HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370426_REGULAR261 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Xdina, held in Edina School, on April 26, 1937, at 8 FMe The meeting vias called to order Qy the President, the roll called and. all. plombers of the Council were present. Minutes of the adjourned Narch 8, 1937, meeting 03 the Councfl held on Nmch 16, 2937, were read, on motion Pmscott, they be approved as read, seconded. by. Villson and carried. Minutea 09 the regular meeting of’the Comclil held on April 12, 1937, were read, on motion Prescott, they be aBprsved 88 read, seconded by Holten, and csrried. Minutes of the adjourned April 12, 1937, meeting of the Council. held on April 14, 2937, we3 read, on motion Prescott, they Is approved as read, seconded by Holten, and carried. Minutes of the Special meeting of the Council held at the. hove of Recarder Moore + 4605 Wooddale Avenue, on April 16, 1937, wherein all members of the Council were present, were read, On motion PreSCOtt, they %e approved as read, seconded by Holten, and carried. Mrs Sam Strong, appeared before the Council vith request that the Hamen Road, be extended at general Vjillage expense, from the Strong property, South to %bat 62nd Street. After discussion it wa8 referred to the Road 8c Byidge Committee. Nr C. R. Billings, presented plat of Minnehaha Toads, located on Vest bank of Xinnehaha Creek South of Tms2 54th. Street. After examination and discuaaian, Et wslaa moved Xoore, that the plat he accepted far consideration and investigation of the Council and repoi-t zt the next regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Nesare Vm J, Alfjlaon and Rn Id. Coffman, presented a petition tQ vacate balance of Bridge Street Xaet of the Bast line of Arden Avenue , after discussion, it vias moved by Hslten, that the pe tftion be accepted and Eecorder 8uthorized to publish notice of hearing to vacate, seconded by Noore and carried. Resfdents living on Indianole Avenue, South of West 50th. Street, were present to regusst .the installation of Sanitary sever. *.A ‘v‘ - -3 P-9 Prescott, and carried. W Utter by morpe Broe, dated April. 22, 1937, was read suggesting a definste understanding on sanitary sewers. After discussion it was awgeated that the Recorder write Thorp Brow., tzdvi8ing that the Council was fully amre of the present S~I’Z~F situa.tion and,that the West 50th. Street setver from Yooddale Avenue to France Avenue, ra8 primarily intended for the i5evsral sections of the Country C2u.b District. Er Folcy, of the Wua H. Ziegler Company, ms present to offer EL motor patrol for Village us8 arid on which no action vm8 taken. The ’Village and Road cre~ advances having been studied and found correcfi, it viae mewd Preecstt, that the usual advances for labor be allmed and paid, seconded by Willson, and carried. Application bsr Henry H, Gregg, for 03”-8AIB 3.2 malt liquor License was received and read, On motion Preacstt it be granted, seconded by VJfllson, and carried. Cormunication by Clerk of Independent School District #17 School Stop signs and dated ApriX 3-4, 1937, was read. .cu~gioyl, ft was moved by Hslton, that School Stop signs be author- ized by the Villago Council. nt the intersection of Wooddale Avenue and Test 60th Street, at mooddale Avenue and IEst 49th* Street, and at T&st 50th Street and Indianolz Avenue, the same to be placed one half hour before School starts and one half hour after school ends, and that the \Tooddale Avenue signs be placed by the School Janitor and fndfanofa eign by Village Marshall, seconded by Villaon and carried. Recorder to advise with reference ts parking on Weat side of Voaddale Avena, 49th to 50th. Street. regarding After die- I 262 Application 'tsy Uinneayolia G. E. Company, for pemiseion to in- stall 4 poles on Nelson Avenue, ms on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded by 17ilfson and carried. Trustee Holten, offered the folloving resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution for Sale of Varrants for Sewr District Nmbsr 3, in the Village of Edina. L ITERGAS, proceedings have heretofore been duly taken for the con- struction of district semrs and laterals in Sever District Kmber 3, in said Villsge, and a contract has been entered into by said village for- the making o f said improvements and the construction of said sewers, the expe'nse thereof incurred and to be incurred to be assessed against each Lot, piece and parcel of land in said district benafited thereby, in the total sum of Eighteen Thousand (~18,000.00) Dollars; NOU, THEREFORE, BE IT ElESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village .. + of