Bujhldling Inspector it me moved Preecott, that bta%Lding inspeution fees for the period ending December 31, 1936, be set at 50 percent of %he
Truetee Villeon a;nb unaminousfy carr'fed.
After further.disculirsion it wras moved by Trlaatee WilZtson, thsL . W-Alex CrsS@ton 4613 Drexel Avenue Bdfna, Einneaofa, be appointed Building Xnspecrter in an4 for the Village of pdina, to eerve %he Balanae of the eneulng yeas or until hi8 BUCC~~~QT is dawajpoin- -_ tad, seoonded t;ly Blackburn and unaminawSy c8rrieb.
total 'bUiXding pernit fee OQl18Cted, mOfh'l 911&8 seconded 'Dy
No further business to come bsfore this neeting, it WBs mooed the meetgng ab#xrn, secwded kg Frescot?i and c&rried.
Village Recorder. J