HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370308_REGULARNlinutes of the regular meeting of Edina, heLd in Edina School Building on Earch 8, 1937 at A& . Of the COUhC$,l Qf the Village ‘% 7 8 PMo .The meeting vraa called to order by the Psesident, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Xbkrusry 8, 1937, were read, on motion Prescott, they be approved as read, aeconded by Holten, and carrieda.’ The road and villaGe bills upon Bing duly examined and found to be correct, were on motiort Prescott, they Be allotwed and ordered paid, seconded by Yillson and carried, . They are ae follows: H . J .Eslnudse n Stmet Cummiesioner $140 00 102.00 90.50 L.‘Stoliman Aljert Rd foreman John Tracy Asst Rd foreman John Tracy Labor with team 26.00 R. Sorensen Vatckman E% care taker 26 20 0, Forslin Road labor 4.50 H. Easley Road labor 10 . 80 140.00 To E, Tfl1y village Marshall W. S. Heydt Police Officer 120.00 110 . 00 704.45 Hilding Dah1 Police Off i’cer Rural Hennepin Co Vslfare ,January relief Arthur Peterson Garbage collection (Feby) 160.W Par1 C; Sharpe * Pres i de nt (Mare h) 35.00 J.J.Duggan - Tre as ure r 25*@0 Ben B. Moore Re c orde F 75.00 C. F. Prescott Tr UB tee 25*00 Clarence 0. Holten !&us te e 25.00 Dr L.. E. Campbell HeKLth Officer 25.00 S. 5. Roberts‘ Utility man 120.00 P. Dahlgren Tractor operator 122.20 George A. VilZson Trustee 2s. 00 Tota.1 Road - V;lllwge $ 2,1L1*55 The Niscellsneoue Bills upon being duly- exanined and found to be correct, were on motion Holten, they be allomd and ordered paid mconded by P~escatt, and carried. They are as follows: Edina Garage, Znc Police car service $26 e 95 ,ir- D-A Lubricant Go Tractor oil (less Ped. tax) 38.90 Minneapolfe G. E. Company Street 12ghting 542.67 V. H. Ziegler Co , Tractor parts & snow plow (15) 222.68 W. F. Garvey Haraware 8c Road supplies 15.55 Simon Strand Bent tractor shed eC light 18 00 PS te r Dahlgre n , Rent for truck-Noo,Ilec,Jsln & Feby. 10.00 Rent Tract Office , litarch 12. ti0 8 0.15 Thorpe Bras J. D, Adams Ca Grade r parts Village of Hopgina Fire Bpt service(Ketting-2/21) 90.00 C, A. Lindquist Blac%smithing (Jan-Few) 17.50 ~p~e. Iron Store Road supplies 2. 64 Edina Hardware RQ& suppliqs - 2.25 Lo W.3Torthf ie ld Co Coal for tool shed 18.90 Standard Clothing Co Policeman’s cap 2.00 Hennepin County Feview Printing & Pub Notices 49.05 Rice Sand & Gravel Co Sand & gravel 2.59 IVosddale Grocery Gas B Oil for tractors 56.59 Gas & Oil, tractors & olice car 104.06 26.92 18 10 E, I. Harris Nickele & Smith Fire Insurance (599159 Smp-OnaTools -C o wenches Gre ggs Phamacy Expresn chg refurzd-election sups. 2.62 Gust Olsonr; Cahilf stox% Gas ofr tractor 3.68 Police car service 20.75 Hayden Notor Co Repairing snow pbw 38 45 Chae Olson Sons Snc P Be A. Archer Repairs to truck 22.0 5 Alex Creigbton 50% fees Bdg. Inspector 71.47 D9 2 To tal Mfscollane ow I 232 hk Paul Austin, appeared before the Council on behalf of the Northern State8 Pover Company, advising that his company had adopted a new schedule of rates and charges wherein franchise extensions were granted to expiring franchisee. The preoent franchise gran-d 'by the Village of Edina, to the Northern States Pomr Company (Einnmpolio General Electric Company) expiring in July 19409 and a 17 year extension baing requeated. The estimated .reduction to residential users being 10% and - about $40.00 per month on streeting ~ighting. Ths matter being favorably considered by the Council, it vas moved Hoore, that the propoeition be referred to Village Attorney seconded by Holten and carried. Eessrs Bauers, Steinke and Csmpbz3.1, tsre present to take up the matter of the vacation of that part 0.f Bridge Street, west of 'Bromddle Avenue, according to publiehed and posted notices having been duly mads, of Village Attorney Strong that the interested partie8 should have a mutual agreeaent OPI the use of the roadt~ay, it wasmotred After discussion and the recommendation *by Eqoore, that the matter be referred to the next regular meeting *of the Council, seconded by Hol$ea and carried. 