HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380425_REGULARNinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of @dim,
Held in Grange Hall on April 25, 1935, at €3 o'clock I?&
Company next appeared before the Council. Trustee Holteii
stated that the prelininary arrangements betmen Kessrs &gee
The meeting wag called to order -by President Sharpe, the roll
called and a11 members of the Council, were present.
Einutes of the regular meting of the Council, held on April
11, 1938, T"iE!re read. read, seconded by Willson, and carried
On motion Holten, they be approved as
m c a F4 4 4
Afidavit of Pub'lication
masea @YX~ 28, 2938 --_I--_cc__---___-_----_------------__-------_,_------_---------------_----_-----_--------- hW?to attached, said newspaper was printed and published in, &he English 1a.nguage from known office of publication ;Within the ,Village of Hopkins in &he County of, Heh!n&n, SiLate of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column :and sheet form equivalent in space It0 '&jot running inches of single column two inches wide; has been kued from t% knom office established in said place of publication equipped with skilied workmen and
the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ____________________________ The
ffa~~~ph oor?n.r;s m%aw
has had in its ,mIakeup not less than twenty-five per ~en% of its news columns devoted. .to loczd news of interest to said icocmmity it pur~ports to serve, &he press NO& of w!hi& has been done in its said ,known OB? of publication; has .m+tained general news. ?om- nnents and miwellany; has not duplioated any other mblicakion; has not, ;been entlrely nmdo up of patents, late mattkr and 1adver.tisemenks; has #been circdeted at and par its said rp1a.w of pub%mtion b the extent of ulp copies regularly delivered to gayqg subscribers; has ,ken entered as second class mad ,matter .in ,the local ,~.%t, oface of 1b said lace of publication; &%t t?here h'as been on in the offike of &he C3omky Auditor of SaTd county %he at&d/avit ef ,a person having fir$ Qan& knowledge .of .the dack con- stitu6ing its qualMcation as B newspawr for publicabon uf legal nohces; and $hat i.tS publbhers have complied with all demands of $aid. Corn& Auditor for proofs of its saad qualification.
Section 1. That certain ordinance en- titled "An Ordinance Amending Zon-
ofE-dinao-ordain iis follows:
ine Ordinance. Villaae of Edina." which -1 sard ordinance so ainending sild ZOn- ing Ordinance was passed by the Vil- Iage Council of the Village of Edina on the 28th day of March 1938 and pub-' lished on the 31st das'of Iiarch, 1938, I be and the same hereby is repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to
Passed the Village Council of the Village of Edina this 11th day of April, 1938. Earl C. Sharpe, Village President. Corporate Seal, Village of Edina. Attea: Ben B. Moore, Village Recorder. (qublished officially in The Hennepin CounIx Review Auril 14. 1938)
. .__. __ .- .. . .. - . . . ._~ r*
I Village Recorder. Published officially in The Hennepin County Review April 14, 1938)
Affidavit of Publication
State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin
hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in $he Eslglish lanwage from ik known office of publication within the Village of Hopkins in %he County of y~pnep@, State of Mmesota, on Thursday of each week m column and sheet farm eaiiivalent in space W 4501 running inches ?f 6ingle column two inch? wide; has beenT&&z&jrfrc% known Office established in mid place of publication equpped mth skilled workmen and
tihe necessrwy material fm prepwing and printing the same; ___________ 2hB ____________
ha8 had in its mlakeup not less than twenty-five lper cent of its new columns devoted to local news of 'interest to said colnmunity It pw~portS to serve, Ithe press ,work of which has been done In its said known office of purlication; has contained general news, com- ments and &cellany; has not duplicate@ any obher publication; has not Wn entirely m'ade up of patents, late mat'r and iadvertisement,s; has lbeen circulated at and near its said place of pub%cakion to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to pavg subscribers: has b~n~entered as second class mail maWr in the local post office of its said lace of publication: athat there has been on file in the offib of the CounGy Auditor of sard county the a%d'ant ef a person havmg fir& band knowledge of the *facts con- stituhing its qual~cation @ .a newspaper for publication of legal notices: and Ghat its publishers have complied mth all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said quallflcation,
That the printed _____-______--__________________________----------_-_----_-----------
~~~Q~~B-,G~~X-R~~9F ......................................................
