HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380328_REGULARXTinutes 'of the regular meeting . of the Council of the Village of Edina,.held in Granhe Hall on
Xarch 28, 1938, at 8 PI.
The mee'cing vafi called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
Eiinutcs of the regular meeting of the Council held on &rch
14, 2938, riere read, On motion they be\.alSproved as read, by Holten and seconded by Prescott, the motion carried.
-Health Officer .Dr Campbell, appeared before the Council aa did
35r Bdsw in regard to the un-sanitary condition of the Peltier premises at 1% 66th. and Vilryan. After discussion it: vas moved by Holten, that a propec ordinance prohibiting the keeping of swine be prepared and referred to Village Attorney Kr Strong,
seconded by Prescott and carried,
matter of the installation oqsanitary sever in District &e
llr &gee advising that he vas ready to proceed with the work as soan as 1.k Ecklund mould arrane;e to pay hin assessments in . cash as vel1 as to take care of the George Zayne assessments.
Er Chapin,-Attorney for Nr Nape, read Section 93, Chapter 98, Lam Uf 1936, After further discussion it mas agreed that
Brlr Chapin and Er Ecklund , would get togather o&'a aontsact so
that the vork might proceed promptly.
called and all embers of the Council mem present. -
Er Valter A. &%gee an6 other E/ appeared before the Council in the '
Chairman Holt~n, of the Police Committee reported on the matter of the proposed changes in Parking regulations at France Avenue
and ?$st SQth, Street, ishich was presen%ed to the Council at its last meting and also read his letter dated Idarch 28, 1938, to the Secretary of the Prance Avenue and Bat 50th. Street
Business mn*s Association* At the conclusion of the vexy fine report, President Sharpe announced that the matter would
I be held in akeyance un2;il rep1y.to Chairman Holfen's letter
vms receivede
The Road and Vfllagc advances having been carefully studied and fourzd correct togather with the bills of the T.V.Rosholt Company in amoht $192.00, Rural Hemepin County Relief in mount $775.31 as Village portion of Januazy relief and the Loosen Plmb&ng Cornpaw for thawing our 165 feet of main se=r on liboddale Lane, in amount $36.00, irere on notion HoSten, I they be duJy allyred and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott, and carried.
PresdL Shaqe,brought up the matter of complaint of dogs
running at large and suggested that the Recorder mite the Country Club Aslsociatfan and the Vonstn's Club, in arder to ascertain theislvierrs in the matter,
Letter dated Earch 17th. tms read from and on behalf of the
* Country Club District Service Company, requesting approval of the Council of the plan to purchase nater from the City of ?.IinnaapaZis and also an approval of the extension of the %Qter franchise in order to supply the Hidden Valley Subdivision sith city water. President advised there would be no action on !the matter at this meeting.
Recorder Pfoore I advised the Council that according to thc
list of lands forfeited to the State and to -'be sold on April IS, L938, that part of Lot ilBtt in South Harriet Park Addition
and Lot 19, BbacB 34, rrSITe among those 80 listed. Piereupon it rms rilowd by Xoorf3>i, thaL the Recorder 'be requested to $&e
up the matter vrith the proper parties to haw;! the Proper'Q'
stricken from the sale md marked exempt in the name of the
Village of Edina, seconded by Prsscatt. and carried.
I Application was recsived from Carl Olson, for Off-Sale 3.2 %?on-Intoxicating liquor license at X948 France Avenue , whereupon Trustee Prescott, moved that license be granted
upon paymnt of fee, cecanded by Holfsn and carried.
Application was received from Henry H. Gregg Jr, for Off-sale
3.2 Eon-Intoxicating liquor license at 4954 France Avenue,
whereupon Trustee Holten that license be granted upon pay- ment of fee, seconded by Prescott and carried.
Applications were received on behal€ of The Country Club,
by A. C, Statt, Its President, for 3.2 On-sale Non-Intoxic-
atiag liquor license, On-sale Intoxicating liquor license and l4cense to operate a Skill-Game, all accompanied by the proper fee, whereupon Trustee Holten, moved that the several Iicsnaea be granted upon payment of €ee, seconded by IVhlson and carried,
Application was received from. Lucille PI. Nolan, for licenae to sa8rate a Skill-Gam at 5000 Yrance Avenue. mheremon it
was moved. by Trustee Holten, that license be &ran.i@d upon paymnt of fee, seconded by Prescott and carried.
Recorder Icdoore suggested the advisability of clarifgsing or defining and/or amnding the Zoning Ordinance of Edina and
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
VJ An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance,
Village of Edina, Minne sota
The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as
f ollowre :
Seatien 1, That Seotion 3, Paragraph a-18 of the Zoning Ord- inance of the Village of Edina, passed. by the Village Council
on May 2Bth, 1931, be and the same hereby is amended to read
a8 fQllOWa:
"18 Accessory buildings, including private garage or private stable, when locsted on not less than thirty feet €ran the front lot line or plot and not less than five feet from any sido line; and one building to be used as a drslling for servants, provided the aggregate ground this covers shall not
exceed Fifteen percent of the total area of the lot or plot; no part of the main building or accessory building shall be nearer than Thirty feet from the front lot line of such lot or plot, Vhen the width of the thoroughfare or way or road is not eatablishcd of record, the Council, by a four-fifths vote , may determine, for the purpose of the interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance, the location of said front linea
"In the event no public street no thoroughfare, no way or no traveled road, abut8 a tract on which it is intended to erect a dwelling and accessory builaings, said tract hot being a lot or plot BB defined in this ordinance, then and in that eWnt no part of the main building and no part of any sccassory building shall bs nearer than sixty feet to the boundry line of said tract toward which tM-said rmin building faces or is intended to facet1.
Section 2. That Section 8 of said Zoning Ordinance of the
Village of Zdina, passed by the Village Council %lay 25th. 1931,
be amended by and the same hereby is amended by adding, at the end of said Section 8, the following:
or subdivision and occupied and-used or intended to be occupicdl and used as a homesite and improved or intended to be improved by the erection thereon of a. dwelling and accessory buildings
and having a frontage upon a public street or upon a thf)ro=h-
fare or upon a way or upon a traveled or used. road and includ-
ing , as 'a minimum such open spaces as are required under this ordinance
A tract other than ons unit of a recorded. p1a.t;
c* Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect fron? and after its passage and publication according to law.
The notion to adopt; vias seconded by Trust8e Villaon and %he vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution
tvherein there tsre five ayea and no nay8 as follovs, Prescott
Aye, Holten Aye, Villsoa Aye, Eoors we, Sharpe Aye,, and so the Zesolution vas declared duly carried.
Village Hec order
Communication dated &:arch 28, 1958, ms received from
Er Chtzs. E. Dilling, 5340 Kellogg Avenue, concerning an . extra expsrlee of $40.00 in connecting with the sanitary . -se-v%z. The .letter upon te-ing read was referred by the President, to Burlingame, Hitchcock RS Estabrook, Xngineers on the sanitaxy erewr at time of construction.
3To further bu~tiness ta come before the meeting at this time President Shrtrpe declared the meeting adjourned subject to ~ the call of the President
Villige Re corder \
r. L.-