HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360914_REGULAR188 7Iinutes of the Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Elina, held on September 14, 1936, in Graqe Hall at 8 PE* The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and a11 members of the Council vere found present except Trustee Presc ott. TIinutea-af the reeular meeting of the Council held on L4ugu~L 24, 1936, .;rere read. On motion they be approved as read by Trustee Blaclcburn, seconded ly Trustee Willson and carried. Xessrs Hagen and Bjornatad of Arden Avenue, appeared before the Council to protest againat 'the digging up of Sunnyside Avenue Parkvmy east of Arden Avenue, ky the Country Club District Service Company. It tms found that no permit to open up the street had been issued, bond filed or that the service company had any franchise to oj?erato outside the confines of the present Cuntry Club District. It was arranged for Trustee Blackburr? to h&ve a police officer stop the work and that President Sharpe would see I& Gaarden. The Eiscellmabus billa upon being duly examined and found correct, tvne on motion Blackburn, they be allorred and ordered paid, seconded by Villsan and carried. They are as follows IT- He Sundquist Frame and hanging for George Jensen Relaying Public siderrallc Eo ?7. Harris Gas & oil for Village purpose3 125.08 Harry 7. Smith CO Ambulance Dora 'Jolverton 5/10/36 6.00 Pire Dept. map fife. 28. $3. 50 4930 Prance Ave 49.00 '. Butts Agency Premium Dixie policy #SO93 10.68 League Uinn. Xunslcs. 1936 Minnesota Year Book 5eOO Thornson Zm'ber Co LUInbt3r 1.92 Borey's Xhell Sta. W. H, Ziegler Co Village 51% Louis Park WA project 2409, July E: Augu3.l; Oiling & Greasing truck Tractor supplies J. Jasperson 343 Ylrps Road gravel Q 70 24001 e IIennepin Co. Reviav Printing eC Pub. notice 15.55 C. A. Lindqulst Blacksmi thing 15.65 . Bwyd Garage, Inca Repair Dodge Truck 4.3 65 Jay 1.7- Craig Co Road oil 63.25 ilinneapolis G. 6. Co Xarch Street lighting 461.75 J, D. Adam Company Grader repairs 40.72 - T.Uler-Davi3 Co Office supplies 60 35 T?. I?. Garvey Kardfpro Q Road aupplies 29.95 27.00 H. P. &!bun Clean-up Refund 4500 Sunnyside 25.3 00 '7, A* TU~CWI It (1 4513 Casco 25.00 Dr R. F. Bickaon I1 '1 4639 Xigebrook 25* 00 Johns on - & 01s on 11 4630 Casco 25. OO Anton Duoos I I' 4609 Drexel 25000 Anton Duoos 11 ft 4400 Brormdale 25900 ' 25 a 00 "13. 0?4 * 28 Tiorris Trach It (1 4601 Drexel Total EIiscl The Road and Village bills upon being duly exmined and found correct, mre on motion 17i11~3on, they be approved and ordered paid, seconded by Blackburn and carried. Qmy are as folloim Emf. C. Sharp& Prenkdent September Jol'ln J. Duggan Tre ES s urer It Ben B. 1300rt3 Xec order If George A. I'lillson Trustee I1 L. Re Blackburn Trustee fl C. B. Prescott Trustee li Dr Lowell 73. Campbell Health Officer R. J. Johnson Street Commissioner (final) H. J. Knutsen Sa J. Roberts Utility mn P. Dahlgren Tractor operator Lo Stolamn Assto Road Foreman J, Tracy 11 11 11 J. Tracy Iabor 17i th team Or e s t Spandc Park labor Art Peterson Garbage Collection Street commissioner (from 9/11 635aOO 25.00 75.00 25900 25.00 250 OO 25.00 111.84 70.00 120 . 00 130 . 00 95.00 80.50 36. QO 220 00 93.60. ** P. A. Redpath Villa& 1Ba;rshall $140.00 0. T. E* Tilly Police Officer 140.00 Is?