HomeMy WebLinkAbout19361123_REGULAREinutes of the regular mec-ting of
the Council of the Village of &in&,
held in the Edinca, School Buklding at 8 €%I on November 23, 1936.
* The meeting was called to order by the Preeident, the roll
* called and a91 members of the Council 17ere present except.
1 Trustee Prsscstt , riizo vas abeent from the State.
- Uinutos of-ths regular? meeting of the Counc&l held on Novem-
* ber 9, 1936, were rea&. . aa read, seconded by Blackburn and casried.
+ Application waa read of the Noravestern BeSS. Telephone CQ.,
, fer pemission to placze manholse and conduit in the boule'gard on the Berth aide of Yest 50th. Street from France Avenue to . Halffax Avenue and the South side of Vest 50th. Street from Halifax Avenue to men Avenw, eliminating aerial construction . on Vea% 50th. Street and providing greater capaciw, .which on . motion Eoore, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and caqried.
- It ws moved \7illaon, that the regular Road and Village pay - advances be allowed togather nlth bill of Rural-Hennepin County Relief in mount @143*66 for October and bills of - City of Uinneapolia i?n amounts $12.25 and $17.14 for -Fire - Dept. services, seconded by Blackburn and carried.
The matter of the petition of Louie, E. Jonea and others, dated - November 2, 3936, next came before the Council. notice having been given of the public hearing to be given the proposition by the Council on November 23, 1936. The petition aeking that the Zoning Ordinance of'Mina be thawed
80 a8 to pernit t'ne petitioner Ifto erect and thereafter conduct 6 restauranti for the sale St retai& of sandniches , coffee and eoft drinks -- including beer" and "to inetall and thereafter conduat et gaeoline filling station" of petit- ioner's yroperty located st or near tho intersections of State Highmy #169, the Blake Road and the 03d =en Prairie Road, in the SWz of NT& of Section 32, Towmhip 117, Range 21 1%
Xr George Simpson, attorney, spoke in behalf of Xr Jonec and stated his client should be psrrn&tted to sell sandwiches and coffee after nhfoh tfIr Jones spoke and stated %o that there vould be no misunderetanding, that it rms his intention to later apply for a beer 3icen8ett. spoke Sn opposition to any propooitfon which aould result in 'beer traverna or road heusee #elling boor in J!Xiina, as it would advereely affeot progor%y v&duss and lsswn th@ deeir- eLbili$y 02 such high class residential projects a8 Rolling Green. I& Hutchinson further wdviood, that he had come to Mine, because it was toithou% Road Ho#sse and a good place t6 eatabliah such EL propooitiaa a8 Rolling Green subdivision vherein more than a half rnfllisn dollare in home vas planned. George V. Strong, Village Attorney, vas present and a general disouesion tmps held whereupon it was moved by Uoore, that the application of Louia E. Jonee, dated Xovomker 2, 1936, for re-zoning be deniod, %he motion vag duly ueoanded by, Trurjtee Villson, the vote ma had and the Chair deelared the motion wa8 unavninauely osrriod and eo ordered.
Recorder Xotsre , offered the folloniw Rdsoluttion and moved ita adoption,
Cf PlalntiFs Ex. &
VI. c :., R3. Repsflei'
On mution Villaon, they Be approved
Due posted
?!Ir Xerrill Hutchinson
I %!H23EIWs Xerrfll Hutchinoon and AnGbe1 3!bo Hutchineon, his mlfs, Yfie msr8 of all tks lctnda comprised in the plat of Rolling Greon, Hennepin County , Uinnesoto, , dated August 24 ,
5936, and recorded in the offioe ~'f the Regirjter of Dsedij fn and for Hennepin County, Xinneaatw, in Book 11% of Plats, on page 4, desire to enlarge the dedication of the ertreets,
avenues, parkc and parkways shown in said plat, and for that --
purpooo have executed and delivered a deed to the Village of
=ha, Hennepfn County, T&nnesota a raunfcipal corporation, undor the lams of said State,
'I. -. .
NOW THJBEFORIE:, be 5t Resolved, that said deed la hereby ix%CLYd* things accepted and approved togather with the dedication to the public use foreever, of all of the ~treets, avenu88, parks and parkways shown on said plat of Rolline Green, Hennepin County, Ninneaota, a8 apecified in said deed to the saw extent and with the 8ame force and effect a6 if such donation was dedicatdrin had been contained in eaid oFigiPlStl plat of Rolling Green, Hennepin County, Ninnesota.
lChe mation to adopt was seconded by Truatee Blackburn, the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, wherein there were four aye8 and no nays and so the Resolution was du3y declared and adopted.
Mr C. D. Wiainson, Chairman of the Citihen's Committee for the acquieition of certain land by the VilZage focatsd in Block 16 of the Countyr Club District, presented petition signed by more than 300 owners of lots and representing a majbrity of all the
land in the Country Club Dfstriot and petitioning that the Village Council proceed to aoquire by condemnation proceedings , the title, jointly with the Schoo2 Board of Independent School District #17, ofthat part of Block 16, Country Club District, Brown Section, not occupied by the school, togather with tfie so-called #Old Idill Tract" or "Triangleff at a cost of approximately $12,000.00, re- presenting the VillageQs ehare of the total, purchase price and that the pa;ymnt of this sum be spread, gver all the lot$ in the Country Club District for a period of five (5) years on the basis
that the amount of the assessment per lot will be governed by ita location and proximity to the improvemeat. Vlrhersupon it was moved by Moore, that the petition be accepted and that a tentative aohedule of the amount of the special assessment which may be levied on each and every lot be set up for future guidance, motion seconded by Blackburn, and carried.