'Wssidenit'R.E.John, -of the Country Club Association, togeztiier *with Ch&i,rmn C .D.'flilkinson, presented the matter of the Village -acquiring that part of Block 16, B28t of the School property ' :and which ~ould alse iriclude the Old ELL1 Tract. it vias moved by Eoor8, that in the opinion of %he Council, thia :property be acquired far Village purpoess and that proper steps *be taken imwdiktely to learn the proces~ of acqufring by Con- ,demat&on proceedings or othervise, and that a propoaed a&edQle .of assessments 'be spread over the benefited property baaed on the- .Wrch 6, 1987 offer of Thorpe Broa. of $7,500.00 plus cost of :The'.'natter of installing sanitary (3emm in the South Harriet Park .area next came before tbe Council, wherein Dr J.BoEstabro~k, of .the engineering firm of Burlingame, Hitchcock & Estabrook, was .present with certain plans and estimates for coets of stme.. After discussfon BBcdrdt?mEfo6&, bffeqd the following re solu+,icsn and moved its adoption: After discuision acquiring, moth n seconded by Holten, and carried. .. €B IT IiDREBY RESOLVED; of Edina, Hennepin County, Elinneeota , E?S follows: sECT?OX 1. That- this Council hereby determine8 that it ie necessary and expedient and for the best interests of the public to conptruct a sanitary sewer and laterals in and ' along those streets and avenues of Sever District number 3 of said Village of Edina, a8 follotm: the Village Council of the Village . A District Sever in 17ooddale Avenue running from the junct- ion of the present 8emr in \%st 50th. Street and to the intersection' of tbe center of ~~a;Ld.~~~~sddaILe-A~nu~ and IFfest 54th Street; to construct lateral sewm along KeIlsgg Avenue, Oak%znd Avenue -and €bokview Avenue from %,tat 54th Street to Test 52nd. Street and thence along mst 52nd. Street to the sewr in 8aid 17oOddale Avenue, and in and along Tlosddale Court and l%odd&le Lane. -. SECTIOE 2. That Burlingam Hitchcock & Ea%abrook, Consulting . Bngfneers, Vinneapolis, Einnesota, ba and hereby is aolected . and directed to draw plm~ and opecifications and prep&*@ , estimaLea for said eemrrs' and tabulate the resulte of their .i estimate of the cbat and report the same to the Village Council. The motion to adopt was seconded by Truetee Prescott, and the vote ria8 upon the question of the adoption of me resolution wherein there wre five ayes and no nays and 80 the reaolution me adopted aFd 80 ordered. Rbcarder Efoore thereupon offered the following ordinance and moved its adoption: *AN 0RDINANCE CFXATING, ESTABLISHTNG AND PIXIhTG THE LlEIfTS AND !CE'%ZTOXY OF A SJDBR DISTFICT IN THE VXLLAGX OF EDINA, HZEZPIN COUNTY, EINmESOTA. The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, 233 Minnesota , does ordain as - follotm: Section 1. corporate limits. of the said Village of Edina is hereby created and established as Sewer District No. 3, and shall consist of 'and include the territoiy and real estate lying within said village of Edina described as follows, to-wit: That certain real estate and territory within the i . ComencZng at the zintersection of the present sewer in West 50th Street and the center of Xooddale Avenue and extending South along the center bf said$ Wooddale Avenue to the center of Rat 54th Street; thence East* along the center'of said \%st 54tb Street and the center of Brookview - Avenue; thence Northerly and Wbaterly along the center of said Brookview Avenue to its junction with Wst 52nd. Street at the point of intersection with the East Line of Lot One (1) , Country Club, Wooddale Section, extended; thence North along said East ljne of Lot; One (1) to the center of Ninnehaha Creek; thence 'Brsterly , Northerly, Southerly and Xorthwesterly . along the center line