* Ss Heydt Police Officer 120 00 V. Us SrnitB Road labor- (7eed imp) 10.80 Vern Pfaff Road Labor ' 16.65 Ronald Port Road labor 3s 60 TQ~G,~. Road & Village $1,603.09 * Ur R. R, Reichert, agpeared'kefore the Council and presented application for building permit to build a privah dsvelling on Lot 11, Block 12, Browndale Avenue, after examination of plana and the location of Bouse on lot, ie vas rnoved Blackburn and seconded by Villssn, that application 'be granted which carried, I TruaLes Wi,llssn presented applicstiona for building gemrrits L EEI follows for private dwellings 31~s A, Re Stemon LQ~ 1. & 2, Block 2 So Har. Park Wdia Oa*i;rander Lot 9, Block 1, suller St Add 0, 13. Ostrem :Lot 29, Block 1, Normrndale 2nd E. 11. Sernb Lot 18, Block 4, Fairfax . John I?. Vet"t;l LQ% 15, Block 3, Pairfax V. .J. Slme Lot 4, Block 4, So.,Har. Perk . TIq E. CZark,(Gxragei Lot 17, Block 4, Gr. View Hgthe arid moved that applica%iens be granted, ~lec onded 73;r Blaclc'ourn and wried be Eranted him to build a 12 x 26' addition to present si3 station building, located on the North aide 6f %he intersection of Eroolcsids Avenue and Interlacken Ror?d, on cormunity store zoned plat of land, BlacZ;bu.m, that application be granted, seconded by Wi11son and carried, Albert Young LO% 37, Block %4, l?'aii*P&x ?."/. Harris, appeared and requested tha$ building .@erml"t Upon examinat%on of plans, . it WEW moved Truetee Blackburn presented applications for buildin@; permits as follows H. G. Steven&, 4,806 Sunnyside Road., (141-95 feet) Chester 3. Thomson Lot 4, Block 1, Yairway, acccmpanied 'by the !f25.0Q Clean-up depooi8 Lou.ls Hanrjen, Lot 19 Elock 12, Brown .section, without' Blenn-up ddposit and moved that applications be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. scconpenied by the $25.00 Clean-up deposit I 1% M~B moved by Blackburn, that Clean-up deposit be returned to Chester Be Thswon, from 4202 Sunnyside Road, secondccl by Vlllsan and cmriedr In the matter of substituting secwitfes for co3.lateral by the Xfidland ITational Ea& & Trust Comgany %o fiecure Village Resolution and moved its adoption, . Funda on depoe it, Trustee Blackburn offered the falZoiving VE€&M8, the "idland ITatjonaE Bank & Trust Company of EinneapoXlis, Idinnesota, have pledged to the Villgge of Mina, Hennepin County, Xinnefiota, ~p9,QOO.OO of U.S. Treasu.ry notes Series D-1936, 3&$ due September 15, 1936, to secure funds of said Village on deposit with said bark AND mmm, the above mentioned notes nature on September 15, 1936,. THl3RmORE BE IT BBOLVBD, that the IIidland National B,nk and Trust Cwriipai-iy, of Xinneapolis, l.linnesota, be and are hereby yernitted to pled-ge , to as said Village of Zdim, in lieu. of tke above described notss, C'9,OOO.OO of U.S.Treasury notes serOea C, 1940, 2gg9 due December 15, 1940, togather with receipt of the T'sdersal Reserve I3mif.t of I.:iiiheapolis as custodian to furnish a place of safe keeping'of- + said c allaterala e *The motion to adopt seconded by- Trustee Tillson, the vote vas "upon the adoption of the Resolution, vherein there 17ere four ayes - and no nays, and so the Besolution was declared duly ..- adopted, Treasurer Dwgan presented the Council 1~2th receipt Iry the yesera1 ~eser.ire &~IC clf l.t.inneapolis, ac~inowletiging receipt of $9,000.00 of U. S; Treasury notes series C, 1940, I&, due December 15, 1940, and agreeing to ac% as custodian thereof, without charge fn accordance with instructions contained in the said corcmunlcrztion aid which M~B placed in Village safe. The matter of providing city tmter for that part of Browndale Palr'lc Addi%ion contiguous ta Edina,, was discussed by Yfle Council and the Recorder offered %he fOllOi7hg Resolution vhioh had been prepaired 'cy VIJlage Attorney Strong of Sina and Village Attorney LkntgoEry of st Louis Park; and moved its adaption: VHZESLS, it appears that a Of the VZIX~~;~ of mina, a munic- ipal corporation, lying Sou"c;h of the? Southerly line of Section 7, Tor7nehig 28, .Range 24, and @,st of State HighWy 110, .I69 and lTorth. of Tsst 44th Street in said,Village, has nQ public igiater sup@y, md .. I - '3HiBX!, the Village of SP, Louis Park, which adjoins said sec.i;$on of BM.na imediate3y on the Xosth, hae laid I-mter mains in its streets to 01" near the boundq betvieen khe-said two