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Ninutes of the regalan! meeting of the Csusclcil of'the Villlage of slim, 2iald in the3Bina School Buiming at 8 PM on Ibcember 14, 1936.
, The meeting vae called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present.
Minutes-of the regular meeting of the Council held on Novelllber
23, 1936, Were read, -Qn motion Prescott, they bo approved 88 read, seconded try t7illson- and carried.
J. Leo Rerat, presented an appIScation for an off-sale liquor license'.to conduct an oxolueive liquor store in the Village of Wintit, whieh on motion fdosre, be acmegtecl bar future coneider- ation by the Cmancil, seconded by Presc'urtt and carried.
hllr Trim, Of School District: #16, wag greaent to present a requeet for a Wtop Sign'' for certain periode,during school
hours at the iptersectioh of County Road 28, Vest 70th. Street, and the Cahill Road, which on motion Noore bB accepted and referred to Village Attorney for proper motion for adoption, seconded Villean and carried. ,
W. 3. Code, appeared before the Council, to request that Block 1, Codela Hfgh View Park, ke -put back into acerage, which on motion Moore, be accepted and referred to Village Attorney for recommendations aubject to Right-of my' of West 6Qth. Street, Grow Streef, Russell Avenue and other streets, secqnded by Willeon and carriedr
Building Commissioner Crei,F;Sh%on, filed statement ~f Building errnits issured ~h~~fng: $l83:23 iri btiilding permit fees and g32.25 in plumbing permits fees collected aince last filing. wher,eupon it wag moved Moore that the report be accepted and toarrarrt in amount 50% of beldfng permit fees collected or $91.56, be drawn in pa3tment of aervices rendered, seconded by Blackburn and crarried.
Truatee Willeon presented a letter 'dated Deoember 4, 1936, -
by Mr &rtz, anclosing copy of letter dated November 25, 3936,
by ldr Darre-l-r, regarding Right of near junction of Trunk Highwwe #lG9 and #lo0 and West 50th Street, wherein the State Highwqy Bpt. , propoaed to pti~?cl.safte Lots #3:%1 11 inclusive , lying between the Grange Halb and Vest 50th Street, for future :highway needs.
:Trustee Blackburn offemd renewal policy #466587 in Connecticut .Fire Insurance Conpany, covering fire insurance of $25OoeO0 on -mode1 I5 Catergiller traatbr, #900.00 on model 30 Caterpiller -tractor, #lOO.OO on Whr-Bordeon grader and $200.,00 on Vlfausau .Snow Plow and rnaved its acceptance and payment of premiw in .amount $23.75, motion seconded by Prescott and carried..
%emorandurn of Agreement covering the Police Radio service8 . .furnished Qr the City of Uinneapolis, to the Village of mina, .for the o'zisui-gg-.fiye $e& period, was read , whereupon i.t was *moved P2eseott, the agreement be concured in and that the a
*President and Recorder be authorized and empowered to' aign +and execute aame for and on behalf of the Villwe Council of -Edina, seconded by Blackburn and carried.
.Application was received from 3ilinneapolis GO 3. Company, fir .germiasfon to install 1 pole on St John Aven?, between 56th- .and Tower Street and to install 2-2&f and iron pipes on
,Bridge Street bswtecrn Bihraa Blvd and Howland Aves., m8 031 motion tVillson Be granted, seconded Prescott and carriedr
a x
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It wa ancea
be 88 duty
,EI moved by Moore, %hat the warning house and other apgurt- in connection with the operatiQn a of Village of Mina
ng rink for the freecuee and benefit of reoidents of Mina, t up on the Village owed Iddill Pond area as a ministerial of said Village, motion seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Remrdsr LIoore, offoredl the follem$ng roaelution and sroved its
YIHPIW, the SchosX Board of Endopendent Schoo2 District HumBsr 17, hae duly adopted the following ream
' O%UtiQn:
BZ IT RESOLVW, that the School Board of Indep- endsnt School 33iotric-t Number I? ,in the Village of mine dobs hereby au%horizssthe vs11t3g8 ~f mina to fill in and grade and lsndtscaps the =et &are of' Iand lying be.I;FPaon Vest 50th. Stre'st and Zk€an Avenue, eptnad by aaSd School Dfe&rict
B33 IT FURTHB €UZSoI;vED that said Independant School Dietract Number IT hereby joins with the Villa e of aina at~l sponsor of the Vorks Progrerjs Admin f atration proJect number 4189, and hereEry authorizers and empmrs the proper officers of
said School Board and tho Clerk of &&,id School District to sign, togather with the proper Officers of tho Village of ailla, the necsosary papers to oarry into 'offoct said FJarkB Proereaa Adrnfnbtr-ation
I. Nmbsr 17. ,
. project number 4189.
- TH-BRE, BZ IT RE3OLVB.I, that the Cowlafl of' the Vlllags
of Biina, Renwph County, Einnesotol, hereby in all thinga joins in and nfth the said Sahool BomQ bf Xndependent Schoal Districe Numbor 1'7, in tlio execution and perfarmme of \?arks Progreee
Adminisfration prosect numbr 4189, and hereby authorizes and
empoiers the President of the V%tlage Ceunc3.Z and Recorder of
said Q&llae;e of Xdins, to sign and execute the necessary ;papers for and on behalf of the Counc.fl of the Village of 1Eldfna.
