HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380214_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Ha21 on 'Eebrusxy 14, 1938 , at 8 PM. .. -. . -*- .... 9nzt;he '&%sgnce of the President, the meetiw 17as called to order by Recorder' Xoore, the roll called and all. mmbers of the Council -re found present except President Sharpe , whereupon the Recorder entertainsd motion of Trustee Frescott, that Trustee Holten act as President Pro Tern, vhich motion vas seconded by Trustee TiIJ,ssn. The vote nas upon the question of the adoption of the motion and wherein there @re four ayes and no nays as fOll01713, Eaare Aye, Prescott Aye, Yillson Aye, Holten Aye and so the motion t7ao declared carried and Truatec Holten assumed %lie duties of President Pro Tern. BinUtes of the regular meting of the Council held on Jans 24, l938 'Irere read, On motion Bescott they be approved a8 read, secanded by VUlson and carried. .I %%e matter of renemal of Compensation Insurance next came before the Council, *4fter discussion, ft was mowd by Uoore , that the Compensation insurance for period ending Fe'bruary 11, 1938, be . renewed aith Blaclcburn, H'ickels & Smith, seconded by %illson and carried, The matter of the temporary permit to opsrate a Taxi Cab Service, granted to Eessrs Letre and ihtteson, was discussed at length by the Council. After discussion it was moved by ViLllson, that the temporary permit to operate a Taxi Cab Service in the Village of Zdina, granted to Bessrs Lowe *and E?%t.t;eson, ce cancelled .- as of this date, motion seconded 'by Prescott and Carrie& Trustee Breacstt, moved that a temporary permit to operate a Taxi Cab Service in %he Village of Edina, 7s granted ta Er He 33. Hebig, at rates to be charged as follorrs: with a flat rate or" sl.25 to Is charged for up to three persons from%dina to bnz stop in the IIinneapoXis Zoop and Tor the period aB of this date to Xarch 31, 1938, upon filing mfth the Council sufficient evidence of Liability Insurance The motion was seconded by Tdoore and carried by unlzminous v~t(3. It was moved by €bare, that permit b9 graneed to 1Tinneapolis G.3, Company, to install one poXe in bloclc 16, subject to the rights of private owners I 15 cents for the first mile, 10 cents for each additional half mile seconded by Presco'ct aribcarried, It vas moved by Villson, $%at permit be granted Dcrthvestern BXlr Telephone Comgany, So h3ta3.1 otic pole ori VaoddaZe Court vitheut aqy trees to be cut or trimed, secondsd by Prescott and carried. It vas moved by Villson that permit Be granted Pdinneapalis Go E, Compav to fnstalI one pole on SchaSfer Road, South of Interlacken Roa6 without any trees to be cut or triimed, seconded by Prescott and carried. After discussion of the matter, it ims moved by Zmre that the Council petition %PA for funds from the County mPA Conservation Project, in order to put in certain dikes or darns in order to determine seepage in the Xi3.J. Pond area, motion secoilded biy Trustee Prescott and carried. Xr C .T.Rsly, appeared on be2alf of the Hay & SemSOn Comargr I fQr reneml of Off Sale Intsxfcating Liquor License at 3922 ma% 50th. Street. !