HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370724_REGULARMinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Bdina, held in Grange Hall on July 24, 1937, at 8 O'clock Pa. The meting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Kinu.tes of the regular meeting of the Council held on July 12, 1937, were read. On motion Preecott, they be approved as read, seconded by Willeon and carried. Minutes of the receseed meeting of the July 12, 1937, meeting of the Council, held on July 14, 1937, o~em read. On motion Holten, they be approved &B read, seconded by Prescott and carried. I Ninutes of the Special Meeting of the Council held on July 19, 1937, were read. On motion Holten, they be approved as read, seconded by Willson, and carried. The Village pay roll advances having been duJy emmined and found correct, were on motion Prescott, they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. Mr Nartin Johnson, appeared before the Council to request that license be granted him to open up a Billarda and Pool Hall and to sell soft drink8 ana 3.2 beer at Wst 50th. Street and France Avenue After discussion it was moved by Holten, that the application of Mr Johnson be denied, rseconded by Willson and carried. Several residents of the North west part of town appeared befom the Council to request that certain road work be done in the neighborhood of 3rd Avenue and the Street car tracks which was referred to the Road 8c Bridge Committee. Mre Sam Strong, presented the proposition of extending the IIansen Road, South to \%st 62nd. Street. After discussion and on the suggestion of the President the matter was put over to the next regular meting of the Council when other interested property owners would also be present. Mr Louis Stein, 8UggeSted the advissbility of the Village acquirlng lands for recreational purposes and before improve- menta mqy have been made as at this tine there wag qui* a population on EL large area without recreational facilities. me President referred to the recent school election wherein the proposition to acquire land for school ground purposes WM voted down and stated the matter of purchasing small tracts seemd inadvisable, Application was read of the Minneapolis Gas Light Company, for permission to extend 2" gas'raain a. distance of 150 feet in Block 14, to the Fmrjst line of Lot 16, in and along the ease- ment provided on rear of lot. Whereupon it was moved by Holten that the application be granted subject to the rights of private owners, seconded by Presco'ct and carried, Mr Zetabrook, presented estimate for payment to the Walter W. Magee Company, for sewer work done on District #3, in amount of $1,093.64. engineerb estimate be accepted and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried, Upon examination Trustee Holten moved that the Minutes of former meetings of the Council and reference to Resolutions duly adopted by the Council citing agreemnta and/or stipulations concerning the sale of Sewer District Number 3 Special Assessment V&rrants, were read. It was thereupon moved by Holten, ta amend the preceeding motion, in that the authority granted the President and Recorder to issue warrants and Village Treasurer to isaw checks to the 'IR.W.&gee Company for paymnf of work done in exce8s of original Sewer District #3 contract and out of' Sewer District #3 funds, be subject to approval in miting of Village Attorney, seconded by Moore and carried. 14 Village Attornsy Strong, preaentod to the CounciZ certain Special Aaooasmnt Semr Varrahts of Sez;er District Bo, 3, which had teen printed in exces8 of the .i1;16,000.00 eald and as follovs: Special AssesBmnt Sersr District #3 %arrant #L for 8250.00 Special Assesamnt Sersr District #3 T'arrant #34 for $500t00 SpecbJ A3aes~~ent Semr District #3 Xarrant #35 for 8SOOoO0 Special Asoossruent SerJsr District #3 Varrant #36 for 8500.00 A13 of rrhich mra punched fW,ncolledtf ,. wre othemise mutilated and placed ir, 'the Village vaul$ in the presence of the Council . It ~ias riloved by Holten, tha.2 the matter of vacating i% part of Bridge Street, referred to this meeting at a forkss meting of tke Council, be referred to the next regular meeting OS the Council to be held on the second Londely, in August 1937, seconded ly Uoorz and carr$edo At the suggestion of the President, the fOllOi7ing Resolution TI~S presegtsd: \Ohereas, proc6edfws ham heretofore been instituted to acquire by condemnation Lots 1, 2 & 3 in Block 16, &om Section, Country Club Distric6 and the so-called Old Kill Tract to the South of Faid Lots 1, 2 and 3, Ai?d Ther~~a, at a school election of IndependGnt School DlsL- rict #17, held on Ju3y 20, 1987, a simfliar proposition to scquirb other land in said Block 16 by the School District was rejected by a vote of tr~o againat to one vote for, Now Therefora, be it resolved that the proceedings for condemn- ation for Etaid property by the Village of Mdim, %e and the>& same he?-e?y are annuled and that no further proceedings/ 'taken by said Village and the Village Attorney to ks 80 in- s truc te do The utfon, r7hesin there resolutian*izm declared duly adopted, .. @ V,T?~S upon the qu.estion of the adoption of 'the YeSol- five aye8 arid no nays and so the Xo further businees to cone before the meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 11.45 3?X Village Recorder