HomeMy WebLinkAbout19371011_REGULAR30 X€Lfnnra%@a of %he regular m~e%%ng of' the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hal% on Octobm? 11, 1937, 81% 8 o~c~QcI~: mil, t The meeting vag called to order by President Sharpe, #&e roll called and all membzrs of the Council mire present. c 31 1. '+ I . .- .I Tho mattor o f amonding tho ymter franchise ordinance ac prop0 sed and rocommended at tho meeting of tho Council held on July 14, 1937, next Cam0 b~fore tho Council and vheroupon Trustoo Holton offcrod tho folloming rosolution and moved its adoption; BE IT RZSOLVED that tho water francllis;r, so-called, being tkrq ordinnnco or frm- chim bottareen .the Village of Edina, heroinafter called the Villaga, ad tho Country Club Di strict Service Company, a Ennesota corporation, heroinafter cullod the Corporation, passed and attested October 13%h, k923, pubfishdd in tho Honnepin County Enterpi4ss of Hopkins, Uinnesota, under dato of ihvombor J.d, 19223, and accepted by the said Corporation October Uth, 1923, bo and tho E~TEI heroby is amended as follons and in tho follovling particulars, to-vit: mat %&ion 1 of tke h&.d franchiso be mendod by adding, at tho ond of =aid Soction, tho folloring; ( a) Charges and rato s for vater siiall always bo fair, reasonable and just and subject at all times to control and revision by the Vill.qe Council, (b) vise such chargo'c ad rates, giving notice to tho Company of its intention so to do, and the Company shd.1 havc, the %'igh%t of hearing before sdd Villas Council, (c). Tho Company shall have the right to petition tho Village Council to reviso its charges and ratss from time .to time, (d). Consumers, equal to 20% in number as dotormined by tho records of tho Company, may petition tho Council for revision of vater rates and charges mado by said company fron: tho to timo, time mithin thirty (30) days after tho ordor or rosolution of the Village Council io mado rovising and fixing rates and charges for water, to appeal to the District Court of Honnopin County, tllnnesota, fron the ratas and charges 80 fixod by tho Villa@ Council and shall have the right to havo such order and action of the Village Council revieged by said court,, That Section 3 of tho mid franchise bo amended by adang, Tho Villago Council &hall have the right to ro- ( e) ,, The Company shall have tho right at any * at tho ond of said %ction, tho folloning: i (a), That the Company &a11 at all timss maintain a minimum of tvo vells, properly equipped vith conibined capacity at lead equal to 150$ of the maximum demand. ( b)o That boo ster pumps or tanks be mintained mith sufficient capacity to supply adequnto vatorprossure (mini~um adequato pressurs shall bo defines as that mooting all insurance underwriters' requirements), such supply and pressure to be determined from time to tim by %he Villago Council. That SDction 5 of said ordinance bo amendad to read as f ollowo: . If mid Country Club District Service Company, its succbssorrs or assigna, shall at any time during thc period covered by this ordinanco or franchise, or if ~t tho oxpiration of this franchise said Country Club District Service Company, its successors or assigns, shall fail, refuse or neglact -Lo longer * oporato and maintain s&d systexc, then and therupon said nater. supply s)tstem, tigether vith the land upon vhich tho same is situatod, shall, at the option of said Yillago of Edina, borne the absolute properby of said Village, indluding all the pipos, mains, and othor property appurtenant or appertaining therotot and the ri&ts of said Country Club District Scmico Company, it5 succevsors or assigns, in and to said property shall absolutely coaso and tentinate, and all ri&t s, casements and this f ranchi sc thereto fore belo n@ng to- said Goun'bry Club District Service Company, its successors or assigns, and all its rights in and to the stroots, avcnuos, highnays and alloys shall ceaso w.d ter- rninato; provided that acquisition of said'property and nator systom by said Village under tho provisions heroof &all bo oubjoct and vithout prejudice %o any mortgae;o vhich, subsequont to tho 30th day of Juno, 1937, may bo placed on daid property, water system and the franchiso grantod for the operation theroof vith tho approval of the Villago Gouncil. That Saction 6 of said franchise bo amended by adding, at the ond of said Soction, -the follotdng: That tho Conpany shall alrmys hold tho Villa@ hamlors from any and all damagos arising out of tho uso of fho stroets, avenues, public alloys and squares in