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Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Counc%l of the Village of Edfna, Held on April 11, 1933, in Grar&e Ha31 at 8 PI&.
The meeting was called to order by Presiden% Sharp, the roll ca,lled and all members of the Council were present.
Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held. on li5arch
28, 1938, viere read, on motion Hblten, they be appromd as read, SeGOnded by Prescebtt and carried.
The Raod and Village bills upon Wing duly examined and Found correct, -re on motion Prescott, they be allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Holten and carried. They are as follows:
Earl C. Sharp, Ben B. PIaore George A. 'urlillson Clarence 0, Hslten
C. F. Prescott
Dr LQTJE-L~ No Campbell
J. J, Duggan
HI 5, Knudsen
S. J. RoBrt8 P, DahlgrcYr John Tracy L. Stolaman
0. M, Spande
H. Snsley
Arthur Petersen T. E. Til3y
Hilding Dah1 Wi So Heydt L slie Hanson A f C,Stringer
Re ,S, Olson
President April 850.00
€32 G QT de F II 90 0 00 Trustee 11 35 00 TrusZee tl 35.00 Trustee .ll 35.00
Village Health Officer 30 e 00 Treasurer 25.00 'Street Commissioner 150 e 00 Utility man 235.00 Tractor operator ' 130 0 OO
Asst Road Foreman 105.60
Road labor 88 a 00
RBad labor 23.00
Use of Ford V8 truck 47 00 Garbage Collection 275.00
Village Earshall 155.00
Police officer 135.00 Police officer 135.00
Road labor 44 00
Asst. Tractor CQera%OX' 120.00
R&B-VgA 2!5*00
Total Road &: Bridge @f:867.60
1 I he Niscellaneeua 'brhlzs upon Wing duly examined and found l orrect, were an motion Holten, they be allowed and ordered
paidl, seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as follovm:
Po LOQS~P?, Labor 4 . T, R oahol t C ompariy qural Hennepin County
T8m Ware Board I?: 17. Harris
Epina Garage, Inco
G acier Sand*& G Co
Gebrge \VI Strong
S. Stsand
W. G. Chrietensen
C i "cy of %inns apolis
Hcnnepin 4 County Review
tharwring out ?%oddale Lane sevsr Grader rental 2/17-3/17
January 193% Relief
Gas Q oil Police car service Ceniznt & Sand
, Printing €e Publishing Special Attorney fees Tool ahed Rent
Plumbing Inspector( 1937)
Fire Bpt services an
Used Ford Part@
R&B supplies
Fordesn garbs
118,000 gals water well Vdod.dale &ne se~@ r Tract Office rent & TeE
Ihn2ieI.e c om FS ( Zndianola) Street brclome Trac tor rental Blackmithing
R& B suppliea
Grader rental 2/17-3/LrS
KeToaene R&B Services burial A. Baartine
Heavy duty truck chains
2/8 0 3/4 4k 3/10
145. a3
130 25
50 00
6840 27
:I. 16 . OQ
XI.. 49
33 F 80
. 210 60
Poor-Yarn -service .I Hennepin County, Ninnesota 12/36 to. 6/30/37 $3l.Se00
Binmapolis G. X, Company January 2938 569 e 66 Alex Cre ighton 50$ Bebyoar Bdg fnsp fees 97~5
Total April expenditure $5,642298
83;7'75.38 -
Communication from t"lB.Riley, regarding certain buildings baigg locatad upon public etreetsj, was on motion Holten, seconded ly Lloose , raferred to Sillage Attorney to advise removal would
'be demanded,
E'LT Samuelson of the J.'J. Craigg Compaqy, anounced that road oil prices for the. corning s0ason would Is Road oil 73#, Asphalt
0 9&! and Tar 0 lzg, all.psr gallon applied. Regardins the
seaiir?g of Brookside Am and Xbst 44th. Street, %- Samuelson
advise& the Council, that he had looked over bpth streets and that 3600 gallons of 9;3p' asphalt would do the Job and laat for several pars.
Dr Chandlier, on behalf of those living on TRmddale ATenue
South of sst 50th. Street, advised of the very heavy traffic
especially on Sunday, and that durins a period of 1 hour on
April 10th. he had counted 257 padsing autos.
fP, vas momd by UUo3%, that 1200 gallons of dust coat oil be
applied on Vaoddale Amnub frorti 50tb street to 54th et-reeta and further if the 1200 gallons would lsesmft and st the earliest opportunity to apply the oil, seconded by Prescott' and carried.
