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+-- ~ Xinutea of the regular meting 3
or" the Council af the Vil3ase of .! Biina, held in Wina Schooh at 4
8 PA1 on Jaixizxy 25, 1937. z /
!Rie:%eetfdg %as ca91cb to.*6Pdqr ?$r I PredfdenU Shsakge , -the- roll-
called and a13 members of the Councfb vere preaent.
Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council hlsd on January If, 1937, wre road.
Er Lo R. Blackburn, appeared before tho Council, nith request khat: he %e awarded the Compensation insurance for the coming year and that it would not be necessary to change from tFe '
Stan@a-l.dl$icc%dent Insurance Company, nho havs issured the policy- in the pogt and vhase service has been sati.ef'ezctnry, whereupon it was moved by Prsscott, that the Village Compensation insurance for coming year ba placed with LR.Blackkurn, seconded by V€Zlsow and carried.
Xr and H.VODarr, appeared before the Council in protest to any asuessment which might be made against the Adan H. Smith
property extending approximtelq 600 feet &st of Vooddale Avenue on the North side of \%st 60th. Street, despite the-fact the
property z~as locs.t;ed @crosn the street from Block 16 of the Country Club District. After examination of the plat shoving- the territory located within more than a ha19 mile of Block 16, giving the proposed assessments for each parcel ai land 'to be
assessed, tbe matter 17as left for w, future meeting of the Council
So determine benefits and asse~sments.
Ilessra Hilding Dahl, James Ryanb John Cooper and Howard Hoskine, in turn appeared before the CouncPl inmaking applicatian for the position of Police Officer. After hearing it vas moved
'by Prescott, that tho matter be referred to Chairman Hol'ten of
the Police Committee for further investigation with final action to be delayed until other applications are received, seconded . by ViETson and carried.
1.k L. E. JO~QB, appeared and requested a hearing on his applic- - ation to change the Zoning Ordinance to permit sale of food.and gasoline on hi5 property and vas adviead the Council would call such a meeting at an early meeting; of the Ccmxncil.
On motion &escott, they be approved as I.; read, aeconded try \?illson and carried. P
9. -
In response 60 letter Civil Service' Commisr;i TruBtes Holten rextorto
by village empboyca requestfng that a on be establfahed for thfo Village, d the Statue provfded for a colrimfssfon of three members kho would hire and discharge emp1oye.o but .that no velfare or mge cornpernation payments were porjsible. mere
upon President Sharpe, requested Trustee Holterz to so advise the pe ti ti onem.
It moved by Proscatt that the usual pay roll advances be allomtd togathor nitb paymen% of $37.50 to IZary Ne17bery for rent of tool house premises, 852.50 to Uinnehaha, Grange #398
for rent of Grange Hall, R33.47 to City of Unneapolfs for Fire Depfi. service and 8345.10 Lo Rural Hennepin County SklPare Board for December 3936 Relief, aeconded by 17illleon and carried.
Letters were read from Was Eerry regarding the Mina Branch of Hemepin County Library and F. Forrester concerning the discharge of water from shamro at the Interlackon Club, togather with rep3.y by President SharpeI
Trustee viflson offered the rollowing Resoxution and moved its adoption,
Be it rwolved, that notioe is hereby given that a petition
has been presented to the Village Council of the Village
of Eiina, Hennepin County I Ninne8ota; petitioning for the vacation of that part of LITII;E; STREiT lying between blocka seven (7) and eight (8) of Ifendelashom Addition, heated in said Villago, according to the plat thereof on fils or of-record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, described as follow:
That part of LZTTZE STRJBZ 2yAng between the south line of Ffelson Avenue and the Nor%& line of Seth Street, BB +said streets are laid out and locafed. in said Village, said part of Little Street to be so vacated lying between blocks seven (7) and eight (8) Mendelsshorn Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and sf record in - the office of the RegirJter of dsedru in and for said Hen- nepin County.
Noh! is further given that R hearing will ,be had upon ~l&3jd petition at ZXtina School located in said Village at the corner or intersection of Wooddabe Avenue and West 50th. Street, an
the eigth day of February A.D* 31937, at 8 s'eLock B.IL of safd
dP,y, at which time and place tihe Vilfagq; Council will coneidsr
and act uponsthe said petition for the vacation of said street.
The motion was seconded by Trusfee Prescott, the vote waa upon' thg'queatien of the adoption of the resolution, wherein therc were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution VBEJ declared udopted.
A petition in due form WZZB recefved from a11 the property owners in andLa1orag the atub end of Bridge Streat, West of Browndale Avenue * including the Park Board, petitioning for the vacation of the said part of'said stree%. Upon being read it vas moved
'by Xoore, that the petition be referred to Village Attorney Strong, seconded by TrVillson and carried.