sfrid Villoge and shall, at the raquost of tho Villagp Council, file a proper bond in a resonablo mount, the amount of tho bond to bo fixod by tho Villago Councy ad tlie company in vhich riritton to bo acccptablo to tho Villago Council; or, in lieu thereof, furnish ovidence Gati sfactory to the Villago Council of its financial rosponsibility to protoct tho Villago against any and all such damageo, That Ssction 7 of said franchiso bo amendod by adding, at the Qnd thoreo f , tho fo ll6bning: In the wont of any additional devclopment, said Compahy, upon order of tho Villago Council, after duo notice and hoarin;; before said Village Council, &dl n&o €he nocossary extensiono.of tho said riator systom to pmvido riater in such ne17 dovolopm!m.f;s, providod, honovor, that the Gompany shall not bo roquirod to mako such extensions until assurod of Q roasonable return upon the co st of such oxhnsionn and oquipmont. Tnat Soction 10 of said Ordinanco be amonded to read If said Country Club District Scrrvico Company, its succo3sors or ao&&no, tho conditions as to purchase, afte r notice, or its dutieo herin defined, therupon said vator aupply syotcm, togother rdth the land upon nhich tho same is situatod, &?all, at tho option of the said Villago of Edina, or thecity. of Hinneapolis, a6 the case my bo, becono tho absolute property of said Village of 83 follons: shall fail to perform any of 0 0 0 Edina or of said City of I:finneE$olis, as in the case of failure to operate andmaintain as defined in Section 5 of this ordin- nrzco; provided that acquisition of said property and aater systom by said ViL1ago undcr tho provisions hcreof shall bo sub joct and without prejudico .to any mo rtgago wlflich, sub soquont to the 30th day of June, 1937, may bo placod on said proporty, stater system and tho franchise granted for tho oporation thereof with tho approval of the Village Council, That a nev: paragraph bo added to ssid franchise, as fO~lOVf5; Section 13, (a). That in the event of the acquisition by my ouch mortgagoo, its succossors or assigns, through foreclosure of any morfgago thus approved, or o-bhorvriso, of ouch property, water system and franchises, tho ordinanco of October 13, 1923, and a11 emendments and modi2ications Vneroof, s'n'al1 inuro to the benofit of mch succossor in titlo of Country Club DisLrict Sorvico I;empany, its successors aAd assigns, sub joc-b, hovmv~r, to all of tho conditions and limitations contained in said ordinanco, amandmonts or modifications. (b). That tho water to bo furnished by said (iompany shall alcfays be pure and safe for human cunsuraption and frso from con- t smi natio n ,, That the Company shall furnish a proper test of vater whon roquested by the Villago Council of %+,a health officer. Tho quality of vater furnishod and tho timn and method of testing the same shall at all times be, subject to tho regulation of the Villsge Health Dapartmont and tho Elinnosota Stat0 Board of Hoalth. In the svont tho Villagc shall acquiro the sever system now operated by said Company and any additions therato, by condemna-bion, purchaw, aljondonmonf or o%herni se, tho Company agrees to furnish all water needed or requirod for flushing somrs ut a rato to bo agroed upon betweon the Villago Council and tho Company, oxcept as may be othemtise provided for, and for the prscsdiug fiscal year, a statemont of condition, tukon from its books, together 16th a statomoat of it5 gross oarnings and all oxpenses, sufficiently itemized and sati sfactory to tho Villago Council, and further the Company agroes to furnish, a5 soon as practicablo, a sta%omont of condition and Darningo and oxponscs according to recognized accounting ctandards and proparod by indcpondont accountants satisfactory to tho Village Council, aa of Docomber 31st of oach year, or tho Companyq 8 reslar fiscal yoar and covering tho operations of the Company for tho preco&ng tt-lolvo (12) months. Tha% tho issuanco of any securitios by tho Company sabscr- quent to June 30th, 193'7, shall be subject to tho approval of tho Villago Council prior to issuance. That tho period of duration and tho lifo of mid ordhanco or franchiso, as mended, and subjocf to all ita toms, as meildod, bo extended for an additional torm of five (5) years from the date of publication of said original ordinanco or franchiso, to-rht: to until the 1st day of Novemberp A. D, 1953, chiss is hsroby in all things ratified and confimcd. That nithin ten ( 10) days after the publication of this ordinanco said Country Club District Service Company