Edina, Hermepin County, Uinnesota, 88 follow: Sec. 1, That due steps havingbeen tak6n pursuaht €0 lau for the construction of district se5ers and la3erals in Semr DLsCrict Number 3, in said Village, &d assessments are being made, assessed and levied upon ahd- against each lot, piece or parcel of land in said Sewer Distrs'cf ISunber 3 benef5ted- thereby, and a special fund having been created by the Pard Village'knom as * "Fund of Sever District Number 3", a13 moneys collected upon said-*special-assess- rr.er,.l;s shall be peidrnto and credited to the said spocial fund for €he paymen%- of the cost o f said s8vers and warrants of the Village issued in and on account thereof . I* Sec. 2. In anticipction of the collectioh of said. sppcial assessments so levied and assessed as aforesaid, it is hereby.detorn&ned\*o' idsue Sower District Number 3 Special Assessment Fiind.,TJagwat i*rof the' ViZIage of- Edina, Hemepfn County, Hinnesr, ta, upon ,&id spbcial fund foy 'the purpo s0 of raising I money frm the sala thereof to be us@"in paying \ shall be in ations of shall be in number; and &all be numbered from Leaf) 2-33 - , both inclusive, &all be dated April 12, 1937, shall bear interest at the rate of 5 $ per annum, payable annually, and have coupons attached representing the annual interest thereon, and shall rraktrs serially on January 1st in each of the years 1939 Lo 1949 both inclusive, rtlich warrants, both principal and interest, shall be payable at P& 3 4jk-f. (229 in the city of Ikinneapolis, and shall be known as "Serer District No. 3 Special Assessment Fund Varrants", and shall be payable so1el;y from the proceeds of special assessments lavisd against property in said Sever District No. 3 in said Village, and shall be .in substantially the folloving form: NULBER UNITED STATES OF MUCA DOLLARS STATE OF UIHitESOTA COUNTY OF HENWIN - J VILrLRclE OF EDINA SETBR DI$TRICT NWER THREE SPECSAL ASSESSIIENT FUJD TlARRAHT The Treasurer of the Village of Ed-, Hennepin \ County, Minnesota, will pay to the bearer hereof fmm Sever District Number,~Thrae Fund of said Villam the of 263 - . ... (6 the first day of Jaauary, 1939,'together-vlith EnterBs€- thereon at the rate of 5 ( 'J per cent'per annum, pay- able annually on the first day of January of. each year in- accordance with and upon presentation and surrender OP the attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at ) lawful money of 'the United States of Arrierica on . This Warrant is one of a series of warrants issued by said Village pursuant to and in full con- formity with the constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto enabling, for the purpo se o f defraying the expense incurred sand to be incurred in laying sewers in said District as described and specified in a certdn resolution duly adopted by the Village Council of said Village on the 12th aay of Apsil, 1937, and in anticipation of the collec- tion of special assessments heretofore duly levied against the benefited property in said District for the construction of severs cznd is payeble out of a fund designatad as Fund of Sewer District Number Three, into iir4lich fund all proceeds of said asssss- ments are required to be paid. , It is hereby certified and recitsd that all acts, conditions and things required by the consti- tutdtin and laws of the State of Minnesota, to have been done, to have haypened, and to have been per- formed precedent to and in the kssuance of this warrant, have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by lav and that this Warrant, together with all other indebtedness of said Vil- lage outstanding on the date named herein and on the date of the actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional lim- itat5on of indebtedness. IN K'CTIESS YJHEXU3OF, the Village of Edina, Hewiepin County, %inne EO La, by its Villa ge Council, has caused this %arrant to be signed by the Presi- dent of the Village Council and countersigned by the Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile t sipstures of said officers, and has caused this War- rant Lo be dated as of April 12, 1937. Counter signed: 7 President of Village Council Village Clerk 264 (Form of Coupon) 6 NO '2 On the first day of January, 19-, the Village of Edina, Hennepin Gounty Elinnesota i*ill in the ciLg of ?