HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370628_REGULAR286 liinute s of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall- at S Pit on June 28, 1937. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Mr C. J. Christopher,of the Comission to whom was referred the matter of viewing and appraising the so called 11Old dill" triangle and tr,.e three lots lying Est of the school grounds, was present and read the unaminous report of the Commission naming a total price of.07000.00 and presented a schedule of assessments applying thereto. At the conclusion of the read- ing of the report, it was .moved by Moore, that it be accepted and the thanks of the Council be extended the Commission, seconded by Holten and carried. Messrs Carl M. Hanson and Dr Kraft, as interested property owners owning property across the street from Block 16, stere present to object to any Parke or Play ground acquistion as proposed in the Commission's report as it would not be a benefit to their property but damage to all abutting property. Dr Kraft advising he would take the matter into the Courts and would expect damaes to the extent of $'51000. After discussion, it was moved by Holten, that the matter of further action on the report and the publication of notice of hearing be deferred until the next regt;lar meeting of the Council On July 12th, seconded by Willson and cartiOd. Mr Oscar Gaarden, was present to request of the Council an extension of the hater franchise granted his company. it appearing that the rater and sewer franchises still had about 11 years to run and that an additional period of extension of 5 or. 10 years was being requested beyond the 11 year period. After discussion, it was moved by Holten, that the matter be referred to Village Attorney Strong, for report after a con- ference to be held by the Council and others to determine details and for advisability of submitting of ammendment or addition to present franchise, seconded by Moore and carried. Bids were opened as per advertisement in Hennepin County Review for the grading of the proposed street extending from Ilkst 48th. Street to Zest 50th Street, and parallel to and lying approx- imately 125 feet East of the East line of fairway Section, Country Club District, as follows Strom Excavating Co 18,e per cu yd and- 112.e per CI overhaul Axel Larsen 25X per cu yd. Cox Bros 16,E per cu yd and 2� for all over 5001 W. Kabish Cc 19p/ per cu yd and 3 %8for all over 1001 Ca H. - Peterson 24X per cu yd and 1e for all over 100f1 'thereupon it was moved by Prescott, the bids be received and referred to Road & Bridge Committee for recommendation and report at next regulat meeting of the Council, seconded by Willson and carried. A delagation of residents of. South Harriet Park were present concerning the grading of Oakland and Kellog Avenues and the lowering of the sanitary sewer on. Oakland Avenue so as to more easily accomodate the e.kisstipg'_huuses. After considerable dis- cussion it was moved by Holten, that the Walter A. Magee Company be authorized and directed under Section 2 of its contract with the Village of Edina, to loner the sanitary se%-er on Oak- lawn Avenue between tksti.52nd. Street and Vtazt 54th -Street, in said Village, to an average depth of 10 feet, the work to be done by the Magee Company as cost for work done but not to ex- ceed the siam of X942.62, the Magee Company is also authorized and directed to grade said street down to a grade to be estab- lished by B.H.Bradley, Village Engineer, motion eras- seconded by Willson and carried. J 287 It was moved by Moore, that engineer's second estimate in amount 04722.93 be paid the Walter A. Magee Company, for S:Fork done on Sewer District Number three contract, ifs ~and when funds are available, seconded by Willson and carried. Messrs Allison, Coffman and Covell were present to request the vacation of that part of Bridge Street Lying East of the East line of Arden Avenue and ,rest of the 20 ft. of Bridge Street. heretofore vacated and wherein the petitioners agreed to the same restrictions as applied to the 20 feet heretofore vacated and given in the stipulation dated April 16, 1937. After dis- cussion, it was moved by Moore, that the matter be referred to the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on July 12, 1937, seconded by Holten and carried. Application of Minneapoiis Gas Light Company, for permission ,to install gas main on Wooddale Court, wars on motion Moore, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Louis Stolzman, appeared before the Council to state he =,t felt he had made a mistake in not coming to the Council in the first place rather than by' trying to bring outside influences upon the Council in his demand for increased wages. After discuss- ion, the matter of re- instatement was left for the Road & Bridge Committee to determine. R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N Trustee