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Elinutea of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Ufna,. held in Ormg;Q Blt3.1 tzt
8 >n On OCtOk8P 26, 1936.
'fhe meeting mas called Co order by the President, the ro1l called and all members of the Council were present.
Elinutes of the'rcagular meeking of the Council held on October 12, 1936, were read, on motion Preaaott, %hey be approved 815 read,. seconded
Er George Simpson appeared before the Cotanoi% on 'behalf of Ettr Louie Jones, and stated hia alient desired ts establish -
an oil station and sandwioh serving station-, near the inter- oeo%ian of Blake Road with State Highway #169-- appearing that a 3.2 besr lioonse would be requested after
6 month'o operation of the proposed station. Inaamucfr as the prupo8ftion.would require certain permission of the State
Hfghway Depsrtment as wall BO change in the Village Zoning Ordinance, the matter WEI put over for future consideration.
The Road and Village advanae81 upon being duZy exmined and founrf csrreof , were on motion Prescsft , they be -allowed and
paid, seconded by Willeon, and carried.
Trustsea Prelsoott, and Villeon, reported on the propoaitioa
OS acqtitrcing all or part of the mewberg property for Village 'Toox house and storage yard and mould report further at the next meeting of the Council.
The Recorder outlined me general proposition of oonducting the Presfdential Election to be held on Notrernber 3rd. and auggested the PoZ~B be opened at 7 All nom permissable under
8 new law and that 3 additional "Counting CJerke" be engaged for eaeh of the three psecincfs as the vote would be heavy. Vhereupon it wag moved Prescatt, that hereafter meetion POXIS be opened at 7 AN an8 to crlerje as prOVidwl at-8 and tEiat Srgenrs , Newburn, Durn, Gosdacse , Swexmen, Harford , Day Hildreth, Oreighton, Hmmond, Jewett, Eel%, odtboro, =Wilhfmon, Black'burn, Christopher , WiIfsen, UTsen, Strate 8 IWready, Dirks , Bursc~h , Jones, Beuchfer , Cslfier be naxuedlae Judgers, Cle~ks and Counting Clerk8 of the November 3rd. ELection nith tbe Recorder to see to if that all booths and election supplies and ballots are provided, abeentss ballot8 proporfy dfatsibuted, Polfa opened and closed on time snd to generaw superintend the e1eci;isn aetconded by Black'burn and rrarried.
Blackburn and carried.
ft later
I -
Trustee Villson, reported that relief had not increased in October Of this ye= BB yet &B $8 UBUBI.
Street Comiseiener Knutsen reported an otreets and mads and recomaended that the Vooddale Avenue bpidge be sheathed with creosotdd ship lap and then covered with a heavy appl2c- ation of road tar md gravel and nhich he thought would Tender the bridge suitable for several years u88, This ma6 agree-
able to a13 members of %he Council and referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for administration.
The Recosaer reported upon the advisability of setting up 8 WA project, to lower tho grade of Weat 54th. Street ;Eaet of IXinneh&a CreeIe bridge and use the dirt for the deep fill at 53rd Street and Tist bnk of Ximehaha Creek. Whereupon P-rescott so moved that the Recorder so arrange, secended ny Blackburn and carried.
No further businem to colkle 'before the Cewcf%, motion &e adjourn carried at 10.15 BE.
Village Recorder