HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370111_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Outncil of the Tillage of %Llina, hefd in the IUna Sch,oof buildhng 218 at El PX on Jarmu&xy 13, 1937. Thi meeting vm8 called to order by TresidenS; Sharpe, $fib with Vil,lags Recorder Xoors, had been re-elected and had .quEtliffod and assumed their poefticns at the Councfl table. Nr Clarence 0. Bolten, newly elected Village Trustee, ddy qualified, also assumed his position a% %he COUnCil table8 an& all members of tho Council mre found preksnt.' Xinutcs-of me regular meeting of %he Coun<il he'ld on December 24 ,. 1936, viere rsad , on mo-%%on Prescott they be approved .as .read, The rollrtao callad seconded by Villson and carrfed. *. .+ Edlr %atdfs E. Jonee, presented a petition to chage the Zoning Ord- Grofeuy Store and-Pflling station on his land located on the North sfge of Highway 169, near the intsraection of. the Blake Road, an8 which T~B concured in lqy the other affected property 65711ers nitZlin 200 feet. Eoerre, it be accepted and referred to an earJy meeting of the Cow- 3.b *John Je Louis, apeared befpre the Council and advieed .that inadvertently he had not qualified for Bmbsr sf the Board of PaTk Cornmf~sioners upon being re-elected at the regular December elaction vhereupon it T~S moved Ho,l$en, that John J. Louia 'be apsointed as member of Board of Park Comfsaionera of the Village of .iEdinta, to aerve until the next regular election of said Vir-. lage, seconded by Preacott and carried. IC. Ha &Hugh, appeared on behalf of Leo Rerat who had .petit- ioned the Council for license to sell "Off Sale1' Intoxicating liquor in the Village of JBina,, and vas sdvisedppald consider H. W-Svensen presented Fidelftiy & Guarantee policy NQ. .A0235843 reneving Fire, %oft and Tornado insurance on Village srmsd Dodge truck serial, 8618998, motor 119-8359 togather nith premufm bill in amount 614.'fo. The limit of 1iabi3i.r~;~ being $~OO.CIO in each inatanee. It vas thereupon moved*by Prsscett, that 7bhe policy beeaccepted and the premium of $14.70 be &13otved, seconded 'by Holten and carried. 19e&ddr advir~ed that the disputed 'bill .by City of lfinneapolis in amount $33.4V for service renddred on Earth 14, 1935, to Dr Hmlh &ttrssn, 4912 Smnnyoide Road, had not Men paid and that repeated efforts to colfocL from Dr Ihttson hati failea of collectfon, A'f%;ez discussion i% nag moved Willeon the bel3 be alloned and wid, seconded by Eoors and carricd. a inabce so as to permit the erection and operation of a Restaurant, The petition MBB read whereupon it was moved ci2, seconded llsy Holten and carried. "* ce-.&.g. '* his application at an early date. *- Communication by Chiof-!Craeger, of the Xinneagolia Fire Dept. dated Decemter 19, -3.936, ~7a5 read,and atatfng he was retuning %he bond for @..00Q.t10 t~ guarantee the payment of' the cost of fire service to the VUZage of Miw, *%y C%tg .gf. I&Lnnea@oX&s f~r reaaon the City ma requiring indefinite term bonds in %leu of annual coverage bonds as psevionsXy furnished. it qas moved by Prescott, .f;ha;t the President and Recorder of the Vi1;Zage Councbl, are authoriasd to e%ecuts a bond to the City of Xinneapolio, a rnmicipal corporation in the State of Uinnesota, in tfie sum of $1,060.00 to guarantee .the payment to said City of Xinneapol2.s of bills rendered by said City for fire protection, including labor and the- use of firk apparatue of the City of Ninnoapvlfs, to aid the -Village of =in&, from and after Decem'ber 31, 3936; and the action of the Besident and Recorder of this- Coumi% in executing said bend under date of November 23, 1936, is hereby in a31 thing@ ratified and confirned, 'She motion ims wscsnded by Truatee T'billson,canci the vote was upon the question of the Hoption af the* motion, $herain there were five are8 and no nays and 80 the motion Application of Nar%hweel.%ern Be11 Telephone Company, far permission to place and remove poles and arezchoru at Hgw. a69 and Varden &eI , Vest 50th. and T7ooddale. $ Hgv. 100 and West 162nd. , t?es"t8th and Abbot%, Diviaien Street 8c Rutledge, Testn64th 4% Rolf, Vest 52nd seconded by Prescott and carried. - After discuasisn I 8 declared duw carried. and France , Valley Vh7 and @w 100, on motion Haore, be granted 2.1 9 i It vas brought to the attention of.the Council, that Roger S Borey having been duly elected Constable at the December Village Blection had faired to qualie and the off5ce was therefore vacant. After discussion by the Counci;Z and others, it was moved by Preacott, that L. Ro Blackburn, be appointed Constable and to serve until the next annual election in the Village of Bfna, motion was sec- onded 'ljy Moure, and the vote W&B upon the question of the adoption on the motion, wherein there were five. ayes and. no nays and so the glreaident declared the motionuduly carried. A comunicatian by Bthel I. Berry, on behalf of the Hennepin County Library ,- dated December 17 , 1936, was read, requesting the co-operation of the Village Caouncil in procuring suitable quarters for the Bdina, branch. and was referred to the President of the Council for reply. The mattsrhdrf Relief was disouesed by the Council after which it vma moved by Willeon that the President and Recorder be author- ized and empowered to enter into an arrangement with the Rural Hennepin County 'Welfare Board for the adminiatration of relief such as during 1936, the motion wag seconded by frescott and car- ried without dissenting vote. President Sharpe, reported to the Council on the Bklund matter. Recorder read a lsnghty opinion from Vil3age Attornoy Strong, cSii.t;ing various cases which might have 'bearing on the matter of reversion, sale and/or transfer of the. two one acre tracts of land known as the Old S&ool House site as tw11 &B copy of ord-er dated Deoember 22, 1936, by the State Fire ldarsha3l giving a*-60 day-order to I'Dernolish the two story school building owned by School District No. 17, which has been unoccupied for more than two yews, and, which, because of the condition of the interior of said school fs in such state as being beyond repair, uniriEkakit- able, and a hang out far ~FOW~BTS, as well as children, thereby constituting a fire and life and limb hazard". The Council next considered the matter of Council appointments for the ensuing year and fixing the rate 02 pay therefore. The Office of Village Health Officer, first came before the Counci,l. In view of the very saffsfactary exp&Yiei.ic&' in Village health du2ing the Past nine (9) year0 under the direction or" Dr Campbell, it; was moved by Prescott, that Dr Lowell Id. Carilpbefl be re-appointed Village Health Officer for the ensuing year at a salary for current matters of $28.00 per montb, seconded by Moore, and unanninously carried and eo orderedr The dery favorable experience in legal matters under George V. Strong as V5llage Attorney dWing t@ la$t nine (9) years 172s also discussed by the Council, wherein kt t7as moved by EBoore, that Xr George \ac Strong, 'be re-appointcd+ Village Attorney for the ensuing year at a salary. of $26.00 per month to cover all ordinary routine matters .and that anything of major importance to be charged for in addition and on a basis to bo arrived at, seconded by ITillaon and carried. It vias moved by PrescoLt, ."chat B.H.