HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380509_REGULAR. Minutea af the regular rneetixqg of $he Council of the Village of Edinla, held in Grange Hall on Mv 9 f- 1938, at 8 orcSoc33: PM.
The meetlagaas ~1p11e~ to- 6rdgrzw:,Ereaident Sharp the.
roll called and all members of the Coune41 wers preaent.
Xinutes of the. regular meting; of the Council held on
. April 25, 1938, were read* On-metion Preaoott I they: be
approved as read., sec'onded lqy Willson, and carried.
ainutee of the adjourned regular meeting held on Uag '2,
1938, were re&d* On motion Holten, they be approved as
read, secondeq by Willson , and carried.
The-Ni8cellaneous billa upon being duly exmined and found correct/ were on motion W;fllson, they; be allowed and ordered p&id, seconded by Pmscott and carried. They-are. a8 follows:
George A. Villaon,
Postal Telegraph Ccc Arthur Jacobson County Re8ister De@'d~ - MinWSpolis GY E; CO T*TR*ROshoXt CO
I)ah?.Wrg Broe, Ine W. Ho 'Zfegler Co
Gity of Minneapolirr village St Louis Park
Lyle Signs, Inc B.A.Rog8rs Co
LIW.Northfield Co
Edina Hardware . Miller-Davis Go Hoyt Nurseries Co
Henneph County Retrfew Walter H, Aeke-rman
Wooddale Grobery Wc F1 Garvey Justus Lumber Co
Loosen Plumbing Co
&din& Garage Henne-pin eo V&-Xfarw Bd Thorpe Bros, Inc
Republic CraosotJlng; $e, Xieland AuPto ee-rv%e@ Chae Olson 6% Sons Hildimg 'Dah1 Be Ws- Harris
SI Sfrand
Gee, %-Strong
&Ti nne hahs Grange #398
Bbute 11s'
C eH+Klh~e
Borer'@ ShelP Star
Red Win@; Selrrer P CO
Me Newberg
Re fund for cS8h adnnce d for transient RR ticket $6066 Telegram to Pa, Onmha, 076 Iron Claws for Police 12.00 Recording fees. 2.25 February - 5700 26 210 89
Polibe C&F service 10.01 Traatorc rental & parts 252.17 Fire I)ept service 54.02
WPA Sewing prujeet 17.50
.Grader rental 8c parts
1500 Sewer Brick ( fndianola) 19.50
15 Traffic signa 53/55
B/% printa. Gen, Inspi Bureau 2.60 2 ton c-oks 13.40 28.16
50 Parkw trees 154.75
252 Bq yds sod 254 20
Gag- 8c kerosene - 9.65
R&B SUpplieS 18.00 lumber 7.98
R&B and Police suppXiea
Rubbe r s tmp
PfllPntSng and Published notice 46.60
Moving wzter shut off8 acct '
widening -SUnrlySid8 Rd 'at Arden 11.60
Police, oar. service and storage 15.15
Februarg: relief 933.42 Rent Tract Office h phons. 13.81
Truck Service 5.25 Repair De@e truck bo@ + 7.26 Expenses attending PoTice -sch. 12.95 132.94
Gaia*& Oil Dodge true& service
RenZ; tool shed 15.00 1.85 40.50 Refund Recording deeds Sewer pipe Rent- to 12/31/37 45.00 Rent to 12/31/37 37.50
Cold patch 9.63
8 chairs) for PtA.i@e-Coust 12.30 To tal Xiac L $2,823.33
The Road and Village bills ~pm bing duly- examined and
found to be correct, on motion Freeuott, therbe allowed
and ordered paid, seeonfled bx Holten, and carried, They are as follows:
He J Knudsen Street Comiss.ioner 8150eOO
Se Jv Robert8 Utflitr man 135.00 P. Dahlgren Trm tor operator 130.00
Ly Stolzman Asst. Rd Foreman 105.60
Fred Tritten Road labor 6.25
John Tracy Aasb Tractor Operator 120.00
H r Ensley
0, E. Spande
R. a. Olson T. E, ri14
Hflding Dah1
Earl Ce Sharps Bn B. Moore
George A, Willson Clarence 0. Holten
Re Port
V. S, Herd%
C. F. PreSCOtt J. 3. Dwgan
BY2 LOFJBIl Mf Campbell A. Ce Stringer Gene Brrett J.A.DELnens Eo A. Sear0
Arthur Pe tereen
Road labor $8 9.00 Park labor 84.00
Road labor 66.00 Use of Ford V8 truck 38 50 Village Narrrhall 155.08 Police Officer 135.00 Police officer f35e00 -, President of Council Nay 50.00 -. Village Recorder 1) 90 * 00 Trustee rr 35.00 True tee It 35.00 Trustee n 35.00
TrW%SWE n 25.00
R&B .D ma 25.00 Man with Wck 6.00 Nan with truck 13.50
Garbage collection 2?5-.00
Village Health Qfficer It %a00
Loading dirt with show1 0 9# 83.26
Total 92,052.0’6.
Expenditures from Sewer Distr5ct #4, RTBs a8 follows
7. E, Carroll, Acct Const. Zngr. fees !500.00 pea, Strong 11 Sp2, Attorney feee #4 . 250.00 .Improvement Bulletin off Publication #4 84.00 Total $8 34 00
President Sharpe called upon the several Chairman of Committees for reportsy whereupon Chairman Holten reported on the, Police Cornittee, Chairman \Ellson on Relief, Chairman Prescott on the
Road Ctc Bridge Committee. wnce in the bank of $5,324.67 and President Sharpe gave out the monthly statement for April showing expenditures for all items to date.
