HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370412_REGULAR2-4 2 Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Vfllage of Edina, held on April 12, 1937, in Edina School, at 8 €53. me meting was called to order by Proaidsnt Sharpe, the moll ailed and a13 mernters of the Council -re pre8ento Xintates of @e regular mesting of the Council held on U&rch 22, 1937 , were read. On motion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded by Holten, and carried, XdSnutes of the adjourned Narch 22, 1937, mating held on ?larch 29, 3937, wm read, On mo$ion Holten, they be approvsd as read, seconded by Frescott, and carried. Hinutea of the special meeting of the Council held on April 6, , 1937, tsre read. On motion Holten, they 'be approved as read, seconded %y PreQGOtt, and carried. The ~~iscsllaneous billa upon besingsduly examined and found to be correct, =TO on motion Prescott; they- 7s allomd and ordered paid, seconded by Willsen, and carried. They are as follows Rural Hennepin County SBlfare Board Feby; Relief $763.85 D-A Lubricant Co 39 . 45 Xinneapolis G* E* CO~PWY NotreIZibSr 549 o 82 E. I?. Harria Gas 8c Oil 87 03 Rice Sand & Gravel Co Road sand 1.17 Edina . Hardrmre Road supplie E! 20 30 %iller-Davis Company ' Office supplioe 7.55 H.A.Ragers Company Blue printe 4.68 Edina Garage, Snc., * Police car service 10 35 14.00 Tillage of St Izouis Park Thorp0 Bros Inc . ,* RenQ, &act Office &: Tele 13.00 '4'. H, Ziegler Ce Tractor parts 8.51 Lin& Air P-foducta Co Gat3 4.46 L*Y*I?W.thf ie Id CS Coal for tool houae ?a65 Chss Olson 2% Sons Bepairs to mot7 plow 6. 50 Golden Rule Garage' Truck ssrvice 6.75 - Nfsland'a Auto Service Truck service 40%- Sorey 1 s She 11 Station PoZios car & Truok 460 64 B. F. Garvey Road supplies 14.20 Simon Strand . . Rent tool shed 15-00 Vooddale Groeery Gas for tracCora 34.45 Rural Hennepin County mlfarc Bd.Narch 1937 Relfef 549 e 29 .I A, a. Skog, Register of Beds Recording deeds 9.50 Cate rpillo r gre aae "PA ( Women s 1 J.D.Adams Compsw Grader parts 1.62 C *A*Eindquist Blacksmitllhg 2.10 Total April EiacS. $2 ,2O4.O5 The Road and Village bill8 upon Wing duly examined and found correct, mre on mstim Hloten, they be allomd and ordered paid, aeconded by Villson, and carried, They are as follom: H. J .ICnudsen S J *Ro'ber t B . L. Stolzman John Tracy A. Ce Stringer Arthur Fe tersen George TI. Strong 1 TOE . Tilly Hifding Dah1 Alex. Creighton Earl C. Sharps J.J.Du.ggan Ben B. Noore Clarence 0. Holfen Clarence F. Weacott George A, Villson Dr Lorn11 X. CampWIl Po Dahlgmn 11. Xhslsy PJ. So Herd+ Street Carsnlssionsr Utili* .man Tractor operator Asat Road foreman Aast Road 'forernan Road labor Road labor Garbage Csllsc tfsn Village! Attorney ,(1936) Village Xarshall. Police Officer Police Officer Treasurer Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Health Officer Total Road & Village 140 o OO 120000 132.55 121000 121.00 19.80 15.00 170 080 300 00 1140 e.00 110.00 120000 95048 35.00 25.00 7fjoOO 25.00 25.00 25.00 I 3 Mrs Lucille Nolan, appeared before the Counoil to request that license be granted her for 3.2 "Off" and Wn" Bale of Non-Intox.. icating malt liquor and license to operate a Wkfll Game",in accord with Villas Ordinance and in connection with the operation of Restuerant at 6000 France Avenue, South. After discussion and the applicant's offer and desire to comply with Village Qrd- iances and suggestion8 of the Village Council, it was moved Xoare, that the applications be granted upon pqyment. of proper license fees, seconded by Prescott and carried. Health Csmiseioner , Dr Campbell, was present to report .on the C&BS of Ernie Davfe and his return to Glen Lake. After dfscussion it wag deemed beet to leave matters a8 at present and to be taken up some time in late lvray or early June. Messrs Yoerks, Powell, Armstrong, Loomiw and others, residents living in the neighborhood of Wooddafe Avenue and 54th. and 55th. Strseta, appeared before the Concil to request the installation of sanitary sewers in their immediate vincinty. the matter was left for consideration at the next meeting of the Village Council. The matter of extension of franokise of Xinneapolis General Electric Company, referred from the DBarch 22, 1937, meting Qf the Counci2, next came before the Council. chiae having been carefully studied, the following items in particular were diacussed in detail: After dfecusaion The proposed fran- 1. The Minneapolis Xetropolitan Area, as stated in the proposed frsnchiqe , Wing satisfactory to the Council. 2. The period of tims for which the franchise extension may be granted, 3n view of a Sf;o,te L&w permittin urchaae of a public utility at the end of each five 'fP 5 year period upon statutory approval by the voters , was there- for satiafactom to the Council. 3. llhe matter of defining the rates to 'be charged under the Itstandard schedule of rate8 and minimum charges" clause , vms aleo thoroughly understoed by and between the mmbers of the CounciP and Mr Austin, representing the Company, whereupon Recorder Noore, offered the following Resolution and momd its adoption: AN OWIlukiJCE GFiAiilXiiG PERUSSIOM Tu TKE hiIMhXBPOLIS GE;NERAL EUCTlUC CObPMJY, ITS SUCCESSOFS AND ASSIGNS, TO ERECT, ENLkRGE, OPERATE AND UAIL\TTNN, I11 THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, NINhIESOTA, TRANSMISSIOIJ LINES AND ELJ3CTIiIC DISTiUBU'IiLIIG SYSTEX, INCLUDIMG NECESSARY P6IJE LIMES, NiSTS, 'FJIFiES MJD FIXTURES, I'OR THE FURNISHING OF ELECGXC EIjERGY TO !TIE VILLAGE: AND ITS IEHkBITAI.1TS, AND TRANS- M:ITTTNG ELECTRIC EP3ERGY INTO AND THROUGH THE VILLAGE, AND TO USE THE STWTS, ALUYS AND PUBLIC GPdUMDS OF SAID VILLAGE FOR SUCH PURPOSES. THE VILLAGE COUHCIL OF THE VILLACG OF EDINA, HENI~PIN COUNTY, MINIESOTA, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: General Electric Company, a corporation, hereinafter referre$ to as "Grantee", its successors and assigns, during the period of twenty (20) years from the date hereof, the right and privilege of erecting, enlarging, operafing, repairing and maintaining in, upon and across the strecta, alleys and public grounds of said Village electric transmission lines and electdc distributing system, including all necessary, usual or convenient poles, pole lines, masts, wires, lamps, transformers and other fixtures and appurtenances usually, conveniently or necessarily used in connection therewith, for the purpose of transmitting and furnishing electric energy for light, heat, power and other purposes for public and private use in and to said Village and the inhabitant'a thereof, and others, and for the purpose of transmitting to and through said Village such electric energy, provided that ouch pole and transmission lines Section 1. . That there be and hereby is granted to !