.Recorder Eoare adviaed with reference to inatallat&on QrF eandtary eet7er in Sunnyslide E~~od-~and Grineet Avenue, Nsrnimzgside and .$hat thia Councd.1 were being asked by the Council a.6 the Village of Morningside, for permissfon to install sewer and manholes 0x1 the border line which might tas inLthe Village of B3ina and offered
the following resolution:
.\ Vhoreas , the Village bf Norningafde is coria truc ting ~evrsr and in connectfean therewith has requested pemdesisn to extend such sewer partly into the Village of Blina in Bunqyslde
Rotad and in Grimes Avenue a8 hereinafter ddscribed, Now rt'heref OPE ,
Be IT Resolved that the Village of Norningsids be, and it
here'by i's, granted the right to confjtrucrt;, extend and for- ever maintain its'se~~er in the Village of Etina as follows:
Canatruct a manhole in the center of Sunqyside Road to be
lcrca,ted paytly in the VilZage of Bfna and partly in the Vialage of Morningeide; lay sewer pipe along the Morther3y boundry line-of the Village of aina from such manhole to the Northerly line of Sunnyside Road and not to extend three
(3) feet from such line; such swmr Lo be extended ~c3coss Lot Il,(eleven) Auditor'r;P SubdivisSon 172 in said Village afr Edina and as close to the Northerly bouna-sy line of said 10%
as feasible; thence along the center of Grimes Avenue; construct and forever maintain a manhole in the in the center of Grinee Avenue to be located partly in B3ina and partly in IJorningside.
Thfrs resolution aha21 be in full force and effec.tr if and \Then
(a) !be owner of said lot =even (ll), Auditor's Subdivision 172 shall have consented in nri.l;fng to the exteneion of such ewer acmm aaid lot.
(b) The Village of Norningside, by a proper resolution of i%e Village Council, shall ham aaeeepted this ordinance an& in the rerjolutfon of acceptance 8haI.l have assumed a131 of the burden and expense 0% construotion and perpetual maintenance of said
@ewes and manhole or mwiholee and shall have agreed to hold the ViXlege of &.kina and ita Village Council and the individual members thereof, forever hamleoa from aqy and all coste of construction and maintenance of said sevfer and manhole or men- holss and from any and all damages of every kind and frmn a19
coats and r@asonable attorneys' fees that may or night or could in any way or manner vhatsoever be p&ced upon or against or
incurred by the eaid Village of aim or its ViLlcxge Council or the individual members of auc Villa
petual maintenance of said sever and manhole
{e) The Village of Xorningeide shall have p proper resolution, that the ot7ner of any pr
Village of Zlipra which abuts upon or faces Avenue and/or Sunnyside Road, in the Villag side, or the ovner of property located in the Village of . ‘C Edina which is not more than 300 feet from the junction of the sever at Grimes Avenue and Sunqysidc Road, shall have the right to connect hfu property with said wmer 80
E;Q be *constructed by the Village of Xornfngside, upon such reaeonable terms as shall be agreed upon by the said Village of Uorningside and such property omer. f
in the cour~o of or by reason of the con t true
The motion to adopt vias seconded by Truatee Prescott, the vote
I~B upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, 17hesein there t79re five ayes and no nays, and so the rerjollu$ion was declared duly adopted.
Er Gus Hexwizorn, auggesfed to the Council the advieability of more atringent plumbing regulaeione throughout the Village
and was roffered to the Building Inspector,
On account of the deatQ of Village Brghall Percy Arnold Redpath on January 21, 1937, it ~mf3 moved Nowe that Police Officer T. 3. Tilly, be appointed Village Ilarshell at a salary of $140.00
per month, seconded by !71lleon and carried.
Aster diacuflsion by the CounciL, it WAS moved by Prcscott, that
tne salary of P. A. Redpscth, be continued 30 days for the benefit
of the widow and 9 o,hildren.in order to provide neceesary support untfZ other arrane;ementrj catldd be made, seconded *by Uooro and carried.
Truatee Preecott reported on nebalf of the-Roag & Bridgee Committee in the matter 09 vragoo road labor and moved %hat “&e rats of pay for Road la’bor be 45@ per hour, Tractor operator 5Sp per hour and Aasf. Hoad foreman SO$ per hour, seoonded by Villaon and carried.
1% ima moved by Pieecott that tbe meeting stand adjourned sub- ject to tne call of the l?resideAit, seconded .rry Hoore and carried.
Village Recorder