HomeMy WebLinkAbout19361109_REGULAR.Minutes of .the of the Council Biina, held on in Grange Hall
regular meeting of the Village d November 9, 1936, at 8 PU.
The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll was called, and all members of the Council were present.
MPjlutee-of the regular meeting of the Councrfl held on October
read, seconded by Willson and carried. 1936, were read, on motion Preecott , they %e approved as
Building fnapector Creighton, presented a .detail report on building inepections' and collections during the last '30 days togather with fees for building inspections and permits in amount $137.46 and PLm'bing Pernit fe'es in amount $20.50, . whereupon it was moved Blsck'burn the report be accepted as filed, seconed by Willson and carried.
'ddr J, R. Thorpe , appeared 'before the Council and presented a legal plat of that part of the "Bull 40H lying West ana South of Nitineh&a Creek, South of West 80th Street and Rorth of meet 62nd. Street and &st of Wooddale Avenue, after inspection it was moved by Blaok'busn, that the said plat be accepted sub-
ject to a 20 foot dedication for street purpose8 across the South end of lots I, 2, 3, 4 and 5, inasmuch as it was not planned to Tqy public sidewalks in the area md that tbe Pres- $dent and Recorder be authorized and ernpowered to ai@ same +for and on beHalf of the Village of Bdina, if and when &?proved
.by the Village Attorney a8 to its legality, motion seconded by Moore, the vote was upon the adoption of the motion wherein there were three qres and two nays as follows 'Sharpe aye, Prescott no and Willeon no and 80 the' motion was 'declared carried. 2-d *'
*Mr Day Harper, presented a petition for sanitary sewer in the -3 'area bounded @ Vooddale Avenue to Brwkview and Net 62nd Street
CYI, .to West 54th street. Xmsmuch &a the petition did not represent 0 *more than 50 perctent of the property involved 8 the petition w&8 .given to J. R, Thorpe, with request he sign for and.on behalf .of Thorpe -0s.
+A petition WE%$ .Z?reSdint8d, by Louis Jones and requeilting that .the Zoning Ordinance of Mine, be changed 80 a3 to permit the
"use and sale of sandwiches, coffee and soft drinks, .including ='beer on hi8 certain property near State Highway 169 and the *Blake road bow zoned for residential purposes* -upon being fegd, was on motion Blackburn, be accepted subject
-to correcti6h'-of the legal description of the property and that 'a hearing bq'.colled on the petition at the next regular' meeting 'of the Counch to be held on November 23, 1936r motion rJeconded
'by Willsap and carried.
:Recorder Xbore offered a psopaaed petition prepared by the .Village 'Attorney , which when properly signed wuld petition the Council to purchase the balance of Block 16 and the aocalled
:Old Mill Tract, in conjunction with the School Board'of 'Dist- .rict #17, and moved it be accepted and be referred to CitiZena ,to obtain the neceeaary 51 percent of signatures of ownere of ,property in the Country Club Distriot, whom it waa only pro- potjed to asereae for the improvement and acquisition I 'motion waa *seconded by Trustee Villson and carried.
'Village Attorney Sl;rong OI&B preaent and reported on the &klund
'VS Village af Edina suit wherein the Districk Court had granted 'an order for temporary injwoQion and a Rite of Fernamelit In- +junc$ion iaaued thereunder, whereupon it was rnoved byr Blackburn, -that proper officers of the Village be authorized and empowered *to sign and procure a superc5lious' bond in such amount a8 the .Court shall direct and <---- h&t ;tTaid%Officers and the Villags Attor- .ney be authorized to take a&l nece8sary steps to perfect such -appeal to the Supreme Court: motion was seconded by Preacott .and carried without dissenting vute and $0 ordered.
Blackburn aye , 'Moore aye ,
!Be petition
I 3
Prosident Sham reportsd that he had reiterated to Pr[r Burr, administrator of the misd Jktatie, the proposition previouew
made to turn p$ko a Toad Umding frem France Avenuc to the
Bkma property oiw 48th Street, without expense to the atate
and *en prottfded with 8 right of wn;y.
A petition was read from Jeneen and &vis, for vacation of Little Street from Seth to Nelson and.vhich upon the swgestion of Village Attorney.Strong vas ordered returned to & Jsnsen for sworn statewmzt and that all the owners ~f the land join
in the petition.
Trwtee Villson reported on October and Xovembsr relief.
A petition me read from the Ninneapobirs Gas Light Cornpaw, fur permission to extend the g;ao mains in and along mooddale Avenue from \Vest 50th Street to Vest 54th Street, on Vest 54th. from Vooddals ts 0ELI;rlcewn and on Kellogg and Oaklawn $rbm Weat 53rd to Vest 56th Streets, the QWCJ representing 3284 feet of
6" CT pipe and 3840 feet of Ft pip, which on motion Prsscott, the pstition be granted, eaconded by Vi113on and carried.
