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11inutoo of the- ragular =etlng, -of the
Council of the Village of FAIna-4 held
in Grango Hall on August 23,. 19378 at
8 01 a loch PM
Minutes of the regular- meeting of the Council hold on August 19,,
193.7. rare read, on motion Holton they ba approved as read-
subject to correction- on Stringer motion to show second vao made
by Praccott, rather than Willson., seconded by., Willson and carried.
Mosors lfitehcoolr and Estabroolc,, appeared bafora the Council in the
matter of Engin,:,ering feed on Sorer District #36 After discussion
in rZich-Village Attorney-Strong, participated, it me determined
that XI166,414 remind in that Sp.crial Assossment Fund of SOT,-.r Dist-
rict #3 and that tha 'ualtor, A. TlaGea. Co)npazV ,- had c"omIrzg for the -
work of lowaring, the- earar in Oakland-Avenu3-.- the -sum of 01093,64.
'rho, bill of Surlingame, Hitchcock & Botabrook, for on31'reering fees
on District )4r3,9 r-as thereupon presented in the• amount of v0746.40- -
=d Vaeroin the firm would ba willing to allow a credit of 0250-00.
Truotoo Halton moved, that the bill submitted by Burlingarr,3, Hitch.
cock & Botabrook for engineering services in connection with the
ipstallation of sanitary zags in District #3, be rejected and
that the Council vAll decline, -to pay said obligation in said sum,
the motion mis se-c-onded by Prescott, and carried.
Village Health Officer Dr Campboll, appeared before* the Council
regarding an ordinance to better regulate hog farms, and dog, n�uis-
a7nce s. NO After discussion the matter was roferre-d to Village'
Attorney Stron,,,,*,, Trustee Halton and Dr Campball to prep=3 and
j??eoent a ouitablo ordinance.
Mi J. B. Carroll, app5ared bafore the Council to offer his services
in connection with a?W ' a
-engInering work nhieh the Council
might desire to have dor,:)-. Mr Carroll presented a good- lint, of
references as to his zbIlIty,---az a, Consulting So=r3n&#ser and
apsured the Council of his peTconal suporviGion of any -work entrusted
to him.
25�s Sain Strong appeared be-fore- the Council to learn of any efforts
toward the extension of the Hanson and was advised by the chairman
of the Road & Bridge Comittea of absence, from the Village and it-
not having been possible to investigate and report, but �vould. grade
the present Honz—o-a Road.
Mr R� H., Vehft-,-, resubmitted his-proposad plat of the- area bounded
by 54 and 56th Store -u and Baird and Zeno -th Avan= z, - After. dis.
cussion, it was- aug -y Strong', that. the
_,ge.sted by Village Attorno
road grading be done while still private property so that th-ere
would be no Villne llabklity,- It was thereupon monad. by Lloorof
that the proposed plat -as submitted ba tenta-tivOy approved subject
to final approval upon satipfactory grading of the streets v7hile
still private property,, peconV?d by-Prescott and carried. .
It was moved by Holton, thait the bill of tha 17.. H.. Ziegler Company
In amount, qO996.25 for on J930 caterpillar tractor ba- allourad and
paid,, seconded by-- , Prescott and carried.
Lotter vas read dated AiASust 20., 19370 from the Midland National
Bank & Trust Company,- advising, they had complied with -Chapter 64,
Lam of 71innasota 1937 extra session, and entitled therefore to
receiva depocits of Public Funds in the State of- Minnesota.
Hr Herman Hermancow,- appeared to suggest that Maloney Avellus be
improved from-the Blake Roa& to 7.3st Village� limits, a distance of
one half miles which ras referred to the Road & Bridge Committee
For Investigation and* report.
On motion Holton, the-- Recorder vae; empomred on behalf of the
Council to contract for threw additional ornamental streetlights
in the 'Malte Oaks Subdivision, who-rain others would pay- all costs
except for 112iminatrion, motion soconded by. Pre-aeott and carried.
It was moved by Moere -, that the application of the Minneapolis
Gag Light ComparW , for permiseAon to extend 2" gas main a distance
of 106 feet South of 'Hest 4gth Street along the rear of lots 7
and 8, be granted-subject to the rights of private owners, seconded
by Willson and carried.