&e Minnaapolis 2.44 shall be so located as in no my to interfere with of ordinary travel along and over said streets and J . .- the safety and convenience alleys, and provided %Eat said "Grantee, its successors and assigna,, in the erection and maintenance of such poles,riiasts, vires, lamps, trcuzsformers, fixtures and transdssion lines, shall be subject- to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the Village Council. Section 2. The Grantee agrees to maintain and operate efficiently its-electric system in the Village during the .term hereof, to provide adequate service to its present customers and to make reasonable extensions of i%,s lines for %he purpose of serving net7 customers when the revenue therefrom justifies the expense to the Grwttee of making the neceesaT extension. The Grantee agees that %he rates for electric service sfiall. be reasonable, and because the village limits as now constitbted ar0 v.6thin the Enneapoli s Bktropolitan Area, shall not exceed therein Oompany' s standard schedule of rates and mimimum charges effective in the City of hlinneapolis, taxes on earings or other similar Village charges are regula&i.ons, the Company shall then have the right to revise its electric rates to offset any resultant increase in the cost of doing business. . Hawever, in the event of the imposition of local license fees, Section 3. . There is also granted to said Grantee, its successors and assigns, during the'term hereof, permission and 'authority to trim all trees and shrubs in the streets, alleys and public grounds of scid Village interfering with the proper eredtion and main%enarice of any poles, cables, erires or any other fixtures instcrlled in pursuance of the EtUthority hereby grarmted, provided, howevek, that the grantee firs% obtains from the 'Village C&x5l a perrnit therefore, and provided further that said Grantea shall save said Villam harmless from any LiabiliZy in the premises. Section 4, Nathing in this Ordinance contained shall be construed as giving to said Grantee, its successors or assigns,; any exclusive privilege in, on, over or across any of the streets, alleys or public grounds of said Village. Section 5. Upon first obtaining the rtrittes consent of tfie Village Council said Grantee shell have full right and authority to assign to any person, persons, firm or corporation a21 the rights conferred upon i-b by this Ordinance, provided that. the assignee assignment, shall become subject to the terms and provisions of this Ordinaace. of such rights, by acceFt5ng such Section 6. Said Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, if it accepts this Ordinance and the ri&ts hereby granted, file a written acceptance of the franchise rights hereby granted, with the Village Recorder mithin ninety (90) days from the date of the publication of this Ordinance. Section 7. 7!his Ordinance shall be in fu7U force and effec2, from and after its passam and publication, as provided by lave Section 8. herewith are hereby repealed. All ordinances and parts of ordinancas in conflict ATTBST: Effective in Clas si f i cat ion Re si denti al customers Prior to January 1 , 1938 Availability Available for residential use only in single private residences, for lighting, incid-ental use of appliances and domestic power; heating and cooking served through one meter. - Rate Fixed Charge . 30$ per month -plus- Energy Charge Where maximum demand is 5 KVA or less: Firsf Next Next 50 Next 200 Excess The number of kilowatt-hours on the eecond, third, and fourth energy blocks shall be increased 10, LO, and 40 kilowatt-hours, respectively, for each whole KVA in excess of 5 KVA, 6 kwh per room per month 8 5,Opper kwh 50 kilowatt-hours per month Q 3,0$ per kwh I1 I* I1 I1 Q 2. 5 II It II It #I It Q 1. 5 I1 0 0 'I 0 2.0 11 n I1 Where maximum demand is greater than 5 KVA: Discount A discount of 5% Kill be allowed for payment of bill within LOdays from date thereof. Minimum Charm $1;05 gross, $1.00 net per meter per month. Determination Maximum Demand demands measured by a thermal demand indicator Customer using 350 kilowatt-hours or more per of month for three consecutive months shall have (ammeter) and the highest derrand during the month shall be used for billing purposes. Service Single phase service only; no individual motors to exceed 5 Hf. RES1 DEXTIAL RATE Effective in On and after, January 1, 1938 Class2 fi cation Residential customers Availabilitv . Available for residential use only in single private residences, for lighting, incidental use of appliances and domestic povmr, heating and cooking serv'ed through one meter. Rat e %%ere rnaximura demand is 5 KVA or less: First 25 kilowatt-hour$pper month 8 5,0$ per kwh II fl It 0 @ 4.0 II It Next 25 Next 50 Next 50 tl I1 H (8 e. 2. 5 (1 f* H H 19 tl @ 2.0 I1 tl Next 200 I1 It @ 1.5 '* Excess It The number of kilowatt-hours on the third, fourth, and fifth blocks shall be increased 10, 10, and 40 kilowatt-hours, respectively, for each whole KVA in excess of 5 KVA. n 11 $1 it 8 3.0 tt II Where maximum demand is greater than 5 KVA: E. sc ount - . A discount of 5% ail^. be allovBd for payment of bill within lodays from date thereof. Minimum Charm 61.05 gross, $1.00 net per meter per month. Determination PJiaximum Demand Customer using 350 kilowat&-hours or more per of month for three consecutive months shall have demands measured by a themal demand indicator k8'@%& & 1 a8,d && dhd &"@ 1 f%?$n'u@$!3g g. the Se rei ce Single phase service only; no individua motors to exceed 5 HP. 2 46' COXEBRCIAL LIGHTIiJG RATE L Effective in Prior to July I, 1937 __ 2 Classification Commercial and industrial customers. ~ Availability Available for li &Fting, 115 volt GO cket appliances, cooking' and heating equipment totaling no2 more' than ten kfloaatts, and small single phase motors totaling not more than one horsepower.. No ini3ividual cooking and heating unit to exceed 3000 vmtts. Rate - There maximum demand is not in excess of 5 KV: 13 kilomtt-hours or lesa .I $1.05 per month 137 kilowatt-hours per month 0 7.0$ per kvh First Next Next 350 Next 1 000 W tl n " 0 3.0 . Next 1 000 I1 H " 0 4.5 I' " II n (1 tl 18 0 2.0 n II n n 11 n @ 1.5 I1 I1 &!208S \?here maximum demand is greater than 5 KTI: The number of kilomtt-hours on each of the fourth and fifth blocks of the above rate schedule shall be increased by 100 kilovatt-hours for each complete 500 mtts by rinich the maximurn demand exceeds 5KF7, Discount A discount of 5% trill be allored for paymen% of bill within 10 days from date thereof. Eriinimum Eonthly $1.05 gross, $1.00 net for lighting, 115 'volt Charm socket appliances, cooking and heating equipment totding not more than one kilowatt, and motors totaling not more than one horseporier, -plus- 8.50 net per kilovnxbt of total cooking and heating load in excess of one kiloriatt. Determination of !he madximum demand shall be detemined