HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370614_REGULARUinutee of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Bdina, held in Grange Ha11 on June 14, 1937, ." at 8 'PM.
The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll vas called and all members of the Council were present.
Xinutea of the regular meeting of the Council held on May 24, 1937 , were read. On motion Prescott they be approved as read, seconded by Holten and carriede
The. Miscellaneous, bills bpon be+ing duly examined .and found to be
correct, were on motion Tillsoq, they be alloned and ordered paid, seconded by 2rosc.ott and Carrie-d. They aye as follows:
Rur'al Hennepin County Wlfare Board, April relief $328.41
Pa W. Harris Gas and oil ' 74-91
Xrs Je Me Duus Gas & Oil 67 8 14
Gea Boyd's Garrage Police car service 1.75
Leo Priest Motor Cs TQO~S for R&B 4 2.28
Edina Garage, Inc Police car service 10.80
Thorpe Bro8, Inc Rent Tract Office 8c telephone 13-15 Hennepin County Review Printing & Pu51ished notices 53.98 Minneapolis G. E- Co January street Sighting 644 8 37
18.31 191.00
Minneapolis 'Blue Prin't Blue prints 1.88
Ninneapolis Iron Store Truch chains Te W. ROshOlt CO warc o grader rent Iiyle' Culvert & Pipe Co '' Nulti-plate culvert 239890
Ha$den Xotor (30 Police car service 48 65 Country Club Floral. Co ' Flowers for Parks 28 50
Nagns2lo Service Co Repair magneto R&B 6-36
F- Garvey Hardware & Road supplies 16.54
t0 W~oddale 108-78 Simon\ Strand Rent tool shed & lights to 6/15 16.06
Hoyt Landscape Nursery 75 trees Wst 50th St. France Ave
Lyle Signs, Inor Traffic signs 174 e 10
Edi iia Har dmre Hardware & Road supplies 12-04
&UStUS Lum'ber CQ Lumber 38.59
b8 He Z$t3gler CO Repairs to tractors 329848 Village St Louis Park WPS Sewing project 44884
Fieland Auto Service Repairs to Village truck 25804
Total Nisclaneous 8 2,326873
The Road and Village kiUs upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Preecott, they be allowed and ordered
paid, seconded- by Willson and carried. They are as follows:
Xarl Ce Sharp
J. J. Duggan Ben B. Moore
C. F. Preacott Clarence 0- Holten Dr Loive11 Id. Camp'lze11
Hflding Dahl
H J .Knudsen '
John Tracy P, Dahlgren E. Znsley L. Stolzman
Silas Herret
Thomas Goble
0. Urn Spancie
Geo Hansan
Virginia, Dutcher
A, C. Stringer
X. Knudsen
GeoPge A8 'C71llElon
T. 23. Tally
PI. Sm Heydt
So J. Robertlj
Js Ha Snrt-3.y
Arthur Peterson
President (June) Treasurer
Trustee Trua tee Trustee Village Health Off icer
Village NlELrshaXZ Police Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner Utility mn Asst Road Foreman Trac tor opera t os
Road labor Asst Road foreman
Road lalor - Road labor Park labor
Park labor
Road la%er
Stenographic vork
%PA-Road labor
Labor with te am I
25- 00 140 m 00
120 e.00
120 e 00
110 rn 00
61-20 113.50
16. 30
4- 50
140 8 00
Garbage collection 195.00
Total Road & Village $?i,,832-80
. President Sha-spe advised he desired to appoint Nr I- E- Lane,
Deputy med Inspec"&sr for the Village of Edina, vheseupon it mw
moved by H01ten;l the% IJr 1. 3. LBns, be pppointed Deputy Veed
inspector, st.,aiirate of pay of EO# per hour and 5g per mile for milage, seconded %y Bore and carried.
Bids *re oprrod for the furnishing aP one auomobile for P~olice
car purposes according to adwrtiseasnt for bids in the Hennepin County Review of June 10, 1937 issue and as follows
Bid b All o1;vEtnce Net -1
Edina Garage, Inc $8 20 e 00 $4550 00 $365 e 00
Holt Botor Corman. 809.90 430 00 ' 879.90
XcDonald-Gilfiilah Co 721.41 452.47 269 e 00 Dahlberg Bros , Inc; 650 61 461.11 257 00
after study rand tabulation 'of the bids, it vas moved ly Holten that purchase be deferred until next meeting of the Council so that $he .matter of Federal taxes can be determined, seconded
'by Emre and carried.
Bue.,posted and rjublished notice having beel? given of the petition on behalf of the Young Fuef Company and the Xinneapolis! North- field and Southern Rye , for the rezoning of lots 4 to 10 * both inclusive , Block 2 Grand View Heights, the matter duly came before
the Council. A number of residents isre present to object to any change in the Zoning ordiname, among them being E. W. Harris, Joseph Smutmey, Carl Bsterkerg, Nrs B.T.Edson and Eiirs Claus Johnaon, who had lived fn Sdina Tor 70 years. Ur Karstens 1
&p@e&,.z"ecR 013% lehalf of the petitioners. After considerable dis- cussion of the subject, Trustee Willson moved that the petition presented the Council lqy the Young Fuel Compaqy and the qinneapolis Northfield & So-uthern Ry, to rezone lots 4 to 10 both inclusive
Block 2, Grand View Heights, be denied, the motion was secanded
by Trustee Holten and carried without dissenting vote and so ordered
Petitions riere received for street lights, curb & gutter, fr-ora
George Specht and the Ecklunds for installation on Brfdge Lane Tomes Road and Wst 48th Street, which isre given the Recorder
to hold'untfl such time a8 the Council deems advisable to act.