&adley be re-appointed Village Engineer for the ensuing year on a fee basis, seconded by Holten, and carried. . . .. It vas moved 'try Uoore,, that P. A. Redpath, be re-appointed Village Xarshall at a salary of $140.00 per month and that T.&Tilly be re-appoi@ed Police .Off;Lcer at a salary of $140.00 per month and that W.S.Heydt be re-appointed Police Officer at a salary of $120.00 per month., seconded by, Wiblson and carried. In the mattes of the aelection of depository for Village funds affirmative of a11 members of the Counail, that the Xidland National Bank and Trust Company of Xinnoszpolia, Ndinnesota, be and is hereby selected and designated as a'depositoxy of Zzteral 18 'It wag moved by Holten, seconded ly Prescoit, and carried by an 220 Sewer District Number One and Xumber Zvo, of the Village of Edina, for the period beginning as of thi8 date and ending December 31, 1937, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of EkiPnct or the furniahing of legal colla%= era1 in an amount sufficient to ten (lo$) percent in excess of the maimum awn deposited, said bond or said colla%eral to be approved by. the Bfllage Counc11 and filed in the office of the - Village Recorder or in event of collateral being furnished in lieu 09 a nurety bond, ih a place of safe keeppng satisfactory to the Village Council andthereupon the Village Trsasurer shall deposit all or any part of ViJ.lags moneys in 8uch bank. It vas moved by Prescott, beconded by Holtsn,, and'carried by an aSffrmtive vote of all' member8 of the Council, that the Ifidland National Eank and Trust Cornpaw, of Ilinneapolis, Unn- esota, be and io herew selected and desigpated a8 a depository of' General Fundrj of the Village of =inn,, for the period begin- ning as of this date and ending December 32., 1937, on the execu%- ton by such bnlc of a sufficient bond to the Village of =ana, or the furniahing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to ten (10%) percent in oxce8s of the maximum surd depoai$ed, ssid bond OF said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Recorder or in event of collat- . eral behg furnished in lieu of a surety band, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council, and thereupon the Village Troanurer aha33 depoeit all.or any part of the Village .moneys in such bank. \ \ + ' I I + It vag moved by Noore, that 17illson, Prsscott and Sharpe 8 be appointed the Cornittee or, Public Relief, seconded by Rolten and carried. 1 It ims moved by filoore, that P'rescott ,, Willson apd Holten, be appointed the Cbmmittee of Roads and Widgee,, aeconded by Sharpe and caryied. Pt was moved by.Prescett, ihat Sharp? and HBlten, be appointed the Police Cwmnfttea, neconded by ViU.son and carried. ILms moved by 'b7iJ.lson, thqt Xooee and Holten, be appointed the Sanitation Comm%tteo, seconded by Prsacott and carried. It ms moved by IViXlssn, that Sharps and Uoore, be appointed the Ordinance Committee, seconded by Holten and carried It vk moved by Preacott, that the Hennepin County Review, be selected and designrzted the official nonopaper and publication OP the ~ix1hge. of mina 'for the ensuing year., BeCOlrded b?y Holten and carried. Avenue, be re-appointed Plmbing Xnspec tor for the ensuing year on Yesibasis of $1.50 per inspection with Wree inspections to be made and al=lowed on sgch Job. * It ~ms moved by Prescott, that Cr. G. Christensen, 4316 Upton ~ It ims mnoved %y loore, the,% the present srrangement for garbage collec*ien and disposal with Arthur Peterson 0 $10.00 per day for. men and truck 'and a, surety bond being given.