HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380502_REGULARKinutea of the adjourned regulaii rvXtin,r Qf the Councfl of the I Village of Ed.ii?a, held on Xay 2, 3938. a% the bong of Reaiden% Sharp, 4612 Edgebrook. Place , The meeting ms scheduled to be held at Grange Half and it ms fo'utiB the Hall was in uis byk the local 4H Club. The Tract Office vas next tried and it vas found to I&? in use for Traffiee Court, me Council themupon accepted $he + inviatation of president Sharpe to convene at his horr;ea !Phe meting vas called to order by Preeident Sharpe.,.and all mem3ers of the Council rsre present, Discussion Y,W had on various Road & Bridge nattero through- out the Village, at the conclusion of vhich President, Sharp suggested arid f% vas agreeable- to the Co'uncil,, that the Chairman of the Road & Bridge Camnitfee. set up all of the sey~r~tl road inprovm~enl SroJecte which Bad been "nraught to the attention of the Council and to furni,sh.rather complete &at%- aahdcrning tham such as total yardage ddpth of fill etce. The Council after study of the cast, imnortavlce and I ' other item of each pproJect wbuld ntamriaal ordr?l: .&o that a comprehe be * maintainad. Discussion iws also had with reference to certain privately ' o?'lilEt d bu$ld.ing be ing located fn yhbU bar. par$ on pb1j.c prrergr;~ty. 1% \.;as moved %y HoPten, that 9;hc Yillage Attorney take stt?ps to have .&W buildings rerwwd from the alley fi1 the block bordered by York, Zefiet'a, ti4tl? and. 55th Streets irmediately and that if this cahnot 'be done, td report sane to the Council at its next regular meetii3g, motiail vas seconded "oy Lioare, sfid carried, President Sharp, presen$,ed %lie matter of the Lcagxe af 3:inn- esota, iZunfckpalities Convention to be held at International Pa1Sa.on June 8 to loth, - It 'being the 26th. anniversary of tke League. After dfr~cussibn it mk~t moved by Villson, that the Pecord-er 'i delciga'ked to attend the 25th Anniversary of t'ae League of Xinnesota ILunicipalities on behalf of the Council and the Village of Xdinz, seconded by Ilolten %Ad c arr ie d . No fu-rthcr bunincss Lo corne Bfore this meeting, the Presidsnt declared the mee tirig adj ourned, Village Rec or& r a