as the highest (I average rats at vrhich energy is used for any period of 15 Rate - I Ltaximum Demand conseEutive minutes during-the month for t!znich the biLl is rendered. COEHJ?JIcfIAL LIGHTING RATE Effective in Classification Comorciaf. and industrial customers. Availability Available folr 'lighting, 115 volt socket appliances, cooking and heating equipment totaling not more than ten kilowatts, and small single phase motors totaling not more than five horsepomr. No individual cooking and heating unit to exceed 3000 rratta and no individual motor to exceed 2 horse- porre r. On and after July 1, 1937 Vhon maximum demmd is not in excess of 5 Kfl: 15 kilormtt-hours or less - $1.05 per month First Next 135 It per nonth 0 6.0# per krrh Next 350 I1 11 H 0 485 n Next 1000 H W n '1 @ 3.0 It' Next 1000 I1 II 11 0 2.0 n *I Excess I1 (t Then maximum demand is greater than 5 KW: Men 4Aemauimum demand, as hereinafter determined, is greater than 5 KU, each of the fourth and fifth blocks of the above rata schedule shall be increased by 100 kilovratt-hours for each comFlete 500 rratfis by vhich the maximum demand exceeds 5 KK I* n I1 I' 0 1.5 Di ncount Eininum Uonthly $1.05 grow, 81,OO not for li htin A. digcount of 5% nil1 be dlomd' for payment of bill ffrlthsn 10 days from date thereof. 115'vglt sockef appliances, coohng an8 heaging equipment totaling not more than one kilov,att. and motors Charge totaling not mor0 than one horsepow&, ..plus- 6.50 not per kiloriatt-of total cooking and heating load in exce8s of one kilowatt, -plu&- e.50 not per horsepovter of total motor load in excess of one horsppower. The maximum demand shall be determined as the highest average rate at which energy is used for any period of fifteen con- secutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered. Determination of Demand 24T GENERAL POYllER MTl3 Prior to July 1, 1937 Effective in Classification Commercial and Industrial customers Available for general power purposes First 50 hours' use per month of Max. Demand @ 5;5$ per kwh Next 150 'I It 41 11 I1 Excess .. Availabilitx - Rate It tl 0 n I1 It It n I1 @ 1.8 11 (1 B 2.5 Discounts uantity Discounts -. iirsf $50.00 of monthly gross bill- 0% discount Next 50.00 " (1 IC If - 10% Next 50.00 " n 'I - 20% Next 50.00 n 0 - 30% I' Excess It tt n 'I 0 25% +I - 40% It Next 50.00 " n 11 Prompt Payment Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed for paymerzt-of bill within 10 days from date thereof. Based on rated capacity of connected load wUch shall be not less than one horsepovsr for single phase service and not less than five horsepower for three phase service. $1.00 net per month for the first 1 HP or less $0.75 net per month $er HP for the ne& 29 HE $0.50 net per month per HP for the excess HP &himum. Charm G3NERAL POWR RATE Effective in On and after July 1, 1937 Classification Commercial and industrial customers Availability Available for general power purposes - Rate First 50 hours' use per month of Max. Demand @ 5*0$ per kwh Next 150 It Excess It 11 It I1 I? It " @ 2.5 " 'I It I( It 11 I1 @ 1.5 I) It Discount s Quantify Di scount First $50.00 of monthly gross biJjl - 0% discount Next 50,OO 'I n I1 - 10% Next 50.00 " n It 'I L 20% n Next 50.00 n It - 40% It Next 50.00 It I1 " - 30% I' Excess II tl tt " * 25% Prompt Payment Discount bill within 10 days from date thereof. A discount of 5% will be allovred for payment of Wnimum Charm. Based on rated capacity of connected load which shall be not less than one horsepower for single phass sedcwadd not less than five horsepower for three phase service. $1.00 net per month for the first 1 Hp or less $0.50 net per month per Rp for the excess HP 248 The above entitled ordinance rms read in its entirety mhercupon Trustee Prescott, seconded the motion to adop2i. The roll vas called and the vote was as follows--Aye Trudee Holtcn--Trustee PfiLlaon--Trustes Prsscott, Recorder bore, President Sharpe. The President then declared the motion duly carriod and the ab0v.e entitled ordinance duly passed and adopted, and ordered the Village Recorder to publish the same in accordacce rrith the law in such case made and provided. \ Village Recorder 249 Trustee Holton offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that that cerhin ordinance dated April 12, 1937, granting permission to the Minneapolis General Electric Company , has been approved upon the unanimous understanding of the Council of the Village of Edina, that the rates defined-in paragraph paragraph 2, of section 2, under phrase - "Company's stantlard scheduPe of rates and - mikij?luupr charges effective in the City of Min- meapolis", means such rates in said city a5 may hereafter be .established, exclusive of any: tax ulhich hereafter may be imposed upon - the said Minneapolis General Electric Company, by the City of €dinneapolis." The motion to adopt the Resolution WRS seconded by Recorder Noore, and the vote w&s upon the question of the adoption of the resolution vherein there vmre five ayes and no nays and so the reso- lution was declared duly adopted. ATTE ST : ._.- Village Recorder \ 250 Discussion was had on the matter of acquisiEon of part, of Block 16 and the so called "Old E5ill" triangle vllereupon. Trustee Holten offered the follotring resolution and moved its adaption: BE IT RESOLVED that Hr. C. J. Christopher, Ben El. Parks, E, B. Southrorth, S. 0. Sorensen and Paul L. Brown, all of vhom are freeholders and electors of the Village of Edina, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to view the preltsises and ascertain and award the amount of damages and compensafion for the property to be taken in the matter of acquiring, opening and laying out, as a park, a portion of Block Sixtosn (16) and adjacent triangle located in the Country Club District, Village of Edina, axid to assess the amount of such dm.ages and compensstion and the expenaes of im- provemont, all as provided by lav, BE IT FUREER RESOLVED that the Village Recorder notify said conmissioners of their appointment forthnifh by notice served personally, or by mail; that the said commissioners shall neet and take and subscribe their oaths as such commissioners at the residence or office of the Village Recorder at 4605 Wooddale Avenue, in said Village, on the 16th. day of April, 1937, at eight o'clock P. IS. The motion to adopt the above resolution vias seconded by Trustee Prescott and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, wherein there vcere five ayes and no nays and so the Resolution was declared duly adopted:. I President of Village Caun#il Trustee VJillsovl offered tne following Resolution and moved its adoption. Whereas, pursuant to ordinance and resolution heretofore duly passed and adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, lqinnesota, for the creation of sewer district #3 in