HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360928_REGULARX5nutee of the regular raeetiog of the .Council of the Village, of mi=, held in Grange Ea11 on Septelnber 28, 1936, at 8 PM.
Tlra meetln& 'wa8 called to order
cra1Sad and a11 members of the Council were prebent.
President- 8h&rpe, the roll
Bintataor-of the regular meeting of the'Couac13 held on September 14, 1936, were read, on motion Prescaft, they be approved a8 read,
ee~cinded by. Villaon and carried*
*\ '4lqg,$,oad and%illage edmncee upon being duw examined and found '*'&mxt&t, were on motidn Prescott, be &%loved end ordered pa%& .sacrandad 'by WilLson and carried.
.The followfng miaoellaneoue bille' being due, anddpon being duly exmdned and found to 'be correct, were on motion Preecott, be allowed an8 ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried.
VilLage of Hopkins
Hayden baotor Co
Sutherland Inv. Co.
Mina Garage, Inc Justua Lumber Go JHina Garage, Inc Nickela & Smith
Yomg me1 co PhilpQtt-&Li'ley CO
Bdeals for .prisoners 7/26-7 $2.40 Police car sest covers and greaaing service .- 19.53 Appraisal & Repdrt Block 16 - 55.70
DrieCt Reli~f fUel 2/3*3/746-104.41 Direct Relief fuel 2/kb&/36-44.14 PoZice car eerofcs to 8/24 25.98 Ltanber 'd & Road'crew 20.83 1 Karadia for Pulfce car - 36.97
Premium Hepdt bond 001-6486 5.00 $333. 97- L .To tax
.Total Road & Village, incrzuding Police Offhers Total expenditure this meet~~f%%!-
Several of the Council adviaed that residents had reported noiay *catch 'Islaain er man hole oovers the* were loaee and the Recorder
tmkt!~ requersted to 60 adviae Mr Oacar Gwrden, giving locations.
It was mooed B3acrk'burn, that Clean-up depoeita be made to the
.L 8eCOnded ly WiZlaon an4 oarried
*!J%e'Recorder adviaed that Trislsr, Grocer at 54th. and France,
has rsqueeted a suggested grade and location af Curb & Gutter .and wau instructed to have the Village ehginear establish.
+The .Recordes aukmittad plat ahowing (the 1a;yaut of suggeated .work improvements in and along Nimeha3;ltl Creek between mat 52nd. &nd Weet 54th. Streeta, covered in W.P.A+ project and advieed that a number of treea would be needed for planting .on this ViTlage owned tract of land ais fall, whereupon i%
mati moved Blackburn, that the Recorder be enpowered to purabese *~uif8%2e trees in mount #16Oe00 ea. shown Plan of Nicholls -and Nore13 a aeconded by Prescott and carried.
hTluxFldtse Villeon reported on fire caller made by the Hopkins *Fire Depth on Ju3y 27th. &nd 28a. and f'oiurrd that services *had been rendered the Villeyre of Mina a0 per bill6 rendered.
Items fostbcp Vixlage 1937 Budget were etudied and discussed *and a8 it was found that consfderable time would be required .in order to.properly exeeu$e the PTObbm, it QM moved Xoore that S;his-mseting addourn to meet ragain at the home of President Sharps, 4612 Bigebrook Plaoe, for the .purgoee of further s%udy-
ing afid detsmining the 1937 Budget, seconded by Psescot~ snd oarried.
Village Recorder