of said Creek to the line betvteen Lots the center of said e'reek; thence North to the sewer now con- structed and laid in Wst 50th. Street; thence .Rst along said Ijewer to the place of beginning; reference being made has to the plat of Bald Cbuntry Club, tvooddale Sect-ion, and of South Harriet Park, accordhg to the plats of said Additions on file and of record in the'office-of the Register of Beds in and for said Hennepin County, Itdinneaota, and to said atreets'and avenues shown upon said respective plats and as now laid out Sebtion 2. Taat all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordin- ancea md resolutions inconsiatent with the provisions of this ordinance be and tke Barn hereby are repealed, I 2'2 and 23, said Country Club, Wooddale Section, extended to U and used in said Village of Edina. x -4% P-3 IYI 0 Sectibn 3.- Thiilt this ordinance M in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication, The motion to -adopt waa seconded by Trustee Prescott, and the vote was' upon the question ' of -the adoption of the Ordinance by resolution wherein there were five wes and no nays and. so the Resolution was duly declared carried. I ATTEST Village Attorney Strong, reported to the Council on the so-called Ecklund matter and it was agreeable to the Council that the Village Attorney, President of Council, Chairman of Road Ec Bridge Committee and Trustee Holten, continue as a Committee to represent the Coun- cil in working out details and to report to the Coxncib Attorney Spect, on behalf of Nr Ecklund , requested that psrmissicm be granted to build a private dwelling at a distance of not less than 35 feet from the East line of the Country Club District and which would comply with the Zoning Ordinance when a plat of the Ecklund property was filed and accepted. moved by Moore., seconded by Tillson and carried unanimously, It mas moved ky EZoore, that application for license having been made that the license granted the Edina Theatre Coproration to operate a motion picture tbeatre at 3911, Wst 50th. Street Prescott and carried, Whereupon it me $8 be renewed upon payment of $78.00 license fee, seconded by 234 The matter of re-zoning a por.tion of -the Loufs E, Jones prop- erty lying north of State Highmay fl69, vhereh petition and posted and published notice had been duly given, mxt-came be fore the C ouno il. Attorney George ShpEtsn, spoke in behalf of ET Jones and advised the-Council that his clidrtt desired the change form Open Ikvelopnient District to Coarmurtity Store District, for the sole pwpwe of Wing pemitted to erect 8, auitabfe' store building and operate a grocery store, restaurant and retail gasoline filling station only; the sale of any kind of beer being entirely ebimfnatsd both as to intent as vel1 a0 in the appZicatien. A letter was read dated mrch 8, 193?, - from Dr E. R. Horr, ProWkting against any change in the Zoning Ordinance rikiich mould lead now or tins in the future to opnine; up a for a beer or 1PqUQr place of any sbrt in'the neighborhood, Aftas further discussion, and with the under- standing thqt nQ requent for any kind of a liquor license r~ill be requested of thk present Council, Trustee Tilleon offered the following resolution and ms'vsd its adoption: I An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Elinnesota, adopted lfaat 25, 1937, as amemdsd, The Couiicfl of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Effinmmsta, .. - does ordain as Pollorm: MOrdinance imendfng the Zoning Ordfnance of e'ne Village of Edina, Hennepfn Caunty , Einnesofa, regulating tbe locaticin, size, us8 and height of buildings the arEangement of buildings on lots and the density of population in the Village of Edina and for the purpose of prombtfng the health, safe@, order, convenience, prosperity and general ttrelfare in said Village, adopted Uay 25, 1937, as mended, be and the stme is hereby . amended