said Village and the construction of gewers and laterals in said district, and pursuant to a contract duly made and entered into for the construction of such sewers and laterals, and it being necessary to gay t-he cost thereof by levying special assessments against every' assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within said sewer distri,ct #3, without regard to cash valuation, and Ithereas, the engineer of the Village of Edina, having heretofore made and filed tdth the Village Council of said Village his tabulated statement, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specially assessed and the amount he has calculated against the same, and the Village Recorder having caused notice of the time and place when and where the said Village Council mould meet in regular session to pass upon such proposed assessment +bo be published in the official paper of the Village of Edina at least fer? (10) days prior to the said meeting, during dl of which flme the said proposed assessment \vas open to inspection and copying by all persons interested, and place when and *here such proposed assessment would be passed upon, to-wit: @-t Edina School, on the 12 day of April, 1937, at eight o'catock P, Id., no person appeared to preaefit any reason why such proposed sssessment or any particular item thereof should not be adopted, a Whereas, at the time and place so specified as the time and NOW, THEREFOEE, BE IT EIESOLVED by the Village Council of said Village of Edina that the engineer's estimate of cost of said project in the sum of $17,79l!.T4 made up of the follotdng items: . I' Contract price, $3i4,9 2"J; 23 Engineer' s expenses ( e stirnated) , ,746 i33-3 Legal expenses, 3?a;o0 4- Fubliicatii6n expenses (estimated), .'% .Itjo;(Jq s/ 10% blinquency &I Contingency . ':~;4~q;s^.3. Qp Total #IT $791.74 to gether with the said engineer' s tabihlated startement 'and description of each lot, piece or parcel of land in said sewer district assessable for said improvement, BUCK 1 Lot 1 2 Harry R, Ideier, ........................... 136*10 3 Axel B, Franzen. .......................... 136.10 Cedarhurst Improvement Company. ........... $136.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a Fern B. Stsnson.. ......................... 136.10 Karl Hawchild., .......................... 136.10 Kay1 Hauschild. ........................... 136,16 Karl Hauschild., .......................... 136.10 n ~fslliam, J, Young.e.ol..o....... ........... 136.10 Lofs H. Wosley. ........................... 136.10 Arthur J. Erickson & wife. ................ 136.10 Edvdn C. Moore,. .......................... 136.10 Anna C. .Nelson.. .......................... 136,10 Sophia B, Stenson. ........................ 136.10 Harry L..Goodrich...........,.,...,,,,,,,, 136.10 So phi a B. St en so n ......................... 1 36 . 10 Sophia Be Stenson, ......................... 136.10 Federal Saving dk Loan Association.......,. 136.10 Haxel Cormier Schnhider.. ................. 136.10 Earl Brovm. ............................... 136,lO Gertrude J. Nyberg.. ...................... 136.10 Clifford C. Swanson., ..................... 136.10 252 BMCK 3 Lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Fred J . Le.eux ......................... 136.10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 bt Frank % Kerston ......................... .136.10 Frank TI . Kersfon ........................ 136.10 Paul G . Heyer ........................... 136.10 Arnold L . artin. in............,........... 136.10 I! able E . Paulson ........................ 136 . 10 H . E . Gable ............................. 136.10 8 Kenneth A . Cole ......................... 136.10 E. Roy Hall 6E mife ...................... 136.10 Helen 15 . Rwson ......................... 136.10 Helen Li . Hanson ......................... 136.10 Sophia B . Stenson. ...................... 136.10 Rose E . Chandler ........................ 136.10 Eugene E . Q.n .......................... 136.10 Richard A . Nordquist .................... 136.10 Richard A . Nordquist; .................... 136.10 Sophia B . Stenson ....................... 136.10 Tiilliam Sdhyte Hunter .................... 136.10 ?'Li.lliam \Thyte Huntsr .................... 136.10 1 Leslie A. ILfssiter ...................... 136.10 2 Harold X . Ssrsland ...................... ,136.10 CharLee E . Keuning ...................... 136.10 Hugh John Roddy ......................... 136.10 Frank Stephon Blsvett ................... 136 . 10 Lillian G . Preeper., .................... 136.10 7 Frank T . Nelson ......................... 136.10 Charles H . Dilling ...................... 136.10 Charles H . Dilling ...................... 136.10 10 . Jaues E . Flilliams ........................ 136.10 11 A. H . o'&Wd J .......................... 136.10 12 R Jm Seidl ............................. 136.10 13 Enma No Fitoh ........................... 136.10 14 Emma 13 . FitCh.. ......................... 136.10 15 Frank T . Nelson ......................... 136.10 16 prank T . Nelson. ........................ 136.10 17 peva. F . Johnson ......................... 136.10 18 Frank J . Ney. Carl H . Hanson ............ .13 6.10 19 Carl EI . Hanson. ......................... 136.10 20 Day L . Harper ........................... 136.10 Lot 1 L . B . D8rcliger. ......................... 136.10 2 Ethel C . Carson ......................... 136-10 3 Gertrude A. 018on ....................... 136.10 4 Herman N. Ga.kg ........................ 136.10 5 Lyraan C. Gross .......................... 136.10 8 Claude Everett Smith .................... 136.10 Cedarhurst lmprsvement Company .......... 136.10 10 Olga Anderson ........................... 136.10 12 L . E . .Pollock ........................... 13fi.10 13 L . E . Pollock ........................... 136.10 14 Kenneth 0. Dah1 ......................... 136.10 15 Harold E . Sage .......................... 136.10 16 Louise H . Robinson ...................... 136.10 17 Harrj? L . Lundberg ....................... 136.10 18 Clarenze V . Ro gnas ...................... 136.10 19 Sophia B . Stenson ....................... 136.10 20 Laura C . IJadson ......................... 136 . 10 Frank V . Ksr3ton ...................... 0; 136.10 BUCK 4 3 4 5 6 8 9 BLOCK 5 6 Hazel I.#. Smith .......................... 136.10 7 Fred E . ItOffat .......................... 136.10 9 11 Le E . Pollock 0 6 0 a 0 rn 136.10 f .I I BLOCK 6 . Lot 1 Clarence E . Giles ............................ $136 . 10 2 Clarence E. Giles ............................ 136.10 3 Osborne Carvine ............................... 136.10 5 Robert E . Mattison ........................... 136.10 6 Harcus 11. Eijattison ........................... 136.10 7 Charles . tar box..*.............^........... 136.10 8 Emma ?Enterfield Anderson .................... 