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Hinutes of the regular mesfing of the Gouncil of the ViIZ&ge of Edina
The meeting wis called to order by President Sharps, md the follow
held in Orgnge Hall on March 14, 1938 at 8 p. m,_ +.. ..
ing membere responded to $he roll call: ~
Trustsas l%lson, Prescott and Holten , President 3harpe.
?&yon moElon of Trustee Preccott, seconded by Trustee Vilson, pnd cluly carried, Trustee Holten wm directed to record the minutes of of the meeting in the absence of the Recorder, who P*S unqble to Rttpnd
becsuee of iliness.
unon moteon of Trustee rlYilson, seconded by Trustee Prescott, nnd duly
Trustee Prmcot t rnovpd thst the ,nayroll he sllsmed, F econdecl
by Trustee HnltPn, dad duly cnrsied.
Enrl 0.. SbP-rne: = -ereatdent 9 5Qg0f) - Ben E. lfoo~e Recorder 90.00
George A. Wilhon Vustee 35.m -.
C. 0. Holten. "rugtee 35.m
C. Po Prescott Truetee 35.00
J. Y. Duqaqn Trea slJ.reT 25.00 Dr. L. M. Csrmbell Henlth Officer 50.QO
T. E. Ti117 VZ. 113 PP I& rehs Il 155.00
Hilding ash1 Police Officer - + 135.00
W. 9. Heydt 'Police Officer 135.00
H. Y. Knudsen -St. camm. 150 *QQ
S. J. Roberts Utility EERn 135 a.00
Po DRhllRyen Tractor Oberntor - 118Q.O& Yohn Trncy Asst, Tractor Ooerstor BO..OO
L. Stolmm + Asst. Rosd fforemm 98.40 .
0. Nr. BP$Ud@ Ro3d L.gbor 70.00
R. Collier L~tbor with Te8m 47.00 Re E. Olson Use %rd TI€? Truck 40.9 - 4rthur Petermn Garbsge Collection 875.08 H. Eusley Rosd Lsbr 28 0 QO
A. C. Stringer - Ro8d 8e Bridge 25.00
Total Road Bc Vills~e $1,843.90
Trustee Holten moved thrJt miPcPllsnaous hills be 8l-loved,
The mfnutefi of the meeting of Pebrurry 28th, were rpm3 and,
%hey were snrrroved 8s renee -
Ram3 and Villsne
seconded. by Trustee PreRcott 2nd duly carried.
e. A. Linciauist B 111 ckm f. th ing 13.30
Ohss. Olson & Sons Rengir Qncv Blov 25.9 00
Red Wing Bewer Pim Coo 9eme-l" PiQe 26.62 Fjirnon Strand Rent Tool Shed *I5 4 00
Henry Baeg Rent Snow vente Storape 113.00
Village Bt. Louie Park V,?.A,- SE?vc.lnr;r Project 16.50 Le W. Morthfield Comnany Coke '13940 Thorne Rros. Tm. Rent Trsct Office . 13.25
Wooddslk Groc~try Keroeene I.F.A. 3.38
Dah1bm-g Bros. fnc. .( Police Oar 8 .SO Mf 1Pe.r-Dsvi s Ca'lr,nz)ny Office su~nlfes 1.50
Y. H. Zsegler Comnmy
*t 284 ..I5 e. H. Klein Prick Cornnsny Sewer Brick 9.F.A Iad .I moln 19,rjO
Edinn Garage, fnc. Police Om Storage &
W. F. Garvey Road Sunnlie~ * 60.56 Rex Tool Cforaaeny - Tools R. & B. 4.65 E. W. Rmyis Cse snd Pi1 (net) 1113.75 hfmxh and McLellsn - Premium fMW-481126 10 . 00 Hennenin County Bbelfsre BoRtrd December Relief 590.16 Minnemalis 0. $. Co. December St. ficrhtinp 559.58
Tot r3 1 s c ellane ous $1,753 e 115
I3iscellaneous Rills
Rennenin County Reviem Pub. & Printing 9 78.55
( n93B)
( Aeseseor)
FrRctor rent31 $204,25 $unnlies F3novJ nlom %n9,9o
- - Sensfra ( - P.QO
lfr. firegg, Prpfiident nf the 50th Street 8. prance Avenue Pusiness Yen's Agpocistion, pdldwssed the. meeting on the subject 0.f nnvinp France i Avenue from 44th to 5Ch3 Stseet. There were Fevr-3- huainew ven from the kssosiation nresent and Ere Grege: acted crp their sn@kpsm-n. Fe re7.qted