Prescott offered the folloviin , resolution: Resolved that, to conform v.dth the provisions of Chapter 343, Section 1, Subdivision (d) of the leas of 1937, the Village Council of the Village of Edina agree with the County Viielfare Board ,of Hennepin County, that said County Welfare Board shall supervice and a.dmi.ni?ster the poor relief fund in said Village of 11di.na. The question was on the adoption of the resolution, and the roll being.,called, there mere; five yeas and no nays, , And so the resolution was adopted. The matter of pay for Village employee next came before the Council for its consideration and discussion and tifrherein it was moved by Holten, that the rate of pay of village Marshall Tilly be set at 0150.00 per month and Hilding Dahl and W.S.Heydt, as Police Officers be set at 0130.00 per month, with one Meek vac- ation with full pay for those serving one year and over, and that Officer Dahl be allowed $20,00 for overtime during June while on special traffic duty working overtime , seconded by Willson and carried. After further discussion Trustee Prescott moved that the psy of the Street Commissioner be pet at $150.00 per month, that of Utility?r!an Q $130.00 per month, that of tractor operator Q 0130.00 per month, that of Asst Road Foreman Q 6Oye per hour, that of man�with team C 01.00 per hour, with road labor Q 50,c/ per hour and with 1 mek vacation with full pay for all employes serving one, year and over, all effective as of June 28, 1937.. seconded by Willson and carried. The Village and Road crew pay roll advances upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Prescott, they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. Recorder Moore, brought' up the matter of changing the application for Loan and Grant on Public Works Administration project No. Minnesota 1174, to grant only and moved the application be duly ordered changed to "grant only" seconded by Holten and carried. Recorder to advise Mr Radford P111A Administrator. R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N Trustee Prescott offered the folloviin , resolution: Resolved that, to conform v.dth the provisions of Chapter 343, Section 1, Subdivision (d) of the leas of 1937, the Village Council of the Village of Edina agree with the County Viielfare Board ,of Hennepin County, that said County Welfare Board shall supervice and a.dmi.ni?ster the poor relief fund in said Village of 11di.na. The question was on the adoption of the resolution, and the roll being.,called, there mere; five yeas and no nays, , And so the resolution was adopted. 288 AGREEIMUZ BETMEN THE HENPMpIN COUNTY VUL." .22 BOAPX 111`D THE TovNSHIP VILLAM OF EDINA IN REGARD TO 30IPIING A CENTRALIZED ADIIIIISTRATION OF LOCAL AND STATE 'RELIEF FUNDS. VkMEAS, the State of >`finnesotsa has appropriated certain suns of money to be dis- tributed throw a State Relief Agency to local conmunitiess for the purpose of supplementing local funds in the care of the needy, and WREREAS, the County Welfare Board of Hennepin County has been desigazated as the agency to di sthibute those funds on request, and VMREAS, the Village of Edina has by resolution, requested the County Welfare Board 'of Hennepin County to supervise and administer their poor relief funds, and IMBEAS, the various services of the Ederal Government gill be available to the Tot= and Villages through the County Welfare Board. NOVI, THERETORE, BE IT' AGREED BY THE Village of Edina that the Gounty Welfare Board is hereby desi `mated as the relief agency for the Village of Edina fo r, u,pbriod of time begin ?ping as of d4y'�,1937 and.continuinp until such time as notice may be given that the agreement is cancelled, either on the first or fifteenth of any nonth by vrritten notice' given taro weekd prior to the date of cancellation and pro- vided that all financi l responsibilities be cared for until the date of cancellation. :, BE IT FURTHER AGREED by the Village of Edina that authority is' hereby given to the County Welfare Board to write such ordero for relies' of the needy in the Village of Edina as beconcarzoessary far the pr4or care of such needy provided that, except in emergency cases, the Tornrhip or Village Board direct that their authorized representative be given the opportunity to approve or disapprove the amount of the order. A0, BE IT FURTHER PROVIDED that the percentage of such expenditurea as i!o not cared for throu6i State Allocations is to be paid fross relief funds of the Village of Edina, that they vrill contribute by remittance each uonth to the Hennepin County Welfare Board, thokk prorated on a service ba,six.7 BE IT FURTHER AGREED that the Henrepin County Welfare Board mill call in, frora time `to tine, for conference, members of the Advisory Council composed of an authorized representative of each Town or Village participating in the centralized set -up and that `an Executive Comvdteo rrill be appointed to administer the direct relief affairs of the county and that at all times the relief roll be administered to comply, so far as possible, rith the v.ishes of the Toanshipss and Villages, acting as their agent and in conformance i,4th the dbairec prozeribed by the Advisory Gountil And so the r;�ee tind was adjourned at 12.20 AM Village Recorder i � qq j r ZA � lQ YI i J 1� 2 � 0� 00 '4, t 1 ol 1 loop I_ i t i I 4� I '4, ± 4 � a � i �a a ' A* �_� �I t,�)^"� a' � , � yam` */j .