HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370809_REGULARMinute ij of the regular meeting
of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on August 9, 1937, at 8 PM.
The meeting was called to order by President Sharge, the roll called and all members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on July 24, 1937, were read. On motion Prescott, they be approved as read, seconded by Wi118on and carried.
Villa@ Health Officer, Dr Campbe eration of the Council, the matte concerning dogs particularily in wb.ich ma referred to Chairman KO
11, presented for the consid- r of-complaints he had received the Country Club DitJtrict, Aten of the Police Committee,
Dr Campbell, alBo advised the Council. that certain shallow wel3.8
did not comgly with State Board of Health requirienents in fur- nishing a satisiac tory domestic water aupgly , which wras referred to Dr CampW11 and Building IneTXsctor Creirchton for further
7- 1 information and report. that the present Village ordinance ahould be re-vamped in order to better control such a nuieance.
On hi$ farms, Dr Campbell suggea ted
Mesars Clark and Xdstrom, residents residing near YBst 66th. Street and Tingdale Avenue, requested certain road work be done in their neiehborhood which me referred to the Road & Bridge Cormnittee, ahd their complaint of a near by hog farm was duly referred to the Police Committee.
A written opinion by Village Attorney Strong was read, comply- ing with Council reqwst from July 24th. meting, and concern-
expenditures which might be made from funds derived from the sale of Special Assessment warrant8 of Sewer District #3. in which the Council waa advised that only such expenditures 8s were listed in CouncS7 1- resolutions pertaining thereto, could be paid out of said furide.
EEr ‘2, D. Hill, appeared Mfore the Council on behalf of the Bo F. Nelson farm to requerst certain road work along the North
1/2 of S-W 1/4 of Section 8, T 116, R 21, also North 1/2 of
S-E 1/4 of Section 7, T 116, R 20, which was referred to the
Road & Bridge Committee, for investigation and report.
Mr R. H. mite, submitted a proposed plat of 20 acres extendinpl from Wst 54th to mat 56th. Streets and fom Beard to Zenith Avenue, which on motion Moore, b& referred to Village Jhgineer and Village Attorney, seconded by Willson and carried.
: Er Ecklund, appeared pefore the Council, recarding installation of eanitary sewem in the area 3ast of the Country Club Dist- rict, which on motion Holten be referred to Village Attorney to prepare and present to he Council, proper forms and pro- ceedure for the e+stablishing of Sewer District #4, *se$onded by
Prescott, and carried.
. Utters of commndation on tehalf of Police Offices Hilding Dah1
I were read by the Recorder. Letter dated June 22, 1937, by - Mr M. Rognas of St Louis Park, for capturing a prowler .and by
. Justice of the Peace Rielly, also of St Louis Park and dated
. July 14, 1937, for capturing one who had assulted a woman on . .the public highway, were read and ordered placed in the file.
I Letter dated July 13, 1937, and on behalf of the Board of -
+ of public relief, waa read and ordered filed. County Commissioners, concerninq the matter of the administration
* Request of C.W.Jensen, dated June 16, 1937, aaking for the
’ vacation of a part of Nelson Avenue, was read and referred to
Villa@ Attorney Strong to prepare proper notices and proceedure.
Application of Uinneapolis G. E. Company, for permission to install 1 pale on 59eh Street, betmen Aahcroft and Concord AvanueB andl pole in alley betxsen 57$h and 58th Streets, letmen Ening and France Awnue , vas on motion Eoore, be prantod, seconded BJ Hol-ben, and carried,
Applica,tion of lTorkh.v9?stern Eel1 Telephone Cornpaw, for permiss- ion to ingtall undergroum2 cak3.e on :'Jooddal.e Lzlsne and \Tooddale. Court and 976 feet on f7ooddale Avenue South of '3st 50th. St., and acrosu the K%?st end of Bridge &me, 17as on mo-tian Holten,
be granted, seconded by Preacott and carried,
Staterrents a8 requested from Burlingme, Hitchcock and Sstabrook concerninn 8em~ engineering services In Sever Districts PTo. 3
and ITo. 4-and Endianola Avenue 360 feet South of Gsst 50th. St*, =re read and laid on the table for future consideration,
It m~1 moved ?y Holten, that the matter of the petition to vac-
ate a portion of Bridze Street, East of Arden Avenue and t'ast of the 20 feet of Bridge Street heretofore vacated, be referred to be next repular meeting of the Council, seconded by Zoore
and carried,
* On account of the large amount of time put in on Village St'reeLs
bj A.C.Strinner, in addition to his reFular duties as foreman of TEA projects, it 17~ movad by Holten that the rata of pay
be set at $25.00 per month, beaining &EI of ZyQ?, 1937, seconded
by 17iLlson and carried, -
Discussion vas had vith reference to proving additional street
lfghtina at the intersection of the main entrance to Rolling
Green and XnterlacBen Road and that it 170Uld afford safer trafic condftibne on account of the stone entrances, to provide street
liflhtinq fron the lnntsrns installed on the stone pillars than from "ne usus1 overhead lamp, whereupon It 173,s moved by Preecott,
that tvo 100 cp lamps-bs ordered.in at the expdiISe of $33.00
per year to the village, the matter of lanterns and repairs to them to %e at, the expanse of others than Z;he.Villa@ 9r" the EinrieagolirJ Gcriersl Electric Compsn;l" WCOiIdcd by 'Loo33 and
c arr ic d +,
It tms raovsd after discussion of %he subject, that thc Fiworder
ts directed and empomrcd to set up a ne:r ':(PA project for the
irfipro.cPement sf Village Streets in conjunction sith-Ror.d &
Bridge Cornittee chairmn, seconded by Preecott and carried.