The miscellaneous bills upon behg duly examined an& found correct, were on motion Blackburn, be allowed and ordered pald, seconded by Preacott and.oarriad. They are as fol3am;
B. R. XoCreaw
Nellie Strate hura Dirk$ . A. C. Lareon
Gebrge A. Vi3.lsorr" Ere Paul Burech Lewi8 Jonecl Ora Vo Collier
J. Bozrchier Victor Irgene
L V. Vewburn Ern A. Duus
3ks Agnes Sweneen A. 2. Harfsrd
Day Harper Era F. Hildreth Alex Crei@tan J, B. x-ona Florence, Jewett Frsda Hell Era V. J. Oxboro Era L. E. Blsckbyrn
C. I). milkinson Nrs 3- C. Christopher El. V. Harris Thorpe Bros
. Hayden notor Co
V. H. Ziegler Cs
City of Xinneapslia W. B. Garvey
C. A. Lindquiat
Edinnsapolis G. PO -GO vS H. Zisgler Co Hennepin County
St Peterfg Lutheran Cho
J. V. Crsigg Co
Elfore11 & Niuhols, Irzc VilXage St Louie Park
Red Ving Sewer Pipe Co Hennepin County RevBern
Bren Hardware Glacier Sand & Gc Co
Xiller-DaVio co
Re pub1 fc 1 .C re oa D t ing Vooddrtle GrOOQv
EbdTand hTatZ. Bank vmiia~ns Hardmm so Strand
&ex. Creighton
J, Goodacre
Je Do Adme GO
H. A* Rogers CO
CUrk mec tion $8*20
H II ' 11.20 u €I 11.20
Judg0 " . 11.20
n ft La-. 20
H 6.00
n A 6.00
It tl 6.00 suage It 11.70
11 He& Booths 14.70
a. 10 . 20
11 It 10 v 20
tt n 10.20
I1 ti 4.00
1) It 1x.00
n n 4.00
n 33.70
t# 11,rtO Judgo
C berlc tt 18 70
11 I1 ' 10.70
ti n 10.70
ti It -6.00
tt if 6.00
11 It 6.60
Gas and Oiil 130 44 Rent Tracrt Offiae 8 Tel. 39. 50 Police car service 6+55 8non plow repaire 8.26 Tractor repsire 36.60 Bl~e prints .9% Fire Dept. service '75.18 Road 6c balbf bo%es 25.40 Blackmithing 77.75 Street lighting 410.19
It (I
Clerk (8
Snow plon 360 00
Old Age Pomions 6'72.00 Rent bamt. 11/3 election 7-50
Road 011 419 0 48
Zhgfneering 112.60
%@A seningj prs&ct 27.a4
Sems tils 44.w
Pub. Rdg Code Ord. 127 65
Hones parts 16.40 Sand,gravel 8c cement 118.94 amtion Supplioo 1.20
Lwber & Tar patch til. 18
~ae for trackor8 6.41 19.34
' 10.80 Ssrvioo Road SUpf)3fC33 Rent 8s ll&t 3.6000
68.V3 Service Bdg Inapec tor - Total Mi8Cl. *CF,Q12*14
2 11-
The Road and Villsge bills upon being duly correct, weye on motion Blackburn, they be paid, seconded by Wflleon &ndlcarried. They are as follow3
) examined and fomd
allowed sad ordered
John Tracy Labor with team #e4 . 00 John Beneon I&or 60 00
P. A. Redpath m3~~11~tii 140 e 88 T* 8. TilZy . Officer 14OoOO
W. S. Heydt Officer 120.80
H. Jo Knudsen Street Comm. 140 00
SC J. Roberta , Utility man . 120.00
P. Dahlgren Tractor Operator 1QO.G
L. Stalrcman Labor 93.60
-John Tracy Labor 63.50
Re Port Labor 84 15
Gea IioBener Labor 7.28
0. Forelin * m'laor 7.20
N;' Xnudaen Ubor 7.20
Rex Garvey LaBor 7.20
.J. 5. MnlTellis Labor . L. 50
0. Spande Labor 17 85 Arthur Peterson Labor with truck 2QQ OB
Dr XJOWS~~ E* Cat~IpbeIl Hed!.t& Officer LI ZS-00 .
a21 Co Sharpe President bf Cotinci'b" ' -36.00 "- John J. Duggan . Treaeurer .. 25:oo IBen'B. . &doare 1 . '.. 1 + ." Vi%Z&@ ReC62der ,. ' , 7§.0OO
Ii? -Rw 'BSetskbUPfi . ' Vfiriagk "Srusf&e* * 26.00
George '*ml%$Q-'r * ViXl&+y~- Tr us te 9 25eQO
C,. F. Prescott Village Truetea 25.0Q Total Road 8c Village $1,544.65
No further business to cams%efore thfe meeting, it was moved
Noore, that the meeting atand adjourned subject to the call of the President, 'eeconded by Prescott and carried
1 Village Recorder