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i Einutes of the regular meting o€ the Council of the Village of Edina, held on Noyembar 8, 1937, in Grange Hall
at 8 O'clock €E.
The meeting tm~ called to order & Prsaident Sharps, the rob1 vas called, and ala mmbers of the Council -re present.
Chzirmn Prsscott of the Road eC Bridge Committee, lpreaented the reconmndation of the Road & Bridge Committee that the bid of the
Re N. Jones Heitor Compmy, 1300 Hennepin Awnua. Xinneapolio, under date OS Octoaar 25, 1937, Is accepted in amount of 91,098.53 for one 1938 model RH45-2 ton Dodge chtsaeie and cab, 133s1 nheef
5 sp3od transmission, boooter brakeg painwd Highmy Jhpartment orange, ~VQ nincbhield nipro, with spare tire tube and rim, body and pomr t&@-off mounted, including E!. motor heater 0 $9.75,
a chams1 f.rsnL bumpar 0 ()l5*0ci and a spot light 0 $17050, vhereirz tbe totax amount OS bid is $1,463.53 and vith a trsdc!in allowance on presemL Dodge Chassis and cab sf @36rieO0, making the total ne% elmsunt OS $l,098053, and moved the adoption of the scorfmndation,
%ago, ?050X20 tirea, 7o50~20 d-l rears, overlpad E~priwB,
motion ria3 mxsndad by Holten and carrhd. ..
Eesara Haokgno, Johnson, Jutting and Anderson, appzarsd before
the Council fn the matter of supplementary aid for %PA .rrorkers, After dfacusa%on tho committee; vas asaurod of the .CouncfX'rj co-oyer-
stion and further consideration and the commfttee expresrjed its thanks on Ishalf of the TPA rrorkero.
Er Burton, on bshwlf of "Thorp B'SOB, presented an engfnee?'s plat of the propoaod platting of the Northerly pa* of Block 16, CCD, whereupon it r,ae moved by Xoore, that the plat ke tentatlw3y
accepted and refemad to Village Xngineer for his recormendation,
osconded Hslten, and carriedo
Er J, E. Cesroli, submitted plans and engin3or'~ e~tirmt%s of the
proposed sani8a.y nel%r in District $4.
of the.ent%naW of costa and tentative wtwssniant r011, the matter
vas referred to Village Attorney Strong and Er Carroll, for further
8 tudy 0
0 Aftor ~tudy and discussion
Village Asateosor Crsiehton, presented his bill for services in connection vim the 193'1 Village Assessment in Bota3 amount of
$6?5eO@ 0 the entire yaar, it ME&^ move& Uoore, that tqe Bill of- Assessor Creighton in amunt $675,00 for making %he 3937 Village of Edbna, as~es~ment, lie alloGed and ordered paid, seconded by Bolten and carried,
ABtsr study and consideration of the work done during
Street co8unl$sBion3r U$%XAty man Tractor Opsratsr Aeat Road Fomman Labor vi* wm Aaet Road Fommn
Road labor Uee of Ford V8 truSk
Mad labor Road labor Road labor
Road €k Bridge labor
Village E3rshajt3 Police Officer
$150 o 60
660 60
3120 20
230 00
25 0 30
130 e 00
Trunte& Holtan introd.ucad the following resolution and movad its ado$-iors
BE XT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edinrz,
That ihat codain resolution pessod by the Villago
HennapZn County, Hinnasota, as follom,:
Sscffon 1,
\ Council of the V5lla@ of Edina, Henne?in County, Mnnasotn, on August
23rd, 3.931, dotsdning that it is necessary add oxpodient and far tho
be& interosts of the public to construct a district sowar and lateral0
Bn and along cs&Elin streots and avenuea of Sortor District No, 4 of said
Vjillage of Edina, be and the same hereby is anandad to read as follorrrs:
That %his Council hereby dst0,Sarinos that it ia nocos-
sary and oxpadidnt and for the bo& interests of the public to construct
F, di.s.P;rict sotmr and laterals in and along those streets and avonues of
SBV~P District.No. 4 of said Village of Edina, as folloas:
Saction 2,
A &!.s$15cf sever in Tovmea Road (as Laid out South of tb3t 48th
Stroot) be&nning at the existirig sewer in Southerly side of Yest 50th
S-brcet; thence Northerly along the cen%er line of aforesaid road to a
point 40 f&t South of the conter line of Veet 48th Strset; "henco IJorth-
easterly to a point in the center lino of Tost 48th Stroepi, distant 58.25
feat East of t'ac ceatsr line of aforesaid Tovmes Road, chich last' named
point is on tho dividing line betvesn Lota Fourteen (14) and Fifteon (151,
Yhi.0 Oaks Acldi%ion, if sed line trarB extendod Ebutherly; thenca Northerly
on .the said dividing line of Lota Fourteen. (14). =id Fiftoen ('15) arid tho
ex-knsions of tk6 sms, from the center lina of Vest 48th Street to 8
poiat in Bridge Lane 19 foot South of' the Northerly line thereof; thanco .