The I3:iscsllaficoua Bi2I.a upon being duXy examined anf Y'ound to
%e correct, =re on motion Preacott, they 'Ise allomd and ordered
paid, seconded IrJ HoIten and carried. Tfiey xf8 as follo.;;~: -
Grder rental Rent to 8/15 Road oil Cc ne nt-Sand 70
$53& 44
834 o 84
120 9 2
122 41
294 e E34 7.55
120 66
29 . 39
3.420 50
H, A, Rogers CO
E Yi. Harris
Wooddale Grocery Ddina Garage
Minnesota Tree Service Hennepin County Lyle Culvert & Pipe Co Lyle Culvert-& Pipe Co Walter IT. MaSe Co
Blue prints 54.53 - Gas & Oil for tractors
Gas for tractors 32.05 Police car service and
and police car 121s 62
storap-to 8/28 19.25
Trlmmiryr Parkway Wee0 145.70 Poor Farm eervice - 274.00 Mu1 t i-arch c uLve r t 176.40 Culvert8 to date 337.94 Grading streets So Hare Pk. 869.25 Grading Wst 53, & Wooddale 133.85 To tal Niscl $4,642.40
Chairman Holten o/l;kre Police Committee reported upon the condition
of thc police car radio and after discussion Moore moved that the chairlzan of the Police Committee 'be authorized to purcliase 1 new Boach HTC receiver for police car, rjeconded by Willson and carried.
At 11.45 President Sharp '&r!Zared the neetinp receffsed subject
to the call of the @resident
The Road and Villa@
correct, weye on motion Prescott, they be allowwd and ordered
paid, seconded by Holtsn and carried. They are aB follows.
bills upon being duly examined and found
Aarl C. Sharpe John J. Duggan Bn B. Noore
George A, Willson
Clarence 0. Holten
Dr Lowell Id. Campbe13
H. J. Knudeen
P. Dahlgren T. 2. Tilly Hildinp Dah1
John Tracy John Tracy
I.. Stolzmsn
Ge orge Ran8 on
0. 13. Spande
G. C. Soppeland I. E. Lane
Geo. Hoslcin8 Horward Hoekfne E- Garrison Chas Johnson Frank Snans on-
George Jutting Jas, Finley"
A. C. Strinqer
Ae thur Peterson
Cs F. Pre8COtt
W* So Heydt
H. afi818y
Virginia Dntcher Alex- ere ighton
Sam Hastings
Pre s ide nt Treasurer 25.00
Re c order 75.00
Trus te 8 25.00 Tru8tee 25 00 Truetee 25. 00
Health Officer 25 . 00
St Commiseioner 150 00
Utility man 150.00 Tractor operator 130 e00
Village Wrahall 150 00
Police officer 130 s 00
130 00
Police Officer
Labor with tern hst Ed. Foreran 82.30
AsBt Rd. Forernan 68.20
Road labor 76.00
Road labor 66.80 Fmk labor . 94.50 Par2 labor 60 . 1113 Labor & Milage Wed Insp . 32.60
WedB 10 80 weds 7.20
m6d0 3.60 meds 3.60 weds 3. 60 weds 10.80 meds 10 80 Special R&B labor 25.00
Garb e Collection
$35 . 00
% days 8 $12.00 ~
13 days 8 $16.00 298.00
Stenog. labor 2.70
lm, June & July 205.11
3386. Xnsp. fees for
Labor Stone macjoq foreman vooddalo Am. bridge
Total Rd & Village
Village 3ecorder