HomeMy WebLinkAbout19371122_REGULAR44 Xfinutes of the regular mesting of the Councll of- the Village of Edim, held fn Grange Hr;rlX on NowmWs 22, 1937, at 8 QPCIOCk J?Xe 1 .. ? The meeting vas csllsd to order by Prmid~nt Sharp, %he rear1 called and 813. members of the Council =re present. Elinutao of the regular meeting of the Counaql, held on Nove;mbzr 8, 1937, -re mad. On motion Holten, they bs approved ae read, oeconded ly Vlllson and (carried. School Tseute~ J, Prsscott , of school di3trict #135, appeared bzfsre the Council %n pro*& t.a methode of 01ssesshg non-a,pf- cuturur~l and cgri~tfttaral lande, vhemfn it vm detsrhined thia 'vas 8, mat@r for Qi~eF %be State Tax ComJbssion or the State Legislature and the suggestion made td"ta3re up directly nith the Tax Commission. Xr EcCsrthy, reprDeent%ng tho To I7. Rosho1t Company, bsing preoent, nas advisod that the rarco grader vas not standing up under light oorvioe and that an unduly large amount of ren pairs m8 reeulting- After diRCUBt3fOn the matter '5788 left to coin? up at %he regular meeting on December 13, 198?o The Road and Village advancea , having Isen duly exaimd V&B moWd by Preecott, that they ba ablomd and paymnt made, seconded by Villaon, and carried. it It mo mowdl 'iay Holten, that the bill of Burlingarm, Hitchcock and Esta'brook, for Btropoljbtan Trunk Ebmr report and starve^, and the bill of Treeurer wgan for office expeneeo during 1937, Helen Johmon for ~tenographic aork and Hennepin County Rural mlfar@ Board for October 1937, direct relief, be a3.loveCa and paid, aooonded by Boore and carried, Xr &orge Hoskina, appeared on behalf of the %PA workers in T&e matter of supplemntmy aid and advised that the Rural Hennepin County %Ifam Board had allowd clothing only in addition to 'ths regu%aa, VPA salary p8ymntso He read a relsolution passed %y thQ Xdina VPA 3orkors on Novanker 19, 1937, desiring Eiupple- nzntary aid on the 8me bseis aa in Hinneapolis and that the Council giw ansmr ao to intent not later than Xowmbr 29th0 The Councfl mo adssfsod khat in the Nowrnlsr set-up:,supplenen%ary or diract relief muld provide or pay Ebpproxfmtely 50 percent month far EL family of ti70 an bxmeaoe of about 50 percent, After coneidgrable discusaion the President advised the matter ' rrould raceiw further consideration. 0 addi"tOnEI+ll to the $60*60 basic rfpA pay Or about 090.00 ~"-r X~ss-rs Grant Collier and Paul Vfnd, appeared before the Council to request additional or re-arrangement of the street lighting along Highmy 100 at about 54th0 to 55th. ~tr3e.P;~ Thereupon it nzc momdl by Prescott, that the Recorder be inatrpcted to improw the street lightiw along HighJw 100 fromaden Avenue . to %et 62nd0 Street, seconded by Villaon and carriqd. Heesrs Spscht, Ecklund and Li€cPha$l, advised the Council in con- nectisn n%th S?mr District Noe 4# that certain contractors vould be villing to accept Special Assesamant mrranto for %he payrnznt of construct&= a aanitsry ocmr fn aaid district. PreaSdent Sharp, read a communication fron Rural Hennepin County Y.3.fara Bomxl,, regarding a county nzeting to bs held in Robbinrsdalo on Nov@miisr 23rd. nhich ~EI turned oms. to Trustee A communication va8 read from the Country Club District Service Company, regarding the installation of a wtBr main in South Harriet Park district, which on motion Villson, be referred to the President for anoner, seconded by Uoore and carried. 17iIlSOno C 45 y Nosre %at the pstftion to vacate that part of Bridge Stsaet 3as.P; of AEden Avenue referred to this meeting from former ni:otiw, 53 referred ter the second regular meeting OS the Council to ba held in January, seconded by \illson and c srTio d 0 The repo-rt of J, E, Carroll, Consulting Engineer, on Semr District moo 4, dated ITdvembsr lo, 393'1, ms mad and filed. under date of Bovemkr 22, 1937. Please note, Coune%% resolution nmlsr 5 , concerning plans and specifications. for~~w~i-sr dietrict number 4 and Council resol- ution number 6, concerning da@ on vhich C~uncil rtould mest for the pu~oae of raceiying bide the earns being D3c@mbsr ' 20, 1937, for the construction 02 aemr in DB5tricL number 48 +-re through error copied. in the minuteo of Novombsr 8, 1937 meeting of the Council* It vas moved by Nosre, that the COUAC~~ sponsor and provide skating on the Ui%$ Pond &wing the nfnter aea~on and %ha@ 'the Street Cvmfscsianer be instructed to set.up the narming houae , all' on the Vfllqp omed portion of the Xila pond area, seconded by Holten and carriedo AB %h%s period of the nee'cing and all.other 'buoiness having been completed, the matter ~f auditix, examining cnd ver%Q- ing the records and accounb of the Village Treasurer and Village Rooorder, for the period Nowmbzr 3.5, 1986 to l?ov"m- B3r 15, 39357, receimd the careful attsntion of the Council., All the books and records of the Village Treasurer and Village Recorder mre avaflabl@, displayed and etudl~d and it vas notod that tho SWA of' $3,077~88 m8 the caah balance on depooit to the credit of the Vill.age of $dinas nit& the I\llidbamd NaQ- ism% t% Trust Company, of Einneapolis, General Fund A~coun%~ The total me*ts from all somce~ for above prbd laaving b39n ~~63,86B.B6'b-inc~~dSng the cash balance of $l,Q5le26 as of PToSpsmbar 15, 1936. Total disbursements mre $fj0,'ir890 6B0 'Phcrre be%% no Vi11age 'f;"arrantn or Village General Obligations ou%standingo 1[5; am8 %heroupon momd by Pr63cot%, that the! books and records of the Vill~gs 'Fxmmrer and VilUge Recorder having bsen duly atudfed, axmirm$d, ..auditsd and verified and .$he am3 found to ba correct for the period IT~overtlbsr 15, 1936 to lTa~3mker 3.5, 1937, mat the 8ane 133 accegted,cert,iPiad and signed and ordered pub253lrad in detail in the Escembsr 2, 3.937, iaeus, of the Kennepin Coun%y Revien, the official publieation of the Villa@ of Sd$nae The .motion 1-m~ seconded by Trustee 'I7illaon and the vote ria8 upon the adoption of the motion and vh@roEn there rsrs four ayes and no nays and so the motion VaG declared dUlr adopted0 Recorder Idoore not voting, I/# No further business to Corn before Vn3.3 meetins at this tbm, the President declared the meeting adjournad to meet again at the me time and place on Beember 20, 19370 Village Recordero