-the Viafage 50 cover public libabflty be. renewed, aeconded by Pr-eacott and carried It vas moved by Prescott, that H,J.Knudaen, be re-qqminted Street Commissioner for the ensuing year at a salary of $140.00 per month, seconded by Villsan and. carried. .It as moved by Viflaon, %hat S.S.Roberts be re-appointed Utility man for the ensuing yeem at a salary of. $120000 per month, Bet- It vas moved by Prescott, that the rate of pay for man aith teara be on basis of $1.00 per hour, seconded by Noore and carried. It TV&S moved by'Prescott, that the pay of the Village Recorder for the enauipg year be aet at $75.00 per month, seconded by l'liflson, and carried. - andsd by PTeacott, and carried. 22k It was moved by Preacatt, that the pay of the Village Treasurer be set at $25.00 per month for the ensuing year, eeconded by Holten and carried. 1% tms moved by Prescg%t, that Alex Creighton be re-appoin%.ed Village Building Inspeqter on basis of pay of 505 of the. building permit, fees collected, seconded by Xoore and carried. , : TQe matter of liquor regulation and control 'bytss again d&cs'cussod I by the CounciS,, whereupon Moore offered the following resol-ution ** and moved ita adoption AN ORDIEAN33 RXEULATTITG THB SALE OB XALT AND INTOXfCATLNG LIQUORS, FIXSNG THO FEE3 THZ€U@OR, RWFALING fiTD AnmI>TG' EXISTING OIzaZNAMC3B FOR THP PUI3P08E 03' PROMOTING AND SAPZGUARDING THE PUBLIC ~HZALTH, 9AFX?Y, MORALS, BRDB3, COIlV~I~CE3, PROSPEEU#TY' AND GBURAX, %"ARE IN SAID VILLAGE: The Council of the Village of Pdina does ordain Section I. me sale non-intoxicating- malt ~i-quQr, con- taining not more than 3.2 per cent by volume of alcoho2, for consumption on the premises, is hereby limited to private golf clubs awning and operating club houses for .their members in avhich refreashments are served as fncrid- ental to the regular business of the club, and not more than three (3) regularly eatablishsd restaurant@. No dancing shall be permitted in any restaurant 80 licensed, The sale of intoxicating liquor, containing over 3.2 per cent of alcohol by volurm, far conamption on the premises shall 'be licensed'only at private golf club$ eligible for an non-rsle" non-intoxicating malt liquor license .under this ordinance . The safe of. intoxicating liquor, E~EJ herein defined, in the original packages for removaf from the .place of sale, shall be liceneed onlsr at one (1) exclusive liquor 8 tore Sectian 2. The fees for license for the .eale of non-intox- icating m-lt liquor and intoxicating liquor shall be &hi fol- lows and shall be payable in advanea: -" fQ+Sale fi non-intoxicating ma%% liquor (restaurants) $50.00 "On-sale" non-intoxicating. malt liquor (golf clubs) $50 00 Wff-Safefl nan-intoxicating malt liquor 85.00 , "On-Sale" intaxicatlng liqum ( olf oJub) . 8100.00 Wff-Sale" intoxicating liquor T exclusive Liquor store8785.00 I' Any fees for license herein provided which qxceed: $500.00 per annum my be payable in toto equal, semi-annu.al Installments. Section 3. Every section, provision or part of this ordfnanco is detilared separable from every other 8ecIfon, proviahrr or part; and if any ~ectdon, provision or part hereof shall be de%lared invalid, it shall not affect any other section, pro- -- vision or part. Section 4. This Ordinance shall becoma effective imediately upon its passage and publication, and the fee8 Ererein fixed shall apply to licenses hereafter iaaued. It shall rcpeaf, amend and super8ed.e those portions of the tas ordinances of this Village entitled "An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Non-Intoxicating I\llalt Liquors, Repealing Inconsist- ent Ordinances, and Providing R Penalty for the Violation Hereof" adopted April 6, 1935, &E amended, and !