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Minutes of the Regular meeting e. WARD, r;c&?eq
of the Couhci1 of' %he Village of Pdina, held in Grange Ha11 at 8 PNI on January 24, 1938.
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of tihe Counci3, w@re present.
EIlfnutes of the ?@gular meeting of the Council held on January 10, 1938, were read. On motion Prescott, they be approved as read, seconded IVilleon and carried,
The Village payroll advances upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Brgscott, they be. allowed and paid, seconded by Wilfssn and carhd.
Application Ptae made by 3linneapslis Gas Light Company, for permiaskon to instal1 180 feet of 2" gas pipe in and
along along Ke11ogg Avenue froin'South line of %ijt bard, Street to Lot 9 Block 3, South Harriet Park Addittion. Whereupon Trustee Prescott so moved seconded by Villssn and carried.
Trustee Villson, moved that the assessment to be,rnade in connection with the instalklation of sanitary sewer in and along IndianoSa Avenue, 330 feet South of Veef
50th. Street, 'be advertised for hearing as soon as same could be compiled, seconded by Noore and carried.
It was moved by Moore, that o %PA project be set up invslvfng the sanitary sewer connectibon 'betvieen the Arden Avenue Lift located at North-West corner of Arden Avenue and Bridge Street, and the mast Vesterly manhole
of Sewer District #4, Eoctzted on Bridge Lane just 3hst of the Last Sine of the Cobntry Club District, and thus elimimte the heavy e'xpense OF maintenance and electr%c current and that all expsnrses for materials and engineering, being these not included in %PA, be asseslsed against the
28 bsnefited lots of Lateral !%v~or District #I, seconded
by Prescott and carriede
President Sharpe read a letter addressed to him under
date 02 January 17, 1938, by Roy W. Larsen, suggesting that the Village acquire certain lands in the Mi-rror Lake District for Park pttrppseso which was referred to the President for such action as he saw fit.
Recorder advised the -Councif, that Xr Oscar Gaarden had
had accepted the revised IVater Franchise granted it and that its acceptance and certification of Publication . would be forwarded along with statement of ita PinancPkl opsrnffsn for year pm"oceeding July 1. 2937.
sf Edfna, arrange to enter into a lease arrangement for
the operation of Sewer District #3,uwith the Country Club Diatrfct Service Company, upon a nominal and fair 'basis
to be arrived at and that the Village Attorney %e requested I
No further business to come before the rnestix the. President
decZared the meeting adjourned at 9.20 PM
stated to him, that the Country Club District Service
"i It vas moved by Holten, that the Councf'll of the Village -K,
to prepare the necessary papemp seconded by Moore and
Village Recorder, 1