� �, j '� '�a �� 7f. �i ��1� %�,�R,�.l u I �� !� � � t.. ,, -. C�+' • � {, � '� � � .,,� �`i..r • l �. `^(J`yf nn ,�{yC .�.� r. !! � / e. .� � Jf ' ti./ t is (40 C> T3 7 3 k may liti. 1131. lira • A*an Lev le Holkine, V1nn♦ i r ])W Are. Lewis; - After oonsitep ng your petition to change the name of Meth Ave. to "B61mor4 Trine" the *ounoil believes, after checking the signaturee that the petition not only takes in Seth Awe* but also two blooks of 4th *8t*3outh* Ordinarily cis would think that Seth Ave extends to the Asset just wont s-of the lash property but this is not the ease as Bath Ave. ends two brooks east of the Bash_, property. The Iftah 'resiuen'ce faces 4th St4oUth* In order to make this clear to you I have attached a small ,sketah of the territory between the laterlachen Club ah& central eve (or the Favor Farm Re") * This area is embraced in the plats of Aendelssohn a.;d isat Kinneiapolis Heights. The dividing line between the two plats is ith,lvo. N. which is also the ]Mine between Beth Ave. e.id Uhoateftnthe You will note_ from the sketah that Seth Ave. in Yen44sWhA is the same street as 4th.3t *So* in lest Xplis ? Heights and,,rou will note saot;her street one block south of Beth AF *,� .- ifalonsy Ave -19 the a&Me street ss 5th.St. 5outh. Seth AV*o and 4th.`Bt.9o* are not through travelled as there Is still about two blooks of grads ag to be done on 4th. St bet son 4th.Atre R. " bth.AvevXw Teas nodoubt will be d,m* in the no future as the coamnity builds up and the necessity for the gra ing arieeso Maloney Ave* and. 6fih�dt.9o. sera traT�illed streNso W therefor have two streets in oir neighborhood that, assording t reoordoa plats,have two names f and appropriate names should be submitted to the council to. eliminate this confitsi on. The-, council feels that• this is an oppotuns time to got th Street nines ehang*d but feels that all changes should be acts of the "me time. , ----� -Mr. Benson is desirlews of hawing the name of Nelson lie Ohanged and bias expressed his 411iugnese to cooperate and "Unt in any WY 'hs -aaa. 1 would suggest the following; - A nra Dpi ion be started to change the name of Nelson, A*** Your pyroo4at petition be ahsnged to - inalude 4th.8t.South and presented to the residents living on 4th.0t.So. in the 'rd Ave. district. A now petition be started to change the names of 11610nor Ave. ani fitheSt Joouth to sae appropriate name. ft©h of th"s petitions to be cireulated on the street or #treats involved and &A, manly signatures secured as possible. After they are completed thpyshould be presented to the eounoil for oaneiieratl4m and I would rug est that as r�ny of-the presidents att&A the meet ng as possible to express their sentiment relative to the oltai save with t1-.e council- "T, -berep re feelin,_ teat they are reap later+e Ft-e� i U "3 J urn herrl / . .,,. Tre ompenso of publIshing and recording one resolutioet #ar sll of ' the above ;0hangos waslAU be about tIte seam.- as for *banging the name of one street* therefor we could sari oonei d erable tax money be "tLng on t-h* ehangsa at one time # For your information I eat ordering a9me "1)*ad ant" otrost eibno the ftrat of the w *<aod will hare" them installed at aeon as they are areosiied. I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Jenson for his If tb* r* is w other iplarmation that I oen giv♦ yba eo nbt heeit at e t c oali , sae Tour t lyt, C t- Trusts* Village, of "mina. 1 I Earl C. Sharpe, President of Council Ben B. Moore, Village Re c order, George A. Willson, Trustee Clarence F. Prescott, Trustee j Clarence G. Holten, Trustee Alex Creighton, Assessor John J. Duggan, Treasurer, George W. Strong, Village Attorney Dr Lowell M. Campbell, Health jOfficer B. H. Bradley, Village Engineer T. E. Tilly, Village Marshall W. H. Gilkey, Justice of Peace; Charles B. Carroll, Justice of Peace H. J. Knudsen, Street Commis3soner. Village Rec 1 1 I Minute Bonk Village of Edina G Hennepin County C Minnesota Be gining "!!t July 1, 19 37 Ending I Earl C. Sharpe, President of Council Ben B. Moore, Village Re c order, George A. Willson, Trustee Clarence F. Prescott, Trustee j Clarence G. Holten, Trustee Alex Creighton, Assessor John J. Duggan, Treasurer, George W. Strong, Village Attorney Dr Lowell M. Campbell, Health jOfficer B. H. Bradley, Village Engineer T. E. Tilly, Village Marshall W. H. Gilkey, Justice of Peace; Charles B. Carroll, Justice of Peace H. J. Knudsen, Street Commis3soner. Village Rec 1 1