Petition wa8 received from Chester TY- Jeneen, Glen M. Lewis and Bud 11. Hollensteiner as owners of all the land in Blocks 7 abd 8 fronting on Little Street between Seth to NelBon, petitioning for the vacation of Zittle Street from Seth to Nelson, whereupon it was moved Moore, the+ petition be accepted and that publiahed and poated notice be given, seconded kg Willson. and carried.
Application vag received from Einneapolis General Zlec tric Company for permission to set 4 poles on Interlacken Road, vicinity of
Arthur Avenue, 5 poles south of intersection of Anthur Avenue
and Interlacken Road and 1 pole on Wst 76tn. Street, t'Jest of Xerxes Avenue, which on motion Willaon, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Application received fron the Country Club District Service Com-
pczny for permianion to extend water meins in and along 170oddale Avenue from 50th. to 52nd. Streets, and &st in and along Wet 52nd. Street to Lot #5. After 'discussion and consultation with VillagesAttorney Strong: it was moved I$ Blackburn, that sub;Ject to a satisfactory Ifbabilfty bond being furnished the Village of 3Edina at a11 fiimes proteori;ing said Village against all cla5ms
and damage@ in limits $ZO ,000.00, and $25,000.00, that the p8titiQn
be granted and that the Ordinance dated /3dr 1923, granting to said Country Club,DSstrSct Service Company a franchiee to own
and operkte a water system Sn the Vi1fage of %din&, 'be amended
by inctluding therein the following deacribed territory: i The Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (Se s&-) except that portion thereof lying Elasterly of Ninnehaha Cry& and the Northwest all in Section 18 TL 18) , Township mentyefght (28) ,North, Range Twentyfour, (24) Vest , ,Hennepfn County , Ninnesafa
the motion ma seconded by-%oore,' the vote was upon the question of the adoptbn of the motion, wherein there were four ayes and no nays and so the motisla wa8 adopted.
At this point Trurstee Willson reported 'on Sept&rnber*.&nd Qctober 'rolisf, giving detailed lists and amounts in fulf.
uarter of the Southeaet quarter (me SW)
Trustee Blackbum-offered Standard Insurance Co~~pariy~e bond nmbw F=26461-& , dated psoslnlser 31; 3936, guaranteeing peiyxent of Fire Protecthm to City of Xfnneapolfs by tbe f1131pge of Mina, and offered the following resqLuti9ra: and
moved its adoption:
That the President and Recorder of the Village CsunciZ am authorized to execute ti% bend to the Cfty sf Xinnea-
EJQ~%B, a municipal oorparatien fn the Gounty of Hennegin
an& State of Zinnssota, in ths sun of One thousand (81,088)
of bills rendered by oaid City for fire protection, includ- * *Dollars to guarantte the paiyment to said City of ELnneetpabiB
hg labor and the use of fire-apparatus of the Ci*y of
Einneapolfo, to aid the Village of ainw, for the year end- ing Deoember 31, 1937; and.the action of the Resident and
Recorder OS ai8 Cmncfl in executing- said bond. wrcler data of NovemBer 3, 1936, ie herely fn all thingo ratified and
motion to adopt 1788 seconded by Trustee 17illeon,. the vote man the auestion of the sdontion of the Resolution, wherein
therre*were fo& aysa and no nays-and so the reaolutien t7Ebs duly declared adopted.
It vas moved \?illson, that the regular Judges and Clerk8 of the Eovember 3rd. election, act at the Village 3lection to be
held on liet'uem'ber 8th., motion seconded by Blackburn and carried.
At'10.30 PE, all o%her business to come before the meeting
having been f iniohed the meeting mg thanceforth given over
to the auditing, examinfng and verifying of the records and accounts of the Village Treasurer and Village Recarder, for the period November 35, 1935 to November 15, 1936.
All of the books and recorda of' +he Village Troseurer and 'the
Village. Recorder vere avsi3rtbPa and were disp3ayed , studied and noted and the gum of $1,05ab,20 ma found to be the c8$h balance on depoalt to the curedit of tho ViXlago with the Xidland Hat- ional %&.& Trust Cmpargl, General Funds Account. The total receipts from all 88wcea being 044,609.30 and total disburse- ments $43,568*10. There being no Vi3lage Varrants or General
Village obligatione outatanding.
Zt -8 thereupon moved by Wiflaan, that the books and reaords
of the Village Treaswor and'the Village Recordor havinf been
da3y audited, cjtamzined and verfffed and found to be ecrrect far the period November 15, 1985 to Novem'bsr 15, 1936, that the same be accepted, certified and signsd and ordered pmblf'shed in the IJsvember 25, 1936, issure of the Honnspin County Review,
the The mnatiori
WB seconded by Trustee Blackburn and the question PPCLS upon the adaptfan of the Resolution, vhereia there mre three aye5 and no-nays and so declared duly carried.' absent from the State and Recorder Noore, not voting.
No fQrther businesa to come before the meeting, metdon to
Offiefal Publieation of the Village of Zdina,
Trustee Preacott being
Vfllage Recorder.