I%r;.terly on a line parallel vith and 19 foot South of Said North lins of
Bddge Lane to the East line of tho Fairrtay S3ction of the GounfiVClub
E. strict.
* A lateral DBYIB~ on the center line of ':est 18th Street 'running from
a point 54.25 feat East of the ceiiter line of said Toymes Road, as l&cl out
South of 48th Street, ard vhich last named point is on the Southerly exten-
aion of the dividing kino botveon Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15), said
Tmi%a Oaks Addition exteiidcd; -&hence Easterly to n point direct.1y 30 feO%
South of the Southeast ctjrnsr of Int.TveLve (121, said l7hite Oaks Addition,
A luterd, sot& in Bridge Lane beginning at a point formed by the
in%sraection of the dividing line botaeon Lots Fourteen (14) and FiEteon
(15), said Tihito Oaks Addition, if sxtendod No rtherly, and a line 19 feet
South of the North lim of said Bridge Lano; thence Eastorlg on a lim
parallel 16th and. 19 feat South of aforesaid North line to the centor line
of :TOYMOS Road, in said T'ite Oaks Addition, as laid out Nprthvesto2J.y 'of
sai-d Fast 48th Street;
Tlhi+e Oaks'Addition, beginning at the ccnter line of '&E$ 48th Stree-b;;,
thanco runring No rthwstorly to the Mo rtharly line of afo rssaid Tlhite Oaks
, A lateral som& in the centerlins of Tot.mas Road as laid out in s&.d
. Rofersnce is hemby mdo to the pl'nt of \Bite Oaks Additlon on file
and of record iri tk~office of the Rogister-of Doeds in and for said
Herinepin Counplg.
- Tne mtion r7as seconded by Trustee Villson and the voto vas upon tho
question af the adoption of tho refiolution, wherein there s'fem five ayes and
no nap and so the resolution yfas declared duly carried.
il Trustoc Holtsn offwed the following resolution and movod fto adoption::
I'hemus, plans and specificdbns and ostima-l;e of OOS~B, pro-
pared by J. E. Carroll, VLllage Enginser, for sanitary ot)s.iirs in SQY?OP
IPietric$ Number Four (4), in the Village of Edina, lEnnesot,a, pursuant
-to a resolution heretofore passed by the Village Council of said Village,
vhich have been prosontocl to said Villag Council and sttndiad and approvsd
by said. Village Council, and
\?hersas, it is both necessary and expedient that said sanitary
OQGOTG in said SQY;~~ District Number Four (4) -of said ViIlal;;c b0 con-
ntrv.ctod and instzlled at an uwly
.Therefore, Be It RcEolvod +that said plans mid specifications
and estimate of costs be and the same hereby are' ap2roved and that bids
for the same bo rdcoived and opened at EL meeting of tho Villago Council
of the VEl1ug;o of Edina to be held on tha 20th day of December, 1937,
8.t eight o'clock P? Ne, in Grange Hall, loca'md at the interssction of
Highway No. 100 and Eden kveilue urid =Lhat no'cice for bids by inserted and
publiahcd for three (3) successive waeka in the official ncaapapcr of
of this Village and in %he Improvement Bulletin published in l.hnu;;tyJolio,
Minnesota2 pursuant to the statutes in such case made end provided,
The motion to adopt \.ns secondod by T~US-~BCJ Villson @ad the
vota mas on the adoption of the resolutlon, rxheroin them ware five aye6
and no nays and so the resolution 1'1ks declared duly adoptod,