thstit efforts hwd been mqde by the Asmcistion to cant-ct thP Efinremtft
Stqte Hie;hwav De-fitment to secure some committment from ?hem to nave Frmce Avenue. He PtRted th-t the condition nf the stwet rips vprv bad end belleved the only successful mlution nqs n&e!ment TG ar?s SUEPPS~P~
thnt the VillRae Councils of Eldina RnA 1%rnfngeide dmuld join forces r.rith
the Eusinesp Yen's Afisoclstion to pet some acticm from the Stste Fvig;ht7ey
Dtyarttwnt. TrwtPe Wlson ndvised the meetinsf th-t he hnd kslked vith
Xr. Glen Marsh, DiFtrict Tnnineer 2t PoD~~~A, 135% venr nbout thip street, Pnd he h3,d exnre!sped villfngness to co-onerQ,te iq setting: me wwk done but advised thnt be must recpive his nrders from 4t. Pwl,
further diccuseion, President Shrrne unclertnok to tnke the rnattf;dr un mith the Stgte Piphway Demrtrnmt, to renort st the next rree.t-inrl..
tions at prance rivenue and 50th Street. PP dplivpr4 a comaunicq+ion
from the 50th Street & prance kvenua PusineRP Fen's AsPociation, %rabody-
inp 9 reeolution remeeting the Council to chnnap the orfiinsnce to nermit
nsrking for me hour between 8:OO A. ?I. qnd 7:OQ P. E*, sfti6 regnlation
to smly to 50th Street 98 well ne Wnnce 4v~nue. UP ate,t;ed that corn- I rrlaints hsd come from cufitamere of the n?erchc?nts thit 9 half hnw, vhich is the merent repulqtion, was too short 8 time. Hr. Chsrlcls gay of
Hay & StPDPon nnnesred in nPrRon nnd onnoeed the ch?nge. After Rome diecussion, the mqtter vs8 referred to the Police Committee, lman n?otfon
of Trufitee TVilcon, secmdied by Trustee Prescott, md duly.carrIPA.
AAdition yhich wag, unon motion of VrusteP Preecott, eecnnPei3 bv Srustee :Vileon, Avly wrried, rPferrer3 to.W. RraAlev, 9npjneer.foy tb village.
Dr. R. 73. ChnnAler, 5287 flooddale Avwue, npxf; n?npnrd before the Oouncil and renorted that the condition of Tooddale AvenuP mfi very
Mr. Greag next brounht 'ub thk subject of the nsrkinP rsfzul8-
.Er. 53. S. Thorne, Jr., nresented a nlnt of Toocld~l~ Second
W. 4. Olfion nresented r?n mnlicqtion for 3n O?f-and-@n $?le 3
license for 7.2 beer ~n6 license fnr rnqintwmnce of 3 nin-bnll mnchine,
rccommnied by the nrcMPr license ?@e.. Thnn ?-notion Wustpe Frepcott,
seconfled by WwfiteP Bilson, 2nd &ilvvcnrricsd, the annlic-tinn mns prgntd.
md the license directed to be isme(?,
Aanlicqtion For intoxicsting Iiouor On-¶nlp LicPnFe ~-7s nresented by the Tnterlachen Golf Olub, toepther Titfa their licrPnce
fee, rnd unon motion of Trustee Prescott, ~ seconded bv Trwtee tlP-Ilson ~nd* duly cftrrfpe, it v-?s ordered thst the sqnlicstion FF? Pr3ntPd and
the lIcenPe iFaueil.
4mlication for rengwal of the license of the EMn- Theqter,
topether with check for the license fee, I~R nre~entec! mA, unon motion.of Trufitee PresootB, seconded by Tmstee ‘“I17 mn, and duly carried, it was ordered thgt the mnlicstion be grmtd *nd th,e 7 icense isnuey.
** Recorder
Pro Ten.