After discussion
3Zr Chas Dilling, presented for Council% consideration the gramling of 3Lseets on South Harriet Park, which on motion
by Moore, seconded by Holten, ws referred to road 2':. Bridge
Er BOYISS, applied to the Council 90s permission to erect a
small basartlent shelter refused by the Building Commfssiwner on account or %sing contrary to the Building Code, was unsan- itary and a temporary proposition. President Sharp advised such permission could not be granted,
I& %atkin$ living on Highmy $5, 1 mile !*st of BXt Line Highway, applied'fos permit to sell products of his om farm which he nould raise himself and was advised he did not need such a permit from the Village Council,
iBssrs. Spchl, Ecklund and XcPflaiJ. appeared regardia the installation of sanitary server in Setis~ Diaixict #4, discussion it T+~~S agreed that Trustee .Holten nould-contact Er Xa@e for action on signing of' uantract.
Mr Howard Green asked detailg for havir? Grove ,Street, ?%nt
of the Hansen Road, oiled this aeason and it was thought Sam
cou.ld ke arranged for.
Comunication from Judge Vinoe A. Day, requested that York Avenue , betveen Test 55th and :leet 56th Streets, ke graded. vrhich TEW referred to Chairman of Road h Bridge Comi*tae for invsstigation and report to the Council.
Application ms received From the Country Club, IyIc, By Er
A. C. Statt, President, for permission to operate a golf ball
vending machine on the Couu?try Club premisoo, whereupon Trustee Tillson momd the license be granted subject to pa3'rnen.t; of license fee of $50.00, Eieconded by Prescott, and carried.
Recorder read 2 letter from ?k He J. Arnott, concer*nir;C;
drainage aid complained that mter from the Village of Cdina
ran into his basement at 4395 Browndale Avenue. Eoore, the matter be re3erred to Road & Bridge Cornittee, for investigntiun and report to the Council, seconded by ?,hlssn
and carried.
On motion
Recordex presented a Quit Claim deed from Thorps &os, $5 the
daod aiven the Village for .the Mill Pqnd Area, in the event cerLain water levels rmre not maintained in. the oriwinal mill
Village of Bdinra, crznceIlfns the forfeiture claus~e iii the v'
p0r4d e The deed being satisfactor3 to the Vill&ge-Atturney, it TELB mowd S'Jillson it be accepted and recorder, seconded by - - Holtaa, and carried.
Application of Xfnneapolis Go E. Compaqy, to erect one pole along V3st 50th Street, betwen Browndale and Wooddale I YI~S on motion, Holten the application be granted, seconded by TilZson and. caw ia d.
It ms moved by Halten, that bida .as suggested by the Police Committee, be advertised for in connec tjon with th3 purchase of' one new automobiho for Police C&T pwpmsso s*ecohded by Noore and carried.
Truqtee Wolten, offered the following Resolution and movad i%a adoption:
An Ordinance Repealing Amendment 'to
Zoning Ordinance of the Village of
%dim, Minnesota,,
The Village Council of the Village of Ediiia, do ordain
88 follot*rrJ:
II/ Section 5, That certain ordinsace entitled "An Ordinknce Amnding-Zoning Ordinance, Village of 23dfna, which said o.rd,inance so amn&ifig said Zoning Ordinance was pasued by the ViLLozge Councfib of the Village of Edina on the 28th. day of Nnrchs 1938, and published on the 31st day of March, 1938,
E38 and the sam3 hereby ismled.
Section 2. This ordinance aha12 be in force and effect from
and after its passage, and publication according to 1a~.
The vnotloa .to adopt was seconded by Recorder &bore, and the vote vat3 upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, rvhGraiii there ware five ayes and no nays a8 follom Sharge
Aye, Holten Aye, 1,Yi13son Aye, Preecoft Aye and Moore Aye, and
ao the Resolution vas yd@cfared dulr adopted.
Recorder Uioore, offered the following Resofutian and moved
its adoption:
An Ordinance hending Zcming. Ordinance
Village of Edina, Xinneeota.
'4- IN
The Village Council of the Village of Xdina do ordain as follows :
Soution I,, That Paragraphaf Section Ill-a of the Zonixg Ordinance of the Village of &din&, passed ny the Village- CounciS. on N&y 26th, 1931, 7x1 and tho same hereby is amended to read
a8 follotw:
tIl.8. Accefjsory buildings including private garage 0% private ntaxbLe, when located not less than thirty feet from the front
line of lot or plot and not Less than five feet from any aide line; and one huilding to be used as a dv@lling for servants,
provided the aGgregato ground this- covers shall not exceed Fifteen gsr cent of thw total ama of the lot or plat;; no part
of the main building or acccs80ry building shall be nearer than Thirty feet to the front line of such lot or pl~f. When the
midt'i of the thoroughfare or vray or road is not established ctf rmord, the .Co~@cil, "rJy a Tour-fifths vote, may determine, fcr the purpose of the interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance, the location of said from% 1Ensa
ttIn the event no public street, no thoroughfare, no my ar--nct traveled or used road, abuta B tract on wi.lich it is intended to erect a dmfling and accessory buildings, said tract not being 8 lat or plot as defined in %his ordinance, then and in that event no part of the main building and no part of any -
accessoyy building shall bs nearer that sixty .feet to the
bouiidry line of said tract toward which the main building faces or is intended to face".