as follm: That that part or parcel of land which lies North of State Highmy #169 and between said State Highway #16S and %he old road knom as Eden Prairie Road and Eaet of Bleike Road exte.nded to its intemsction with said State Highway #ASS, in said Village of Edina, be and the-same liereby is changed fron the Open I?e39elop- mnt District, to the Communi@ Store District, permitting of such designated we8 and conditions as prescribed in the sa$& Zoning Ordinance for Community Store District, me! mation to adopt the resolution ms seconded by Recorder Moore, and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption ~f the Resolution, wherein there ere five ayes and no nays and 80 the Resolution ma declared duly adopted and 80 orctered. I P Village Attorney Strong, advised the Council, that the Public Libability bond issued by The Travelers Insurance Compalyy, and 'V covering jointly the Gounfqr Club District Service Company and the Village of Edina, in amounts of $20,000.00 and $20,000.00 ma8 in order and mould BO advise the Cofmcil in mitfng. Recorder reported on the matter of the construction of 8 new bridge oyer IIinnehaha Creek at \;boddale Avenue, and that four different kinds of constructions had been estimated naely, re- inforced concrete, piling with X beams, c'resoted vaod culverts and inverted rnulti plate steel arch on concrete baas with rubble or boulder stone facings, After disaussion it was moved by Tillson, that the propoaition of the -le Culvart & Pips Company dated €larch 6, 1937, Is accepted and the Recorder be authorized sign the necessary order insuring; present low prfc, seconded by Holten and carried. 235 I b Trustee Prescott, brought to the attention of the Council the matter of PC Reed 3kf-88, moving to another city and suggested in view sf.Ir Ea3sr8 many services to the Village during the last 123eard; %Bat the 'Recorder write Nr Bass of the Councikts appreciation of the many public duties he had re nde re d the c omunl ty . No fuyther cam ie d to a m. bus ines B e.tand add to come bef'ore this ourned untib Nonday mee t ing , Idarch 1.5 motion , 1937 at Village heorder 1 Ninutea of tIis adjourned U~ch 8, 1937 , mesting of the CounciZ of the Village of Edina, he18 on ?:arch 15, 193'7, at 8 PBlr jbn Edins School. The meeting was called to order by President Sharp, the roll called and all mem%ers of the Council were present except Trustee Prescott, who was absent from the Village. The meeting being held to consider plans and specifications and aanitary sewer projects arising in the Village. Mr 5, B. Estabrook, of Burlingame, Hitchcock Rc Estabrook, Engineem, presented plana and speoificationa and reported on the matter of laying out and construction a eanitary sever in the South Harriet Park and Wooddale Sections and gave several estimates of costs in connection therewith, Where- upon Recorder-'filloere offemd the following resolution and moved its adoption -. 9rJhereaas, plana and spec PfScationa prepared by Burlingam I Hitchcock: and Estabrosk,, Engineere , Pinneapoli8, Xinnesota, for sanitary sewer in the South Harriet Par% Addition and Fooddale Section, have been presented, etadied and approvsd by the Village Coune PI , And %!hereas, it is both necesEsary.and expedient that saki sanitary Bewr in Diatrlct nlwn'brar Zis be constructed at an early date, Therefore be it resolved, that bide for erne be received and opened at a meeting of %he Village Councf.3. to be held on Narch 29, 295T, at 8 PE in Edfna School and that notice for bids be fnaerted in the Official Newspaper of this Village and the hprovt?ment Bulletin, publiakied in Btfinn- sapalis; Nfiinnessta, The motion vme seconded by Trustee Holtsn and the vote was upon the questlaan of the adoption sf %he resolution, wherein there vere four ayes and no nays, rand so the resolution vms . . declared duly adopted, (MIarch 95, 1987 minutes continued over)