HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370329_ADJOURNED239 Ninutes of the %larch 29, 1937 meting of the Narch 22, 1937, adjourned meeting of the Council of the Vjillage of %din&, held - on Xarch 29, 1937, at Zdina School at .8 PM. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called i and all members of the Council mre present. m. V1 A. Olson, appeared before the Council with applications for ' both nOffn and "On" Sale 3.2 Tidalt +liquor at 3915 WBt 66th. Street whereupon diacussion was held as to the matte'r beirig acted upon at this meeting, the President ruling it being a regular meeting and could. Trustee Xolten moved that the application for license of W.A.01sop93915 Wst 50th Street, for clOnn Sale and rrOffn Sale 3.2 liquor and for license to operate a so-called fcGam of Skill" pin ball gaae 556 gren$ed @on payment of license feesl seconded by Prescott. The Wehident ordered the roll called, Truaee Vi13,son and Recbrder Moore , voting Veta, Trustees Holten and Prescott voting ftYes't and the President VesH and sa declared carried. Application was thereupon made Iby i%,-*C; Statt, President of !Che Country Club, Xnc. for llOn" Sale 3.2 liquor and "On'+ Sale Intox- icating liquoy lieenhe and license to operate a so called "Skill Game" pin ball gam, at the Country Club House 4701 Vest 50th. Street, whereupon it was moved Holten that the applications of The Country Club, Inc. , be granted and licenses be issued, seconded by Moore, and carried. The'matter of opening bfda for the construction of sani;Cary sewer in Sewer Dfetricf No. 3, ai3 duly advestieed, next tzame before the meeting wherein Village Attorney Strong and Hessrs Letabrook and Hitchcock, %,%he Village Zngineers , also sat in with the Counoil. The bids were o.pened before the assembled bidder8 and other8 and viere as follows: - mhJ, C1 Fraeer 8: Son $l7,138oOO Earn@ tt & Record Company 16,496.66 Jacobs Brothers 16,003*25 %'alter W. McGee Company 14,92?.93 lilfarfani et Barre 13,451.70 Orfei & Lametti 13,35506O After careful inquiry of the qualifications of the three loweat bidders, the time in which the contract would be completed and the general condition in which all the streets would be left after the aewers were inetalled, it wa8 the recommendation of the Village Engineers, that the contract be awarded to the Biter W. McGee Co, , whereupon it was moved by Villsen, that the Scornendation of the V%f.lage Engineers 'be concured in by the Council and contract for dani&ary ae~ters in Sewer District No. 3; be awared to the Valter V. NcGee Company, St &tal, in amount $14,921.93; motion was seem onded by Xoore, the vote was upon the adoption of the motion, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the motion was declared duly carried. Trustee Holten , offered the following Resolution& moved adoption I33 IT l3ESOLmD, that it is hereby created, a, fund to 13e established by the Village of Xdina, Hennepin County, Bfinnesota, in the Midland Xational Barik & Trust Company, Minneapolis, Ninneaota, to be known a8 Sewer Dka%sict No. 3, Sewer Fund of the Village of Bdina. I The . was AND I3E IT PURTBER RE;SOLVI3DD, * that Village Engineers, Burlingaras, Hitchcock .& Estabroak, are hereby directed to calculate the proper amount to be specifically assessed against each and every benefited lot or parcel of land in Sewer District XQ. 3, in said Village for the caet of the construction and incrtall- ation of said sewers. motion to adapt was seconded bt Tnustee Prescott and the vote upon the que~tion of the adoption of the ResolUtiQn. wherein " there was five ayes and no nays and so the resolution &s declared duly adopted. 240 . Trustee Villson, offered the 'following motion and moved its adoption B1E Il? F~SOIITEP, that Burlingams, Hitchcock & Istabrook, Village Engineers , is hereby directed to pfepare 'and puBlish in the official nemspaper of the Village, notioe off hearing on assessnisnt to be made against all benefited property in SEwSr District No, 3, to Is held in Edina School buildirig on April 12, 1987, at 8 pE9. The proposed assessnent is on file in the office of the Vi1lage Becorder and Burlinpa , Hitchcock & ;EstaWook, Village Engineera, 623. Sexton - Building, Einnespolis, Ninnesata. . %'he motion m8 sec~nded by Recorder Eoore, the vote was upon the q question of the adoption of the resolution, vherein there -re five ayes and no nays and so the resolution vas declan3d duly adopted. Xesars Burliagam , Bitchcock & Estabrook, Villa@ Xngineers I presenwd prelininary $Sls,ns and general l~ou% shoving grades far sanitary oemr in the proposed 13e'vjer District No, 4., taich -re on motion Hoore, b3 accepted for future consideration of the Council, seconded 3y Xolten and carried, No further business to come 'before this meeting;, ploti0.n to adjourn carried at 11.30 PI& Village Recorder , '. .