HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370621_REGULAR,.-. Uinutes of the adjourned regular June 14, 1937 meeting of the Council lield in Grange Hall on June 21, 1937, at 8 PEL In the absence of the President, the meting vas called to order by the Recorder, whereupon it vis moved by Holten that Trustee Begcott serve as President Pro-tern, seconded by Eoore and carried, Thereupon Trustee Preacbtt assurrrsd the duties of President Pro-tern. Consideration IT&$ had of the matter of the purchase on one auto- mobile for Police car purposes and Trustee Hol'cen moved that the bid of DaklWrg B~Qs, Inc.. , Hopkins, in amount $650.61, with trade in-allorrarxe for 1936 Village omed Ford Police car of $461.11, net 0257.00 leas $13.50 Federal tax, be accepted sub- ject to terms and condition$ of the specifications and bid, sec- onded by Ifillson and carried. I Srusttm Hol-bcn offered tkr;:folfov,&ng Resolution and noved itc adoption : .* BE IT WSOLVED, that the Gler8 of thia Village bo and he 10 hereby . authorized md directed to nake up and file in the office of the County Auditor of the Hennepin County, finnomta, being the county in dqich the Villago of Edina, a nunicipal corpora.tion, ia located, EL certifiod statenent of w.0un-k and'unpaid asoenments for Secter Di&;tct No, 3 of the said Villago of Ediiza and tha rurounto of interskt which ~6.11 bc duo theroon on the lot L L. '- 'I. day of Swy, 1938, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such special aoaoomento &all be payahle in ten equal annual inotcllnenta, the first tihgreof to be payable 01: the I& day of Januwy, 1938, and the re~~ining nine installnenta on the lat dciy of oach aeccaoding January, to and includiq January lot, 1947. BE IT l?UR&ER RESOLVED, that all deferped inctallnenta a.f said special' anoeaments shd1 bear intereat at the rate of Six (6) per cent per wnm, paj-zble on the s,h& auounii rendning fron tiw to tine unpaid, mith and as a part of each said inatdluont of asmotmento. BE TT FURTHER IESDLVED, that the Enzineer haa exminod the 3or;er condruction of said Sever *District No. 3 and has detcrined the fpir 2nd reasonable value thereof and he has certified thgt he finds and detedneo ., that the fair and reasonable vdue of azid sever construction is in the sun of $17,792,30, vhich oaid mount shall be acseosed against the property benefited thereby as its fair and reasonable asr;encuent in the eventi thrt the aosesczent heretofore levied io for any reason declared invalid end of no forco imd-effect. The motion t-1~ seconded by Trustee riillson ad the vote ms upon the question of the adoption of the Recolution vherein there vmre five ayea and no nqs end r;o the recolution rms adopted. RE^ LUTIO N BE LT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Villnge of Edina, Helinepin COUE~, lfinnesota, thht fhe vrarrpmts for Sever District No. 3, in accordance with the resolution adopted April 26th, 1937, Ishall be in denominations of Five hundr.ed Dollah (~sOO.OO), except No. 1 vhich xi11 be in the denonination .of , shall be thirty-six (36) in nuriber, nunbered fron 1 to 36, both. inclusive, &dl bear interest @=1; +he rate of Five (5) per cent, pay.ablc knnually, both prindpal and interest * payable at the EEdlmd National Bank axid Trust Company of Iinneapolio and nhall mature serially on Jmuary 1r.t; in each of the years ss follows: . . .. . $l25O. 00 1500.00 z . ,. .* 1500.00 15ooeoo 2000.00 *.. .. 2000 . 00 2000 '00 .,I. L. 2000 SO0 2000.00 , . .. 2000.00 - 1939 - 1941 C; 1943 - 1945 * 1940 - 1942 - 1944 . .. 1946 .. - 1947 - 1948 No further bttainesa Lo come before the meeting, it mas duly adj awned at 12.18 AM Village Recorder