&e record bsfng good, it vas mowd by Presccstt, that the Off Sale License of Hay EC Stenson be renemd for the pSr%od ending &rch 31, 3938 upan payrnant of the &e. $~so.oa--p~ amm, and the President and Recorder bs rzuthoriaed and empowred to sign the nSceasary pcqpre, seconded by VLL~SQ~ and carried. Tae VilZaee and Road jP&$ advanax%. hapfng been duw examined and found corYect, it mas moved by 17illSon that they be allomd and ordered Pafa, sgconded ly Prescstt and carriedo I They arcs as fQllebVS: I Earl C. Shmp Ben Bo Noore George A. Willson . Clarence 0. Heften. C0 F. Prescott John J. Duggan Dr Lam11 M. Csmpbe.fl HiLding Dah1 S . J-.Ro%er.t;a P. Dahlgrer? Jahn Tracy L, Stofzmttn Arthur -Pe tersen H. Ensley OoEa.Spancle Ralph Collier A.C .Stringer R .1 . Ole on T. E* Til3 V. S. Eeydt H 0 J *KCnUdSen Pre s ide n.f, $50 . 06 Recorder 90.00 TruEt tee 35.90 Trustee 35.00 Trus tea 35.00 Treasurer 25.00 Village Health Officer 38.00 VlfPags Mmshsll 156.00 Police Officer 135.00 135.00 Street CommisePsner . 150 . 08 Utility Elan 135*9Q Trac tar Ope rator 130 00 Asst. Tractor Qgerator 120.00 Asst Road Poreman 7 113.20 Garbage Remova’P-dispasal 276.00 BatcWan 86 skating rink )r 116.00 Read labor 101.00 43 hrs ’~itlf & team 43.00 25.00 Road & Bridge labor 50 * 00 Use of Fsrd vfs truck Totma $1,989 20 Police Officer The Nfscellaneous bills updn Ming duZy carnfned and found to be Correcf,, were on metiom Ilreacotl, they ’bs allowed and prdered paid, seconded by Wiflson and oarried. “hey are as follotvs: NinneapoPfs GI E. Company ZEfdi-na Garrage, Iner MMSdland Xatlo Bank Rs TI CO Le We NOrthfteId CO Chas Ol~on & Sone Morton Salt co Glacier SanB & Gr Ca JUStUS Lur#b~* CS JID.Adams Ca GTant Collier H .A.Rsgers Co J. A. Dw?ns & Son Wm Brse B, & M. Co IEdipls, Hardware Nffler-Daois Cs Thorp Bros DahlMrg Bros , Inc Hennepin County Review Joyce Irzsurance, Inc Village St Louis Park Blackburn,Nfckols 8c Smith Wooddale Grocery C .A.Lindquist W. H. Ziegler Co IT* F* GarWr s. Stran& B. Dahlgren E .%Harris Village St Louis Park Alex Cre ightsn Wlfdland Ratl. Ban% 8c Tc Cs Hidlandl Natl. Bank &: T, Co Ho S. T’fsdale November $559 . 95 Police car eC siren 68.06 Treasurer fs checks 13e ’75 C sal 41“. 87 Truck regr, 6.50 Rock sale 5.55 Cement 8c eand 33*95 LmWr Road EC Bridge 25.92 Grade r blades 48e 58 1 cord wood 9.00 Blue prints 35 Loading 526 yas dirt 49.34 Repair snow plow 400 25 Road supplfss 3.17 Steef file-Police Dept 32.75 Peeby rent & te%ephone 18.30 Police car service 2.75 Pr Ant ing 14.50 Treasurerss bond 75.00 Fire Dept servfce 1/29 35.00 Premium borsd 5.00 Blacksmithing 60 25 Tractor parts 18 46 Gara for tractors 7.8j Road 4% Bridge suppXliie8 25.10 Rent tQol shed to 2/15 55-00 Rent arage for truck tQ 1$31 10 . 00 Gas-Ofl Police Car, truck & trae tore 112.71 %PA Sewing project 37.50 Fees 33dg inspector Oct. Nev and Jant 231. % Correcting tracings 40.00 LElbor acct paor eC Cloth- fng Dec and Jan 10.00 Financial asrvfca #3 1043 It 19 No 1 pc 2 4.38 Insurance ~ gpmim 10.00 Total $1,594.24 / +dL& 4.+ i. No further kusinoss to come before this meeting, President the President a% 11.30 E% pyJ .,m %t-J _I 5.N. ’ Pro Tern declared the meeting adjourned suaject to the call of,.g..~ ,,,,.,c Village Re c order \