It was moved Ity Hoitem , that the bill of,-the Walter A Magee Co. ,
in amount of* X1,093.64 , for Work done in connection with contract
of Sewer District #3, as ordered ly the Council in lowering of
serer in and along Oakland - Avenue and for road grading, be allowed
and paid, seconded by Prescott and carried.
It was moved by Moore ,. that the matter of the petition to vacate
a portion of - Bridge Street Zaet of Arden Avenue and West of the
20 feet of Bridge Street heretofore vacated,, be referred to the
regular meeting-of the Council to be held on September 13, 1937,
seconded by Prescott and carried.
The Road and Vill&ZO Advance* ha *ing..been duly, examined and found
correct, wore on motion Willson, they. - be allowed and ordered paid,
seconded tv Holten and carried.
Trustee Prescott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The Village Council of the Village of Edina, in Hennepin County,
Minnesota, does ordain as follows:
Section 1. That certain real estate and.territory within the corpo-
rate limits of the said Village of Edina is hereby created and established as
Sewer District No. 4 and shall consist of and inzUe the territory and real
estate lying within said Village of Edina, described as follows, to -wit:
Beginning at the Northeest corner of Lot One (1), 1hite
Oars, an addition in Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence souther -
ly along the Westei!ly line of slid White Oaks Addition' aid`&Uhg
the Easterly line of Fairway Section, Country Club District,
to the Forth line of best 50th Street as the same is now located
in the said Village of Edina; thence East along the North line
of said West 50th Street to the Southeast corner of Lot Sixty -tiro
(62), Auditor's Subdivision Rio. 172; thence Northerly along the
Easterly line of said Lot Sixty-two- (62) and the Easterly lane of
Lot Sixty -three (63) in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 to the
center of West 49th Street in said Village; thence last along
the center of said West 49th Street to a point directly South of
the Southeast corner of Lot Thirty -eight (38)., said Auditor's
subdivision No. 172; thence North along the Easterly line of said
Lot Thirty -eight (38) and Lot Fifteen (15), said Auditor's Subdi-
vision No. 172, to the center of West 48th Street in said Village
of Edina; thence West along the center of said West 48th Street
to the point of intersection with the Southeasterly line of Lot
Twelve (12), said White Oaks Addition, extended; thence North-
easterly along said extended line to the Northeast corner of said
Lot Twelve (12); thence in a Northwesterly direction along the
Northeasterly line of said White Oaks Addition to the Northeast-
erly corner of Lot Five (5) in said White Oaks Addition; thence
Southwesterly along the Northwestly line of Lot Five (5)0 maid
White Oaks Addition, extended, to the center of Towne Read, -
thence Westerly along the Northerly boundary line of said White
Oaks Addition to the place of beginning.
Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions
on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in
and for said Hennepin County.
Soct ioa?o That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of
ordinances and resolutions inconsistent rrith the provisions of this
ordinance be and the sane hereby are repealed.
Soctq a That this ordinance be in full force and effect from
and after its passage and publication.
The motion to adopt Gras seconded by Recorder Moore and the vote
vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, Therein there voro
five ayes and no nays and so the resolution vas adopted.
Z&Frocident of Goun it
C '
Village Re co rdor
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of
Edina, Hennepin County, Minaesota, as follows:
section„ 1, That this council hereby determines that it is neces-
sary and expedient and for the best interests of the public to construct
A lateral sewer from a point in the centwof said Nest
48th Street intersected by the center line of Towne Road in
said Waite Oaks Addition Northwesterly along the center of said
Towne Road to intersection with the North Line of Lot Four (4),
said White Oaks Addition, extended.
Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions
on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in
and for said Hemepin County.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder Moore and the
vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution where-
in there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution was
Village Records
a district sewer and laterals in and along those streets and avenues of
Sewer District No. 4 of said Village of Edina, as follows:
A district sewer commencing at the Westerly and of
Bridge Lane, in Plat of White Oaks, at its intersection with
The Easterly line of Fairway Section, Country Club District;
thence to a point in the caster of said Bridge Lane in said
plat of Nhito Oaks Addition opposite the line between Lots
Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), said White Oaks Addition,
extended; thence Southerly along the line between said Lots
Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in a straight line until said
straight line intersects the center ®-f the new street ( still
un- nazed) to be opened and laid out in said Village of Edina
from hest 50th Street to West 48th Street; thence along the
center of eai d new street to the sewer in West 50th Street in
said Village; a lateral sewer extending; from the point where
the center lute of nest 48th Street intersects the line between
said Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), White Oaks Addition,
extended, Easterly along the center of said Nest 48th Street
to a point intersected by the southeast line of Lot Twelve (12),
said White Oaks Addition, extended
A lateral sewer from a point in the centwof said Nest
48th Street intersected by the center line of Towne Road in
said Waite Oaks Addition Northwesterly along the center of said
Towne Road to intersection with the North Line of Lot Four (4),
said White Oaks Addition, extended.
Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions
on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in
and for said Hemepin County.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder Moore and the
vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution where-
in there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution was
Village Records
BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby created a fund to be
established by tho Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, in
tho Midland National Bank and Trust Company of Minneapolis, to be knovn
as Sower District Igo, 40 Saner Fund of tho Village of Edina,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Village Engineers, to be soloctod
for that purpose, be directed to calculate the proper amount to bo
specifically assessed against each and every benefited lo, pieco
or parcel of land in Seder District Noe 4 in said Village: for the
cost of tho construction and installation of said sewers.
The motion to adopt v:as seconded by Trustee Prescott
and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the reso-
lution cahoroin there were five ayes and no nays and so the reco-
lution vas adopted,
ATM. o
Village Recorder
et , "Z- 1"z e a, - r- � A
Prosiden of Co oi-I
Trustee Willson offered the folloying resolution and moved its
�r+i.rr• '
BE IT RESOLVED, That J, E, Carroll of St. Paul, Minnesota be and
he is selected as the Village Engineer of the Village of Edina in con.
nection with the construction -and erection of sewers in Seger District
Number Four (4) of the said Village, and said Engineer is directed to
drag plans and specifications for such sewers and tabulate the result of
the estimate of the cast of such sewers and report the same to the
Village CouAcil;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Engineer calculate the proper
amount to be specifically assessed against each and every benefitted lot,
piece or parcel of land in Sewer District Number Your (4) in said Village
for the cost of the construction and installation of said sewers.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Holton and the vote
was upon the.question of the adoption of the resolution wherein there
were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution was adopted,
Village Recorder
Trustee Prescott offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The Binneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railroad Company having proonted
to the Council its petition to the Honorable Rail=acl and Varehouse Commission
of the State of Minnesota reciting that the Village of Hopkins, Minnesota,
through its Council,
duly passed a resolution declaring the regular whistling by electric cars at a
point eighty rods East of Blake Station is unnecessary and a public nuisance
and demanding the elimination thereof, and
'Gnereac, the said Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railroad Company is
milling to eliminate the bloming of the regular whiotlo at such point provided
the company and its employees are protected against civil or criminal claims
on account thereof, and have requested that the Village of Edina join in the
petition to the said Railroad and Warehouso Commission asking that said commission
asking that said commission issue its order
First: Declaring said hignoay crossing the tracks of said Railroad Company
at Blabs Station a stop crossing mith proper provisions for the necessary stop
sigas, and
Second: That it make a finding that it is unnecessary for the Minnoapolio
and St. Paul Suburban Railroad Company to sound any Whistle at a point eight rods
East of the said Blake crossing for the reason that in the opinion of the commic-
sion Section 10263, gaeon's 1927 Statutes, does not apply to electric trolley cars.
Nov, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Village Council join in said petition
and that the Village Recorder be and he hereby is authorized to sign said petition
together rAth the Minneapolis and St. Paul Suburban Railroad Company.
Tho motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee rlillson. The veto was upon the
question of the adoption of the resolution wherein there mere five ayes and no
nays and so the resolution was adopted.
Villap Rocordor
P ro si ddhi of ouncil