HomeMy WebLinkAbout19371213_REGULARXiptuter~ of the reguSar meeting of the
C~~cil of the Vfllage of Edfna, hebd on Dcsm'br 13, 193'1, in Grange Hall at 8 o'clock Pa*
X;Hfnu&e of the regular meeting of the Council held on Xovember
22, 1937, mm madd On motion Holfsn, they b3 approved as
road, gecondsd 'by Villson and carriedo
Nr R, H. TihiW* presen4sd communication by V%llage hgineer
Bradley advising that the street grading in the Hidden Valley
plat, bounded by Baird, Zeneth, Taljt b4%he and 13sf 56th etreet8, tms non completed Sin a s~tiafactory mzann3r and re- cornemdelta approval of the p>& a8 submitted..
vas so nomd by IJoora, and Prer3Tdenf and Recorder bs authoriasd and ernporsr@d to sign nscesaary papers, seconded by Holten and carriedo
Whereupon it
To \7. Roehol&, appsaretl before the Council in ansmr to complaint tihat the TJarco grader ms noti standing tap and on account of rspalra and replacementis having b=en recently madea
The Counc%X vas advised by Er Rosholt, that his company stood behind %h@ grader and that it t70Uld gfm satisfactory service.
Trustea Villson adviaed %hat he rand Trustea Prescott had made - an inapsc-bion of the Crack8 in frmrrork of' the grader, aThich
had since bsen mlded and that it M&B his and Trustee Frescott's rscomendation to keep the 17arco grader,
The President read a letter from the Ebcretsry of the lkhmmta Tax Commiaeisn, in anmar to letter of inquimoy by President
Sharps dat@d NowmBr 23, 1937, concerning classification rural un-plstttijd and rural platMd agricultural. and non-agricul- . tura% land^ vhich ws referred to Village &33essor Creighton.
The President read a comunicatjbon t6 Country Club Ddrsfr%c$ Sorvico Compayur dated NommWT 23, 1937, regarding %hit; Use Of TrsnEiiW mter naaipl in placo OS ease Sron pips for tihit; exten-
ion of wter main in and abng Oakland Awnw from SBnd, to 53rdo Streets. Repay under date of Beember 3, 1937, vas also read and the matter was re-roferrsd to Prss;bden& Sharpo
to handle e
In the matter of the annuak Vill&e Election held on Dacembsr
7, 1937, Rocorder Xoore advised the reaults as follotm. There Fav%ng bsan approximstQly 680 yoterj caet nithout oggositfsn
to the presant incwnbrants.
President %m L year &rl C. Faarpa
Amossor 1o 2 yema Alex Cm fghtsn Trtuoswr " 2 yesre John 5. Duggan
Constable fi 2 years Le Rw Blackburn
TTUBW3 '? 25 years A* Vi13~0n
JuatPce of Bacs 2 yeam Be He G%flr;ey
Board 3 years Dan So Enapp
Park Bard 2 years John J* Lotats
The matter af replacing the 8 year old nunmbsr 15 Vilkap
omed caterpbllttr tractor was next considered by the Councif, After dfscusoion it ms momd by Holtan, that the Presedent and Recorder be authorized and empor"rzred to execute a. lee;sh;
agrwllient 17i%h the H. Ziegler Cornpaw for a mode2 #22 caterpillar tractor on a rental basis of $204.25 per manth for 6 months I alXotrting %he Village: of Edfna for the old #lS cster@iller the equivelent of trio months payment, and vhidh
' if satisfactory no further payments vi11 be required and a
bill ob aele vi11 Is gjiven the Vilzage of Pdina, motion sec-
onded by Xoors and carried. \
Street Comiasiones Knudeen advieed that deliver$ of the net7 %no ton Bodge truck had bsen mado and that same vas satiefactsry vberein it WB matted by Holten that the bill of the Ro No Jonas Notor Company, in amount ()35Q8Q98 baing the amount betisen th@ list pricb less tradsin allotance for 018 Dodge truck a~ per advertiwd bids, be zdlorisd and ordered paid, seconded by Villesn
and carried. Eode% RH-46 Serial 8764186 Sotor T42-7309.
!Phe Road and Village bills having %sen duly examined and found
bo bz correct, it vas moved by Villoon they bz EtlJload and osdsrcd paid, eecondsd by Holten aiid cStmiedo Th6y ~TB a8 follot%3 :
Par1 C. Sharps Ben Bo Noore George A, Villson
G oFd?rasco‘ct J. J. Duggan
Dr Eomfl No Camsbell A, C. Stringer
Hifding Dah%
He J, Kmdsen ,
So J, Roberts P. Dahlgren John Tracy
I;. S-tiolemn .
Be Garriaon
3’. Dovd
0, No Spandc
G”org;e Hanmn
R, No Jams Xotor Co
0. Holten
I, E. Till7
To s. X3eydl.p;
He Ens3.e~
Pra 8 iden% B cember - Re c ardor $1 Tr US Le e I1
. Trus%e t( .
Trustee (1 *
Tro aa uro r
Health Officer tf Eoad 8-c Bridge labor
Village MhrshaLL Police Officer
P.s’lice OSffcer Street Commiseionesc
Utility man Tractor operator
Asst Rdl foreman Asst Rd foreman
Vatchman-skating rink rittd.
Road labor
Road. labor
Road labor Rent of 3’.ord V8 truck
Road labor
259 00
25 . 00
150 o 06
17. 50
The Niscellamoua bills upon &lng duly exa;mined and found to Is CQi”reC%, \%re on motion Bolten, bs alJst@d and ordered paid,
seconded by Villaon and carried. They are &s folloas
R@pair Truck body
Road tar Snow fence eC posts .Sealing pots & bale ties CaScitrra Chloride
Firs ser~~ice (Cho Payne f
1st Aid kit Police car Ton Rock salt Xomr shas
Nplse Fire Dept bond Xlectsic labor skattfng rink Police car Elertric@
Black smB thing Tractor oil eC lubricant Road supplies Road ~ltapplio~l
Octo WPA csetring project
S/~O and tracings net* eetcr GaePJoia. tractore ,Police car
Septo street leg0 Znaurance premium
Gas-tractosa Ec truck
Garbage collection Stensgc nork fin@,nciasl s%mt0
Ne%ropolitan Sano Swsr surwy
Stanpa Treasurer ta office 37 e Octobe~. relief (net)
$8 o 75
8 30 07
940 66
30 0 25
b 90
30 OO
10 0 46
660 22
’ 14.81
950 35
23128 00
500‘0 00
2010 54
$36. 20
60 20
60 20
60 26
6.26 n
.At 12.d0 PX, the President declared 'this meting adJournc?d.to .mest again on Dscembsr 20, 1937, for the pyrpcsse of receiving .bids on the construction of rjanitary aemr in District #4 and .such other buaf~ecs as may proprly come befare the meeting*