HomeMy WebLinkAbout19361012_REGULAR205 ldinutes of the regular meeting of the Councfz of the Village of Bin&, --
held in Grange Hall on October 12, 1926, at 8 m.
In the a'bsence of the President, the meeting was called to order by %he Recorder, the roll called and all members of the Council were found presen$ except President Sharpe who
was absent from the State.
It me thereupon moved by Trustee Villson, that Trustee Preacott being the oldest rriember of the Council, that he act and aerve as Preeident Pro-Tern of €he Council, motion- seconded by Bgackburn and un&nimoualy carried, whereupon Trustee Preecott asswned the President' EI chair.
Minutes of me adjourned September- 14, 3936, neetfng. of- the Council held on September 21, 31936, were read, on motion Villson they be approved a8 read, seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Mlirtinuterj-of the regular meeting of the Council held on September 28, 1936, were read I on motion Blackburn, they be approved .a as read,- seconded lly tYilleon and 6&3?3[.16d.
Minutee of the adjourned, Septernbep 28 , 1936 meeting' of the
Council held on September 30, 1936, were read, on motion by Willson , they be approved as read I seconded by Blackburn and carried
Hr Hertaon, who is building a new home on Kellogg Avenue, and West S2nd. Street, advised the Council he wanteca 60 ft.
roGdway for West 52nd. Street, eo as to conform with the otber streeta, in the Sputh Harriet Park D%8triCt and also for the reaeon that a$ 30 feet had already been dedicated from the property lying South of the center line of West 62nd. Street, it would only be fair for an equal mount to be dedicated from property lying along the Nor%h side of the said center line, all of Which was in accord with I&e views of all mem-
bere of the Council
The Road and Village Bills upon beikg duly examined and found correotl were on motion Willsan, they be allowed and ordered paid-, seconded w. Blackburn and carried. as follaws
They are
I c
&rl C. Sharpe Pres id8nt $35.00
75.00 George A* Willson TSU8 tee 25.00
C. F. Prescott Trustee 25.00 Dr Lowell Canpbell Health Officer 25.00
J, JI Duggan Treasurer
* Ben B. Noore Rec o.rder
L, R. Blackburn Trua tee
HI 5, Knutaen
5. JI Roberts Po Dahlgren L, Stolz!xil&n John Tracy John Tracy P. A. Redpath
John Beneon
Orest Spande Ronald Poat Arthur Petereen
TI Be Tilfg M* S. Heydt *
Street Commissioner
Tractor operator Asst. Road Foreman
Labor with team Village Narshall Police Officer
Cement worker Park Labor
Road labor
- Utility man
n n n
n 0
140. 00
120.00 101020
140 00
120 0 00
698 50
19.80 Garbage' Collection 210 QO Total Road BC Village October #1,5?3.50
The Miscellaneoue bills upon being duly exmined and found correct, were on motion Villaon, they be allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Blackburn and carried. They &re as follows - .-
Village of Hopkina, Xeals 'for"&ina prisoners $2.40 4 Hayden Xotor Company
Sutherland Investment Co
Phi2psP%-.BaflrtSt Cmpany DiPect Relief coal -
Seat cushfbns &: Police
car service August , 19. 53 Appraisal & Report Blk.
16 and contiguoua property 55.70
2/b5;/?16 to 4/9/36 4.4434
Yo&g t henpar@ Direct relief f-3 from $104.24 5iUQ
JU8tUa Lwnber CO Lumber for %PA and R&B 2Ci.83 =ins. Garage, lnc XPolics car Radio (net) 3fi.o 9 7 Xinnoapolfs G. Co April St Lfg. & Cascade pmp 4960 65 c* K* Brosl
Nickels & Smith g3/36 eydt bond to 3/T/36 premiwn I
3klina Garagec Inc Police car eervics to 8/24/36 25.99
Clean-Up. refund 12b4 Brown See (4622 Mgebrcrok) 25.00
(4521 Arden) 28.00
#(I tb Clean-up refund 13/2 3afrwqy I Glacier S&d & Gr&veZ Sand, Gravel Cfc Cement repairing sidewalks CCD- and elsewhere 1233.29 Ni&=aatis co Office supplies 1H e 40 Eagneto Serviae Co Repairing mgne to to tractor P%88
W0 H. Zie@es Co . Tractor supplies . 3.40 Stins Hardware I Hardware & Road Gupplioer 7 94 - Vilxage St Loufs Park Firs Bpt aervice 54th-08klawn 8/8 35.00 Louis Boynton Bereback Reviewing Building Code 1fi.OO
Goe T. Ryan Go . Tractor oil 8c lubricant 58 58
V. F. Garvey * Harclwars & Road suppLies 15.74
. .-
$0 A. RO~~PS Ca' 6 Blue'prints WPA 54th-Creek - b 54
El We Harris Gas-Oil less Gomn't tax 13% 20 Xinneapolio Genesaf 18 dqra hospital care of - -Hospi taf Sean Eilallick 5/8 to 5/26/56 0$3.85 58.50 I& hrs steongraNic work on 5.40 Lucille Todd Building Code Q 4Qg
City of Hinneapolis Oi%ir& Xerxes Atre 56~60th Streets 108.68 Rum1 Hennepin County Au uat-Septernber & Oak Hi11 relief - 632.26 4.65 Fezfare Board fA-289.13 5-247.90-0H 9Se-22 Juetus Lumber Co Lumber 9/7-10&28
Village of Hopkina Fire Dept. servgae 7/27=7\28-81/15 -- l8O.OO
George Hauenatsin 1-1V x 21)' steel culvert Pfi 0 00 Alex. Creighton Peee BuiXdfng Xnsp.-tw date 46br?i5
Haydrsn Xotor Go POXfCs Cap 8erTiG8 6*05
Mina Garage, Inc Poliae car .service to 9/28 8*O,Q .
