HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370712_REGULAREtinutes of the regular meting of the Council of the Village of Xdfna, Hennepin County, Xinmsota,
' held in Grange Hall on July 12, 1937,
at 8 O'clock P.M.
The nee Ling .me called to ouder by President Sharp, ths roll called and all member8 of the Council were pre~esnt.
Hinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on June 28, 1937, were read. Qn motion Willson they be4 approved ae read, seconded by Holten, and carried.
Messra Mostue and King&y, appeared before the Council in the matter of proceedwe in deeding proper* for road.pmposes and
applying to the John Bjor4; property West of 'the Sclzek.ef"er Road and South 05 Interlacken Road a distance of about 800 Bet.
The matter was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee.
Messrs and B(fwsdmee Walter H. Parker and Dr Krsft, appeared before the Council to further protest agsinert the etJtablish- ment of public playgrounds acros8 the etmet from tktsir property in Block 16. ised them when the lots were purchased more than 12 years ago,
that only fine homes would be erected along West 49th. Street in BBWk 16. The -Council wa8 fw.t;her informd that public playgrounds hrad dangerous elements, needed supervision and were detrimental to residential area and that danv;lgee of more that
.$b,000.00 would be asked for in each caw should the propoaftion
ion, it was mowd by Holten, that the report of" the Conmission on the acquisition of certain land in Block 16, Brown Section Country Club District and the BO called "Old Hilln triangle,
be continued 'to the next regular mating of the Council, motion
wm seconded 'by Moore and carried.
Application ~EI presented frottl the Xlnnetapplis Gas Eight Co., for permission to instwll 1300 feet of 6" steel pip in and
along Golf Terrace from Tooddale to Comsrd Street, was on notion Moore, be grantsd, seconded by Psescott and carri9d.
Application of Minneapolis Gaa Light Company Tor pe-miseion
-to inatall 370 feet of 4" pipe on Bridge Una-, 500 feet of 2"
pip on TOWS Road and 140 feet of 2" pipe on -st 48th. Street,
was on motion Holten, be granted subject to the Gas Company
=being granted a proper sasemnt by I&! Cof-n, seconded by *Prescott and carried. ..
Adviaing the Council that Thorp Brosl. had prom-
of establiahing them go through. after considerable diSCUSts-
Sckrwarte, Etppeared before the Council to outline a Watchman
After attention to the proposition he me :service to be paid for by residents 8 $3.30 per month, lesa 10% .for prompt pwnt. advised by the President, that the Council would consider the 'matter and adviee him at a later date.
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'he matter of grading s-treets in the South Harriet B&rk area
'EL@ diecusaed by the Council and bose present after which it
ras m6wd by Holten, that the mlter A. -8 Cornpaw be engaged ,o to'grade certain street8 in the South Hariet Park area on
IaBiB of $5.10 per hour for rent of show1,includiw all costra ad $2.86 per hour for rent of 4 yard trucks, includiw all osts, to a grade to Is established by Village Bnginecsr Bradley,
he work to be done under the supervision of the Read an8
ridge Committee, motion was second8d by Moorw, and carried.
r Oacar Gowden, appeamd before the Council reqwating that
n extention be granted the present water franchiiw as h# wirerhwd
Q sell $30,000.00 in bonds to finance extensions and other mprovemnta. After diecussion President Sharp, suggeeterd
meeting of the Council and intereatad citizens to be held on
uly 14, 1937, in Grange Hall at 7.30 FUN[, whicrh was agm@aePable,
A petition dated July 12, 1937, was received, signcd by 9 reafden'ta and proparty omcrs in the vincinity of TQsL 54th.' Stmet 8.~14 E~cllsgg Awnue, requesting that an over&ad street
light kc installed at Kellogg and f,%s't 54th. Street, in order to re1ic-a prasent dmkencd condition of that area, which on riotion Villson, be granted'and ordered installed, seconded
by IJoom and ccmried,
The Road & Village Bills upon being duly exasdned and found correct, were an motion Prescbtt, they be t%llowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Holten and carried. They am 8s follom
H. J, Knudaen Street Corn
P. Dahlgren Trac Lor ope rat or John Tracy Asst Rd Foreraan
John Tracy Labor w8th tea H. EnrJley Road labor Sflas Hesmtt Road labor mas. CabU Road labor
0. P. Spande Parks J.H.8naveJ.y Park8
G C e SOgp land Park8
A.C .Strir,&er WA deficency labor on roads
Arthur pe te! re on Garbage Collection (19 dqycj)
Earl C. Sharp Pres ide nt
Ben B. Xaore Re c order
George A. Wi118on Trustee
C .F.Prerrcott Trustee Clarence 0. Holten Trucs tee
Br Lowell M, Campbll Health Officer
Virginia Dutcher Stenographic labor
Hilding Ml Extra labor T. E. ~i14 - village &farshall Hilding Dah1 Police Officer
8. 5. Roberts Utility m831
John Jf buggan TmEb8UTBX’
W. 8. Heydt Police OfffCW?
#r45.oo 125.00
66.90 48 00
36 00
23.80 37 00
Et. Knudskn I. L. Liane Labor with team 4.60
At 12.00 o’clock PX the Besident ordered the meting to
recese until Wdne8da;y July 34th, 1937 at 7.30 PM st which time. the Council would reconvene to consider the mtter ctf
application for extension to Water franchfee &B applyrd for
by the’ Country Club District Service Co.
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