Section 2. +That Section V11 of said Zsnltng Ordinance of the Village of Edina entitled TIBfinit%onsii,* passed by the Village Council Wy 25th. 1931, be and the s~t~et hereby is anendled by
adding, at the end of said Szctfon VlZ, the following:
"336. 'Plot!. A tract other than one anit of a recorder plat or subdivision and occuprled and used or intended to be 6cgupj.ed
md used as a home site and improved or intended to be improved
7by the erection thereon of s*dwIling and accessory buildingel
and having; a frontage upon a public-street or upon a thorough- fare or upon a my or upon a traveled QT used road and incluciing, a8 a minimum such open spaces as are mequired under this 0rdi.n- ance (1
Section 3. !l%fs ordinarme shll 'be in force and effect from and after its passage an& publication according to la17.
The motion to adopt 17as seconded by Trustee Holten and the- vote i+ms upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution srherefn there *re fjlva Ayea and no nays as follsrrs: HoZten ayo Td7iPlson a.yc~, PrescoLt aye, Hoore aye., and so the Res.olution tms declared duly carried.
Sazlrpe Aye,
Village Recorder
&I ttar was read from Er Re IJ1. Neary, 5019 ,t"ioaddale -ne con-. cerning damage to sever ejector motor which he thought WS caused by the Vooddale =ne seimr SreezIng last winter, The
Recorder was instructed to adviae I!& IJeary that inasmuch as the manhole vhere the sewage emptied was not frozed, that the Council could no$ considBr liability on the pary of the Village,
The hour of 32 midnight having arrived, the President declared the meeting adjourned.
Village Re corder.
Afidavit of %bkution
- face." Section 2. That Section 8 of the said .Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina, passed by the Village Council May 25th 1931 be amended by and the
State of Minnesota \ P
County of Hennepin t
O~CIAL PUBLICATION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZOWG ORDINANCE, VnLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 5. Paragraph a48 of the Zoning OrcUuance of the Village of Edina, passed by the Village Council on May 25th, 1931, be and the same hereby is amended to read as
private garage or private stable, when located not less than thirty feet from the front line of lot or plot and not less than five feet from any side line; and one buildin= to be used as a dwell-
J. &, IhrKima --------------------------------,, #being duly smorn, on oa%h says: that he now is. and
all the time herein stated has been _-___-______--___________________________----- J. L. lilar-
publlsher----and printer_--- of the newspaoer known as me Eemeph Counts
'iew, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated.
That for more .than one year irmnediately prior t,o the publication therein of $he follows: "18. Accessory buildings, including
tea --..--------------- An QrBlnanco ................................................................. aaBn&%ng zoning Or&Lmncs
b attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the mglish language from homn oflice of publication within the Village of I3~pki.n~ in the County of I-fie;llllepfi, \ of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in
L to 450 running inches of single column twp inch+ wide; has b-en &sued grom & in omce established in said place of publicahon equppeci rmth skilled workmen and
P%QEizi _mW$r--a2YA9! ------- -__-_--- -- _-- - -_ -- ____ ______ ____ _--___ __-_ _____ ad in its m%keup not less than twent -Eve per cent of its news columns devo$d t news of interest to said conmunity Iyt purports ta serve, $he press mopk of w ken done In ik said known om? of pubhcation; has contained general news, com- I and mlscellany; has not duphcateb any other ,pubIicaaion; has not ;been entirely up of patents, plat+ matter and Iadvertisemenk; has (been circulated at and n" Id place of publication 60 the extent of 240 capies regularly delivered to paymg
I bers; has been entered as second class mail ma*r in the ha1 mt, office! of its Le of publication; dpat here hw been on in the offib of Lhe mun%y Auditor $ coun4iy the afltd'awt sf a person having fqit hand knowledge .of the facts con- Dg iks qualtfication a8 'a newspawr for publication of legal nohw; and bh&t its iers have complied with all demands of said County Auator for woofs of its said Cation.
'attached xis a part hereof was cut *from %he columns of said newspa*per; was pub-
I, I'
in^ or kccessorv'buildinrr shall be pear-
the purpose of' the -interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance. the location of said front line. "In the event no public street, no thOraUEhfare. no wav or no traveled
part of the main building and no part of any accessory building shall be near- er than sixty feet to the boundary line of said tract toward which the said main bUildinR faces or is inteadecI to I
improved or intended to be improved by the erection thereon of a dwelling and accessory buildings and hasing a frontage upon a public street or upon a thoroughfare or upon a way or upon
& traveled or used road and inClUdinR.
iaw. - -i Psssed the Villrtge Council of the Vil- lage of Edina this 2ith day Of March, 1 1mR. Earl C Eiharpe Village' Preside&. Corporate Seal Village of ECI&. Attest: Ben B. Moore, Village Recorder. (PubBhed in The Eennnepin Review on Thursday, March 31.
I' I
County 1938).