HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380523_REGULARPrlinutes of the regular meeting of
the Council of the .Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on Nay 23 1938 at 8 o clack Pa.
The meeting was called to order by President Sharp, the roll . called ana all z~em'bers of the Council wre present.
Hinuters of the regular meeting of .the Counoil held on Nay 9 , 1938, were read. On motion Holten, they be approved ELB read, seconded by Villson and carried,
The road and villege pay advances upon Wing duly exmined and found correct, were on motion Preacott, they Is allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by \7ill$on and carried.
Trustee Holten brought up the matter of traffic regulations and the various speeds permfeeable- under the 1937 State Traffic Act and moved that a communication setting forth certain aped zoning and parking requests be mitten omr the signature of the Village Recorder to Commissioner of State Highways Elsberg, motion was seconded by Trustee Villson and carried. .
- Petition was received from 11 residents of Thielen Avenus, requeat-
ing that a sanitary semr be provided. After discussion of the possibilities of installing suoh a sewer, it -8 moved by. Bolten
that the petition be accepted and referred to Village Engineer Bradley for report at *next m8Qtbg of the Counc%l seconded by Eoore and carried.
Addition sub-division $nick had been approved by Village Engineer Bradley vhereupon it vas moved by Holten, that the plat as submitte'd
be approved subject to Ecklund and others bringing Tomes Road to grade, seconded by Noom and carried.
if possible 8
+ & Bra!& EckXund, auh%it;ted a plat of the I;lhite Oaks , Second
' -
I BlIr Leonard X &bo and Eva Eo &bo, presented *&e Village with a Quit Clain deed, to sp-20 foot strfp of land for road purposes in the mar Bf Lot8 13 and -14, in Block 94, Auditor% Sub. #l72* After discussion, it was moved by Hohen, that the deed be accepted, seconded QT Xoore and carried.
Sewer Engineer. Carroll reported on the progress of vork being done in the installation of sanitary sedr in Sewer District.#4. After discussion it was moved by Prescott that the assessment roll be set at 314,497.55 and that the assessment be over assessed 5s on account of usual deliquencies, seconded by Villson and carried.
Recorder read a proposed semr ordfance submitted by Village Attorney Xr Strong in connection with connections mith 6ewer~ by. those out- side of a sewer district. After being read, Trustee Holten moved that the matter be deferred to the regular meeting of the Council to be held on June 27, 1938, seconded 'by L2oore and carried.
The matter of approving plat for the re-arrawnient of the North
part of Block 16, ms next considered by the Council. Letter was read dated Eay 17 1938 by Village Engineer *adley , recommending that a charlge,be made to a-16 fto alleymy with 2 feet to guard rail and that the distance to the South side of concrete retaining wall be set at 4 feetlt This being agreeable to all concerned Pruatee Prescott, so moved, seconded by fnoore and carried.
Becorder Eoom~ offered the following resolution and movsd its 5 adopt ion:
Tlhereas, there has been presented to the County of Hennepin in the State of Xinneaota a petition for the vacation of a '
County Road four rods vide, descsibsd generally as "beginning at the East limits of Brovndale Avenue, thence running Easterly and terminating at the North limits of the new location of County Road Noo 2 which ie approximately the T%st limits of Tooddale kmnuott, and being a part of what
ms old County Road Nor 2, sometimes also knovn as Wst 50th.
Street, all in the Village of Edina, nhich said petition vas aigmd by all the owners of property abutting upon the portion of said road or street to be vacated, and
mereas, to the Board of Trustees of the Village of ddina mith a .request Copy of said petition for vacation has been presented
that'the Village exprem its consent to the vacation of the said road os street and
Whereas, the said Board of Trustees believe it to be for the best intereat of the adjoining property owners and of the said Village of Edina thatmaid street be vacated as prayed for,
-Now, Therefore # Be it Resolved that the Village of Edina does hereby
by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota. -& give its consent to the vacation of the said road above described
The motion to adopt was aeconded by Trustee Holten and the roll on being called, found five ages and no nays &a followe: Holten Aye, Prescott aye Willson &ye, Moore eye and Sharpe faye and so the resol- ution- was declared duly adopted.
The matter of enforcing the proclamation issued by Dr Cotton of the State Live Stock Sanitary Board relating to the muzzling of dogs was discuased the Council, whereupon it was moved "oy Holten that the Village Police Officers be instructed to pick up all dogs at large without groper muzzle, as official3y publis'ned on May 12, 1938 and as posted upon sdviee of Village Attorney Strong on Nag 82* 1938. The motion w88 seconded try Pboore.*and carried.
The matter bf passing a so-called bicycle- ordinance was next cbnsid- sred by the Council wherein Trustee Holten offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
The Village Council of the Village af Edina do ordain a8 follows:
Section 1: No bicycle shall be operated on any street or other public highway, or sidewalk, of the Village between 30 minutes after sunaet and 30 minutes before sunrise wdtthout a headlight visible from the front thereof for not less then 200 feet,.nor without a
red tail light, or in lieu thereof a reflector attached to and visible from the read of such bicycle for a distance of not less than 20'0 feetP
No person under the age of 16 years shall ride or operate a bicycle upon any street, highway, or sidetlra2.k at night betmeen 30 minutes .after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise.
Section 2: Evexy person riding or operating a bicycle upon ag public street, hgghmy OF sidewalk in the Village shall observe all traffic rules and regulations and shall signal for all turns, ride at the ex- trem right side of the etree-t or highm, and shall pass ta $he right when passing other vehicaes. P
Section 32 No pe~sog shall ride or operate any bicycle upon any side-
walk in auch a manner as to interfere with aqy pedestrian thereon,
Section 4: No person shall ride or operate a bicycle upon arly public
street or aidewalk with alr~ other person upon such bicycle.
Section 5: No person shall ride or operate a bicple upon aqy public street or sidewalk abreast or beside any person so riding or operat-
Section 6: Any person violatfag any of the foregofng provisions shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and- punishable by a fine of not more than $100.00, or fmprieomnt in the County Jail for a period not to 8XCe8d
Section ?r Thia Ordinance shall tee effect and be in force from and agter it8 passage and publication.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder Moore and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there $em five ayes and rio nays as follows-, Holten aye, Villaan aye, Prescott
ay8 , Noore a;ye and Sharp aye I and so the resolution was adopted.
ing a'- biCy.Cle 6
90 dwS*
President Sharpe reported he had attended the meeting held at Htlinne tonka ?dills on NEW 19 , 1938, for the purpose ofrforming an association of Toms and Villag05 in rura Hennepin County in
nhich loc&l probl8m8 could be discussed and co-ogeration accorded.
Recorder Bloore reported that it would be possible to haw a map of the Village worked out through tihe %PA and was instructed to
Chairman Preacott, reported favorable progress on improving the aurface of France Avenue and that the State Highway and Street
Railway were co-operating He also submitted several road and
bridge projectq of which the following 5 were approved by the Council to be done in the order appromd and as follows.
proceed in the matter.
1. Complete grading and fillik 'Plsst 48th Street from Tome5 R0sd.h France AV8IIWr
2. Fill c~urve at Browndale AWnue and Mf@n%h&a
Creek bridge
3. Fill alung Xorth side West 44th Street, East of Xinnehaha, Creek bridge.
4. Remove small hill on Gifford Place 600 cu yds.
5. Pinish SchaPer Road, estimated yardas 1000 cu yds.
No further busineas to come before this meeti2'g, motion to adjourn ca;rred at 12.30 AX
Village &corder \