136.10 9 Oscar J . Nelson .............................. 136.10 10 11 Raderich B . Cave & wife ...................... 136.10 12 Robert K. Nelson ............................. 136.10 13 14 15 Lester T? . Dah1 ............................. . 136 ;lo 17 Robert L . Parker ............................. .13 6.10 18 Francis C . BitWp., .......................... 136.10 19 H . E . Gable .................................. 136 010 20 Bertha L . Lees.* ............................. 136.10 Lot . 4 Alvin S . VQatt ............................... 136.10 Cedar Improvement Company .................... 136.10 Gordon D . Nillsop ............................ 136.10 16 Id . h!alcolm Morse ............................. 136.10 James A . Rye .. . . . . 0 . 0 s . 136.10 WOODDALE SECTION 1 Home for Children & Aged Women ............... 136.10 2 Robert L. Rtlder ............................. I36.10 3 Robert L. Vilder ............................. 136.10 4 Robert L . Tiilder ............................. 136.10 5 Home for Children b Aged Women ............... 136.10 6 Home for Children & Aged ..o men............... 136.10 7 Homo for Children 6 Aged \?omen ............... 136.10 8 Home for Children & Aged ?ifomen ............... 136.10 9 Kathryn K . Kimball ........................... 136.10 11 Thorpe Brothers., ............................ 136.10 13 Home for Children 6% Aged Vomen ............... 136.10 Home for Children & Aged Women ............... 136.10 15 Home for Children I% Aged I7omen ............... 136.10 Horae for Children I% Aged Fdomen ................ 136.10 19 Home for Childrea & Aged Women ............... 136.10 20 Home for Children & Aged Women ............... 136.10 21 Home for Children & Aged '??omen ............... 136.10 22 Home for Children 6% Aged Women ............... 136.10 23 Home for Children & Aged Women 136 10 24 Home for Children & Aged Women ............... 136 . 10 25 Home for Children lk Aged ..o men............... 136.10 26 Land between BIinnehaha Creek 8: 50th Street- 10 Kathryn K . Kimball ........................... 136.10 12 Elmer J. Boyer b W.fe ........................ 136.10 14 16 Home for Children & Aged men............,.. 136.10 17 Home for Children 6: Aged ..o men............... 136.10 18 . ............... . Home for Children & Aged Women ............... 136.10 # G . Xillam- 2 Ac re s ............................ 136 . 10A j4 'Ilhorpe Brothers .............................. 136.10- + be and the same is in all things ratified. confirmed and adopted by this Village Council as necessary and proper special assessment against each lot. piece and parcel of land in said sewer district especially benefi-ted thoreby . . BE IT FURTHER RFJSOLVED that the amount assessed against each lot. piece or parcel of land in and by said special assessment so hereinabove 'radiified and adopted shall bea.r interest from the date of this resolu- tion adopting such special assessment until the said s ecfal assessments and interest thereon have been paid. at the rate of $ per annum. /k ag The motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Trustee Holten. and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution. wherein t'nere were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution ma3 declared duly adopted e President of Councix I ATTEST: 254 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 13630 136.10 13610 136.10 136.10 i3aa ",' 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 136.10 A.d& oj Publication ' I i THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 4 Alvin 8. Wyatt _______________ - 136.10 5 Robert E. Mattison ___________- 136.10 6 Uarcus H. XEattIson __________- 136.10 7 Charles W. Tarbox ____-_____- 136.10 8 Emma Winterfleld Anderson- 136.10 State of Minnesota County of Hennepin , ......................................................................................... pereto athched, said newspaper ~as printed and published in. +he English language from tts known office of publication within the Viage of Hopklns in the County of Hwepb. Sate of Mimeso%, on Thursday. of each meek in column and sheet form equivalent in -ace 45@ runm?g inches of slnsle column two inches wide; has been hued arom E knc~m office esbabbhetl in =id place of publication equipped -with skilled workmen and the necessary matezhl for preparing and printing the =me; _____________-______________ Ich0 ----- E2=cB&-GQ-?3x-E.Y-$m ------_-------____--_________________r__------------ has lhad in its mBkeuP not less than twenty-five #per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to ad mmmumty It purports to serve, *he press .work of w!hich has been done in its said known oftice of 'publication; has contained general news, com- ments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other Qublcakion; has not -Wen entirely m'ade up a€ patents, plate matter and advertiiements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publicxtion tu the extent of 240 copies regularly deIivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in *the local m't oface of its said place of publication; +hat there has been on me in the oftice of Lhe County Audikor of said county the affidavit of a tperson: ham flrst band knowIedge of .the facts con- stitueg its qualEscation a? a newspaper for publication 'of legal notices: and that its pubkhers have comphed mth all demands of said County Audrtor for Droofs of its said qualification. 5 Home for Children & Aged Women ___-_________I- 136.10 6 Home for Children & Aged Women ______-______.._- 136.10 7 Home for Children & Aged Women _______________- 136.10 8 Home for ChiIdren &- Aged Women ________________ 136.10 9 Kathryn E. Kimb3u ___________ 136.10 10 Isathryn K. KfmbalL ________-_ 136.10 11 Thorpe Brothers _______________ 136.10 12 EImer J. Boyer & WUe ________ 136.10 13 Home for Children & .I &ed Women ___-_ ~ ________-- 13610 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 .. Aged Women ___________-___ Aged Women ________________ Aged women -_______________ Aged women ______________ Aged Womeu ______-_______ Aged Women _______________- Aged Women--__--_-,-_____- Home for Children 65 Home for Children &- Home for Children 8: Home for Children 85 Home for Children & Home for Children & Home for Children & Aged Women -_______________ Aged Women- _______ - _______ Aged Women -_______________ Aged Women ________________ 22 Home for Children & 23 Home for ChiIdren & 24 Home for Children &- 25 Home for Children 6- 1 Aged Women --_--__________ 26 Home for Children &- Ased Women -_______________ G. hIillm-2 Acres ____________ Land between 35nehS.m Creek 8; 50th Street-Thorpe Bro- -Signed by Village Council, ' By Ben B. Noore, Recoraer. - NOTICE OF -HJLUZ.ING: The Village Councll of the Village of Idim Minnesota, mill hold a meeting in th& evening of April 12. 