+An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor , Repealing Inconaiste~t Ordinancee and Providing a, Penalty for the Violation Thereof," adopted January 29, 1934, and any other ordinances or parts thereof sf this Pillsge that .are inc on8 istent herewith. The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was seconded by Trustee Prescott and vm8 upon the question of the adoption of the 222 ReeoZu%ion-, nheroin them vere flvc ~yos and no nays and 80 tho rssolutdon -vas declared duly adopted, Tkie Road and Village bills upon being duly sxwinsd and Pound J' ' ??;;cors&ct, 17erc3 on motion Proecott, be ~zlloned and ordered paid, seconded 75y HoftQn aEd carried. They are a0 follom P.A.Re4path Village IbrshalL 8x40 . ao To E. Tisly Police Officer . 140.00 V. S. Heydt Police Officer 120 . 00 HIS.Knudsen Street Commiosioner 140 . OQ S. JI Roberta Utili@ mil 120 a 00 P. Ddhlgron Tr.actor Operator 112.20 L. S,tolzmaPs Asst Rd Foreman 106*50 John Tracly 'Aust Rd Foreman 67 00 John TracJr , Iabor with team 54.90 Xi Sorsnsen Skating rink attendent 73730 SfZaa Eerrett Road labor 3; 60 Harvey Enaloy .Road Dabor 9.00 180.00 President (Janwrg 35.00 25 00 Aft;hur Petersen Em1 C. Sharp0 J J .Duggan Ean B. Xooro Recorder George A. IYi13son !&usfee 25.00 C .$ .Prsscott Trustee 25.00 Clarence 0. Holfen Trt;ietec 25.00 Village Health Officer 250 OO I L&tbar nith truck ( arabe) 75.00 -* 'T Trsao ur er Dr Lone11 11. Canpbcll Total Rd. e: Village1,512.00 The Xiscellansous bills tapon being duly examined and found to &e correct, vere on motion ViIlnon, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Precmott and carried. They are as follovm Fred L. Gray Co C. A. Lindquist 3. W. Harria Red Ving Sever Pipe CO J. JEtoperoon Vooddale Grow$ Xinneapalis G.B.Co 'I 77. H. Zfe&er CO ' Bsyf Nurseries City of Uinneapolio Firestans Service Store (11th EC Harmen) Justuo Sumber Co Village St Louis Park Trhorpe Broa, Inc Btina Garage, Inc N-TI Eel1 Telephone Co Black &gle Stove Vko E.A.F,ogera Co Zugene B. Thorns Village St Louio Park Blackburn ,NickelaBSmith Simon Strandl - W. I?. Garvey Thompson Irnbr Ce lifiinneapolia Iron Store Nina Hardrrars CBas Olson Q Sone Rice Sand & Grave5 Co Geo T. Ryan Co Broa EklI Co $rank CI Ruby Plalfred J. Zund Roach-Carlssn Co Jay \?e Cr~iig CO A.C *Valbr NpXq Fire Protection bond Blacksmi thing Gae & oil Sewer tile Road gravel to 12/8/36 Gas far R8cB- Ju3.p Be August St Lighting Trac'cor parts 107 trees for UPA project Fire Dept services .- (rjhould bs $829.98) Adju8tmon-b Police car tire Lumber Vooddale Ave bridtze. PA. oeaing project (~ovGec) Tract Office rent (Jan) OctWov Police car storage Police lis tinge telephobe book Blk 16 blue print8 ZlecficEtl labor Fire Dept service 'Premium on bond@ Rent & Light tractor shed Hardtmre & Rd auppliw ZumBer t.laming house Truck chaino Road & Asseseorle supplies Truck anew plort repairs Road oil for p&ching Road sand m-lutsriuant Snow plov repairs CleanJup refund 4881. SS rd Clean-up *refund 4633 Bruce Cleanoup refund 4623 vooddale Clean-up Tefund 4500 Arden and other eervices T&Xmiw house GtOW $15.00 18.15 107 83 32.40 23.45 21.53 839 . 98 17.96 150 . 00 74.08 6.90 13.. 49 36.86 12.50 16. 06 3.00 7.50 2. 29 3.03 35.00 15. 00 17 0 60 4.15 3.44 8.16 11.42 17.96 59 . 830 20.63 25*QO 25.00 - 25.QO 25.00 I _- -* 39 5*wi 33 I (see over) Clean-up refund 4120 SS Rd Clean-up refund 46-12 Vooddalo ** Office supplies, J.4.10 Bdg Inspector 50% fee oogected 91.56 tf II tf 4262 8s Rd $moo Clean-up refund 4529 Bruoe 25.00 Clean-up refund 4528 Ardenk 25.00 Total Miscl @1,995.09 W -II 4613 Vooddals 50.00 Total January' .. expenditwe $3,507.09 No further busslness to come before this meeting, motion to adjourn carried a,t 12.4Q ABB -e Vi1JIage Recorder, t ->- e