The vsfo ms' upon the qusation of the adop'bian of the Resolution, wherein there WOTB five ayes and ne nay% and 80 the resolution me declared duly adopted.
The Vfllege and Road bille upon being duly examined and found to
be correct, were on motion Proeoo%%, be allowed and ordered paid, cqeconded Iry rllillson and carriod.
28.60 CI 92iarpe Prerjidenf J. J. Duggan Treasurer Ben B. Eooro Recrorder 76.00 George A. 1'11113an Truo toe 25. 00 Lo R.- Blackburn Truetee ' 25.00
C. F. .Psescott Trustee 2fi.00 Dr Lowell &I.- Campbelf Village Health Off Seer . 25woo H. J. Knutaen Street Commissioner 140 00
So Jo aiaberta Utility mn 120.00 P. Dahlgren Trac tor Ope rat or a39 . 2.5
. t
- I.
They are as follow
lhsst Rd. Foreman 18OoOO
John Traey LaBor with team 39060
Ro Pert Rad labor 10.80
George Rsssnsr I? II 3. fs
r 10 3.50 18 I1 SI
Lo StoZalPan . John Tracy
Rex Garvey it II lo 80
* It ft 7.20 Orest Spande
0. Forslin n (I 9.00 R. Sorenaen * SI 0 30 15
'P. A. Redpath- Vfllage 'XarBhall 140 OO To 1. Tilly leolioe Officer 140.00
* Totax R&V 4) 1,342035
0. So Hefdt Polioo Offiaor 12Q. 06
The Bfscellanesus bill8 upon being: dux9 examined and found to
be correct, were on motion V$.llaon, be allowed and ordered paid seoencied by BlackBurn and ca'srfod.
* City sf xinneapolfa Fire Dspt oervice 029 o 39 Rural Hennepin flolfare Bdo Relief Adrrdaistr. October 143.66 Themson Lmbr Co Lumber 10 28
BoreyQa Shell Station Truck battory & Service 27.36 Haydsn Hotor Co 'Policre car eervice 9.15
Thsy are as fsllow~l
Xidland'Nstl Bank & To Ce Printing 1000 check0 130 95
Rice Sand BC Ge GrWsl $60 68 Hennepin 'Coune Review Pub. Binancial Gt&tLenxmt 182. 28
Red Wtng Sewer P$pe Co Sewit2 pfpe 320 40 J
XOrtOYl Bart CQmpST Rock salt 9.10
C'lias Olson & Sons Repairs snow plow 12.70
PeerXess EBc.trical Co , Plashlight 'batteries 3. 32
Thorpe Bros , Xnc + Tract Office sent (Dec) l?so..QO
C2ty of Mnneagolis Annual Sewer Rental charget 850.00
Nielttnd Auto Service . In8 talling heater-work truck 27.90
Black JiBgle .Stow+ Fpko Stove for tool house 13. 06 Dahlberg Bros, Incc shifter fork 1. 28
IT0 3'. Garvey Hardware & Road s.uppliea 47.75 IiXiina Nardware Hardware & Road SUP$ki.90 4.37
C; A. Lindquist BUcWmi thing * 2.75
23. \'Fa Harritj GRG & Of3 930 .%Q
WOQ6drjle Grocew Gas eC Oil 850 68
Simon Strand ' Rent tool houae .lbl&5-12/%5 27.00 Arthur SeLesson P6 days garbage colbection 260.00 lginneapolfe Go 3. Co June Street Ughting 419 .a6
Judge Village Elec tfm 7.70
I1 N N 7.70 A. Creighton
'7.70 Jo Be HamOYid Florence Jewett Clerk I1 1) *
&k6 th J + Oxbar0 N rt 11 r.70
tI (t It 4.0 70
Ca Fo &eSCOtt Judge tf il 6.. 70 Fr&ed& Ke11
Chris Larsen 11 N H 60 70
1. H. NcCreadJr C blerk st It 8.70
Nellie 3.tirate el 11 n 6.70-
Zwua Dirk8 ff it It 60 70
& boothas 40 TQ
0 .4c70 3 a \To Newbur A Judge # Albsst 0, Farmer I1 It
Clara Goodacre& Clerk 11 If 6.78
11 I$ 0 . a .607Q
It 11 N 6.10 Bla-ie Hildreth Agnes Swensen C. R, Blackburn sgl Bffloer eC booths election -9.00
IT.' H. Zieglsr Co Tractor ElUPp1fe8 60.96 L. V. Northfield Coal foxa tool howre-Oct-Nov lV.8b Sf Peters Lutheran Churah Rent church bemt Vi1 elect 9.50
Rural Hennepin Co Welfare Board Nov adrbs-brm eC relief 232.51 John J. =Duggan Treasurer's Offio-e stmaps
8c stationary 1936 12.QO H' C. Alden . Correcting Village Tracings 18.00 Alex. Creighton 50% Bdg. Inep. feqs 31/942/24 91.56
Total ,De,ce;mtoer expenditme $3,457*r7.1
I. $ %,I16042
It wets moved Prescett, that thia meeting &and adjourned to meet at the call of the President and that if on account of the Christmas season .and no meeting wa8 called Prerjident and Recarder be authorized and empowered to make out
and-aign warrants for Village Pay Roll advances and the Treasurer to hsue ckecke accordingly, aeconded .by %%'&laon and so ordered.
that the
Village Reo order
.. Village - Recorder