Total Miscel. 72x. 20 I Lfr Altiir Creighton, waa preaent and reported on the activities and duties of the afffce of Buildin Inspector and pwed over to the Qillage Recorder a tots1 of f 92.90 in fees collected.
Street Cimiasfones K~U~BBA, reported to the Council that mny' of the-aatch h3ins within the Country Club District were in need of being cleaned out, whereupon Trustee BlackMarn, moved Be Recorder advise 08c3as Gaarden 02 the fact and request that
me work be done promptly, seconded
Discualiion ms had on the proposition of providing a, suitable place for the storage of Village Road equipment during tkie caniiw winter monas after which it was moved Xciore, that the Road 8c Bridge Cornittee 'be authorized and empowered to rent the Strand
-Feed Store building on Vest 62nd. Street near Voodda5e Avenue for the use of Village Road equipment for 8 perfod of six (6) months and at a monthly s8ntal of $15*.00 per mnth, motion w&f~
seconded 13y l31wkburn and carried.
.The Street Commissioner further reported on the condition of
.the Wooddale Avenue bridge over ZElinneha32a creek, %!hereupon it m~ moved by Black'burn, that the sm of $50.0@ be authorized for the repair thereof inaludfng resurfacing, secondea
and carried.
hegarding the propoaition of providing cSty vtater in that pay+ of Worndale Park in Bins, the Recorder read AocepLance Resol- ution
millson and carried.
I the Village of St Luuis Park, as fallowe*
--. ~
'Wtereat3., ff kpp~w~ that of Ssptembr 14, 1936 , the Village Council of the Village of &Utsa, duly adopted the following resolution:
AND tlhIEWW, the Village Council of the Village Qf St Louis Park desirea to accept the conditions of the
&id Resolution adopted by. the Village Council of the V1Tlage of' Edina:
r. BOW, !EEEEFORE, Be it Resolved the Village CowcZl.
of the said Village of St Louie Park tha-t the conditions 04 esiid Resolution of Septeniber 3.4,- 1936, passed by the Village'Couiicil pf the Village of Winiz, are hereby accepted; arid be it further resolved that'the Village council of the Village of St Louis Park doea hereby agree to 8av6 hannleergl the Village of Ziina from any liability , olaim, damage , or responsibility , 'now, or hereafter, imposed law, or fixed
os iitablisbed by any legal or lawful means, arising from or on account of, or connected with, the installation and (or maintenance, and) or operation of mter system laid and est& abl$shed upon the parter of streets set.fforth in the foregorizg Resolution of September 14, adopted ty the Village of 3dina;
and be it further resolved that the Village Recorder is hereby directed to certiflv a copy of tbbs Resolution to the Recorder of the Village of ISina.
Certifisd'to thiE4' 8th dw of October., 1936.
(Sighed) E+ H. Shuraen,
Village Recorder.
Whereupon it m&s moved Blaokburn, that the 8me be accepted and spread upon the minutes of the meeting, seconded lqy Uoore and carried.
I "
The Recorder advised -that the progosition of acquiring'a part of Block 16 and-'other cantigigus rand, submitted by the School Board of District #X7, to the voter8 at a speci&l election held for that purpmw on October 8, 1936; had carried by tl majorify vote and that in accord with the general zlnderstanding it would be necessaqr far Cbut.&il aa$ibn+iafong the sane or other lines
a8 may be detemineda After discussfolil it was moved Willson that the matter be referred to the Village Attorney for hie opinion and suggested procesdure , seconded 'by Blackburn and carried. ,
rt wm moved €$I WiZIerbh, that applioation by hdinneapolis G. %e Company ,a For permission to set 4 poles on the Olinger Road , South of Highway &69, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried.
No further %ursine88 to come pefore this meetiqg, it was mooed
We meeting &@journ, pribich carried at 11.45 PM