&nneapoli.s, Hinneso-ba, from "&nd of Semr District Number 3" of said Village, the same being the annual installment of intered due on its Sermr District Number 3 Special Aaress- ment Fund khrrmtB No. s pay to bearer, at 2- B2hp'i-:Cs'. , ~oiiars (9 L Go unf ersigned : Vi 11 a ge P r e s id ent I .a. Sec. 4. Each of said Warrants shall be signed by the President of the Village Council, and countersi'gnea by the Village Clerk, and the corporate seal affixed -thereto, Each of said Coupons shall be signed by the Village Presii;lent and countersigned by the Village Clerk by their fac-siniil'e- signatures, vhich are hereby adlipted as due execution %hereof on accounf of said Village. The Village Treasurer is hereby required to pay OU~ of said Fund of &mer District Number 3, upon presentation, said Varrants and interest Coupons, as they mature, and cancel the same Then paid, Sec. 5. It is hereby determined to cause said TiarraMts to be sold pursuant to notice for bids heretofore pub- ai shed therefor. The motion to addpt ms seconded by Trustee Billson and the vote was upon %he question of the adoption of the reso- lution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was declared duly adopted. President of Village Council ATTEST: 266 . .- Recorder read acceptance by the Idinneapolis General Eloctric Company of franchise extension on April 20, 1937 and presented Publisher' D Affidavit of Publication of the ordinancs in Hennepin County Revisrr, Official publication of €he Village of Edina, on 4191 15, 1937, V'hereupon Trustee F'lillson moved acceptance of the company's acceptance and that' the sme be spread' upon the minutes of- this meeting, seconded by Prescott and carried. ACCEPTAiJCE OF ORDINANCE VILLAGE OF EDIHA, HENIJEPIN COLNTY, SIZINIEESOTA @?OB ALL hEEN BY lW3sE PREXP,NTS: '.TIEmAS the Village Council of the Village of.Edina, Thnf Hennepin County, Jfinnesota, on the 12th day of April, A.D. 1937, passed and adoptod an Orclinunae entitled: "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PEREISSION TO THE l.Z"OLIS GENERAL*ZWCTRIC WhflpAW, ITS SUCCZSSORS AND ASSIG?B, M ERECT, ENLARGZ, OPEME AND K41K!i!AIN8 IN 'ME VILLAGE OF EDINA, IIINNESOTA, TFLAN~SSIOI? LINES AND ELECTRIC DISTRLBUTING SYS!EU, IIELUDING NECESSmY POLE LINES, LLASTS, I7XlES AND FIXTURIX, FOR THE FUNIISHING OF EIiECm ENERGY Ti> TKE: VILLAGE AND ITS INHABITANTS, AND TRAk1S;liITTlNG ELEXTRIC ENERGY INTO AND THROUGH !REI2 VXLLAGE, AND TO USE THX STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLXC GROUNDS OF SAID VILLAGE RIR SUCH PWO as", vhich Ordinance van duly published according to law on the 15th day of April, 1937, in The Hsnnepin County Reviev, EL newspapor printed and published in the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin- County, linnssota, and of general circulation in said Village of Edina and County of Hennepin and State of hiinnesota; NOW, THEREFORE, THE EJINUEAPGLIS GENERAL EBCTRIC COWANY, a Ne3 Jersey corporation, for ifself and its successors and asaignss, does hereby accept all the terms and conditions of said Ordinance. IN YETlESS \%ERZOI' The 1.finneapoli.s General Electric Company ha3 caused these present8 to be executed in its corporate name by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized w:d its ' corporate seal to be hereto affixed this day of April, 1937. In Presence of: J. J, Eolyneaux BY Vice President Ffewzaret. E. Kennes M. A. Eorrissey And R. L. Clark AssisCant Secretary Trustee Holten offered the following resolution and moved its adoption; * NOTICE OF SALE OF "SEI7Ei: DISTFUCT ~LWJBEE TRR'EJ2" SF'ECIAL GSSESSLIENT FUND VARRAINTS, BY VILLAGE OF EDINA, BNNEPIN COUNTY,. MINNESOTA. NOTICE: IS HEREBY GIVEN, that bidp vrill be received by the Villa@ Couiic3.l of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, ldinnesota, at a.mes%ing thereof to be held fn the of IAay, 1937, at'8 o'cXock P.11.- of said day, for the sale of Eighteen Taousand Dollars ($18,000.00) SE'i%R. DISTRICT IJUBER T!S&Z SPECXAL ASSJ3'SS- NiENT'FUND WREWITS, bf sa53 Tillage, vhicfi varranf$"are to. ba dated April 12, 1937, &3d are to mature- serially -on January firs% in each of the year 1939 to 1949, both inclusive, aid are ti bear interest at a rate not to ekeeed the lavful rate payable annually. GPiAMG3 HALL, in said Village, on the 10th day These warrants are payable sololy from the proceeds of special asccssments being levied against groperty in said Sewer District Number Three. in said village. , No bid lesn than par and accrued i;n.%eres% shll be considersd. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved, 'Each bid mu& be accompanied by an unconditional certified check payable to tho order of the Village of Edina,'for at least &en per cent (10%) of the principal amount of these varrants. The motidn to adopt mas seconded by Trustee T&llson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution wherein there mxe five aye0 and no nays and ao the resolution was declared duly adopted. " President of Village Council ATEST: