HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370524_REGULARHinutea of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Zdina, held in Grange HalL at* €?hl on May 24, 193'7. In the' absence of the President, the meeting vias called to order by the Recorder, the roll called and all members of the Council were present except President Sharp, who was 'absent from the State. Thereupon it was moved by Holten, that Trustee Prescott act as President Pro Tern, seconded 'by Recorder Noore, and 'carried,whereupon Trustee Prescott assumed the duties of President, Pro Tern. NinuteB of: the regular meting of the Council held on April 26, 1937, were read. On motion Holten, they be approved as read, seconded by Willson, and carried. 3tIs Oscar Gaarden, appeared before the Council on the general subject of wateT main ex'fJWsions, .and the matter was left for consideration on the return of President Sharpe. Tar Karstens, presented a petition on behalf of the Young Pue1 Company and the Hinneapolis, Northfield & Southern Ry, to re-zone lots 4 to 10, both inclusive, in Block 2, Grand View Heights , and the miscellaneous triangplar tract of land between lot 10 in aaid block_,2, for comiercial uses as pre- scribed in the Zoning Ordiname of Edina, whereupon it vias moved by Moore, that the petition be received and that both published and posted notice of the proposed change be given at the time of the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on Sane 14, 1937, seconded by Willson and carried. The Road and Village pay roll advances having been found to be correct, it was moved ky Tillson that they be allowed and ordered paid, togather with detailed Bill by Hennepin County Rural Wlfare Board in amount $328.41 for April relief, seconded by Holten and carried. Several residents of the South Harriet Park area taere present to offe-r some play ground equipment to the Village and that such be Installed 89ong the Rst bank of Einnehaha Creek bettoeen Vest Sand. and VBst 54t2145 Streets. On account of liba'oflty which the Village might BSB~ in such a project the matter, &t was agreed the proposition should be referred fa the Village Attorney. Application was made by the Minneapolis Gas I&ht Company for permission to install gas main in and along \%st 53rd. Street from Oakland to Brookview Avenues, m&ereupon it was moved Moore, that the application be granted, seconded by Holten, and carried. A petition by Messrs Coffman and Allison, for the vacation of that part of Bridge Street, Sast of Arden Avenue, was re-submitted to the CounciH. After discussion it waa moved by Holten, that the petition be received and accegted and that both posted and'published notice be given for hearing and sac5 action as the Council may deem advisable and/or expedient at the time of the regular tiieeting of the Council to be held on June 14, 1937, motion seconded by Edoore and declared duly carried. Utter ms read from Edrs -my, on behalf of the Hennepin County Library, Edina Branch, which was referred to President Shape Estiniites far paymnt on account work completed by the Magee Company in the execution of sewer contract of District #3, were read and studied, whereupon it was moved by Willson, that the President and %carder be authorized and empowered to sign the necessary papers and pay the est.irnateg when I funds fo~ same are available, seconded by Holten and carried 280 I Trustee Holten as chairman of the Folice Committee, brought up the matter of the physical condition of Village Police car &fch ps-di$cussed at length by the Council. move& by Holten, that bids be called for the purchase of one new car fur police purpoeea vhich mould include the three low priced makes of cara of tvo door coach type having suitable trunk for the installatian of the proposed YTwo VaylI police radio system and other necessary equipant and that the purchase price be conditioned upon the trade in of present Village police car. the regular meeting of the Council to be held on June 14, 1937, motion was aeconded by Villeon and carried. Aset. Road Forernan Louis Stolaman, in company 17ith Nr John Steen, President of local #363 Cfty and County employes union, appeared before the Council in the matter of increasirg; the pay of Village employes. After prolonged conversation, thesmatter vas left for future consideration by the Council No further business to come before the meeting, motion to It vas I . Bids to be returnable at the time of -. . adjourn carried at 11.30 PitI Village Recorder. \