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Hinutes ~f the regular nee ting of the
. Council of the Villwe of Xdina, held on March 22, 1937, at 8 PE in the Sdina SchooX Building.
The meeting waB called to order, the roll called and all members of the Council w8re present.
Mh~fes of the East regular meeting of the Council held on hrch
8, 1937, were read, on motion Holten, they be approved a8 read, seconded by Prescott and carried,
Mr Paul Austin and Richard Furber, appeamd 021 behalE of the Bllinn-- ' eapslis General Electric Campaw, in the matter of extension to gre sent franchise which' expires In July 1940 Attorney Elsi
BauersIand other residents who were attending the meeting,alsa sat in on the discussion of the terms, rates and conditione! offered in the suggested new franchise. The Council was given to undes-
stand by Hr Auatin, that the Village was being giver? the aarie Pate making power as Cities of the 3rd. and 4th. Class, that ft was proposed to extend the same rates as would apply in the Hinneapolfs rnetropo,I.itan area for Standard rates, weaning the pu)l$shed standard rates or schedules and that the lowered rates would be rebated &e of January 1, 1937. The frmchiee when submitted the Council also
ha5 the OK of Village Attorney Mr Strong, as to form. After dia- cussican for eome length of time it was moved by Holten, that the
matter go over to the first regular meeting ih April, seconed by Willson and carried.
The Pay roll advances having been carefully gone over, it was
moved by HoPten that they be allowd and ordered paid, togather
with bill of Rural Hemepin County Vklfare Board, for Village Relief
during the mon.t;h of February, 1937, An amount $763.85 seconded by l@U.son and carried
Margaret Soderberg presented application for renetnal of- 3.2 "Off" and 3.2 Wn" sale of nen-intoxicating malt liquor license in con- nection with restaurant at 4928 Francs Avenue, which upon favor-
able recommendation of Police. Committee, it waa msmd by Prescott, that the lfcenaes be refiewed, seconded br Willson and carried.
&plication togather witb check in amount $55.00 By IRo Nolan, for renewal of Both '%fIft as ~11 as nOnfl sale of 3.2 non-inlox- icating malt liquor ldcense at 5000 France Avenue South, in con- nection with restaurant, wa% on motion Holten? s it be rejected, seconded by XOOTE?, and carried.
Nr Elsf Batters, on behalf of himself and all the other proper2s;y owners an Bridge Street, Bast of Browndale Avenue, offered the agreement made and entered into on the 19th. dw of Xiarch l937,
by and bet.vee.n Mae Be Baw3rs.and Eloi Eauers, her hueband, parties of the First Part; Villiam No Steinke and Eildred X Seainks, husband and wife, parties of the Second Part; John S, Campbe13
of %he Fourth Part, in the matter of 'the vacation of that part of Bridge Street, in? the Vil%ae;e of Edina, lying Wet of Brown- dale Avenue and East of Xinnehaha Creek, 'whereupon Truljtco Holten offered the following resolatican and moved ita adirption
Tihereas, a due and prope? petition has been presenfsd to the Village Council of the Village of Zdina for the' vaca,tllon of that part of Bridge Street in said Village heyeinafter descrilsd, and
Whereas, notice giving a time and glace for the bearing upon aefd petition has been duly published and posted as provided by lawT, and
TRhereaa, it appears to this $i&ge Council now here to be for the best intemsta of the Public so to do,
< and'Isabe1 A, Campbell, hueband and wife, parties of the Third
Part , *and the Vfllage sf Edkna, 8, MUniCiPELl Corporatian, piarty
Be it resolved, that that part of Bridge Street in sa%d
Village of $dine, ving Wst of the %st line of Browndale
Avenue and Bast of Edinnehaha Creek, a8 said streets and
Creek &re now laid out and located in said Village,
(resolution continusd over)
according to the plat thereof on file and of record office of the Reggster of Deeds of Hennepin County,
be and the saxe is hereby vacated. f
in the Elinnesota,
The motion to adopt %?as seconded by Recorder &Ioore, the vote vas upon the questitin of'the adoption of the resolution, wherein there wrc? five ayes and no nays and so the resolution vas declared duly adopted
Application having been duly nade by the Interlacken Club, for renewal -
of tIOnsf Sale 3.2 malt liquor, it was mowd by Prescstt, that applic- ation be granted and license issued upon payment of license gee, see-
onded by Eoors and carried.
Application having been made by the Xnferlacken Club for reneml of f80nH Bale - Intoxicating liquor, it mas moved by Prescott ation be granted, and license ieeued upon payment of license fee,
seconded by Uoore and carried.
that applicP
Er Alex Creighton, having procured deede to 10 parcels of land needed for Rie;ht-ofmK&y fgr roade located Bas% of the Country Club District
and North of Ws$ 50th. Street, it rras,moved by Villaon that warrant an8 cheuk be drawn Ba A.77.Skog, Register of Deeds for Hennepin County in amount $9.50 to pay cost of Recording saxe, seconded by Hslten and carried.
The so called ~lPublfcationn bill before the State Legislature*, I~B
discussed by the Council and believed to be an item of waste of tax mbneyp inaamuch &a legax noticos , ordiances , published notices and financial statemnta are now published. It vas thereupon moved by Villsen, that the Recorder be' requested to mite the Eunicfpwtl
Affairs CommitWs of the State Sen&% protesting against the passage
of the bill, seconded by Prsacstt and carried.
The matter of the acquieion of T,3@ Bo oalled "Old Eill" tract and that past of Block 16, wing Est of %he present School property,
by the Village and under option by Thorp, Broe dated Exarch 6, 1939, discussed the COWlCile The President and Iiecorder both advising that the prapoIped saaessmenf against all lots in the Brown and Fairway Sections, waB ready and awaiting action by the Country Club Association and/or other drzferes-d persons fdr-the last 10 days+
1% Wing left vithi the.President and Recorder to endeavor to impress upon those interested wi$h the necesefty of calling a meting so that the Council might learn the mi11 of the people to be as~essgd.~
The Feoorder premntedA copy of %he rerjolution pawed by the Village of Xorningsfde on the 12th.. da;y of February 1937, csncurfng in and accepting the terms and conditione of the resolutfan duly passed try the Comcil of the Village of EdAna, on January 28 1937, granting certain pmiaalon #or the construction and op8rath.m of sanitary semr in the Village of Edina , by the said Village of Eorningsfde.
A communieatien by He 3- Arnott, 4395 Bronndale Avenw a St Louis Park concerning the drainage of storm water in that vjbafi!&t&ms referred to the Foad tk Bridge Cornittee,
Be further busimes to come begore this mseting at this tim, it vas moved &&G-ns@-tfng st&i&aI%jQDp&~3,o ag&fB lbrch 29, 1937, for the
purpose of considering the proposiLion of awarding contract for the fnstallation of sanitary sewrs in the South Harriet Pwk and Vood-
Sale Sections and such other matters a$ may propsrly COES before the c OUEC ire
Village Recorder.