Bids rere next opened for 1 Police car automobile a8 per adver- tisement with bids from Edina Garage Inc,, XcDonald-Gilfillan Cd. @ahl%erg Bros, Inc., and. Hapden Notor Company.
- tabulation, it was fouqd that the Hayden &tor Company- was low bidder taking in trade to old police car and the payment of
$289.80 in cash. Thereupon Trustee Holten moved, that the
bid of the Hwden Xotor Company in mount $289.80 and the old police car, be accrepted in p-nt for 1 1938 Ford V8 Tudor a,a00, seconded by Prescott, and carried.
be matter of vaoating Old Test 50th. .Stre@$, betreen Vooddale ana Browndale Avenuoa, next eane before the Councf-’6... Dnsews on W’ha3.f of Thorpc .&os& and others, Xr Gaarden representing
the .Country Club Dirjtrice Servsce Cornpaw were presnt in the matter* Petition signed by the adjourning proprty owners was presented. Xr Gaarden and Efr Strong, V$llage Attorney, stag-
ges%ed that Fernanent eEtsomnts regardfng the existing aewr
and water mains shousd be arranged for before any vaca$ion a After discusaion of the propoeitfon it m8 agreed that Village Attorney Strong would prepare copy of resolution consentiog to the vacation the Village CounciX and that Er Drew8 woad prepare and submit to Er Strong-for his approval, the properly pxecuted easement concerning sewers and water mains.
The proposition to appro- the proposed re-etrrrmgenient in pfatt- ing of the Eorth half of Block 16, vas next considered by the Council. After diSCUs8iOn Trustee Holten offered the follow=
ing motion, that the plat of the reaEtrrangement of Xorth part
of Block 16, Brown Section, Country Club District, be accepted
subject to changes recommended by Village Pngineer Bradley .under date of Elay 9, 1938, and subject to the Village Recorder
.being advised in writing Thorp Bro8 , Inc. , that they mould
.erect a proper guard rafl and grade alley and that the concrete .retaining wall would be erected by others than the Village of
-Edins whereupon the President of the ViTlage Council and the Village Recorder were to sign the necessary approval of plat, seconded by Prescott and carried.
Treasurer Duggan reported a cash bal-
TLfter study and
Consulting Engineer Carrolb, advised the- Council that work had been started on the installatgon of sanitary sewer in Sewer Dist- rict #4, by the Walter A, %gee. Company., that that the complete
job should be finished in 30 dayrs.
Nr Carroll, also suggqsted the advisability of an ordinance to permit upon the payment of a fee and et the uerers entjkse expense of connection with a 8ainltez-y wmer whem -the .pmposed user lived outside of the sewer district.- After disoussion of the subject it was agreed that Pillage Attorney Strong be requested to pre- pare such an ordinancel for Cmmil*s consideration at a future nee Ling.
Nr FrWk Ecklund, submitted a propose6 'plat of Vhite Oaks 2nd. , Addition, wbereupon it was moved by Moore, thaf it Be accepted and reff$rm& to Vfllage Engineer $sadley for report and recom- mendations % seconded by Holten and carried.
Mr George We Strong, advised the Council of development8 in tbe Rev. W.B. Riley matter .wherein private- buildings were lbcated in the public allay right-o-f-tray. En block bouaded Zeneth, York 54th.amd 55th Streets. . After disotxaaion it was agreed that Mr Strong mould again write h8r Riley advfsing him of Village Ordiances and State Statues and request removal of the buildings.
The matter of revksing Viilage Traffic Ordianoe 'was discussed by the Council and Village Attorney Nfr Strong- left with Strong to advise the Council. The matter was
Recorder suggested the need for a suitable nap of the Village of Pdina. After discussion the matter was left with the Recosder to take up WA.
Recorder rea4 letter's lqy Burlinme I Hitchcock and Psterbrook regarding the DiLling 8ewr connection matter on Kellogg Avenue as well as letter bfr"Hr ¬t on Browndale- Avenue concerning storm water drainage.
Application was received. from Minrmapolis GI. I&+ Company for permission to install X pole on Drsw~Avenue ba-tween West 55th and Full82 Street and 1 pole on Nc;E, eorimr of Lot 11, Rollhg Green Addition, wbich on motion Eoore, be' granted su&ject to rights of private omr8, seconded bJt Holten and carried.
Village Engineer Bradley advised the Council of his recommendation in regard to approval of the plat submitted by Thorpz Bros of the part .not heretofore plattec€ of the so-called nB~13; 4OW. After discussion it was moved by Prescott, that Council approve after Engineer Bradley% reconmendat-ions #rere complied with, seconded
Trustee Prescott submitted deed to the North 30 feet of M-W &
of H4i# of Section 32 Tomskip 117, Range 21, except the Wst 42
, rods thereof, for road purposes and moved its acceptance, motion was seconded Trustee Villson and carried.
No further 'business to corn0 bafore this aeetPng, @resident Sharp8 declared the meeting adjourned .at 3140 PM.
Willson and carried.
Village- Reotirder