villages, and 'VEBEAS, it is practicable and nore coiivenient for the citizens of Elina=resi.din~ in the section of said village- above described, which constitutes 8 part of Browndale Park, to receive water frm the mater systee~n of the Village of St Louis Pask, end TmSS, the Village of. St Louis. Park has expressed its villing- ness and desire to extend its water mains in the streets of said Brovndals Park tu said Veet 44th Street, NOIT, THBZFOB3, 333 ?ET RE~DIJVZD, byathe Village Council of the said Village of mina-, that the Village of Nina hereby.grants and otends to the Village of SL Louis Park, 8 municipal corpor- =tian, the right and priviZege of extending i%s vater nains into, under and along the following described parts of -streets, and to excavate. the said s&ree%s to %he extent necesaary for = the purpose of lying and installing said rmter mains and instzzll- ing fi~e hydrants Trhere necessary for fire protection to the necessary repairs and improvements thereon and %hereto, to-vit:: Vest 44th Street between State Hi&~~a,y Ro. 169 on the \%s% and the intersection of ?Vast 44th Street * with the Nsrtlisr1y boundxy of the. Village of Edha, 'being the South $in& of said Section 7; residents of said portion of said Village of,mina, and making 1 AHD BE IT FURTHW RESOLVlgD-that the said Village of St Louis . on said portions of said atreets t~here sinh connection fa re= quented by the owner of said lot. I Park may chaxge for making connections with. each and every 10% AND BE IT FURTHER RBOLVm that the said Village of St Lofiis Pa&, in'consideratisn of the rights and privileges herein imnte6, shall, in each and every instance where excavations are made in any of safd atree%s, use the uaual p%eCaUtiOns in proloc'cing the-public and users of mid StreeZcs and 2s soon arj the i~ark of installing said t?ater system in each particular atreet and each particular j~b on each ~f said streets is cam- pleted, shall restore said street, Lo the same condition and state of regair'that it was in when EIUG~ excavations mre started, fncludine; surfacing and oiling the sameo BZ PT E'LRTHJB RESOLVm that the rights and privileges 'Incrcin panted to said Village of St Louis Partzr-are not exclusive and am grarrted upon further condition and- consideration that said Village of St Louis Park in installing, maintaining and operating aaid pipes, mains, hydrants, and tmte-r systemsr shall. assme the same liabilities in doing 80 as it would assume If doing the SF,IIXB work ana-comftting the mme acts within its own boundries, and upon he further consideration that the said Village of St Louis Park, before proceeding with the excavation for and the install- ationof said imter system, shall, Iry proper resolution duly passed 'by its Village Council and cartified to the Recorder of aaid Village ~f %dlina, agree to save harmless the said Villa,ge of Uina from any liability, cledm, damages or responsibil-ity now or hese- after impsaod by Iav or fixed or established by am legal and law- ful means arising from or on account of or connected ai%h the in- s tallation and/or maintenance and/or operatzon of said Tster system EO laid an6 efjtablished upon the parts of said streets above set forth, in the Village of =in& pursuant thereto. The motion ts adopt tva8 seconded by Trustee Blackburn and the vote vias upon the question ofthe adoption ofthe resolutfo-n wherein there were four ayes and no nstyrj and BO the Reaoluticrn vim dec larob du3y adopted. AIITJBT ITo furcther business to come before this meeting, it vas moved of President Sharpe, 4612 Elgebrook Place, on September 21, 1936, for the purpose of considering the paesage and adoption of n Building Ordinance for the Village of ZKina, seconded by \'Yills~n and carried, , Blackbum that this mesting sdjolxrn to meet agakn at the horm -