shall file mith the Village Clark of said Village its vritton accopfaklco of this ordinanca and the grants, conditions and limitations heroin contained, and &en so accepted this ordinanco shall operata an 8 contract botvioen said Village and said Country Club DisfdCf Sor-ico Company, its successors and assigns, (c), ( d). ( Q)* (f). Tho Company agrees to furnish, as of Juno 30%h, 1937, ( g),, (h)o (i)o Savo QS hereinbsforo mondod, tho said ordinanco or fru- ( j) 34 9310 motion was seconded by Trustoe Villson and %he vo'h vas upon tho question of the adoption of tho rssolution, dioroin thoro wore fivo (5) aye5 and no nayG and so tho resolution ~m5 adoptod, Datod m , 1937 .. 3 5 Trustee Holtsn offered the follodng Resolution and raovod its R'HEmBS, a water franchise was ..o &A i adoption: : . Q. r 3. +, 5% granted by tb Village of Edina. to Country Club District Service Cornpan5 a k4inneso-k corporation, " horeinafter reforlcad to as Worapany", Ry orcliname passed and ak'tested " October 13, 1923, and published November L, 1923, rcfsrence to which is ' made €or its precise terms and conditions; and, WHEX4EAS, the aforesaid ordinance was amended by tne ' Village Council by ordinanco passed and attasted on tho day of October, 1937, and publiahod according to lap; and, 11 \$?HEREAS, subsection (f) of Suction 13 of the amendment . providos as follow: "That ths issuanco of any securites by tho Company subsequent to June 30, 1937, shall bo subjact to the epproval of tho Village Council. prior to i D suaplco , '( THEREAS, aaid Company has made application to St. Paul Firo and Ei4arine Ikasuranco Corngayly for a loan of Thirty tilousand Dollar0 ($3Q,OOQ,OQ) ;fpb widanced by tho promissory note of mid Company payable as follow: day of Novcmbsr, 1938, and a similar swn on the fir& day of Novomber of each succoe&ng year thereafter to and including tho firs% day of Novenber, 1951, and the balance of Six %housand Dollars (86,000.00) or mor0 on tho first day of Novomber, 1952, togather with interost at tho rato of fivo por cant (5$), -payabls mmi-annually on the first days of May and November, roapectively, in each yearr urithouf grace, ac- cording to the terns of interest coupon notes of even date rrith said principal note, and to bo oocursd by a first mortgage upon tis real ostaeo, buildings, wlls, water tanks, reservoirs, motors, pumps, machinery, vratsp mains,' fixtures, easemen-ts, franchi sos, ar'cicles a~ld propol-i;y of every kind belonging or perCaining .to the wzter systsm and plant of said Company, including its title to and ridit of um of tho mater mains, hydrants, valvoo and motors usod in connoct3.on vith the operation of said plant and 17a-br $sytoni, and axel-uding any extonsions of franchises, rights and plmt and any additional pttrsonal property or reel property hereafter acquired by tho Com- pany for uso.5.n the oporation of said plant, and any substitutions or roplacements or modifications of the same or any part thcseof; and, Onc thousand Dollars (@,OOO.OO) on tho first w YEEFWh3, gonoral toms of tb-propossd mortgage havo bsan ' ' mittod to this Coui.lcil: incorporated in nritten form by counsel for said St, Pai Firo and ldarino Insurance Gompariy, and the proposed mortgage has boon sub- NOW, THEREFORE, Bo it Resolved that said proposed mox4;gago bo and it is in all things approved, and that said Compmy bo and is authorized to consuramata the proposad loan and to socurc tho * agrooab1;t with the form of mortgage thus approved,, '61?0 motion vas soconded by Trustee Proscott and the vo-to-aan . upon the adoption of tho resolution vhsroin there Tier0 fivo ayes and no . nay^ and BO tho rasolution vias adoptad, \- I .. . . Villa@ Recorder \\ 36 V$lla,ge Recordero 2.. 3, 4, 5, ha I, 80 94 10 0 XI, 12. 13, 14, 15. 16 0 17, 18 ,, coan42 A% Troan’ramr Health Of ficer &Lo rney ha ccsso r Enginsor Paunibing Inspection Building fnspoctioa Garbago Collecfion Fire Dept, Servics Park Board Election Expense Znsuranco Ront a Public Noticos Printing & Offfco Supplies Loagao of Unnesota Eluni cipalitio o LE sclollaneous Rglisf and Public \blfasa A - POO+ Fam .B =, Bisoct Rdiof C - Emergency Rsliof Road and Bridgo AccL A - Labor B = Rsad PatcUng, 011, otce C - Road Oiling D - Gravel E Q Snov Fence 4 Posts p - Cuhvorta 6 - Road Suppl5.03 & TOOIS K - Equipmont Repairs a - Lubricating Oil & Gas J - Balance on Vasco Grador L I* Io Tractor Q No17 Truck Bldg, for Road Bachinory RQGUrfaChg Stroots in Country Club District Arden Ave, & Sunnysida RdO Expenso on Sowage Total 1, ooo,oo