1937 for the Impose of hearing any objections or :omments upon the assessments for Sewer District No. 3 in the Village of E@im at 8 o'clock Pa., in the Edina ichool. If no mlid objection fs raised in the )pinion of the Council, these assess- nents rN1 be spread upon the books of ha County Auditor for collection. me sewers in sewer ~istrict NO. 3' nag be described as follows: (1) A sewer line on Wooddale Avenue from 52nd Street to 54th Street. I (2) A line of sewer on Wooddale Lane running Easterly 400 ft. from Wooddale ATeIIUe. (3) A sewer line on Wooddale Court running 200 ft. Easterly from Wooddale Avenue. (4) A sewer main on 52nd Street run- ning Easterly from Wooddale Ave- nue to Kellogg Avenue and thence Easterly and Southeasterly to Brookview ATenUe. (5) A sewer main on Kellogg Avenue from 52nd Street to 54th St. (6) A sewer on O& Lw?n Avenue from BrooWiem Avenue to 54th Street. (7) A--sewer on Brookview Avenue from its intersection with Ozk Lam Avenue running out dividing line between lots , 4 Block 6 thence'E3sterly this dividing line to the line of &d lots and thence to 54th Etmet. me cost of the sewer systeG in Sewer Dlfjtriet No. 3 is made up 8s follows: contract cost of sewer sgstem--$14,92793 Engineering-58 of contract-- 746.89 &gal. Expenses _________________ 350.00 publication Costs ______________ 150.00 Reserve for contingencies. de- linquencies, etc. 10% _______ 1,617.46 I Total Amount to be Assessed--$17,79220 The assessments are as follows: I BLOCK1 1 Cedarhmt Improvement Company ________________-__ $136.10 2 Harry R. Xeier 136.10 3 Asel H. Franzen- __________--_- 13630 5 Ralph D. N3dson ______________ ?S_-ll 6 Peml 1 Got 1 Fern B. Stenson ___________---- 2 Karl Eawchild ____________-_-- 3 Earl Hawchild __-_________ ---- 4 Karl Hamchild ___________ ---- 5 William J. Young ________--- - 6 Lofe E. Wosley -- 7 Arthur J. Ellchon & wife---- 9 Anna C. Nelson ___________--- - 10 Sophia B. Stenson _________-_-- 12 Sophia B. Stenson ________ ---- 13 Sophis B. Stenson __________--- 14 Fedenl Saw 8: Loa~ Asso- chtion ..................... 15 -el Cormier Schneider------ 16 Earl Brown --------_------ ----- 17 Gertrude J. Nyberg ________---_ 18 Clifford C. Swanson _______-_-- 8 Ed- C. EIoore ______________- 33 Harry L. Goodrich -__------ ---- BLOCK 3 3 Frank W. Kerston _________--- - 4 Paul G. Meyer ___________--- --- I 5 Arnold L. Niartin _-_-___-_ ----- 6 Nable E. Paulson ___________- - 7 H.E. Gable-------_-------- 8 Kenneth A. Cole ______ ____-- 9 Fred J. Lemieux __________--- 10 E. Roy Hall & Wife - 11 Helen E;L Hanson __________--_- __ . - 12 Helen E;L Hanson ______- ----- 13 Sophia B. Stenson _________---- 14 Rose E. Chandler _____-_--_- 15 Eugene E. Quin __________-_-- 16 Ri-d A. Nordquist --_----.. e 17 Richard A. Nordquist _________- 18 Sophis B. Stenson _______---- - 19 William Whste Hunter-------- 20 William Vhyh Hunter-------- 1 BLOCK 4 7 1 Home for Children &- Aged Women ___________ ___- 136.10 2 Robert L. Wilder _____________- 136.10 I--- 4 Robert L. Wilder ____-________- 136.10 3 Robert L. Wilder _____________- 136.10 Afidavit of Publicution. THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW HOPKINS, MINNESOTA State of Minnesota ss. County of Hennepin I hereh attached, said newspaper .was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication mthin the Vdlage of Hopkins in the County of -e@. State of Minnesota. on Thwsdav of each week in column and sheet form eawvalent Fn -~~ .~-.~ . 3Pm to 4,50 rdg inches of iingle col,m two &,chg-wide; $as been &sue& fro^. R, known office established in mid place of publication equpped wlth slnUed wvrkmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ______ 9%~ __________________ bas had in its $makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted .to local new o? snterest to said ,com~ty it purmrtS to serve, $he press work of whi& @as been done m its smd -known office of IpubEcation; has contained general news, com- ments and ~miscellany; has not duplicate& any other publication; has not ;been entirely made up of patents, plate mat'r a,nd adver.tEements; has lbeen caculated at and ne= its said place of publica*ion to $he extent of copies regularly delivered to DayQ subscribers; has $b;een entered as second class mafl ma*r in .$he local ,pot office of. its said place of publication; #that tihere h'as been on ;file in the offi'ke of $hi? Countby Au&!r of said county the 8a&TLd'avit of .a person havig fm% band knowledge of ,hhe $acts con- stitu!ing iks qualtficaqon a+- 8 newspwer for publication of legal notices; and ithat its publishers have complied mth all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its sasd qualification. That the printed ______________________________c_________----------------------- ------ --- Of ficfal Ptabl5catio~~~inance __--________________--------------------------------------_________-___--_-_------------- here.b attached ns B part hereof was cut ,from *he columns of said newspasper; was pub- Commencing 'at the intersection of the present sewer in West 50th Street and the center of Woodddale I Avenue and extendine South alone I said Creek to the line between Lots 22 and 23. said Countrv Club. Wmd- cordine: to the ~lats of said Addl- tions 6n me aKd of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said HenneRin Counts and to said streets and-avenues shown upon said respective plats and as now laid out and used in said Vil- lage of Edina. Section 2. That all ordinances and .esolutions and Darts of ordinances and .esolutions incobsistent with the pro- risions of this ordinance be and the ;ame hereby are repealed. Section 3; That this ordinance be in 'ull force and effect from and after its iassage and publication. Passed this 8th day of March, 1937. EARL C. SHARPE. _~_ - ~ President of Village Council. Ittest: ,VILLAGE SEAL) 3eview on Thursday, March 18, 1937.) BEN B. MOORE. Village Recorder. (Published in The Eennepin County 256 Afidavit of Publication THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW HOPKINS, MINNESOTA State of Minnesota County of Hennepin ....................................................................................... hereto a.&ched, said newspaper was printed and published in %he English language from its known office of publication within the ViUwge of Hopkins in the County of HejlllepSn. ,%ate of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in spm to 450 runn@g inches of single column. two inch? wide: has been kued from B knan office estabhshed rn said place of pubhation equpped mth smed workmen and the necessarg material for preparing and printiig the same; __--_-___-______________I--- me ----- Eeae?