Or&$aanco Zoning 0rd-e
hereto attsched as 'a part hereof was cut ,from khe columns of said newspaDer; was pub-
' The Village Council of the Village of
4 Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Paragraph 18 of Sec- tion m-a of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina; passed by the Village Council on May 25th. 1931, be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: "18. Accessory buildings, including private gara e or private stable when located not fess than thirty fee't from the front line of bt or plot and not less than five feet from any side llne; and one building to be used as a dwelling for servants provided the ag- gregate ground this' covers shall not exceed Fifteen per cent of the total area of the lot or plot: no part of ths main building or accessory building shall be nearer than Thirty feet to the front line of such lot or plot. When the width of the thoroughfare or wag or road is not established of record, the Council by a four-fiitfls vote may determine, ?or 'the purpose of tde in- terpretation of the provisions of this ordinance, the location of said front line.
"In the event no uublic street. no 1 I thoroughfare, no way 'or no traveled or used road, abuts a tract n whic;a it is lntended to erect a dweging and ac- cessory buildings, said tract not being 1 L lot or ulot as deflned in this ordln- mce, theh and in that event no partof the main building and no part of any mcessory building shall be nearer than six& feet to theboundarv line of said
ludhg, as a minimum such -o6& paces ?! are required under this br- I linan,-n I .--I"... Section 3. This ordinance shall be n force and effect from and after its lassage and publication according to
Irn I I... Passed the Village-Council of the vil- age Of E-dina tEis 11th day of April. 938. .___ Earl C. Sharpe Village Pr&ident. !oworate Seal 'illage of Ed&. .ttest: Ben B. Moore.
m 0 cg L
Trustee Hol-ten, that the President and Recorder, be authsxizcd and directed on behalf of the Village Council, to execute %he contracl betv@en 3heVilZage. of Pdina and the Valter A, ?&gee Co.,
'Iseai*fng adate of April 22, 19313, end ufhen executed copy to be delivered to the &!&gee Company by the Recorder concurrently with
delivery by fhgee to the Village of a surety bond in amount of
the' contract price and a check to the Village of %dine in 8,nnl)n'k
$2250.60 for account SB@P district #4. The motion %a ad_og%,-ms
seconded by Recorder Poore and the .i.ste was upon the question of
the adoption of the resolution, wherein there %ere five ayes and no naya BS follows: Holteen aye, Willson aye. Prescott aye, Noere aye and. Sharp aye, and so the motion was duly declared
1.1; vms moved by Lboro, that Village Engineer Carroll, be instructecl to prepare the assesnment roll of Sertwr District number 4, ,in detail, and "chat vrhen so prepared and appro~d Q.7 the Council, to publish Bame apcmtiing to Law. Botion tms Beconded %y Trustee
PY~SCO$$, and. the vote was upon the question of the adoption of
the %solution, wherein there we* fmve ayes and no nays at8 follows: Villrjon aye, Prcscott, aye, Holten aye, %owe aye and Shmp aye, and. ao the motion was declared duly carried,
adop te de
E!k Barr Parks; appeared before the Council to advise that piles of junk: and. unsightly rubbish- was objectionable to residents of Henson & Parks FirrJt Addition to the Country Club D$stric%, discussion Trustee Holten' offeyed to arrange a meeting 'rX?tv@en
TIeesrzj Tames and Sam Thorp, Bn Parks and Carl Hanrjcn &rid President
Sharps and himelf, which 178s very satisPncLory all around., and
gave promise sf eliminating eyesores from certain parts of the Country Club Golf coursea *
. HeaZth Officer Br Campbell, spoke at length- concerning certain .rula~ and regulations of domestic water supply and. z%%s advised
by the Council to we his ow- descregion in the future,
After discussion'by mehkers of the Council and'othera of that cerbain event held at The Country Club on April 3.6, 1938, the recorder was d-irected to tv2Zte the PoZlo.rtring Letter to %he imnst;@-
merit 09 T"ne Country Club:
"Tha Recsrdertjizas been instructed to advise, that it has .. com to the attent3bon of me CouncS1, %ha% on April 26,
1938, you' rented the Country Club to a group from flinneap- alia for public dance, most of those in attendence being minors. It is reported. a nmber mere intoxicated; that .they tvzre admitted to your bar.
'lie party ended in 8 rmf, and police officers we~e attacked
and assulted. . broyght much unfavo able pu%licity to the Village of Edina arid complaints have bean registered with the Council.
is censid@rsd that your management a1iouJ.d exercise care in
pClmi%tlng outside groups the uae of your club.
A reoumence of the incident herein referred Le will, make it nFcessary that the Council take action tu close your barf1
egort of this and other incidents has
..The how- of 12 midnight having mri~ed, the Freaident declared this meetifig adjaurii@d to meet again at the same time and place on Xay
2, 2935.