The matter of the vacation of that part of Brfdge Street, lying
East of the 3EEts-t line of Arden Avenue and 20 feet Wst of the East line of the Fairmay Section, Country Club Dfstkict, next
cam WciW the Counc&l. !Phe propasition vas opposed by George Specht and discussion at length was participated in lay PL pssrs
Cpffman and Allison and Yillage A$tornoy Strong. evident af%r prolonged discussion that ne agreement might ke
~ arrived at rfhereupen Trustiee Prescstt, in viev of posted and pualiahed no3i-s having been duly made, movod that the matter * 'Lae continued until the meet,3ng of the Council to be held on June
' 28, 1937, seconded by Boore and carried. Trustee Holtbn sug- " gested an agreement on a31 of Bridge Street East of the East line * of Arden Avenue in confomi%y with the agreement of the 20 feet - here tofore vacated.
* 3.k &mail, tm8 present to advise the Council that both he and " I)r Tift, rere building in the &bite Ws Addittion and requested that Bridge Street,, be kept upen s'ntil Wst 48th. Street is @pen - t 8 traffic .
It bedng
A nwnber of residents living in South Harriet leark, were p- resent to advise' the sanitary sewn recently laid In and along Oakland . Avenue, vas not of sufficient depth to pemnit of easy connectition
, with the private sewer. After discussion by the residents, man- . bers of the Council and X7.r Estabrook, Engineer, it vas moved by . Holten, that the Council recind the authority given the Pres-idenf . and Eecorder st the ?Jay 24, 1937, meeting of the CounciL,-ts-pay
zstimate #I of Sewer Dlafricti #3, seconded by T7ilfson and carried,
. Trustee '51113soon Qutlbed brisffy the new %'omants \PA sevfng project . and moved that $60.00 le allowed the Rural Hennepin County Felfare
I Board for the purchase of certain materials mhfch mould %e needed in, connectfsn therewith, seconded by Edoore and Carried.
Messrs John Steen and Carl Nade, of ksesl #363, City and County Employeo Union, were present on behalf of Louis Stolzman, Who
had been re,bom$ 'from the Road eC Bridge crew, after having been granted et vacation with pay, on account of carelessness in the operatian of Village owned road equipmnt and not as result of
any membership in organized laboy. After coneiderable diacussion
$8 to details, Nr Steen suggested the matter be left for future consicieration sf the Council and requested that p3r Stoleman Ee put back to work for a probatfonary period and hoped the Road OC Bridge Cornittee tvould re-oonsffier %he action Laken.
A communication concerning the lEdlna Branch of the Hennepin County Library 7786 read, and referred to President Sharpe.
It vas momd by Trustee Holteri after discemion of the 'subjec%, that bids Is advertised ### calling for the grading of the pro-
posed roadway extending from Wst 50th Street to tmst 48$h Street, approximately 125 feet Eaet of and parallel to tke Pasf line of
the Pairtmy Section, Country Club Dfstrict, in accordance with
pSana, specifications and grades to be established and on file at the office of B.H.Bradley , Village ZnginGer, re turnable at the regular meting of the Council to 'be held on June 28, 1937, Qec- on&d by Moore and carried.
The comunicatlon previously received T-rom Arthur Peterson, advising that the arrangement for garbage collection rmde in
1931, was insufficient wZI this time, came before the Counc$Z for ConsideTation and study of the coats involved. After such dls-
cussfon and study, it vas moved-by Holten that the rate of pay
be on basis of $26.06 per day vhen truck and three men 81% fur- nighed and $12.00 pes: day when truck and two men are furnished, seconded by Moore, and carried.
Application of Ninneapolis G.3. Company for permission BO set
fr polea on Vooddale Layre, East of Wooddale Avenue, and one pole at Kellog& and W?st 58th and one pole ah Ret 68th Street, betr@en
Kt3llagg and Oaklawn, wag on motion Moore, 'be granted, seconded
by Prescott and carried.
The matter of members of the Council attending the annual con- vention of the League of Dbinnesota Mnicipalities to be held at ParibauSt on June 16, 17 and 18th. was discussed bJ'the Councfl and vihereupon Trustee Prescott moved that such members of the Council as could abeent themselves from their business, be aut- horized to attend as official delegates of the 79illage of Edina, seconded by Willson and carried.
It ms moved by Noore, that the petition for sanitary sewer to serve the mite Oaks Addition, The Bird 40 and the area South to YBst 50th. Street, be referred to the Village 'Attorney, sec. onded $y Holten and carried.
At 12.30 AX, it vias moved by BfioQrc that this meeting stand adj- ourried to met again nt the call of the President and for the COnsidfiiratiQn of such matters as could not be considered at this
rise Ling seconded Holten and carried.
Village Recorder