-b-CQa%X-B9Y&-s ................................................... has had in its mnkeup not I- than ty?nty-five 'per cent of its news cohmns devoted $0 local news of mterest to srwd wmmmty It purports to serve, $he press mork of -ivhi& has been done in its said known of€@ of publication; has contained general news, com- ments and mmxllany; has not duphcated' any other publication; has not been entirely mad0 up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publica~on to the extent of 24p copies regularly delivered to pyipg subscribers; has office: of Its said place of .publication; tihat there has been on file in the offie of khe County Audibr of said county the a@mit of a *p?rson having firs't $and knowledge of .the .facts con- stitu$ng its qualfficahon as B newspaper for publication of legal notices: and %?hat its pub$heT 'have complied with all demands of said. Countg Auditor for Droofs of its mid quahfication. entered as second class md matter in .the local commission - ,Gbancyi.-, July 29,1937. I SEWER SPSTEN-BIDS CMSE XARCH 29. Eiiinn (P. 0. Ninneapolis), BIinn. ADVERTISENENT-Sealed proposals miIl be received by the Village Council Village of Edina Minnesota at the Eding School, Edina Nhnesota &til 8:OO p. m., Xonday, Narcs 29th 193j for the furnishing of a11 labor aid maierial and laying the new proposed Sewer System in Sewer District No. 3 of the Village of Edina all in ac- cordance with plans ana specifiGations pre- pared therefor by Burpngame. -ECitchcock 6: Estabrook, Inc., Engineers, Ninneapolis, Ninnesota under date of Narch 12. 1937. Proposak &re to be accompaaied Sy-a-cer- titled check on a solvent bank in the amount of 5510 of the proposal price, made payable to the Village of Edina, .Ninnesota. In case the succe'ssful bidder fails to enter into the contract for the performance of the work and fails to give bond as reauired bv law within the snecified number of dabs nf ayard of confiact, such check shall befor: felted to the Vlilage of Edina. Minnesota, as liquidated damages. Copies of the plans and suecifications mav be seen at. the office of the Village Recorder, Eldina Ninnesota at the Builders' Ex- changks of Ninnhapolis and St.. Paul and at. the office of the Engineers, Minneapolisa -Uinnesota. . Copies of the plans and speciflcations for the individual use of the bidders may be obtained at the offices of the Engineer, 521 Sexton Building Ninneapolis Minne- sota upon making dkposit of $10.60 Fail- ure 'to submit bona fide bid wilI result in the forfeiture of the deposit of $10.00. Upon submitting a bona fide bid at the place and time designated and upon return of the plqns and specifications complete to the Engineers, the deposit mill be returned to the bidder- - - - - -. - -. -. The Village Council reserves the right t6 reject any or all-bids or part of bids, to waive all informalities and to award the contract as it deems to be for the best in- terest of the Village. Dated this 15th day of Xarch. BEN B. MOORE, VilIage Recorder. TIiIs notice flrst uppenred >lurch 19 .. . The Improvement Bulletin 800 Lumber Exchange, Nhmenpolis. iUinn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwestern construction news. It is closely read every week by architects. ~ engineers, contractors buiIders, material men and bond buyer;. omcia advertising, 20 cents per line --I__ t Lch insertion. . _- -_ . . - - -_ 257 -_-_- ---I-- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Extracts from the minutes of a reg- ular meeting of the Council of the Village of EcUna, Hennepin COUntY, Minnesota. held in Edlna School Bulld- ing, on March 29, 1937, at 8 P. M., at which all members of the Council were present. Trustee Holten offered the fOuOPrinK Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that it is hereby created, a fund to'be established by the Village of Edlna, Hennepin County, Minnesota, in the Midland National Bank & Trust Company, Minneapolis Minnesota, to be known as Siwer District No. 3 Sew- er Fund of the Village of Edinc. that Village Engineers, Burlingame, Hitchcock & Estabrook, are hereby directed to calculate the proper amount to be specifically assessed against each and every beneflted lot or pracel of land in Sewer Dis- trict No. 3, in said Village for the cost of the construction and instal- lation of said sewers. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Prescott, the vote was upon the adoption of the Resolution, wherein there were flve ayes and no nays and 80 the Resolutlon was declared duly AND BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, Affidavit of Publication THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW HOPKINS, MINNESOTA State of Minnesota County of Hennepin ----------------------------------, J. L. &irkhElm 'being duly sworn, on oaeh says: that he now is. and during: all the time herein stated has been ___________ $*--&%-&E&@@ __--_---____-__ the publisher----and printer---- of the newspmer .known as The Hennepin muty Review, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That Ifor more than one year imbediately prior rto the publication therein of the Printed ---- --____ Q~fiC~a~--~bli~~~~-~~ ____________ __________________-_------- -__ .a -I --------------------__L_________________----------------------------------------_--------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the EfngUsh language from its known office of publication within tihe Village of Hopkins in the County of ?i&nnqgn, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in Space to 4501 rU@g inohes ?f single column. tw? inch? wide; has been %sued from R kn3wn oface ehbhshed m said place of publicatzon quipped with shlled workmen and the necwa.ry rnakiaJ for preparing and printing the same; ____--___ -%b -_-___-_-___-_ Heme~pin County Review --------------- ------------ --------------_-c------------------------------------------- has bad in its ,mlakeuP not less than twenty-five per cent of its news cohunm devoted .to local news of !interest to said mmunity it ~urports to serve, rthe Dress work of has been done in its said $known office of publication.; has contained general news. com- ments and 'mixeUasy; has not duplioated' any other *mblication; has nat ;been entirely m'ade up ;of patents, plate matkr and iadver..tlsements; has !been circulated at and near its Said place of publica.tion to $he extent of 24p copies regularly delivered to payipg subscrk=ers; has .been entered as second dass mail maWr in .the local ~po.s!ilj oace of its said place of publication; Ihha.t there has been on .tile in the offike of the C;omty Auditor of said county %he bailidavit of .a person having fir$?, band knowledge of ,bhe facts con- stituthg its quallificat@ a.? Q newspaper for publication of legal notices; and khat its publishers 'have comphed mth all demands of Said. Couaty Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. ,&& Public, Hennapin county, Minm Mv Commission Expires July 29, 1937. -- a'dopted. EARL C. SHARPE, Pwident of Council. - --- ATTEST: BEN B. MOO=, Village Recorder. (SEAL) . (Apr. 8. 1937) 258 SlJJidavit of Publication THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW HOPKINS, MINNESOTA State of Minnesota County of Hennepin hereto attached, said n$wqaper ~a+ printed and publkhed in .the English 1m-e from its horn office of pubkcation wthm the Vaage of Hopkins in the County of HannepJn, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in w to 450 rumby in*= of single column. two inches wide; has been. kued &om a kn3m office establrshed rn said place of pubhcabon equipped wth skiIIed workmen and the neceSSSLPy m&rial for preparing and printing the sue; __-_______-_-_______________ me Hemepin County EevSrvnr -------------------------------------------------------,--------------------------------- has had in its ,m&eup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted .to local news of interest to said community it purports In serve, %he press work of which has been done in its said .known oface of publication; has contained general news. com- ments and misdlany; has not duplicate& any other .publica%ion; has not ;been entirely made up of patents plate math and adverhsements; has been cmulated at and neax its said place of ipbication ~ the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in .the local post oBce of its said place of publication; athat there has been on .file in the oface of $he comty Auditor of said county the aM'avit ef a 'person having f&St bnd knowledge of .the facts con- stitueg its quaEcation + a newspaper for publication ;of legal notices: and that its pubhshers have comphed mth all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its mid qualification. t nesota. (Aprll 29, 1931.1 - 259 The hour being late and with much busineas still. to come before the Council, at 123.20 AN, it was moved by Noore, that this meeting stand adjourned until VBdneaday April 14, 1937, at 8 a, at which ti'& and upon the suggestion of President Sharpe, the Council reconvene and this meeting be resumed at his hom at 4612 Edgebrook Place, seconded by Prescstt and csrrie do ~ Village Recorder. Ninutes of the reeked April 3.2, 1931, meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held at the hone of Fresident Sharp,. on April 14, 1937, at a PM. The meeting was called to order by the President, the ro13 called and all members of the Council visre present. President ShaTpe presented deeds for Right-of-W&y for extension of the Suffer Road, which vrere referred to the Village At t osney . The matter of Edina police officers attending the Second training school as sponsored Irj the League of Ninnesota Municipalities on April '26th. to 30th. was discussed by the Council with a11 memWrs in favor thereof. It tvas thereupon moved by rnllson, that two officers attend and that details be left with Chairman Holten to arrange, seconded by Prescott, and carried. -0n.request for authorization 'by Chairman Holten, it vas moved. by Preacott, that the chairman of the police con- I?littee, be authorized to purchase three "grab ironsst fer use of Villa.ge police, seconded by Hoom and carrieds Tkie President read a letter dated Earth 12, 1937, by Thorp Bros. a relating to an Alloy for Sunnyslde Road resident$! extending Bast from Wooddale Avenue to Grimes Avenue , After discussion the matter V~B left with the President to arrange props transfer of the properw involved to give a 20 foot alley beardesing on the North Village LSmite. LetteP was also read by the President containing request of Thsrpe Brss. for extension of the stam water drain from the East side of Wooddale, easterly about 50Q feet in and along Vooddale Court to*Beinneh&a Creek. After discussion the Council agreed to enter into an agreement wherein the Council would furnish the necessary labor and superviaiari prdoided Thorpe Bros. mould furnish the necessary mater fale 'rhh matter also being left with the President. '1 It was moved. by Hslten, that the chairman of the Road and bridge Committee, ke empowered to arrange through the Street Commissioner for the employment of H. BnsSey for 2 hours per day during the Bummer months, for c3.eaning Vest 50th. Street betmen France Avenue and 'flooddale Avenue, seconded by Eoore and carried. Application by Carl Olaon far licensf: to sell f~ORF-Safei~ 3.2 non-intoxicating liquor in conmc tfsn with grocery store at 4948 France Avenue for period ending Narch 31, 1938, was on motion Prescott, the application be granted, seconded by Yillson, and carried. I 260 Swcety Bond of the Seabdard Sukety Cdmpany, in amount $3,000.00 or;' behalf of the Country Club, Into, to the Village of Edfna, as provided for "ON-SALE Intoxicating ldr3[uor Li'cense and dated Earch 16, l93T, for the period ending April 1, 1938, was upon examination and motion by Trustee Holten, it be accepted, seconded by Prescott, and carried, Applfcstisn of Xinnneapolis Gas Light Comyany, for permission to extend gas main in and along t%st 54th Street from OaElam to Park Visa, vas on motion Holten, be granted, seconded by Prescott, and carried. It was moved by Holton, that Pire insurance policy by Connect- icut Insurance Company No. 466589, covering #SS and $30 Cater- $1,250.00, togather with policy No, 600637 try Dubuque Fire and &krine Ins. Company, covering in the mount $l,OOOoOO on build- ing, tools and snom fence, be accepted and payment authorized, seconded by Prescott and carried. No further business to come before the meeting, motion to adjourn carrisd a% 11.10 PK fllar tractors and cabs and Whr-Fordson grader, in amount Village &corder. Einutes of a Special Neeting of the C.ouncil OS the Village of Edina, held at the home of Village Recorder Noom, on April 16, 1937, at 8 PM. * The meting ma called to order by. the President, the roll called arid all members pf the Council answered present. The meeting called by the President for the purpose of setfling the Ecklund case and was also pttended by Village Attorney Sfiron&;, Attorney Karl H. Cove11 mho represented certain fnt@mQ,ted propr%y owners An the Country Club Dfat- rict and- attorney George Specht Village Attorney Strong *ported the case in detail whereupon Trustee Holeen offered the follorring motion, ."Tha.t the stipe uletfon presented at this meetfng dated April 16, 1937, signed by Er and Ds Ecklund, containing the term of settlement of the Ecklund litigation, b approved, and that the PresPden$ and Pecorder of the Village Council be authorized and empomred to sign the same for and on.hehalf of the Village Council of the Village of Edfna, rjeconded 'oy adoom, and camied vithout dissenting vote and so orderedo representing the Ecklunds. no further business to come before the meeiing, motion $0 adjourn carried at 9.30 PM, , Village Recokder Note : Trustee 'Willson left the. meeting bt3fore the vote ;%~8 takenand thesefore did mt vote. EaI